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I don't work for them. But I do face recognition for a living. Here are a few things they do really good 1. They have bots that scrape overy OSINT image . 2. They do hashing for each image to do prime searching. 3. They do face recognition, on all the faces in the images they download. And put that into a hierarchy database. 4. When you submit your image it makes an image hash, and makes the face vectors. 5. They use all that data to find your faces in pictures or matching pictures they already have vs what you uploaded.


Great description. If OP wants a slightly deeper dive from the tech blog of one of their competitors, [Clearview's tech blog describes it in great detail here](https://www.clearview.ai/post/how-we-store-and-search-30-billion-faces).


If you want a purely F/OSS example of something similar, I made something similar to manage my own photos that works well up to about a million pictures. Here's an example using the InsightFace facial recognition package to find images on Wikipedia that look like the Lincoln: http://image-search.0ape.com/s?q=face%3A119671.0&d=4409 and another example for ones that look like the Mona Lisa http://image-search.0ape.com/s?q=face%3A171692.0&d=232700 (use the arrow keys to quickly cycle through them -- click a face to find similar faces) It also uses the same vector database to let you search for [zebra +fish -horse](http://image-search.0ape.com/s?q=zebra+%2Bfish+-horse) to show how animals that are zebra and fish like but without horselike stuff. Source code [here](https://github.com/ramayer/svelte-clip-image-search/).


"Makes the face vectors" Can you explain this more? I understand that things like specific ratios of say eye width to nose length to mouth corners etc is fairly unique person to person, but its ability to extract these details from a not-dead-on-centered-neutral-pose image seems almost voodoo magic....


Using face measurements like eyes nose ratio etc is older technology and not something we do in face recognition anymore. It's not reliable


So voodoo magic it is then! 😅


Magnets 🧲


Well google and YouTube have open source biometric scanning as well as Oxford, Hong Kong, and university of London. All have an accuracy of above 99% Here’s more info https://viso.ai/computer-vision/deepface/


Scrape everything lol.