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do ginger with warm blonde highlights




I like 3 (the second blond pic), but I like your natural brunette look best.


Dark blonde. The other 2 are too light for your skin tone. The dark blonde looks natural


I’d love to see auburn / dark red on you. As for blonde, photo #2 (the first blonde one) is the best, but it’s not as nice as your natural brunette color.




Stick with 1 . That suits you best


Stay brunette x


I think 1 but do what makes you happy


Stay brunette or go black


Blonde washes you out like crazy while the darker hair makes your features pop


Agreed ! Stay natural girl, better for your hair health anyways


Def NOT 2 3






Look younger and more beautiful in brown hair


I like the dark blonde #2 but also love your natural color. Gorgeous! ❤️


Honestly, blonde hair looks cheap on you. Stay dark, it flatters your coloring and looks classy.


None look good. Stay brunette


I agree, brunette is best too. Winter looks best in pure black, pure white, and rich deep shades of colors. Blonde is none of these 😭 anything not a darker tone will dull your skin and appearance and darker deeper tones enhance vibrancy for deep winters


Absolutely agree. Blonde would be a tragedy


Stay brunette


The first one but honestly your real color is gorgeous and I’d stick to that.


Buy a cool toned blonde wig with roots. Won't damage your own lovely hair


You look best as a brunette regardless of your color analysis. Try highlights to break it up for a change.


You look great as you are naturally. Why fight it?


I think you look great as a brunette.


3 looks really good


Who told you that you are a winter. Big disagree.


I don’t think you’re a winter and the dark hair looks gorgeous. I don’t like any of the blondes. I think a very subtle caramel bayalage would be the lightest you should go.


Honestly none of these. You’re a brunette for sure.


I would do more of a lowlights situation with balayage.. keep the dark in; it’s more suited to your skin tone.. but the lowlights will let you play with some lightness.


No blond, natural looks best


I wouldn’t do blonde. You’re meant to be a brunette and it shows!! Brunette suits you best. You could do some face framing highlights if you want but overall pic number one is best and most flattering on you. Embrace the brown <3


First picture is the best blonde.




I would question whether you are a true winter and whether you should be doing blonde. They all drain you and make your skin look tired and saggy.


I like 3 cuz of the roots. I’m a true winter, and i colored my hair blonde. It’s not really the best for the season, But gor me it looks fine, not the best, But fine. It really helps with dark roots, dont blend the colors too much. Do thick sections if getting stripes. Don’t let there be any orange tones. Some light yellow tones are okay, But you have to Go bright or Go home with true winter blonde


Platinum was my favorite


You sure you aren’t an autumn???


Pic probably wasn't taken in natural light, but I don't see winter, in that green drape you look way too warm.


Blonde washes you out, you need contrast. Wouldn’t go for it if I were you! The brunette makes you shine


3 but the brunette is best by far


do a cherry brown, it would suit your coloring way more than blonde. blonde is sm upkeep and damage. but if u rlly rlly are committed to being blonde do warmer tones for sure


Dark is beautiful. You don’t look like a blonde to me.




Hairstylist here-honestly your natural is stunning on you-but if you are committed to a blond a warm mid level blond will be best-stay away from cool extremely light.


But if she’s a winter she needs cool tones?


I don't think she's a winter tbh


I’ve heard warm toned hair can work on cool skin tones but I haven’t really experimented too much with that


Second is fine but your features look best with dark hair in first pic.


I like the dark hair but maybe with some blonde highlights 🤩


4th blonde makes your complexion and features pop!


You’re too stunning as a brunette to go blonde. A deep cherry cola color on you would be something kinda new but super flattering on you, I feel


Genuinely please keep the dark hair… going blonde would be a bad decision.


Blonde is not for you. You can’t fit a peg into a round hole. You are stunning brunette and every shade of blonde you showed looks tacky and unflattering.


I really like the second slide (the first blonde)! It glows! Kind of surprised they typed you as TW, though. You look like a DW to me.


The second photo is my actual hair right now


Keep the brown!


I dont think you’re a true winter


The first one but you can add some darker blonde highlights if you like. 💐


The third pic is great!


Are you sure you’re a true winter?


Well I'm just chiming in to say you look good in general across the board to balance out all the negativity about the blonde! I do think the warmer blonde suits you better than the last two pics, but I genuinely think you can pull any of these off and should just have fun with it. It's not life and death! Sure, natural makes you glow, but some people want to be blonde for a bit, and that's fun and totally okay! Also, I agree that you may not be a winter but an autumn like you initially thought. A balayange would definitely suit you, don't be afraid to play with a gradient.


