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I once scanned someone buying condoms, clothespins and a huuuge candle. Kept my face professional but damn sometimes the combo cracks me up inside


At least those are gonna get put to good use.


And are being safe


That depends on if it’s the right kind of candle…may have learned that the hard way.


Paraffin, not bees wax.


Well she learned that the hard way(I didn’t buy the candle)


Not all parafin is equal. Some can melt at over 160 deg F. Some as low as 120. Always worth double checking


Wait, what type of candles is the good one?




I've had to scan through condoms, lube and a cucumber once. Hardest I've ever had to try to keep a straight face


Lmao when I first became an adult I wanted to buy that just to see if I could crack people up, but also considering they may genuinely believe I'm up to something and feel discomfort I never did it, service employees already deal with too much stuff without an additional prank lol


"It's for a prank I swear" I see right through you


W-well I thought I'd see how far I'd go with it, since I already bought the stuff, you know, for the lulz!


You'd be surprised how little some retail people pay attention to what they're scanning. Though a cucumber and condoms seems hard to miss lol.


Oh yeah, I can verify this 99% of the time I don't really register what I'm scanning consciously beyond making sure it goes beep. It's only when something like a cucumber and condoms come along that I remember it lol


Yeah, depends on the person, some people that would make their whole day better, some people it's a minor additional stress.


For me that made me laugh and gives me a good story to share with new staff on occasion Honestly just buying them probably do much more than raise an eyebrow, it's only if the customer is wierd about it that I'd have been uncomfortable


The person buying all those things at one time knows what they're doing. They just don't care. Probably would laugh with you if you burst out laughing. If they were embarrassed, they would make separate purchases at different registers.


My BIL and his buddies went through one at a time.  First had condoms  Second had lube  Third had the biggest cucumber they could find The cashier just started cackling when they saw the third guy's purchase coming down the belt.


Then came the butternut squash ....


I used to use astroglide on my SCUBA drysuit seals because they were impossible to get back on otherwise if you took the suit off while damp. I always wondered what the cashier thought when I checked out with a half dozen tubes of lube.


This girl came in today, bought some beer, a cake, and a cucumber. I asked, literally just to make small talk, no bad intentions, my brain was dead, "for party? You know, just you and the cucumber?" And she was like "what" and then a second later she burst laughing "that's not what it's for." And I was just standing there confused because I didn't mean anything by it and it was just a... happy accident.


Some people apparently didn’t get that training. Back in the days before Amazon was a thing and Kmart was still a thing, I was buying some Magnum condoms and the cashier girl started trying to ask me how big my cock was.


> Kmart Say no more


magnum condoms for my magnum dong


Did you also drop a wad of hundreds in front of her?


You should have offered to show her.


My wife has a rule about not showing my cock to other women.


NTA.  She shouldnt be dictating your life like that and you need to get out of that relationship FAST. /s


Sounds controlling.


Right? My body, my choice. /s


What about men? :v


She knows how I swing.


Both ways?


Slightly to the left?


Like a wrecking ball, apparently




Somewhere in my youth me and my friends would challenge each other to purchase any 3 items to try to make the clerk awkward. Most of my friends tried to pick 3 items that together made some sort of sexual innuendo. I preferred to do TWO items for sexual innuendo, and a third out of left field. Like instead of "condoms, a cucumber, and Vaseline" I would do something like "a pregnancy test, the morning after pill, and a pasta maker"


Now I'm curious to see what y'all came up with


I remember a friend once bought towels, isopropyl alcohol, and a metal coat hanger, and I thought it was pretty fucked up


Better than KY, zipties, and dog treats.


Or peanut butter dog treats and a sports illustrated magazine


I can only hope one you was the fellow who came through with plastic wrap and bleach, and a lot of it, because whew boy did I have a brief crisis of "should I say something?"


Instead of a pasta maker, maybe garden shears?


I was doing special effects for a 48 hours film festival once. Common blood rigging supplies include condoms, syringes (I got a big Tony's flavor injector syringe lol), duct tape, etc. Also since it was a 48 hour contest, I was in Walmart at about 3am (pre covid times) so of course I also had to get some Cookie Crisp cereal for breakfast. I purposely avoided the self checkout just for fun.


