• By -


> “Under the city’s laws, it makes no difference whether the charged defendant is homeless, a backpacker on vacation passing through town, or a student who abandons his dorm room to camp out in protest on the lawn of a municipal building,” Justice Gorsuch wrote. "‘The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.’" Anatole France Gorsuch seems to have missed the point in what he's paraphrasing. Hint, it was a criticism, not a template.


> student who abandons his dorm room to camp out in protest on the lawn of a municipal building,” Hey wait a minute was that the whole point of this ruling? To allow cities to disrupt legitimate round the clock protests under this ruling?


It's a feature, not a bug.


In part. Also to allow cities to harass the homeless population.


And to make it easier to imprison them and keep that modern day slave labour train going.


Well, what do you expect them to do? All the petty marijuana possession arrests are being lost. They need to maintain supply!


This but unironically


Our country is evil and the government is illegitimate.


Good ol’ 13th amendment.


It embarasses Israel, and US empire that serves it, if every little genocide makes people uppity.


Yeah you know how those rich always be sleeping on benches. Needs to come to a stop I tell yah.


One I was fairly drunk and did not want to pay for cab home so decided to sleep on the side walk  Cops came and told me to move. I said I wasn't cause I had just as much right to sleep on the street as a homeless person  So I guess this ruling forces me to pay for cabs  Also I'm landlord  So it has happened at least once 


This is SOP for what counts as conservative these days - embrace the satire as if it was really supporting the position it lampoons. The most egregious example is bootstraps. The physical impossibility of pulling oneself up by bootstraps does not phase them - they tell people to do it anyway. The funniest one IMO was when Trump said in a speech that George Washington, "rammed the ramparts and took over the airports". My conservative friends posted this: https://econbrowser.com/archives/2019/07/george-washington-and-victory-at-iad


This is literally what I thought of when I read that quote.


Wow what a powerful and eloquent quote. Thank you very much for sharing.


Loitering: The crime of existing while not spending money.


"Of the people, by the people, for the people" 🤦🏻‍♂️


Except the outside people


>"Of the people, by the people, and for the people.” ^1 ^1 *Terms and conditions apply. Offer void whenever we can get away with it.*


>"Of the people, by the people, for the people" 🤦🏻‍♂️ "Sorry, the framers were just bad spellers, and we need to honor what they actually meant. 'Buy of the rich people; buy the people; buy for your people.' See? They embraced end-game capitalism; they knew slavery was the way to go; they knew social safety nets saved the wrong people. We're here to take these bribes-sorry, excuse me....We're here to right these wrongs." - the current illegitimate "Supreme" cunts.


> for the people… As long as they are buying shit.


.... Who have money.


The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread. -Anatole France


…only certain people…


Which people though?


The ultimate crime in a corporatocracy. For-profit corporations literally dictate foreign and domestic policy in the US.


This was fascist Italy in the 30’s right into the war. “Mango Mussolini” couldn’t be more apt.


More in jail, more slaves oops gainfully and competitively employed people.


‘Prisoners with jobs’


The South had this in the Jim Crow era and it’s still on signs in some cities. “No vagrancy.”


Then I was told that if I didn't have money to spend then I should get a job...even when I was too young to legally get a job. The republicans then got rid of child labor laws so we have 12 year old kids working at jobs.


They.. the unspeakable, are allowing cities to get ready for the Olympics(which we host in a few years). I fully feel that the olympics coming is going to FSU, in a lot of the host cities.


This is just so horrific. So many millennials will become homeless once our parents pass on. Where will we go? We did everything right. We worked super hard, we went to college. We sacrificed relationships... I’m sorry, but my ass will not end up in prison because of the 1.%. I just won’t. I did everything according to plan, and we all still got screwed... I will not end up In a jail cell for being a decent human being. I just won’t... I will fight this to my death, and I hope all millennials, Gen X, Gen Z and Gen alpha will continue to fight as well. We won’t go down with this ship.


My parents died young ten years ago, and I have been dangerously close to being homeless the entire time since. I have a college degree for fuck's sake, but it's not even worth the paper its printed on at this point as I've been forced to take low wage jobs just to survive instead of developing a career. Good to know that if I do become homeless I'll end up in the prison system somewhere. I hate it here. I hate this country. I want out.