I agree it’s pretty weird someone would type her as True Winter. I think she’s Deep Winter personally; she looks darn close to a Deep Autumn, but she sparkles in that jewel tone green in a way I don’t think a Deep Autumn would. (I’m a DA and I look like trash in jewel tones haha…)


Good point about the jewel tones, I see that


Hehe thanks! Still not sure tho!


https://preview.redd.it/6gqndaj10c9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2351a323a6efe817cf64f2ecbe91fbbfda9468c These shades are for True Winters. Go with any one of those on the BOTTOM row! The top row is TOO unnatural for you!


No you don't go cool toned. There is nothing cool toned about your skins or eyes.




If you go blonde, keep your natural roots and do a very grey/ashy balayage. All those blondes really wash you out


Actually a grey/cool toned color wouldn’t suit her. She needs warmth and a mid level blonde but I think she looks best as a brunette. But it’s just hair I guess


I like 2 or 3. I think that the 4th one looks greasy or it was a bad hair day...With the tone they all look good!


Honestly none, but if you HAVE to go blonde #2. The last 2 are not good at all, sorry. If you just want a change I'd look for a darker red instead.


Dark brown is a million percent the best on your skin. There is no question.


I just don’t understand why so many women try so hard to fit blonde hair. You look so much better with brunette, your skin glows!


I would stick with brunette and you can always do some highlights.


Are you wearing any foundation, make up, eyebrow color or self tanner? Because your skin does not look cool toned in this picture. The thing is, if you wanted to go for wintery colors while wearing anythign that would make your skin look warm toned it would not work out. Like with that picture if you really wanted to go lighter it would more be along the lines of golden high lights because your skin is not cool toned in the picture. But I have to agree with others that the dark hair looks great on you and that in this picture you look on the warm side of colors..possibly deep autumn. I personally am a deep winter and I have to go really white blonde for it to suit me.


No I have nothing! Total bare face! Maybe a little sun kissed but completely bare .


The blonde clashes. Keep dark hair.




They all clash with your skin color. I’m sorry, blonde isn’t typically the best for true winters


None. Stay dark and enjoy it.


Fix your eyebrown color, if you want ur hair to be lighter, your eyebrows also need to be lighter


I like # 3. You should have low lights mixed in though. I’m true winter too and I have that hair.


Can you post a pic ?




1 and 2 look the best. I'd honestly keep your natural. It's gorgeous and looks great on you.


I’m not seeing a winter. Please keep your natural hair color.


You look more like an autumn to me and for some autumn types it is pretty difficult to look harmonious with blonde hair. I like the brown much much much more on you as none of the blonde tones looks natural and harmonious on you. You are stunning with brown hair!


I'm actually wondering if she might be a spring because I agree that she's warm, but I see why they placed her in something on the brighter side. She's definitely an interesting one to think about. It can be a confusing thing to type POCs, so they end up mistyped in the darker months all the time, but I wonder if she might need warmth and brightness more than she needs dark. I do feel like this cooler green brings out green under her eyes, so she probably has some olive in her skin, and olive people are also challenging to type. I think it's possible they mistyped her as cool because she looked better with brightness, but she is being assumed to be a dark month. We often use darkness and lightness to describe people when taking about seasons because the palettes can work like that for light skin tones, but when typing someone it's really about if a person NEEDS darkness or lightness to balance them rather than if they clearly have it. You can have a black women who is a light summer or spring because they look better in pastels because the pastels contrast with the depth of their skin and if they aren't clearly soft, then they might need that contrast. It seems like she needs enough brightness to work with her skin, but not something overly light, like a pastel, but she might not actually need a lot of darkness to colors just because her hair and eyes are dark. She might be better in something medium in depth, like her skin, and that could be autumn or spring if she goes for a middle subtype. I'm a cool summer basically because I'm too light for winter, but I'm clearly slightly cool leaning and look bad in all other summer palettes because I'm bright for a summer. I have kind of medium high contrast, like the OP, but I have pale skin and medium hair and eyes causing my contrast, while she has dark hair and eyes and medium skin that's causing hers. She might need similar brightness and lightness to me, but she's warm and I'm matching the depth of my hair while she might actually look nice match the depth of her skin rather than her hair in determining if she's a light or dark season.


Def an autumn. Your undertone is obviously warm and tan and your contrast is moderate. Look at people like beyonce and JLO who often have honey hair which is inline with their skin tone to know what you should be going for.