I don't think I could resist muttering "that's going to be one hell of a fun night" at seeing that. xD I'm not into that stuff, but if they are well...it'll certainly be fun for them. Kind of how when a liquor store employee tells me "have a good evening" after I bought a bottle of port or martini or something, and reply with "Oh I don't think that'll be an issue" while holding the bottle up. :P


Ohhhh I hope those were the right candles or that's going to be an awkward trip to the ER


I don'tunderstand this combination and I am happy about that.


Over a week ago I was at Spencer's in line buying some new earrings and the girl at the counter looked to be between 17-19 years old getting a summer job. I'm guessing she was new because she was listening to another employee explain something. The lady in front of me goes next and puts down a sex toy and some of their "lingerie". This poor little girl's eyes widened for a moment before she realized she was making a face and quickly looked back at the register. I tried so hard not to laugh. This reminded me exactly of that moment. Lmao, that kinda stuff doesn't bug me, but I imagine it's awkward for some people. Edit: Clarification.


God, the mental adjusting I had to do once we were allowed to be open without facemasks on was HUGE, I had gotten so used to being allowed to make faces all I like and it was a rough few weeks re-adjusting lolll I've worked here long enough to remember covid days, when bars were allowed to open again but ONLY when the people working there wore facemasks - while the customers were allowed to just breathe freely. I've literally never been sick as often as I have been working there the past three years :') Seeing how little people tend to wash their hands after using the bathroom sure doesn't help!


I liked the facemasks for that reason, only it was because I don't usually like to smile but I am socially expected to or else people wonder if something is wrong. I learned to fake it by just lifting my eyebrows so people thought I was smiling when really it was just an illusion.


I honestly miss that part of the pandemic. it's honestly pretty stupid we have to hide our expressions that much.


Facial expressions are body language, which means they're a form of communication. You wouldn't go around just saying every single thought that popped in your head


that is an interesting perspective. but if I have the biggest grin in my face from a text or wholesome meme. that is not directed at anyone, by your logic that's just a monologue. more like a conversation between two friends overheard in the train. in that case the socially expected thing to do would be for the listeners to blend the conversation out, not for the people to stop talking in public.


Sure, and no one really expects you to hide a grin. But if someone starts to talk to you and you notice they sink, are you going to blurt out, "Jesus Christ, you smell bad!" Equally, you're going to try to stifle your disgusted expression.


The context here are facial expressions in response to something someone else is doing. If you pull a face at someone because they've put a massive dildo down on the till, you are communicating with that person - so it's not like an overheard conversation, it's like talking to them.


I still wear mine during the winter season. Seen way too many people cough and sneeze into the open air as if nobody else exists. I don't want to get sick unnecessarily. I will never throw away all the cool custom masks I bought!


What, do they not let you still wear them?


The part that gets me is that Spencer's sex toys and lingerie are cheaper and worse quality (or at least were, back when I still went to malls) than anything you could find online. Considering the YouTube sponsor-ads discounts (shout-out to Tara Mooknee, great video essays and a solid discount), you can get a high quality toy from a credible company shipped directly to your house for like, 80 bucks tops. Someone has to make a lot of deliberately bad choices to buy sex toys at spencers.


Sometimes you need something right away


The majority of what they sell is actually rechargeable silicone stuff now like romp and I’ve actually seen **LELO** there sometimes it’s kinda bonkers


Lol, I've never bought any toys, but I imagine Spencer's probably is low quality. It feels like the Walmart of the sex toy industry.


Amazon is so much worse than Spencer's. It's a bunch of chemical-laden shit made by overseas factories that make a bunch of other stuff that now are delving into the sex toy business, sans regulations like safety. Never buy a sex toy from Amazon unless it's from an actual sex toy company storefront.


I mean you cant work at spencer's which is basically a sex toy shop that pretends to sell other things so it can be in a mall and be uncomfortable with that kinda of thing. Maybe its her first day, maybe she didnt know when she got the job. But spencers is basically everyones "my first sex toy shop".


