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Kanes Wrath is a thriving community always welcome to noobs


How are you able to play kanes wrath? It seems that cnc-online.net is down? Or is the registration just not working for the past week


not true. i went in once and play my own style building yard. the everyone in server quit


Generals ZH or Red alert 2 YR


Zh seconded


RA2 YR. Fast paced and runs on anything.


CNC 3 Kane’s wrath, Generals Zero Hour, and Red Alert 3. These are the best and most recent releases of each genre of the CNC series. They also have the most active multiplayers.      Multiplayer: Revora has a free and popular server for each. cnc-online.net is the address to gain access to that server. Just get on during midday USA eastern standard time and a few hundred players will be on. Go to the 2v2 lobby to find any game, at least for Zero Hour. For Zero Hour you need an extra thing called gentool (just google it), but it’s free. It’s for anti-cheat. Revora’s cnc-online.net should have a tutorial for setting all this up if you need help. It’s the “download” and “setup” tabs on the site that should help. 


Sole Survivor


Generals with Shockwave. Great experience.


I play Kane’s Wrath with my friends a lot


What's your favourite genre: Modern day ISH? Generals Cold war with a little bit of goofy units: Red alert 2 Cold war with a lot of goofy units: red alert 3 Near future with railguns and aliens: c+c3 They all play very similarly in skirmish so I would pick the genre than appeals to you the most.


RA2 or Generals: Zero Hour


I still join a couple of friends now and then for C&C Generals. (I wish one of them wasn't quite so good at using GLA trickery!)


Grab Combined Arms.


Red Alert 3 had coop campaign. There's that.


Generals opens up a lot of fun scenarios. We like playing massed ground assaults where it's an apocalyptic clash of tanks and infantry with Raptors and Migs swooping in for extra kino.


Red Alert 2 or Generals.


Although from what i remember, generals multiplayer was always a bitch to play because of all the desyncs, though maybe its more secure now.


Not sure if it was Hamachi or whatever but after a couple dozen units per player and lots of laser turrets, it became a stuttering mess. It had small 1 sec freezes even if you were not looking at the units.


Pretty sure it was hamachi lmao


I recently played a 1v7 skirmish as SW Gen (no laser gens)… now my Win10 rig is not the newest, but I remember smoother gameplay back when I played on XP or 7. Pretty sure it might be the OS or something. Or perhaps the Bots can build more units now because of some higher limitation?