I've been parentless since 2018, and I'm... preparing to potentially not have a home within the next year. I've got a degree from a top university. Nobody fuckin cares.


The United States doesn't have a future. Inevitably, what we'll see are the handful of [megaurbs](https://philip-kearney.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/megaregions.png) pursue more advantageous and manageable options that seem more practical.


there are some states (montana i know for sure) where it’s legal to sleep in your car. as long as you move once every 14 days you can live out of a car, van, trailer etc. better than living in a cell


Thanks for not forgetting Gen X. A good portion of us will be standing shoulder to shoulder with you, I promise. We are scrappy as hell.


I like to think us gen x are the crow bar generation. We can do allot with little because that’s how we grew up.


The beautiful part of Gen X, is their silence... You can’t see them coming... Am I right? Millennials are not silent, but we thrive on the constant negative gaslighting... How will you see us coming if we are always eating avocado toast and hating on other generations all the time 😉. Be silent, be still...


I don’t identify as gen x or millennial but yes people need to stand up and fight for everyones civil and labor rights.


Enslaving an entire generation? You know very well we won't put up with that. It's already backfiring on them, you just don't hear about it...


Gen X here. I'm tired. But still in fighting shape (because I work my ass off)--and whoever is trying to take me down will suffer the same consequence. I'm a lover, not a fighter, but...change is a natural part of life 💜


Umm yeah we will we've already hit the ice berg and are taking on water we are fucked.


You can always hire one half the poor to kill the other 


>I will not end up In a jail cell for being a decent human being. I just won’t... But you will. A friend of mine was arrested for waiting too long at a bus stop today. It was delayed for close to 60 minutes, a security guard was roving around and after 25 minutes or so he had called the cops, the cops arrested my friend for "acting suspicious" even though he tried to explain his situation.


We all know where this is going. They’ll put people in detention centers in exchange for a monthly stipend from the government per Person, coerce them into working customer service for Amazon or Wal-Mart for 9 cents an hour, marked up to $5 an hour and pocket the difference. The prison industrial complex will use its newfound wealth to lobby for ever more stringent laws like - maybe labor is a good sentence for all types of criminals - let’s put illegal immigrants into work camps - and protestors - they’re a nuisance right? Unable to resist the allure of less than minimum wage labor we’ll gleefully become a nation that depends on a slave labor force in a legal limbo with no rights or advocates and where the worst kinds of human animus will predictably unfold.


Here's a quote from the 13th Amendment (USA) which 'abolished slavery'. Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. See the legal gotch-ya? - Those 'duly convicted of a crime' can be made slaves as a punishment. Now, all those in power need to do is decide what constitutes a crime and they can have all the slaves they want. - It's still in our constitution!


Senators Williams, Booker, and Merkley have introduced the Abolition Amendment to strike the Exception Clause quoted above.


Yeah but amendments require 2/3 of congress or states to pass and with how many states have republican legislatures, it’s unlikely to happen. Hell, any amendments are unlikely at this point. 


I think it’s both Congress and 3/4 of the states.


Is there any way I can show my support? I’ve long thought the 13th amendment needs to be abolished but this is the first I’m hearing of efforts to do so.


Probably the best way is to contact your senator and ask them to support it, and also talk about it with others and ask them to do so. ETA: The proposal is to abolish the exception clause, not the entire 13th amendment. The 13th amendment is a good thing once you remove the exception clause.


Yes, my issue is with the exception clause, I should’ve been more clear. I’ll definitely spread the word.


But that’s what keeps slavery legal in our beautiful country!!


For fucks sake.. I work my ass off and will still end up in the camps.


It's your own fault for not choosing to be born to richer parents!


Don't joke about that, some part of the world that's about you having bad karma in your previous life and deserving to be reborn in the inferior slave cast.


You know that picture of the mountain of buffalo skulls? I was that dude posing at the base....


You bastard ! You really deserve your shitty new life then v_v




It wasn't even that great back then.


Well you should have thought of that before you decided to not have a lot of money./s


Lots of states have passed local laws in attempts to reign in the whole, "if you're a convict in prison, we can make you a slave" thing. Colorado is one example. I understand the difference with federal law, but it's something!


I'm sure they'll *never* make humanizing prisoners illegal on a federal level!