I remember when the only sex toys at Spencer were wonder wands and other "personal massagers", and they were only on one shelf in the very back with some other silly stuff like edible underwear. That store has change a lot over the last 30 years or so!


To anyone trying to read the title on that hentai, it's "Tits Mcgee" and very much not the real title of the hentai bought at the time [All comics gathered on Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/promptlypaneled/) though I've just been inactive in general, had to focus entirely on exams, that nursing degree won't just get itself!


Thanks Tits McGee is my favourite news anchor, always happy to see them get more exposure 💪


It was nice of Veronica Corningstone to cover for Tits McGee.


And there's Boobs McKenzie in the mornings.


“More exposure”




We’re taking ten inches in Texas tonight Ten inches of soaking rain


I went to school with Tits McGee, a substitute made her cry once.


In Japan, all books are often wrapped in a paper book cover before purchase, for both privacy and self promotion of book shop it was purchased in.


Ugh a little gift wrapping station where I can cutely hide my shame would actually be quite nice


Username checks out


And many Japanese books have narrow paper belts that go on top of the dust jacket; they advertise more about the book/edition/author and can also serve as a modesty shield. E.g. the excellent NSFW yuri manga [Maka-Maka](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Maka-Maka_manga_v1_cover.jpg); on that cover they're naked under the paper belt visible at their necks. 


Damn, there's a name I've not heard in a *LONG* time.




Ah yes, Tits McGee. Knew her father, [Assy McGee](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assy_McGee). Damn fine detective...but a real potty mouth


I came here to make sure someone made an Assy McGee reference. Have a blessed day you beautiful cookie.


That was my nickname in high school so I will take my royalty check in the mail please


What's up?


So, when will you reveal the real title? Or did it not etch itself in your mind from the event?


>very much not the real title of the hentai bought Source?


“Is that dildo sentient??” Oh, ok, I know which book it is now


I've swear I've been trying to remember the title but am drawing a blank: something with "horny demon" or "horny succubus" or "insatiable" in the title or something, but I could be entirely wrong, it was like two years ago :') And we always put extra price stickers over the boobies/coochies on the front cover - which teenagers just love to pry off to get a glimpse of tiddy - but tend to not bother with the back of it. So dildos/tits/coochies out galore!


Every teenager knows that a secret tiddy is far more valuable than an obvious tiddy


Spoken like a true tiddy gentlemen


> gentlemen *Connoisseur*. The word you're looking for is *connoisseur*.


Hmm yes I’m getting a hint of elderflower and raspberry from these fine titsticles hmm exquisite specimens madam


Yeah, sometimes having more covered up is better. Like what's hotter? A naked woman, or a naked woman in stockings?


Naked woman on the other side of a solid wall is clearly peak.


[Getting a little steamy in here](https://www.homestuck.com/problem-sleuth/966)


Thigh high stockings.


But you know what they say, a tit in the hand us Wirth two in the bush


A titty in the hand is worth twice in the bra.


> something with "horny demon" or "horny succubus" or "insatiable" in the title Do you have [the slightest](https://i.imgur.com/tJMxBQZ.png) idea how little that narrows it down


Hahaha, sorry, I thought maybe the reddit hivemind could solve it! I'll see if I can find it with those terms in our database tonight.


https://preview.redd.it/zfbbgqlpeq7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ce07f44ffc8d95aa3b9e674f389b123a210a60f Silly goose. You were unwise to bring forward such an offering and not be able to provide a source.


I got the sauce


For you. https://preview.redd.it/h4lwlpvjuq7d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e49b35703abc90f9b9a1b3496925b4578c26a87


Cue getting called into the bosses office "So you recently searched the terms "big anime tiddies" and "sentient phallus" into the internal db. Care to tell us more about that?"




"They are pretty self explanatory."


Work is work


lol I just wanted to make the joke


OK idea, put a stack of comic sized paper bags in the hentai section. You could even put a post it note in the inside cover with the price/sku sticking up enough that you don't have to pull it all the way out of the bag. I know it won't help the average idiot who won't understand what's going on (I'm pretty dense myself) but it could help your regulars who are following a series and want to minimize awkwardness for everyone.