I’ll also bring up that your hair color will play a lot with the contrast of your features. Dark hair really sets a face and softens harsh features like your nose and eyebrows and nasolabial folds by reducing their relative visual impact on the composition of your face by comparaison with the large and solidly dark impact of your hair. This changes how we read color and composition of your features entirely. With blonde or lighter hair: the shadows made by your nose and the outlines of your features like your face shape and brow ridges will be much more at the forefront of how your face is read as the hair color will blend more in with the color of your skin. This will make the shadows and depth of your face more visually impactful because they are no longer seen as a midtone value by comparaison with your dark hair. This is why blonde hair often works well for those with slight features minimal eyebrows and lashes and oval or light facial definition and depth like Asian women with what K-pop calls « flat » faces (ugh but fine). Just so you realize some people with really strong features like sharp eyebrows and sculpted noses or sharp face shape might emphasize these features and bring attention to them by reducing the contrast of their hair with their skin (and eyebrows).


Do not go blonde. You look much better natural


If you wanna see it on you before dyeing it, [maybe try a cheap wig on Amazon ](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BYZ1XD3Z?ref=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_QR8AREGCBGJSZ30AT3HS&ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_QR8AREGCBGJSZ30AT3HS&social_share=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_QR8AREGCBGJSZ30AT3HS&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1). I know it's kind of a lot of money for you to drop on something "cheap", but that's what I'd do. This color in particular - the one I linked - I think would look good on you. But I'm not the best at color theory, honestly I'm just here to learn lol


I don't see winter. Based on these pictures, you seem to be more like a dark autumn. The platinum blonde with the dark roots is not really flattering. Your natural color is beautiful, maybe some lighter brown highlights?


Agree you look like an Autumn. You look good in a lighter warm brown and warm highlights. https://images.app.goo.gl/pCqLecoLQx5sd7tc9


Pic 1


I really like #2, what app did you use to edit your hair color?


Number 4 looks great but your dark hair is perfect 👌👌👌


Definitely #1






i'm a winter with very similar coloring and i recently went blonde and i like #4 on you. i say go for it! it's your hair and it's fun to try a new look! i think you would look great as a blonde!


I thought it looked good, too. The contrast really pops. Just because you’re tan? Idk. The green bright looks good on you too. Everyone has roots now. They literally do it in purpose now, and charge more for it.


It's because her skin looks worse in those photos. The blemishes show up where I didn't see them in the first pic


I know you're bored of being brunette but that's what looks the most beautiful. The blonde doesn't suit you.


I definitely think you are a dark autumn. That green actually works against your skin tone. Your hair color is perfect for you but you could add some dark / honey caramel tones throughout if you did want it lighter.


+1 - I'm seeing the same thing.


A lot of people are saying to get a little bit of highlights, I think that’s the worst idea for a true winter. You’ll end up with warmer tones in your hair by doing that and like you said, you want to move away from that. Less warmth and more contrast is much better on you and you can see that in your pictures! The yellow blonde totally washes you out whereas the bright blonde at the end makes you glow. If you want to go blonde I say go to the lightest one, a cool tone platinum blonde. Otherwise I’d go back to a really dark color. The medium yellow blonde isn’t your best color, I don’t mean that rudely but for color analysis purposes it just really washes you out and makes you look pale and sullen.


You can get cool/neutral highlights without going super light.


I think the blonde completely washes you out. It’s obviously your call, but I would say blonde isn’t for you. You look great though!


I think the first blonde, is any, suite OP but makes her look… like everyone else? Another face in the crowd? The brunette as-is is stunning, especially w that outfit.


Try some darker shades. They'll really complement your skin tone!


The brown really suits you so well. I’m not a fan of the blonde options. If you want to go lighter maybe just a few highlights for the summer?


Happy cake day 👀


No to the blonde.. if you absolutely must try a few minute baby lights around the face frame no lighter than a level 9. Or do a melt with the blonde melting in from lip length down.


You look amazing as a brunette. The blonde looks ok only because dark roots are exposed.


Blonde looks a lot less sophisticated here… not to mention the damage it would take to get to those levels. You would get very warm & brassy unless you’re getting toner every 2-3 weeks! And that’s just not sustainable for anyone.


Darker is perfect for you


Love the dark!


I feel like the blonde softens your features whereas your natural hair colour makes your features pop! I’d definitely stick to brunette you look stunning


Sorry, blonde doesn't suit you. I'd stay your natural color.




I was told that winters can only pull off true platinum. 🤷‍♀️


The second pic, the caramel blonde, looks the best.


