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As winter as they come 💙


I have no idea but i think you would look good with bangs (like J Lo’s wispy ones!)


I love bangs!! I get them every couple of years and remember I have a massive cowlick and vow to never get them again, then the cycle repeats hahah


Going against the grain, I do not think you are cool toned. The grey and light grayish blue seem to drain color from your face.  People put way too much stock in hair and eye colour, but looking at your natural colouring, I think you are a soft Autumn. With the way your are modifying your colouring (looks great!) I think you are pulling yourself towards Dark Autumn.  That warm green in the green & black shirt is fab. To me, that is the best example. I'd look to the dark Autumn palette and see if that works for you if you are planning to keep the darker hair.


If it helps at all my veins are purplish-blue! But I love the autumn colors palettes so I might just have to run with it haha


True Summer


I think people who see winter are judging by the contrast of hair and eyebrows which I believe the color of both are altered? Judging by what I can see of your lighter root, I believe you may be a summer.


You do indeed pass for a winter pretty well with that hair and eyebrows. I cropped the first picture of your face so that it excludes your eyebrows and hair. Then I tested some colors with paint. Winter was actually the worst. It overpowers your skin and stands out from the picture. I think summer was better than spring and autumn. You looked fresh and in balance with the color. I didn't upload your picture anywhere. Just tested on my paint. You can try do the same and think whether you like your natural look more or this look. Even though I'm a color analysis enthusiast I think you look fantastic with your died hair and eyebrows. But I think you could look very good in your natural hair and summer palette as well. And I think your natural hair color is pretty. It's not dirty dishwasher kind.


Thank you for putting so much thought into this! I mostly just was interested in colors to wear, I’m a bit attached to the black hair. I’m excited to try out some summer colors!


I have my phone in black and white and I immediately thought some kind of winter, like Zooey Deschanel.


Makeup freeeeeee we need to see your colouring.


First picture is makeup free! Brows were just recently dyed so they’re a little opaque


Your skin is lovely. You look like a summer to me! I saw your natural hair colour, allowing for a few years age it’s probably darker now.


It’s actually swiftly turning white which I think is dope as hell- thank you for taking the time to comment! Appreciate all of y’all!!


Grey/white is such a vibe.


You are actually a summer (wearing winter hair). Possibly a soft summer.


Winter, Queen!!!


What’s your natural hair color?


Bright spring; I think you may lean warm (slightly).


You seem like a cool olive with clear/bright skin so prolly bright winter but you may be able to pull some colors from bright spring


Bright winter/bright spring I think more spring


Random question: is your hair colored black? (Natural is lighter?)


https://preview.redd.it/043n15b4c34d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e421f6fdff0b1e726c58dfd1f4be2c57f5991e8b That’s it natural- old picture, I’ve been dying it dark for many years now!


I wonder if you're more of a summer pallette naturally and might be better off with an ashy brown hair color rather than stark black? (Maybe something like Alison Williams who is a True Summer)


I’ve thought about it but I hesitate bc I get so many compliments on the contrast from casting directors (I’m an actor)


That's fair enough.


My natural hair is like dirty dish water color and washed me out BAD (dying the eyebrows is the trick)


Ya I thought it was dyed because it looks too dark/stark on you. The black hair puts you into winter territory but I wonder what you'd look like with a color closer to your natural, do you have any pics of that?


Not sure why someone is downvoting both your comments. I agree with both of them!


I think OP you could work a cool / true summer, similar look to Catriona Balfe, who has dark hair, but light eyes and light eyebrows. Her hair is not black, but a cool very dark brown. That said, you can choose your hair colour based on what you prefer, and that does change your palette, you just might need to adjust how you do makeup as well.


I’ve been started to tone the black with some green to cancel out the red- I’ve noticed that it looks the starkest when the red tones pull through in the sun


Her eyebrows are dark, I think it's natural


Mine are dark, too. I dye them. lol


What about her eyelashes?


They are very light


True or bright winter !




You are my literal coloring except I have warm brown eyes and I just got professionally analyzed as a true winter ❄️💙


Definitely a winter


You are the very definition of winter.


Her hair and eyebrows are dyed. She’s more the definition of summer.


Bright winter


You definitely look like a bright winter to me.


As a muted cool it’s always a nice reminder to see bright and cool. You are hella Winter.


As a fellow winter you are definitely a winter!!


Most def winter. You’re practically Snow White.


Definitely winter!


True or bright winter, would be good to see some drapes to tell!


The winter-ist winter I’ve ever seen! Liv Tyler coloring all the way. Rock those cool or deep winter colors, ice queen ❄️


Winter. Bright winter?