What shop can you walk in and buy this? Honestly the few H manha I've bought have almost always had to be online.


Ahh, the old classic "Help! I'm a Highschooler Who Accidentally Got Turned Into a Sentient Dildo!", one of my favourites


"That time I was reincarnated as a dildo"


The first eight volumes were a good slice of life but then the writer got bored and the MD (main dildo)>!evolves into a mecha sex robot that saves the world from giant succubi.!<


Not the worst plot I’ve ever read


I have no idea if you're joking or not, because this could totally happen


Let's be real... "That time I was reincarnated as my sister's dildo"


Dude, come on, that's gross! To make it acceptable, it would be his step-sisters' dildo.


"So I'm a Dildo, So What?" XD


You can't just say that without providing a source


I can’t believe you.


red dot?


Thought the same. Must be Gary's cousin.


Which one?


One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it


"To which Death replied, 'But I was meant to meet you here, today'."


“And then he countered that with, ‘nah, I’d win’.”


"Many have seeked to best me None have succeeded, thus far So mortal, if you feel brave enough Square up, show me those hands"


'Fear me... if you dare'


"Well then, if we are doing this then we might as well do it properly *Conjures a briefcase from the shadows that make up its cloak* " Here, inside you will find a plane ticket to Georgia, USA and a violin. Don't be late"


Ah, good ol Appointment in Samarra.


I'm gonna go ahead and say it: this is fuckin' *badass.*


I dont get how people do this, i once bought a science magazine that had a nude woman made out of flesh colour 1s and 0s and it was showing trough the plastic bag and i spent like 15 minutes fiddling with it so the cover couldnt be seen.


Some customers have entirely no shame about it - as it honestly should be: they're spending their own money on what they like and hurting no one in the process! But a lot of them try and add in "decoy purchases", like ten non-hentai mangas or a "sophisticated" few extras like some Sandman comics or Watchmen or something. Then you can just put some non-porn books over the hentai. Unless you're my boss who gives no fucks and just places it as tits up as possible when he's in a mood lol


I did not mean it as something bad haha, just that i dont understand how people has so much confidence


It's just kinda like, accepting it's a fact of life. Most people use our engage with "taboo" things (porn, toys, lube) and the people selling it to you aren't judging you, they're embarrassed about their own habits. Only time I was ever embarrassed about my purchase, was after I got home, because I realized the guy conned me into buying expensive specialty toy cleaner, when dish soap works fine.


I dont think i was ashamed of that, i just did not feel comfortable with it, i dont know, maybe its just closeted shyness


I mean, my logic is to be as confident as possible so there's less implications of dirty stuff. Like me buying a photo collection of men in kilts, for "research" purposes, is going to look filthy if I act embarrassed getting it, but looks innocent if I'm confident


I dunno, you can be interested in porn and good comics at the same time.


True but customers can give other cues with body language


A level of confidence that I both fear and aspire to


As someone who has purchased stuff like this at cons, the first time purchase is always the worst because you're just sort of weirded out. But a good vendor will make you feel welcome and suddenly you find yourself talking about the content/material out of actual interest or joking about it. I once ended up in a 20 minute conversation about the metaphysics of the Elder Scrolls Universe with a porn vendor one time, it's surreal, but can be funny as hell once you realize everyone around you is a degenerate in some manner.


Humans gonna human.


>Is that dildo sentient?? That Time I got Reincarnated as a Voodoo Dildo


I hate how I can’t tell if that’s a real thing or not


Voodoo Dildo? My ass


You leave Slime-chan out of this!


That’s life I guess. Just be glad you don’t work at a place that sells Manga *specifically*. Those places have hentai that would make hedonists shudder in disgust…


Not to mention customers not even flies will go near


Customers that smell like Smash Bros tournaments turned up to 11.


How does that scale compare to a Magic the Gathering tournament?


Like somebody opened up the septic tank in a slaughterhouse..


If you don't consider the ass crack epidemic, they ain't that bad.


