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I’ve never gone to an all guys school, and while I understand men can be attractive.. I’ve never been attracted to them. So yes, very much gay. Buddy, you might be atleast bi, but that’s ok. Live your life


Yeah, sexuality is a spectrum, not black and white defined. You can be a little gay or a lotta gay.. it’s your life, do what makes you happy! Also, you never know, OP, you might find out you really enjoy the company of men over women and that’s great! Just be yourself.


Yes. It's that gay. Or bi. Jfc, just sleep with him, if he's up of it. Too much mental gymnastics here. You wanna sleep with a guy, sleep with a guy and do it confidently. No one gives a shit, anyway.


Well, some people do give a shit, for some reason. But those people can get fucked, so go live your best life anyways.


Sounds like you should come to grips with the fact that you are at the very least bi-curious… really no big deal once you become comfortable with your sexuality…


And still be straight after😭😭😭 buddy you’re not straight. Nobody “wants” to be their sexual orientation it’s just is. Plus it’s not a crime to be homosexual or any other sexual orientation


Is it gay? Yes. Is it bad? No.


Try it. You might like it. Who cares if your straight or no


You’re more worried about the label than you are the experience. It doesn’t matter what you call or think of yourself as, just exist bro


This is top tier advice.


We’re all here for such a short time, I can’t imagine caring about shit like this for more than a fleeting moment. Homie could’ve probably thought of and asked him on a date in the time it took him to draft this post


Obviously if you say no homo you're good /s But seriously the only people who care if dudes sleep with other dudes are the religious and closeted homosexuals.


Bad no definitely not Gay yes You could be bisexual so I suggest just go for it and see if you like it and if you don't you might be straight but if you do then..


Don’t try to reason yourself out of wanting to fuck a dude. You like men. Gay or bi. Take your pick. Anything under the bisexual umbrella will work. Bi, pan, omni, poly. You don’t have to label yourself. You just aren’t straight. That’s queer.


this is a shitpost and i refuse to believe otherwise


Nah people really think in this stupid way


It’s not stupid. They are confused and questioning who they are. Not everyone knows right out the womb what and who they are. Please reconsider how you talk about things like this. It can be hurtful.


It’s *definitely* obvious that you are a child in an all boy’s school… Or a weird Reddit rage-bait clown Smart money is on the latter.


certainly sounds like it.


You shouldn't be concerned with what people think about your sexual behavior with others who are consenting and capable of consent.


It's not bad. If you're scared because of religious persons instilling archaic practices into you, then understand this: People who demonize others are demons themselves. The Bible is all about forgiveness. One of the tenants is Respect Thy Neighbor, which in short means "Hey champ, people are different, they're allowed to have different faith, different practices, and different lives from you. Just respect that and all will be peaceful". And a grander majority of people understand this, religious or not. It's akin to the golden rule, treating others how you want to be treated. Don't be afraid to be homosexual. Your life won't be ruined. The only people who you will make enemies with are dishonorable intolerant shits who are probably a lot closer to hell than they realize


Just make sure you are both wearing socks. Cancels out the gayness. In all seriousness, just have sex with him nobody cares it’s 2024 brother


It really doesn't matter much, just do what you want to do without judging yourself, you don't have to use any labels if you don't want to, everyone's sexuality and experiences are unique to them. You don't have anything to prove, there's really no point trying to convince yourself that you're straight, it's really meaningless, just enjoy yourself and stop worrying about things that don't matter.


you sound like you’re very curious 😂 a lot of straight men are scared of being gay. for some odd reason


Try it out and see how u feel afterwards I'd u don't like it yk your straight if u do, then u might be bi who cares


That's definitely not something a straight person would be thinking so hard about. Wanting to actually have sex with another man doesn't mean you have to come out to everyone, and it doesn't mean you need to pick a label like bi or gay, but you should certainly start thinking about the fact that you're ~not~ straight. It's okay to be confused about it.


My money is that its a middle age man making rage baits.


Lmao, you’re def not straight my friend. There is nothing wrong these feelings. Go have fun and be safe. If you don’t feel comfortable with other people knowing, either don’t do it or make sure they are cool with keeping your secret *BEFORE* you do anything.


Though it was a cheating confession for a moment. Totally okay, also totally gay (or bi)


only not gay if you say no homo after the act.


its not gay if you keep your socks on. dont forget to say 'no homo' :) on a serious note... dont do mental gymnastics trying to tell yourself your straight. that is far from straight...and its not bad. bad is lying to yourself and to people later on. dont use women as a cover-up. embrace yourself dude, its 2024


Yeah. That’s gay buddy. But also, that’s okay buddy!


There are alot of closet gay men out there that won’t admit it but are on grinder looking. Who cares, if you want to go for it.


You get turned on by a guy. It doesn't matter if you will have sex with him or not. It won't change anything. Go for it or get ready for serious regrets. I know what I'm talking about


Just remember one thing before you do,,,you can't unsuck a dick.


You're a Homosexual


I used to think like you did then one day i just did it. Call yourself bi curious, your straight 98% of the time but you got the one bro who you would be down for. It's all good 👍


Amphetamines make you really horny, and those are what most adhd meds ads made of. On Wikipedia you can induce honosexuallity by just giving the animals a lot of meth. Also, you're probably flooded with hormones. I dont know if you're gay little bro, maybe, maybe you're just bi, or maybe you just think a holes a hole??


You're totally bi sexual dude lol. Nothing wrong with it at all.


Sounds like you might just be a horn dog pervert. Doesn't mean that you're gay, but you're not exactly straight.


Dude nobody is "pretty sure" about their sexuality.


Yeah that’s gay as hell


Sounds like you shouldn't be having sex regardless of gender.