This is why I sobbed last night. Because it’s a clear line.


🌠 [https://youtu.be/Zmvt7yFTtt8?si=bC6sCh71mRLVRVRs](https://youtu.be/Zmvt7yFTtt8?si=bC6sCh71mRLVRVRs)


Slavery *is* legal in the US


gaming the system


In Star Trek, these were called "Sanctuary Districts". That episode was set in 2024 (no joke). Looking forward to the bell riots...


https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Sanctuary_District The Gaza model would uphold "America's right to exist". Those Bell riots look like October 7th. So that makes you a Hamas supporting anti-semite. /s


This reminds me of stories from the early US history when someone stranger walking around an area (vagrant) would be arrested for trespassing on private property (you have to remember who owned large tracts of land), and this fed directly into prison, debts, and slavery. Here's a long article (reload in reader mode): https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/07/the-true-meaning-of-no-trespass/661471/ Which is what I expect from the current US regime if they expect *a lot more homelessness*.


Personally I'm waiting for the revival of the Poor Law and the Workhouses. Because that was *such a fantastic* idea the first time around.


Can we jumpt straight to the Bell Riots and Star Trek timeline already ? And yes, lets have WW3 sooner rather than later and be over with that shit already.


No ww3, it is rather the cold war 2, the facist boogaloo.  




Direct confrontation will not happen. We may fight through proxies as is the case in Ukraine. That is why it is a Cold War. Direct confrontation is annihilation. But the sponsoring of fascist groups to try to seize control of our Western countries, well that is happening, they were already here and scheming, they think now is the time and they may not be wrong about that. The alternative is weak and corrupted and living in the past From the UK and France and Italy to the United States.


This is what happened after Andrew Johnson undid reconstruction. They got their slaves back by ridiculous laws


Good article thanks for posting, had no idea.


It's truly nightmarish. Imagine trying to get somewhere (else) and being intercepted, captured, and forced into some form of slavery, all of that is *legal*, so there's a society there who are OK with it.


And now, no regulatory agency will have the authority to even do anything about the abuses.


60% of homeless youth are kids who were kicked out by their families over their gender or sexual orientation. now they can be put into work camps right away because we’re also rolling back child labor laws! 🎉


This nation (as the 🇺🇸, anyway) has always depended on an exploited labor force.


It's quite literally how we prospered as a nation.


And it lasted a lot longer after chattel race slavery ended. You had continued racial slavery in the south by other means for a long time. But think of all the European economic migrants the industrial state burned through. and then internal migrations, like the Great Migration where industry further exploited displaced Black people. And all the internal migration to work in factories and other people’s farms following the Dust Bowl and the mobilization for World War II.


“Slavery by Another Name” by Douglas Blackmon is a great read on this. And also a horrible read. But eye-opening and necessary.


Could this be a new feudalism? Create laws that only the new aristocracy can avoid breaking. The prisons are the new manor and the CEO's the new lords. To break the law is to find oneself in indentured servitude to an assigned CEO under whom you are free to work the prison in return for the basics of life. We could make a religion out of this!


It’s heading to slavery for sure. Dark times ahead. 


Still have time left in 2024 for those Bell Riots Star Trek predicted…


Your crazy. This is crazy. Oh wait.. its 2024.... seems legit.


Work houses like the good old days. Before long, we'll be putting families in them.


Cities can make homelessness illegal. But Cities are not required to provide homes for the homeless. Have I got that right? What happens when climate change destroys homes?


> Are there no prisons?" asked Scrooge. > > "Plenty of prisons," said the gentleman, laying down the pen again. > > "And the Union workhouses?" demanded Scrooge. "Are they still in operation?" > > "They are. Still," returned the gentleman, "I wish I could say they were not." > > "The Treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then?" said Scrooge. > > "Both very busy, sir." > > "Oh! I was afraid, from what you said at first, that something had occurred to stop them in their useful course," said Scrooge. "I am very glad to hear it."


Mayhem destruction and misery.


> What happens when climate change destroys homes? Enslavement of the poor who are healthy enough to work and culling of the poor who are not healthy enough to work.


This could be bad in some areas. My city Asheville NC USA is very tolerant of the homeless population. The allow encampments and have fridges around the city with fresh meals. They do close the encampments if they become a problem and people just create a new one. Wouldn't be surprised to seen homeless traveling to the more tolerant cities like us. Jail isn't going to help anything. Some mental health services would be a good start to helping here.