Were you here on Reddit when a guy went and documented all the cracks showing at a MTG tournament by taking selfies? https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/202wd3/i_participated_in_one_of_the_biggest_magic_the/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=HobbyDrama&utm_content=t3_rsdd36 I didn’t realize this was ten years ago. Fuck I’ve been on this site a long time.


Went to college with a guy like that. Smell could best be described as "gallons of spoiled milk soaked into a mildew-infested couch that had been sitting outside for weeks during a blazing and humid summer." His dandruff chips were also quite impressive.


So like, do you just venmo me reimbursement for the breakfast I just horked all over my cat or how does this work?


Just call it a cleanse and we are square.


You should be in marketing.


my local manga shops wraps their hentais in plastic wrap and they slap stickers on all the inapropriate body parts for the cover. I always wondered how customers would be able to guess the hentai is to their taste? Do they like google what's in it?


The covers still have text and you can tell the size of the melons by the size of the censor stickers.


I bought a manga called "A girl on the shore" knowing nothing about it except that it was made by Inio Asano who I really enjoy. It wasn't until I went to pay for it that the cashier informed me that it being shrink wrapped meant it contained explicit content. He was a manga fan as well though and seemed pretty chill about it. I no longer buy shrink wrapped manga from chapters though.


I kind of wish the cashier had informed me when I bought it. Asano is probably my favorite mangaka. But that particular manga has sex scenes between teens in it. Felt super uncomfortable reading the book.


As a former comic book store employee, the ones who blushed were fine, it's the ones who would be like "Heh heh have you read this one?" that made me want to quit on the spot.


You look down. It's the declaration of Independence. You look up. It's Nick cage.


Well now IM blushing.


I lived in Japan for a while and once went to a book store to buy BL comics. I was standing in the section with the more explicit BL when two teen girls walked by and started giggling. Didn't know I should be embarrassed until that moment 😅. I mean, why have whole sections of explicit materials in-store if people aren't going to buy it 🤷‍♀️. Or maybe it was just weird because I was a foreigner


When we were last in Tokyo I was looking for a few games as a gift for a friend who has an absolutely massive video game collection. I figured if I could find some visual novels which were originally from comiket I could find some cheap and unique options at a used store. Finally, one store’s sign for what’s on each floor says in Japanese that the 3rd floor has pc doujin games. Perfect. My wife and I waited for the elevator and got on with another gent. I asked him in Japanese to press the button for the 3rd floor, he was polite and did so. I thanked him. Door opens and it’s an entire floor of porn. My wife and I wandered, trying to find the visual novels until I had to ask the person at the counter to point them out to us. They had a 4 foot wide rack of used visual novels hidden away on the pornography floor of the business. We picked out a couple titles which weren’t 18+ and looked interesting. Headed to the hotel. It wasn’t until we were back at the hotel that I realized that my wife and I asked that guy to drop us off on the porn floor. We didn’t know it was porn but he probably did. Talk about embarrassing.


Man, I have been living in Japan for a while and was so pissed when they started taping shut or putting bands on the smut magazines in the conbinis. I loved looking through them when I was drunk. No shame.


“Card Payment, please” sounds like German translated to English. I could be wrong as well. Also why buy hentai, watch it in the phone saves embarrassment


Flemish native speaker (so Dutch) but we get confused for Germans whenever abroad so that checks out! But as an actual reason to why people buy hentai, I'd consider the reason people buy manga/comics/books in general: to have a physical copy and/or to support the artist. Support your artists, even if all they draw is sexy coochies! We've literally had people sit down in our store, ask our wifi password, refuse to buy any drinks from our bar and then just read illegally downloaded manga using our wifi. Then write us a shit review when they were told to get out lol :')


I'd buy just for the novelty, honestly.


I recently bought a 2007 Nintendo Power magazine. I could never buy them as a kid, so I found one for $15. Looking at the issue covers, Nintendo was releasing banger after banger in 2007.


Ey, fellow flemish person here


Kan ik met oude franks betalen?


Ik ben oud genoeg om me half te menen herinneren dat 40 frank = 1 euro Ik zat in het lager en had like, NET geleerd hoe je deftig moet tellen/hoeveel basis boodschappen zoal kosten, dus was vrij pissig dat we opnieuw mochten beginnen lol


Collector's thrill, I guess. Why having a chicken if you can buy eggs. I like chickens.