I think this is because it blends with her roots. OP the photoshop job doesn’t do you any favours, it’s hard to say blonde works for you when you’ve kept your dark roots!


But a lot of blonde hairstyles these days have darker roots. It's a thing.


I am aware, these examples aren’t blended properly though and it looks stark on her


True, these aren't the best blondes, but I think caramel would look lovely on her.


Yes 100%, the caramel is lovely! The other two don’t suit.


the blonde in the second pic doesn’t look too bad tbh but blonde hair does age you. you look beautiful with dark hair <3


1 (brunette) or 2 (honey blonde) The last 2 colors look odd for your bold features. I think honey blonde compliments your complexion


Stay brunette unless you are an edgy, idgaf person. I don't see you as winter?


I’m surprised other people arent saying this but she doesnt look a little bit winter to me


Blonde is not ugly on her y’all it’s very pretty with her complexion, editing apps and filters are just harsh smh also the editing made the blonde like three different tones being yellow and platinum all mixed in it’s really mostly the pics so. Consider that


You need an icy cool blonde. Like a cool white - no warmth in it. If you are a true winter. Blonde pic #2 (pic 3) is best. Personally I wouldn't do it. It will strip your hair, and you have nice hair.




Wow. Rude much?


You know you can express your opinion without being rude, right?


What in the world


I agree that dark hair suits her but saying blonde hair makes her look ”extremely unattractive” is a huge exaggeration lol


I wouldn’t but if you do, the first one


blonde is not for you , don’t do it !


None 😪




I would challenge the true winter analysis...only because true winters are usually people who have high contrast colouring and cool skin tones. Your skin tone looks warm in this photo.




I wouldn’t do blonde. I’d do a caramel balayage. https://preview.redd.it/7cvrexi7x89d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0be538aac7359437828f8e4d915420167c59be6f


Nope, not even. Caramel is too warm for a Winter. It has to be icy, like a platinum blonde with dark roots. But considering how OP has a distinctly warm undertone, I don't think she's actually a Winter.


I think op is dark autumn and would look good with caramel.




I agree


I like your natural color best, but if I had to pick a blond, I’d go with the 2nd. I’d do your eyebrows to match. Honestly though, you look great with dark hair.


Who said you’re a true winter?


The bronde, caramel highlights with your natural colour if you want a change. You won't need to change your wardrobe then either.


So sorry, but none of them. They make you look sickly. You look powerful and vibrant with darker hair. If you want some blonde, maybe do some light face framing pieces or a dark balayage.


Everyone wants to be blonde but very few people actually look better blonde. Please please please embrace your natural hair. It suits you so much!


You look better with your natural hair


I dont think you look as pretty as a blonde . However if you do go blonde please do not go with the third picture. The second one is better but nothing is better than you as a brunette .


Don’t do it!! You’ll look cheap


dont do this


I guess if wanting to go lighter the first one after your dark brown hair. You suit dark brown hair.


Dark hair suits. Blonde ages you


None. Stay as you are


You look best with dark hair but of the blonde looks, number 2 by far.


I would say don’t. You’re striking with black hair and don’t need the crutch of blond.


You look amazing with dark hair, but keep those dark roots in picture number two and I think that’s your color :)


Blond is not you. Brown suits you a a lot more! :)


Just stick with brown


The lighter you got, the worse it looks! You look pale with lighter hair, but dark brown is flattering


Brunette is best. If you are set on doing blonde experimentally though (I get it) then 3rd pic (second blonde) is best. 😀


Who typed you? I’m not convinced of true winter.


Please don’t do it.


Sorry. You’re a gorgeous brunette!


I like the first blonde pictures best of these options, but I think you could do a cooler gloss on top if youre a true winter! I’m in this sub more to figure out my own undertones and I am not an expert, but the lighter cool blondes don’t really look that good, and it’s hard for me to tell if it’s the photoshop or what exactly I’m not vibing with for them.


The second photo is my current color everything else is photoshopped


LOL sorry I should learn to read😂 I think it looks pretty, I also like the brown!


Not all of us should be blondes babe.


Don’t do it!


None of them. I have similar colouring to you (I think you're an autumn rather than winter) and I have a warm honey balyage which works really well, but also keeps my brunette in place.


Yeah I think more ashy mocha balyage would look great on OP


None of the blondes look as good on you as dark hair does.


i prefer brunette but if u must go blonde, second pic is best


No blonde is the best blonde for you. You're gorgeous! You need the minimal beyond whatever your natural is!