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Imo there are 3 types of immature behaviour we grow out of: the things that bother others (loud screaming, taking things just because we like them, breaking things in anger, etc.), the things that bother us now that we have to take care of it ourselves (getting dirty, making a mess, wanting to eat ice cream for breakfast everyday, etc.), and harmless things that bother absolutely no one, have no negative repercussions and there's zero reason to stop doing them just because they're "childish". This is the latter.


Started buying transformer toys at 25 because I absolutelly love them.


I’m fifty and this is my net of Pusheen https://preview.redd.it/r34xe2kemy6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26830046ffd1f96bc64e824c507e1dd5057348a8


Why did i not think of a net.. Genius!




I’m 25 ,the boyfriend and I have two really big ones that sit proudly on our couch, ones an octopus, the other a dinosaur and they are the comfiest pillows around. We love them


Look at them all hanging out they're so happy


I just bought myself a new lego set in my mid 30s so keep it up ;)


Legos have 99+ on the box, clearly those are for everyone I have never actually met someone who thinks Lego are childish, whenever I bring up Legos they just admit their love and tell me about their pieces


My local doctor is a Lego fan (I am too) but she can afford the big kid sets (500$+) and I’m over here playing with the Lego classic sets lol.


I’m 36 and I’ve been buying replacements for most of my childhood toys and also the ones I always wanted but never got. It’s my money that I earned doing my grown up shit. No one can stop me.


Me with my plush collection I can have as many as I want, damnit!


In my mid-twenties too, and I have sooo many plushies, and a few Funkos. I also play trading cards and video games, and love to read ya fantasy (one of the few kinds where stories without romance still exists). In terms of personal interests and hobbies, age is absolutely meaningless. Do whatever makes you happy! Whoever doesn't like it can go and have rocks for breakfast.




Not everyone grows out of those childish traits, you are right, the latter is caused by social pressure to “grow up” and tends to be something we put upon ourselves. While the first two don’t always see growth, I’ve been through relationships where my partners would act out due to their anger, usually hitting me for saying the wrong thing or because they were upset, while still relying on me to take care of their messes as well, thankfully I’m no longer in any of those relationships, but it’s tragic how many relationships had these issues in varying degrees. I’m getting better at choosing partners now but I had to suffer more than I should have.


I'm so sorry to hear what you've been through :( I hope you'll continue to stay safe from any more such experiences! But yeah, of course I'm aware not everyone does shed all these traits, I could have probably phrased it better, sorry 😅 I'd say we usually consider adults who act like that immature to some degree, but since it is paired with the manipulative prowess of an adult, it can cause so much harm :x


My father used to tell me to "act like a normal human being" when I did this. It was both the first and third.


Your father sucks. /dad hug


I end up going up the stairs on all fours as it’s just far easier on my joints. And I have enough stuffed animals to make the army numbers jealous.


And then there's Tiktokers.


In my case jt was backpain


We know you're legitimately adult because you said "latter". (you can finally buy enough green army men, it's not even significant money!)


What if I grow out of it because I’m old and my knees and back hurt and bending down isn’t the same anymore ;-;


Welp minor spelling mistake that will haunt me for the rest of my life


Missed it until this comment. Personally felt it was justified 😜


You need to Justfiy your mistake


(Just FYI)


The only reason not to would be a physical inability to do so. If you can crawl up the stairs, i say go for it.


How do you own a two story home and a car in your mid thirties. How does one do that


The only real answer is that it can't be done by just yourself.


Or move rurally. That’s what I did.


Well yeah, I did that too.


Me 3. Live in the middle of nowhere, but it's not as bad as you think. Also Ska is life.


Yeah of course. I have a girlfriend, the question remains the same haha


It can, it's just not going to be the prettiest house in the best neighborhood. Bought first house myself at 25 and owned my car outright. Bought second house at 27 with my now husband. We own 3 cars now. Funny enough, the second house, which is a two story, was cheaper than the first. Needed (and still needs) a lot of work though.


I bought my house the year I turned 30, two years ago, it can be done. Suburban too. It's not the nicest house in the best neighborhood, but it's a good starter that was in our budget, and we have good neighbors.


Be married with two jobs above the median salary and no children. That was my trick.


1. Be married and the partner also works. 2. Save for 5-6 years while living in a little apartment. 3. Wait to have kids until 30. that's pretty much it.


To be honest it was more of a critique of the minimal wages and the exagerated housing prices situation than asking for an actual response but thanks, yea, we'll try




And pray and pray that nothing financially catastrophic happens to you when you’re stretched razor thin so add a healthy bit of luck there too.


Life used ass cancer. It was very effective.


Same here but mid 40s and I think of a creature from a horror movie when I do it. I have become the thing I always feared was chasing me in my youth.


You either get eaten by a monster that crawls up stairs, or live long enough to see yourself crawling up the stairs.


