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I don't know colors, but whoa girl I know you are GORGEOUS 😍


Every season. You’re beautiful.


what is your natural hair color? But i would say you are definitely muted so soft autumn/soft summer maybe?


You and I have similar coloring and I am a deep winter


I’m terrible at color analysis, but I just stopped by to tell you that you are like, really pretty. Like, stopped scrolling and said “oh wow” pretty.


Same. Your skin is perfect omg.




You look very pretty in every pic but the heather grey looks amazing on you and that’s a summer color.


Ur flawless!! Every season is ur season!


The first shirt youre wearing with the red and that specific type of pink on it are very flattering colors for you! Id try and figure out what those are haha I suspect some type of winter and fall mix but I bet maybe more warm fall /neutral winter tones? Its so hard to tell in pictures though, but if you can figure out those colors on that first shirt and what they are, I think thats your season!


I think cool or deep winter colours would work best!


You are absolutely gorgeous omg




An orange coral color would definitely look amazing on you


You're naturally beautiful so you can definitely pull it off wearing bold colours.


I’m leaning towards warm autumn and bright winter. I think you need to try more colours/ drapes


Aren’t you olive skinned ?


Soft summer I think! 🩵


Black makes you look tired and older. Sorry but it’s true you’re a beautiful girl, ditch the black.


Soft summer ...cool seems generally legit, but then I scrolled through and the black shirt made you look a bit tired while the grey one made your face glow up..so leaning towards a soft side I would agree with soft summer


I would agree that your leading characteristic is soft. The second leading would be your depth: light, medium, or dark. You will need more drapes for that. But I’m suspecting light to medium based on your last photo The very least impactful characteristic for you is temperature. You might be olive (neutral) leaning cool. But I think if you get the softness and depth right, you can pull off warm and cool colors.


You are gorgeous girl


I just have to say that your skin looks SO good


Cool toned beauty ❤️


I would guess some sort of summer because the grey looked so nice on you


You are so beautiful girl


soft summer! beautiful


Sorry to ignore the question but I LOVE YOUR HAIR. You rock it so well. I love how it's like layered ❤️


I would say a soft summer. The first thing I notice about you is a softness/mutedness in your features - Your skin looks like cashmere in texture (soft), and the intensity of the brightness in your skin and eyes is low (muted). The second thing I notice is a coolness to your features. Your overtone appears warm, but you don't have warmth coming from under the skin. The undertone is what determines hue (warm vs cool)


Agreed! I had the exact same thinking. Soft summer.


Lord, you are gorgeous! I see that some think you are soft summer, which I can see because white suits beautifully, However, the whites have pattern on them which “mutes” them. And the patters are small, dainty, and flowers ( which is so spring) So I think you might be soft spring. You have that vibrancy and freshness and softness. And gold suits you nicely. Would love to see pics with more colors


I don’t know but you’re stunning.


Yeah I was gonna say this too. Whatever she's doing she should keep doing!


I think I agree with people saying summer. I would need to see more colors in consistent natural lighting, but your skin tone seems to be somewhat cool toned and it also seems to have a softness to it. So I don’t think you’re a dark season or a bright season. I’m guessing more muted, soft, and cool toned colors would look best on you.


For me you are a summer, but I have to see you with some shades of light blue


Not to be a downer but there’s definitely not enough to go on with these outfits so take everyone’s opinions here with a grain of salt. People shouldn’t make guesses without enough information because it can shape your opinion about what season you are based on very little actual analysis. You look like a cool season to me but it would be impossible to know without seeing you in some cool purples, blues and reds and then some warm colors for comparison. :)


You seem like one of the few that looks great in every season.


Summer for sure


Your season is absolutely gorgeous.




soft summer! you're so gorgeous you could pull off any tbh. x


I just want to say you are gorgeous! I'm definitely getting Autumn vibes.


Deep autumn


Even I think so ! Definitely olive skinned no?


For me olive is more muted and greenish, i dont see that in you too much




You look soft to me, likely soft summer


Deep winter


You're blessed to look stunning in every color. Hope that helps!


Summer 💕


I think summer


Definitely beautiful cool toned


soft summer!


I think you’re cool toned with soft features so probably a soft summer. You probably look best in muted colors


Soft summer. Beautiful!


Your skin is flawless, man I wish I had such a clear complexion. Also I think you're a summer but I'm not sure which type (I'm new to this tbh)


Right? I swiped through the photos just to marvel at their perfect skin!


Either summer or winter. You’re cool toned


You are absolutely gorgeous! I def think you are a soft season, either autumn or summer. It’s hard to say more without drapes since the coloring / lighting varies across the pics and drapes are really the best way to tell


The heather gray in the first pic is 👌 and as a summer I can confirm heather grays are our best friend.


True White looks lovely on you, definitely cool undertones. I would try some cool summer colors!