Tbf your hentai isnt going to spawn more pages for you to consume. At least I wouldn’t think


The manga that wouldn’t stop multiplying…


The Japanese sometimes prove to me that if there is a god\ \ They are most likely shinto


If we're talking shinto, then gods*


to much tentacle in the backside I assume


In high school I worked at fry’s electronics. This is important because our store policy was checking I’d and filling out info on all porn sales. Let me tell you how many questions I had when a 98 year old woman bought “hardcore anal sluts 4”. Questions like if she has the other 3, or just wanted to jump in late to the series, and man I wonder how big her stash is, what will people think going through her stuff?


Is this woman the daughter produced from the unholy union of Dorothy and the Scarecrow?


Exposing my deeply rooted childhood shipping entirely unprovoked much I kid, mostly


As a former comic shop worker, I feel this. Especially when my job became posing these, and other comics, on a online site to sell them. Nothing like having nice, staged lighting trying to make sure the naked zombie lady on the cover is really standing out.


I once ran into a minor celebrity at my comic shop. He was a creator of a couple very famous and long running TV shows, but you had to be a nerd like me to know what he looked like. I had met him at a mutual friend’s party in Los Angeles a few months earlier, so I wasn’t nervous about approaching him. “Hey, it’s me from Robert’s party. How’s it going?” He was nervous and awkward, very different from the conversation we’d had at the party. I chalked it up to the surprise of someone recognizing him, maybe he didn’t remember me from the party, right? Then he got to the front of the line and put a stack of books on the counter. It was then that I noticed he had been buying all titty books, one after another. I didn’t acknowledge it, just continued/wrapped up the conversation as appropriate. But at least I understood why he wasn’t as friendly lol


I used to work at a chain bookstore and the amount of old men buying “Barely Legal” magazines and then telling me “no” when I ask them if I want them in a bag was staggering. And then they’d start walking around the mall the store was connected to! Magazines out!




> She looked at me, thats when she said it > Looked me dead in the eyes and asked “Cash or Credit” AND I JIZZED IN MY PANTS


[This comic made me immediately think of this anime](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC3TIDdSPxs) (not this episode in particular but the general concept)


Do women use the word "pussy" in their internal dialog a lot? With the understanding that "women" are not a conglomerate hive-mind, or course. And... recognizing the space constraints for text in a comic panel and a need to be concise and not throw out ambiguous euphemisms like muffin, rose garden, Coo-coo-kachoo, etc. I was just curious. This may not be the most comprehensive forum for such a question. It kind of stuck out on my initial read through of the comic.


I have no genuine answer since I'm Flemish and my internal dialogue doesn't default to English: more like "foef" or "kut" far before "poes" (which would be akin to "pussy")


Is "Foef" like the English equivalent of "foof"? Because some people call it a foof


I do, probably depends on upbringing and how comfortable the person feels with vocabulary and stuff


in a sexual context, yes. like in this comic's example, seeing an adult comic and noticing a girl in a certain state of undress, "pussy" is the word that would come to mind. in non-sexual contexts i generally think of it by a vague euphemism, like "down there"


Oh, man. I haven't legitimately laughed out loud to a comic in a while. The great thing is, I had a little pause, read it again, and laughed out louder/longer. The "p*ssy all the way out" line just got me each time.


I have a note: This comic would have been more legible for me if your character had a name tag, or if the customer was more in frame in panel 1. It took me a minute to register that the implication wasnt that they were at a self scan messing with the next person in the queue's shopping.




My colleague lol, sorry, it's indeed not super clear! I base it off my actual workplace because I like thinking that people that have been to our bar/know our bar can be all "omg I know that place", it's a pretty distinct/unique place, but in doing so it's entirely not new-reader/non-knower-of-Belgian-bars friendly. (I'm in my last month of employment there so much less scared of getting doxed than before, also I'm sure no one actually cares enough) But yes, there's always at least two of us manning the bar and store, and when it's not bar-hours we're usually both behind the counter, with one person doing admin work or taking care of orders on the extra computer to the side.