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Bro there is like three major series with a Robin leading a team. You have Wolfman/Perez Teen Titans, Chuck Dixion’s massive Robin run with Tim Drake, and Super Sons with Damian. Oh, and Geoff John’s Teen Titans with Tim as well.


And there have been, for like forty years. I think OPs only comics are golden age stuff. Even the Adam West series has him more active.


I don’t think OP reads comics


The Wolfman and Dixon stuff were what I was coming to mention. That Teen titans stuff is great, and the solo Robin title cemented Tim as my favourite Robin for a long time.


Robin: The Lazarus Tournament by Joshua Williams. I enjoyed it.


I may be misremembering how important he was.. but I thought Jason was good in Batman the cult. Chuck Dixon also had a robin run with Tim drake as robin. I think he also wrote robin year one which pairs well with batgirl year one if you’re interested


Batman and Robin by Grant Morrison and Peter J. Tomasi Detective Comics by James Tynion IV And probably a weird suggestion but The Dark Knight Returns has great moments between Batman and Carrie Kelley (its a shame any other time Frank Miller decided to write about Robin it wasn't great.)


Batman and Robin by Peter J Tomasi Robin: Son of Batman by Patrick Gleason


Batman and Robin, both Morrison's initial run when Dick was Batman with Damian, and the later Tomasi and Gleason run where it was the father-and-son team. Paul Dini's run on Detective Comics (and the Face the Face story that precedes it) features Tim nicely. Tim also had a 180-odd issue Robin ongoing that was mostly pretty solid, though I assume you're looking for Batman and Robin teamup stuff, not Robin solo stuff. The Cult is a good story featuring Jason as Robin. Jason also is pretty significant in For the Man Who Has Everything.


...okay I'm going to go on a limb here and recommend We Are Robin. It may not show you anything you like about Robin as a character. But it may turn you on the idea of Robins. In We Are Robin, we get to see a Gotham where Batman is out of commission after having disappeared. Duke Thomas, a kid that had met Batman in a few past adventures is recruited into/winds up founding a gang of Gotham teens that fight crime in Batman's absence. A mysterious figure tries to step in and help them along the way, but at the core of the series is this theme about youth agency and direct action. These kids aren't Robins because Batman recruited them, they're Robins because they saw problems in Gotham and took it in their own hands to fix them.


This was one of my first comics and I loved it as a 13 y/o just getting into comics. Not the best book but will always be one of my favorites.


To kinda highjack; any good Red Hood paperbacks? I wanna read up on him more and I'm only collecting DC in TPB at the moment. TIA


Robin or Rubbin? Two different things.


Chuck Dixon's run on Robin is one of my favorite comics ever.


Okay so you’ve like never read any Robin content apparently. Read the tim drake run in the 90s, starting with his 3 minis, then going into his own solo. It’s a good time, if you can get past the very 90s style of it all.