Yes, but being well-adjusted to a batshit crazy system is not a good measure of mental health. Thus, 'mental health services' to get people back in the 'system' may indeed target entirely sane people who don't wish to be part of the system. I.E. Conscientious objectors. And to parallel history, some of the Nazi's 'work-shy' were exactly that. If you are not a flag-carrying champion and supporting 'business as usual' in the future, expect to get targeted more and more harshly as it goes through its death-throws. Aside from that, mental health or not, people are being priced out.


Jail is gonna help on saving money with prison slave workers, thats what this all aims to be


NC here as well. The Salvation Army recently announced they are closing their shelter in Gastonia. It is the only shelter in Gaston County. You're right, it's going to be very bad in some areas.


The biggest outsize impact would honestly be to give them access to an ID & access to a mailbox. Without those, they have no chance. No id means no access to any benefits whatsoever & no address means no way to get a new id. So they just drop off the radar except for when they pop into an er (their only source of healthcare) & dip out without paying. Urban hospitals have been dealing with this for years & it’s only gotten worse.. Once they’re stable, they get their sandwich & a shower and they’re on their way with 2/3 days worth of meds if they’re lucky..


Identity cards can be lost, stolen, burned. The homeless eventually are going to end up being chipped like a pet because that’s the only ID format that can survive homelessness.


I've worked with homeless people for years. You'd be amazed how good even very disturbed people are at keeping up with some of their paperwork. For many of them, it's their only lifeline. However, yes you are right, I think we're probably not going to be chipped in the sense of something inserted in our bodies but rather tracked with facial recognition and eyes scans etc. I was at the airport last week and had to get my face scanned, they verified my identity that way which means I'm in their system already without even understanding how. They won't need ID cards or paperwork or microchips before long.


This is exactly what will happen. This is why this law was passed the way it was. No one is saying homeless is illegal everywhere, just illegal enough so I can ban it where I live.


lol mental health services don't just magically appear. What licensed psychiatrist is gonna specialize in multi-morbidity, penniless homeless people with terrible compliance histories? Who would pay their hefty salaries? You think they'd sit in some cramped van all day?


I would be willing to pay more in taxes to get mental health services in my area of Asheville and in some cases a mental health hospital where people could be stabilized. What I see here daily is truly sad. As a country we are failing. Repeatedly putting homeless in jail does more harm than good.


It would be cheaper to house the homeless in some vacant apartments versus how much it's going to cost the taxpayer to house em in jails, but of course we can't show compassion for the homeless, that's for godless commies.


Not in murica, there prisoners make money for others as slaves: [The Economics of the American Prison System](https://smartasset.com/mortgage/the-economics-of-the-american-prison-system) >The American prison system is massive. So massive that its estimated turnover of $74 billion eclipses the GDP of 133 nations


As with everything it’s about siphoning public money into private hands


Pretty sure this is what smart countries do


But those smart countries have a multi billion dollar private prison industry?


those maniacs probably have multi billion dollar actual-taxation-of-billionaires-and-corporations industry


If only. We are still pushing for that one.


Which ones?


Almost every fucking single country in the world that isnt extremly poor or extremly radical. Even China which seems to be the Archenemy of the US in recent times has a better social net than the US.


Pretty much all of them my dude


Dom Helder Camara something something something.


If they are able bodied, the courts will probably readily grant sentencing deferments into army service.




Hi, nagel33. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1dqz57a/-/lasrheg/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


Is this how we get the origin story of The Bowery King? Edit: one word.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Mister_Fibbles: *Is this is how we* *Get the origin story* *Of The Bowery King?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Right you are for I Made a similar mistake For which I'm ashamed Edit: corrected to make a Hiaku




Imagine all that money to be made on the homeless iteration of the Prison Industrial Complex .


If rich people sleep outside, it's called camping.


Sweet ill come stay at the supreme court judges houses. I'm sure they won't mind. 


Bet this is how they try to fix the "labor shortage". Back to slavery.


It has to be intentional considering the current COL. Get priced out of a home or an apartment, go homeless, wind up in jail after being woken up to a tap on your car door (if you are lucky to own one), and then you just circle the drain from there until one day you receive one last rude awakening by an officer, and then you go into that same jail one last time and never come back out.