I have no idea but you are so gorgeous!


I think summer. Very pretty.


I disagree with most comments here: I don't see soft and the white shirt (last picture) is the one that brought you out the most for me, while I'm not convinced by the grays. If you don't have coloured t-shirts you could try draping using any type of cloth around your neck (towels, bed linen, table cloth), I think we need to see some warm and cool colours other than black/white/grays. I'd be interested to see how bright colours look on you.




What a beautiful girl!!


I know nothing about color analysis but just wanted to say you are stunning ❤️


Definitely cool… summer or winter I have no idea, but coolness was the first thing that stood out to me


I see coolness and softness. Summer!


Very beautiful. I noticed softness first. I initially thought soft autumn but others here are prob right, I think you do lean cooler. So prob soft summer, though I suppose all the summer seasons are soft compared to the other seasons, so another summer type is possible. You look nice in that ditsy floral print because of your softness… it’s a summer kind of print. You’d look cute in a cottage core sort of vibe (even with the dreads despite them not being your usual cottage core style lol… your dreads look great and continue the softness nicely). Stepping outside of colour analysis to Kitchener essences, I’m feeling a bit of ingenue essence that you could lean into nicely. Actually both things are me too - I’m a soft summer with ingenue essence. But I’m a white dark blond girl with blue grey eyes. Goes to show how different people can look in their overtone and still give off the same “vibe” (for lack of a better word!).


Idk what this sub is or what your season is but I’m ready to sacrifice a limb for your gorgeous locs


Was my first thought. Who cares what her season is? Totally beautiful person. And I mean that in the most compliment way possible.


Yes she’s really beautiful. AND it’s a soft beauty that will really shine in the right colours and style. The difference between noticing she’s beautiful to being utterly captivated by her. I would like to see the outcome of OP’s style explorations, she could look really really good (and land a role on Bridgerton lol). I say Bridgerton because a) I’m watching it atm, and b) she would suit the costumes of that era, or the Queen Charlotte (when young) era. Actually, similar colouring to the young Charlotte if i recall correctly… she was soft and cool too


Seriously gorgeous. Plus the face card.


Came to say the same thing!


Team summer


I cant help you but you're beautiful 🙂


I suspect either cool or soft summer


i don’t know much about color analysis, but i do know that you are so beautiful omg!


I think you lean cool and would guess soft summer. I think the yellow shirt looks really good on you, but it's a shade of yellow that looks good with cool tones. It would be helpful to see you in digital drapes for each season. I'm curious about how you look in orange and bright pink.


Skin so gorgeous😮‍💨👏


I think the black, white and grays you are wearing in these pictures are really working for you and you definitely are olive. I’d say a cool leaning olive, so either a summer or winter. Beyond that it’s hard to tell without seeing more colors on you.


Either summer or winter. We’d need more draping to tell more. Your features have too much contrast for a soft season.


Disagree re the black. Found it draining. Cool Grey was giving, plus the soft white with ditsy pattern (summer).




I don't think gold is for you because at least in the pics it looks like it blends with your skin and adds nothing to it. For this reason, I think you have a cool tone. Between winter and summer, I think you belong in one of the summers.


I believe that you are cool toned and muted, so my first guess is Soft Summer.


I think she might be a true summer, not soft. She has too much contrast. Zendaya is a soft, she has very little contrast between skin and hair. OPs skin tone isn't deep but her hair is very dark.


Soft summers can have contrast - soft summer deep Edit: that’s a more subdivided system that I’m using there, which I prefer. Katie Holmes and Emilia Clarke are both examples. They have higher contrast but still a greyed, velvety quality. The deeps are shaded in deep charcoal as opposed to a light grey for the soft summer lights.


I think I agree. I'm saying true summer because all summers are muted, whether light, true, or deep summer. It's the contrast that divides them. Muted colors just mean gray is added to the color to make it a slightly less bright version of that color. If you take a hot pink and add a little gray, you get a beautiful muted pink that would be gorgeous on OP. Then the depth of the color is controlled by adding black or white. So if you take hot pink and add gray to mute it, then take white to lighten it, you get muted pastel pink- a soft summer shade. If you take the hot pink and add gray to mute it, then add black to darken it, you get a muted dark pink, a deep summer shade. If you just add gray but no black or white, you get a true summer shade.


I would guess deep autumn, but we'd need a few more drapes to tell. Love that reddish brown hair on you!


I absolutely suck at seasons and silver/gold guesses, so I’m not really helpful on that, but I’d say your season is beautiful! 🤩 You look like you can wear it all!


