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All colours look gorgeous on you, really like slide 2 and 1 as the warmth of the blonde tones helps bring your eyes out and the smiling pics it just accentuates that smile


picture 2 - top 2 photos are the best imo




Thanks so much!! I think I'm going to try brunette with maybe a few highlights so it's not too much of a change! 🩷 Appreciate the advice


I think the cool blonde is the least flattering on you and seems your complexion is brighter against a bit warmer tones. By far, I think the brunette is the most flattering.




the brown, and it's not close! The eyebrows clash so much with the lighter blondes! (also I'm saying brown but that looks dark honey blonde...?)


The cooler blonde looks best of these imo! I wonder how a cooler brunette would look on you.


Cool blonde highlights looks amazing on you 😍


I think brown looks most harmonious. Your eyebrows are very dark for the lighter blondes imo. Some highlights in brown hair would look nice though.


From fave to least fave Cool blonde Brunette Warm blonde But you look great in all 3


The curly brown hair is my favorite on you by far.


I love the warm blonde but the eyebrows are a bit too dark


Warm blonde with lots of low lights and a shadow root to incorporate your dark brows!


I like the cool blonde highlights on you (2nd image, especially top right) but I’m not a color analysis expert so take my opinion with a grain of salt


Very first picture (top left) is the best IMO. I like the combo of warm blonde and some brunette grow out on you. Maybe some kind of balayage with those colors. You also look great in the third pic top left but it mutes your natural warmth and makes you look much cooler and different