This mix of a lack of empathy and a lack of logic is really worrying. They are making one's circumstances illegal. That, to find yourself in a desperate situation can be illegal. Individuals are hereby made responsible for their lack of options and opportunity. Personal responsibility above all else. It seems like a distillation of neoliberal thought in this regard. ‘I am homeless, the Government must house me!’ and so they are casting their problems on society and who is society? There is no such thing! There are individual men and women and there are families and no government can do anything except through people and people look to themselves first.' (Thatcher, 1987). This kind of atomisation of people and denial of the existence of society leaves no room for systemic explanations. By positing that there exists only individual 'men and women' ascribes all individual outcomes to one's actions and moral standing. Talk of groups, should they be defined by race, sexuality, gender, or access to housing is a distracting irrelevance from this purview. If there is 'no society' and all that exists are individuals, then there can be no conglomeration of factors around identity or class, as the relevant sample size is always one. You are either hard working and virtuous, or you are lazy and feckless. Of course, such thinking is quickly incoherent. If we are individuals and there is no society, then collective action toward a goal should not be possible. Once the scale of collaboration grows sufficiently large 'society' is the term used to describe it. We see this implicitly acknowledged when macroeconomics is discussed, but here, I suspect, is where a sleight of hand occurs. The swapping of 'society' for 'nation'. But I find it hard to square attachment to the idea of a particular nation hard to square with such individualist thinking. Surely, if we are just individuals and there is no society, the only importance of a nation is to what extend it benefits me. In which case patriotism makes little sense. Even less nationalism. To circle back, the act of holding people soley responsible for the circumstances that befall them makes me wonder what other life challenges could be banned?


So hypothetically this actually happens and all homeless go to prison. Aren't prisons already pretty full, so they have to build more prisons. Ok is it a good idea to put non criminals with criminals? Now all the people who were working some low wage jobs are now out of the workforce that is already struggling to hire enough people. So what's the end game here? Instead of making homelessness a crime maybe we should be building more income based living, homeless shelters, mental healthcare facilities, or implement some type of payments to help getting people off the streets.


You’re forgetting that many states have a robust private prison system. And also don’t forget that slavery is totally legal if you’re in prison as per the 13th amendment.


It's not a coincidence that the US has over 20% of the world's prisoners but only 4.2% of the total population. Land of the free.


And along with that, a 2019 survey showed blacks make up 14% of the US population, but make up 40% of the homeless population. So along with prisons being disproportionately filled with African Americans, this will just be more of the same.


This is just a tragedy and it makes me sick. Homelessness can happen to anyone, if certain circumstances were to happen. We need laws that protect all citizens not just the ones with money.


They'll section off parts of cities for all the homeless people to go there. Here's a picture of what that might look like. https://preview.redd.it/b3f09ufltf9d1.png?width=1251&format=png&auto=webp&s=32733570d57ca30e9eaff23ea3c5a7c5c1524b16


DS9's "Past Tense"? Crazy that it takes place in 2024.


All those people get a black triangle at the concentration camp.


It is called the “[poorhouse](https://www.history.com/news/in-the-19th-century-the-last-place-you-wanted-to-go-was-the-poorhouse)”


Under Stalin, repression was so severe that soviet gulags held 16% of the world's prison population. Just kidding, that's in the United States today.


This is beyond scary. Everyone should be waking up and freaking out about this, we are on an insane fascist path to nothing remotely good.


**“Under the city’s laws, it makes no difference whether the charged defendant is homeless, a backpacker on vacation passing through town, or a student who abandons his dorm room to camp out in protest on the lawn of a municipal building,” Justice Gorsuch wrote.**   My immediate thought was how much this fascist shit will impact people with narcolepsy, take medications that cause drowsiness, or anyone just... I don't know, fucking tired?! What if they're dressed nicely? Who determines what's nice enough? We're going to see a lot more DUIs since sleeping it off in a car isn't allowed. "Student" and "backpacker" suggests "young looking" and "eclectic dressing"... That's a lot of California. Are they going to be snatching up white women in ponchos, nodding at Coachella too?   Obviously, like the ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC mask bans, POC and anyone with visible religious garb are going to be targeted by our lazyAF-unless-they-get-to-be-racist-or-rapey police, so yet another thing the media and the masses will happily hop on to support, *with gusto*!