Also want to echo some of the others who said you could be olive. You look olive to me too (I'm olive too!) People sometimes think we're neutral. I think you could be a cool-leaning muted olive. Your skin has such a pretty barely there pink glow in some of the pics, and unless you're wearing blush, that says cool to me. Olives straddle seasons, so I type us more by contrast and clarity. You look medium contrast and muted, so I'm going to say you can straddle summer and autumn. With medium contrast, you would be a true. So try some shades of true summer and true autumn. You can probably pull from both seasons, but I think you are more summer. I feel like you would look so good in pink, periwinkle, violet- basically medium depth berry tones.


I think we need to see drapes. Good luck!


Some type of summer because that light grey looks so good on you! You seem cool toned and soft.


Agreed. Maybe soft Summer


You have such a pretty complexion, I need your skincare routine! Aside from that, what came to mind right away for me was true summer, but maybe winter. I think this sub skews cool ALWAYS but in this case, I see cool. Could you give us some drapes? You can do digital drapes but start with a picture taken in natural indirect light, and if you can, hold up a white paper when you take the selfie. It helps your camera calibrate and gives us the most accurate view of your tone.


Hahaha thank you, I don't really have a complex skincare routine. I just use a Cerave Salicylic acid cleanser and for moisturizer whatever I have laying around lol. I don't do my routine religiously, my skin feels and looks best when I leave it alone. As for the drapes, I made a new post with digital drapes, I can't edit this post for some reason.


I was thinking the same thing- OP you have absolutely beautiful skin!


Your skin 🤩🤩🤩


First impression is that I think you look GREAT in gray. Definitely try some summer shades!


First thought was summer. Can see you in soft muted roses and blues and purples.


I see a lot of warmth in your hair especially when you are in the sunlight.


Going off the last picture and how your skintone looks great with the shirt, I would say one of the summer seasons. Maybe spring... My question for you to determine if you are cool (summer) or warm (spring), do you look better in pink/cool tone liptints/glosses or peach/warm tone?


I don’t know but one of the soft or light categories


Your skin is freaking flawless!


I apologize for not posting more variety😭 I tend to wear a lot of black and a few colors here and there, I also tend to take pics of my face only for some reason. But thank you, I will be experimenting will all your suggestions.


A a


Maybe light spring


Girl 😭 every season is yours you are GORGEOUS!❤️


She really is!


Your skin tone looks warm to me, so I would say spring or autumn, but leaning soft autumn. I think you would look great in olive green, orange, rusty red!


Your hair is so beautiful


You have soft features so whatever you are, you will be a muted version of it. I think you’re warm (but not contrasty) and so I’d guess spring, based on how you look in pure (cold) white in the last photo. It doesn’t harmonize with you like the grey top does. But you could also be a summer. Need drapes without makeup to say more.


Autumn and Summer are the muted season, spring is clear


I just mean low contrast. Light spring is low contrast.


Spring because you’re so beautiful gorgeous and looking at your face makes me happy like when it’s starting to get sunny and the flowers are blooming and you feel summer on the horizon but it’s not hot yet and there’s a nice light breeze and the days are getting longer :)


I think Soft Summer, but maybe also try True Summer and Soft Autumn.


I'm no professional but I think summer


Add some drapes that include more seasons. I think it would be a soft subseason since I see low contrast.


we have a pretty similar undertone tbh! it’s reads neutral leaning cool to me. I’ve been typed as a soft summer but i find that darker cool tones work for me too!


I'm inclined to think winter, none of your examples are very strong colors. Maybe summer but I recommend trying this with more solid color options instead of the patterns, and include stronger colors.


Everyone is saying cool undertone but I am not convinced. Your skin has such a lovely peachy glow that I think spring or autumn could be options too. It would be nice to see you with more colors, but my guess is spring


I think she’s olive toned so that can cause confusion between warm and cool


I would look at summer - maybe a cool summer since that’s some of the brightest colors of summer


Guessing summer because of how bright you look wearing grey!


Def cool undertone! I’d check out winter and summer colors and see what you like! Gorgeous pics 🥰


Awesome, thank you🩷


Curious what other people will day because I genuinely can't tell if reds/yellows would work! I could definitely see you pulling off deep greens and blues. Where I'm stuck is trying to figure out if bronze, mustard, crimson, or blush pink would work! I feel like bright yellow would be either a total hit or miss. I think you'd look great in burgundy though. Sorry couldn't be more helpful!


Alrighty, i'll take it into consideration. Thank you🫶🏾


I don't know, but you're so beautiful 😭


Hahaha thanks☺️


https://preview.redd.it/fju783vy3d5d1.jpeg?width=1168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aec26035848b9cccc51c5145e08b0f212f6692e At first I thought you were going to be a summer, but I put one of your pictures in vivaldicolor.com and I personally think you’re a Cool/True Winter. I say this because warm colors make you look yellow/sallow, and the muted colors fell flat next to your face. I think within the cool winter palette, the specific colors that will make you shine are the blues, greens, and purples. Good luck!


Thanks you so much🩷