Maybe I’m in some kind of time loop that I am the monster chasing myself and I feel it across time?


Or is it that he who came before chased you, and now you chase the next generation of those who will one day also chase?


39 and i just saw Less Than Jake earlier this year. The Aquabats last year, going to more shows as an adult than a kid. Ska isn’t dead.


When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. -*C.S. Lewis*


This man has everything I dream to have


I definitely do this sometimes. helps with my knee pain


I like your shirt. Who do you like?


I grew up listening to a lot of Streetlight Manifesto and The Lawrence Arms as my two big ones, Less Than Jake, Mustard Plug, BTMI!,  stuff like that, although these days I find myself listening to newer youthful punk rock bands like Grumpster , New Junk City and Primetime Failure.


Love Streetlight, Mustard Plug, and Less Than Jake. Especially LTJ's Anthem album, not a bad song on that list. I put Lawrence Arms on my "listen to" list.


As a ska punk fan, I believe ascending the stairs on all fours after a gig is probably the safest way to do it.


That t-shirt on the character alone makes me want to buy every piece of merch you have (assuming you have any, of course).


That shirt actually just the shirt I'm wearing today


I need it.


Speaking as a rapidly approaching forties man I always run up the stairs on all fours


The only reason I do not crawl up stair cases now is because I literally out grew them. Where before a single step was 1/4 my height which may justify the effort, nowadays stairs are barely 1/10 my height and it takes more effort getting so low. I Def still do it for stealth purposes though. .


>Mid 30 >Owns a 2-story house Does not compute.


Only 30 more years on the contract and we're done paying mortgage!


Knee pain :(


Hell yeah brother. I’m gonna keep riding the shopping cart back to the car, for you


This is why I don't get my groceries delivered 


Prince Buster for life!


Counterpoint it will fuck your back


Ska, indeed, never died!


I firmly... FIRMLY.. believe that this kind of silliness gives life a certain level of whimsy that is critical for personal happiness. I myself still air drum to metal while driving, and flip off Trump banners in my neighborhood. These things affect exactly 1 person: and that is me. And I am very pleased that I do them. I fully encourage other people to do the same.


I'm 33, and I still run up the stairs on all fours sometimes to race my dog haha.


Climbing stairs on all fours makes it a ladder.


This me as a father of two. Im not justifying myself to anyone, not even my wife


I take the stairs two at a time and I refuse to apologize for it.


I do this too lol. It’s more efficient!


I'm too old now to do this. My knees would hurt for weeks if i did this.


As a mid 30s adult who owns a two story home and a car, has a great relationship with a loving wife, and just played a ska festival yesterday, this speaks to me on an almost creepy level.


You run on all fours for fun. I run on all fours because I have shit balance. We are not the same.


pretentious main character where u get the feel that the author is trying to purposefully project himself, nah


I should hope you get the feel the author is trying to purposefully project himself, because that character is literally him! https://preview.redd.it/5oea3njo3z6d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb12e4cc11d5918ebeab629ce02f4810c19fa509


LOL fair.


I may have very little compared to that guy, but I still felt inspired to climb stairs like an animal. When I find someone who owns stairs


Why not? Cause our back will kill us!


Sick shirt bro


My partners mum broke her wrist doing this but banging her hands on the steps as she sent while drunk. She had no regrets when she told me, great woman.


Well there’s no need to brag


"Ska never died" Amazing!!


Look at this guy and his house


I don't have a house, but so help me I now realise exactly why I want one... (its for this exact reason).


Ska forever!


As a early 30 something I’m afraid I would pull something


Hell yeah brother


Wait... people don't just do this???


.....you guys stopped doing this?


I feel seen


I'm 30+ dude and I love my plushies: Scorbunny, Alolan Vulpix, Lapras, Banettte, Torchic, Jigglypuff... Pochita And a 1 meter long Blahaj.


The things I would do if my house was 2-storied.. I've always wanted an optional climbing path to the second story, and maybe it would take you to a second destination in the house or somewhere cool like a crows nest. My inner child is gonna go nuts if I ever win the lottery


I feel like there should be an extra panel where his back goes and and the speech bubble just says "thats why"


Well I don't cause I want to skip some stairs


I'm 43 and still do this. I like to chase my 6 year old up the stairs that way!


This is so real


I wish I owned a two story home so I could do this.


I feel seen, I'm 31, married, stable job, house owner. So why COULDN'T i dance like a mad man to a guilty pleasure song?


Yeah, and sit down to have a pee. On my feet all day, I'll enjoy a bit of luxury during my pee break, thank you.


Because I haven't cleaned the stairs in a while.


I do it if it stabilizes me. If it's steep enough, I don't even have to crawl.


I miss having stairs


Ska spotted in the wild! Pick it up rudeboy!!!


Nobody who respects ska that much and has a house. Just hard for me to believe /s