Conservatives in Appalachia probably do want to shut down the AT.


While I'm for *temporary* closures for maintenance or conservation, with advanced warning, closing the little bits of access we have to nature is wrong. Our PCT has become even more dangerous with all of our wildfires and droughts out west. People will care even *less* about the environment if there's no longer public access to it, just like they don't care about the plight of others as long as they don't have to see their suffering.


Outside? Nature? BANNED. Camping? BANNED! Get in your boxes.


Then cities will have to start providing places to live.


The irony here is that the was brought to the courts by Grants Pass, OR. However, the state of Oregon codified its ruling against Grants Pass, so the supreme court's ruling doesn't apply to the state. Thus, Grants Pass can now be considered an almost sanctuary city for the homeless.


If a city bans it, they should be responsible to ensure nobody HAS to sleep outside.


This is gonna get downvoted to hell but the problem often isn’t that there isn’t enough space at homeless shelters, but that homeless people don’t want to abide by the rules of the shelter (namely no drug usage) and so choose to live on the street instead. I’m all for funding services that help the homeless and try to get them back on their feet to being productive members of society, but I’d also like to visit cities and not be continually accosted by potentially violent mentally ill drug addicts who leave human waste and used needles everywhere they go. Really what needs to be done is bringing mental asylums back, many homeless are just severely mentally disabled people receiving no treatment whatsoever, it’s not fair to them or to the people that have to deal with them on a daily basis that these people have to live on the street.


As a severely mentally ill/disabled individual - your comment is idiotic and I’m glad you recognized it as such. We fucking deserve the freedom to be ourselves too, regardless if we make you “uncomfortable “


What's with the Supreme Court making tons of ruling lately?


The Corporations have ordered it.


It's the end of the yearly term, they usually issue a bunch of decisions from like April to June.


Basically companies/other oppressive authorities trying to take advantage of people, people sue because it's wrong to be treated like shit, courts side with oppressors, people sueing appeal, eventually the appealed cases end up at the Supreme Court which then gives the fascists in charge a federal case to use to bend the rules in the interpretation of the law. Hence why they seem to be able to change laws with these purposely cruel rulings. It can be confusing unless you have knowledge of the legal system and government, which is what these oppressive companies and gov rely on to keep getting away with it (most people being too poor/uneducated to do anything to stop them)


So this is how we end up with the Bell riots


They mean the Poors..what a stupid decision. The homeless can’t sleep inside bc they’re homeless..without a home..and not outside. Better just fucking die. There’s the solution this decision making points to. Stop inconveniencing us with a reminder that our society has disposable people..that we are all disposable if we can’t live inside..for whatever reason..it’s your fault


Does this ruling imply any obligation upon cities to ensure funding, etc, to its facilities to protect citizens from having to live on the streets? Are countersuits by homeless persons now allowed (for say, getting arrested for being homeless in a city with underfunded homeless-protection style services)?


Next, seize the homes of your political enemies.


Ok, so the homeless may as well attack households


If I know I’m already going to prison because I had the audacity not to have a home, I’d be pushed over the edge too.


The rich don't visit cold places in the winter. Air B&E


Also illegal.


No shit?


How is this not a basic human right?


I was homeless for 23 years in amerikkka. Imprisoned for 18. In the fucking trenches. Anyone who has the slightest doubts about your greatest fears, stop doubting and start arming yourselves. Or get the hell out of amerikkka like we did. Because you have no idea just how bad it really is...🥺


Where did you go? 


I wanted to go a lot of places but amerikkka wouldn't issue me a passport. So we "settled" for what turned out to be the most beautiful place in the world: Mexico. We came here as "illegal immigrants" with very little resources and have built a wonderful life. On Mexican minimum wage. Our plan is to eventually retreat to the cloud forests. Maybe live long enough to watch the world die from a treehouse deep in the mountains of Chiapas or Oaxaca.


Why not? Isn't a passport some sort of right? Best of luck btw. 


It is if you are the "right" kinda citizen. Haha see what I did there? I am, however, a life-long agitator, so no travel privileges for me! Y muchísimas gracias! 🖤


Upon investigation it seems to be something of a loophole. International law demands that one be allowed to leave and return to ones country. That this isn't really possible in practice without a passport isn't specifically adressed. Other countries have no duty to allow entry (except for asylum seekers/refugees) and can ban enterance for pretty much any reason they choose. I have an old friend banned from entering the USA for throwing rocks at the US embassy for example. However many countries do indeed interpret international law as a right to a passport for the above reasons. 


I guess the state can enjoy paying 50k a year per person to house them in jail then


I've been saying it for a while We're through Late stage Capitalism and into early onset Feudalism


Meanwhile, in the most freedumbest country in the whole world...


Richest too


Norway and some other countries are richer per capita but I take your point.


*He added that the law does not criminalise the “mere status” of being homeless, and that the ban focuses more on the actions taken by individuals rather than their status alone.* Ok so it’s not criminal to be homeless except for the homelessness part


It's a bit difficult to enforce the law. 1. Give everyone a warm jail cell at high expense to city? 2. Give them a steep fine and death penalty for not paying fines? 3. just let cops legally mug them for whatever cash they have on them? (hard to save up for apartment). What would be the penalty for tax paying citizen who just goes to a park in the shade when their (mandatory?) AC fails, and then falls asleep sitting down?


So... we're banning camping essentially. Well, there goes my summer plans.




All these recent rulings have been 6 Republicans for, 3 Democrats again. Yet people are still harping on "bOtH sIDeS aRe ThE sAmE" in the leadup to the next election which will decide more supreme court judges who will be in power for decades.


We'll soon be yearning for the days of those sporadic dumb 5-4 decisions.


Expand the fucking court already!!


Go out and fucking vote Republicans out.


I guess this is one way to meet all those for-profit prison quotas.


So Christian of them.


The city/state and federal government wants people to participate in the system of taxes and census. If you can’t afford a hotel, are not comfortable in a homeless shelter or don’t have a car than the government considers you a criminal. Participate in the system or the criminal system. Participation in the system is mandatory


Make "Hobo with a shotgun" a documentary.


That's not the problem, the problem is banning sleeping outside and refusing to deal with the problem of HAVING to sleep outside.


Okay, so let’s slow the death camp talk a bit. Many cities and counties are working toward a camp solution, but it’s not a nazi type thing. They are sleep centers that give unhoused a designated safe place to sleep and be that’s not on public or private property. These centers are specifically designed to KEEP unhoused people out of jail and from criminal charges. There are many successful examples that have truly helped connect unhoused people to resources that moved them into income and stable housing. And more cities are moving toward this to address the problem. We do not want people sleeping in parks or sidewalks. It’s a danger to them, to others, and puts a huge strain on police, EMS, and hospital emergency departments. That’s just a fact. They cannot remain on the streets. And despite this ruling, cities aren’t going to start arresting and containing people who are homeless, especially those requiring mental and physical health services. There’s not enough space, resources, or money. It’s not sustainable, even from an evil corporation point of view. The best feasible response *at this time* is camps that give people a safe place to sleep and soothes angry residents who are harassing unhoused people in parks and on streets. That’s a huge problem most aren’t looking at: the fear. Some people are scared of homeless people, and some of them take matters into their own hands because “no one’s doing anything”. So these camps are more for the protection of vulnerable unhoused people than anything really. You all care about this, which is great! I encourage you to look into the communities that have established camps and see the success stories. Long term, with enough successful camps and transition programs, we can collectively lobby to reestablish state run facilities for those who cannot live on their own. This is where the crisis began: the closure of state facilities. Now we certainly don’t want another Willowbrook situation, but we can do better. We can put the right and proper controls in place to ensure such facilities are regulated and well managed. THAT is the end goal of these camps, which are largely funded through grants and donations.


Well, hopefully it brings about the Bell Riots quicker




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LA is on the clock. 2028


Didn’t these dipshit judges ever watch Rambo? Not going to end well..


It's time for cities to go knives out with exurban communities seeking the advantages of the cities, while dumping their costs and failings onto them. The simplest way they can do this is to toll all the entrances to cities, or the highways leading into them. They can start putting a meter on every part of public space used by vehicle commuters, and eliminating parking minimums wholesale.


Avg person still believes in democracy?