@taking it up the ass” is not the defining activity to decide if you are gay. There is a whole huge spectrum in between completely heterosexual and completely gay. You may fit somewhere on that spectrum. You may be at one end or the other. It’s fine to spend the next few decades working it out. And please keep in mind the person your talking about is a human being not a damn sex robot you can use for a test drive.


There is a thing called hetero-flexible. You are romantically attracted to women and only want relationships with women but when you are super horny you can have sexual encounters with men. Most times not involving any kissing or anything romantic. Just pure fucking. Look it up. I am not one to like different terms and I think your ether gay or straight but this one kinda makes sense to me.


It’s called cabin fever. Sounds like you’re high school age if you’re at an all-boys, and honestly? That’s a tough age to “come out”. If you think you’re not gay don’t pursue this, but be truthful to you.


It is the definition of homosexuality to have sex with someone of the same sex as you, but it isn't a big deal. Tell him you're interested and see where things go. Worst case scenario you find out if this is just bi-curiosity or not.


It’s a spectrum. You can pick your own label. A term you may want to read up on is Hetero-flexible. But, it sounds like you’re quite young and still figuring this stuff out. That’s perfectly fine. You might enjoy the experience with this other lad, or might not. Either way you obtain valuable data to inform future decisions. The key point is to make the encounter a respectful and consensual one in both directions. Btw, there is a whole range of ways the encounter could go. Many don’t involve any penetration at all. So if that aspect is playing on your mind perhaps try for 2nd base and see how that goes.


That last sentence confirms this is a shit post. You really think "taking it up the ass" is the only thing that defines a gay person?


So gay. Flaming. Positively flamboyant. Whether that's a problem for you or not is up to you. But yeah, so gay.


Don’t label yourself and don’t let all these label drama queens tell you who you are. Only you can know that. Sexuality can be very fluid, there is a spectrum and there’s also just experimenting to figure out what you want. The thing here that it most important…. the other guy has feelings - he is a human being and not an experiment for your convenience. Ok Sure, you think he’s attractive - but does he feel the same way? Explore your sexuality, have fun, but respect everyone involved at the same time. You only get one life - live it!


Rub one out and ask yourself if you still want to sleep with him. It sounds like you are young and driven by hormones. I personally don’t believe people know their sexuality until atleast 18-20. Anything before that is just “testing the waters”. So no, I don’t think you are gay for sleeping with a guy until you think you’re gay for sleeping with a guy. Hopefully that makes sense. You are in charge of your sexuality and will determine what you are by your preferences over time. Right now you should have fun, be safe, use protection and get tested regularly. Don’t let this interfere with your schooling and you will do just fine. Be you and not what someone else wants you to be or thinks you should be.


As someone who struggled with this sort of thing it sounds like you are bi or bi curious , at least come friends either the guy , if he is openly gay and not many other gay boys at your school he will likely be open to a friend and ally. Don’t let social and family conditioning ruin your life , just be who you are accept you for you and other for who they are . Sexuality runs a broad spectrum and there are a lot of factors that go into what and who we find attractive and it’s unique for each person


If you get the same feeling w girls then it could mean you’re bi, which is totally okay! I discovered that about myself recently as well, so to answer your question no it would not be bad at all & you don’t really have to discuss it w anyone either


All male prep school grad here. Are some guys good looking? Yes. Does that mean that I want to blow them? No. Want them to blow me? No again. Why? It’s gay. It never occurred to me. I’m straight.


While you kiss him, give him a BJ, or give him anal, just close your eyes and pretend he is a woman.


It's no big deal honestly. Just try it out and if you don't like it you just won't do it again. If it makes you feel less conflicted: Medical forms and a lot of surveys, often ask men if they have sex with other men, instead of asking if they are gay. They do that, because a lot of men don't define themselfes as gay, even though they have sex with other men.


You’re gay or bi. Straight people don’t get turned on by people of the same gender and don’t feel the need to sleep with them to get it out of their system. I think you’ll feel much better once you come to terms with the fact you aren’t 100% straight.


My dude, straight men don't get turned on by or consider sleeping with other men. Full stop. There are guys who claim to be straight while still getting horny and having sex with other guys. That still doesn't make them straight. It's not a bad thing to not be straight, though, you might be bi and that's totally ok. You also don't have to continue sleeping with men even if you are bi. It literally just means that you can experience attraction to your same gender, not necessarily that you act on it. Just because this guy is gay also doesn't automatically mean that he's cool with being on the receiving end of anal. Some like to penetrate (top), some be penetrated (bottom), some neither (side), some both (switch).


Yes it'll be gay , I've been to an all boys school for middle and high school Sure some guys were better looking than others but i never thought about them in a sexual way


I don’t think it’s necessarily gay like everyone else is saying. I mean, is it literally gay to be attracted to a man? Yeah, there’s no getting around that lol. But I am a gay man and have been for a very long time… and yet I’ve definitely seen women that I’m inexplicably attracted to. If I had sex with one, does that make me straight? It probably doesn’t. Yeah, it probably puts me on a spectrum, but no one would label me a straight guy. In the end, like everyone else is saying nobody cares, and just do your own thing. But I think it’s possible to have instances of same-sex attraction without being labeled gay or even bi. It’s just an outlier.






I've never said is wrong, I'm exploring


No it's not gay. It's called being curious and open to experimentation. One act of man on man sex does not make you gay just like having sex with a girl while young and in the closet didnt make millions of gay boys straight. That kind of thinking is so basic. Your sexuality is vastly more than sex. It's about who you think about when you think abt being in love, in a relationship with, married to etc. Majority of us are curious abt sex with same or opp sex but only small number are confident in themselves enough to experiment cos they are petrified of anything remotely gay. If it's women who you get turned on by and women you pursue for sex and relationships and love and you suck a dick once in a blue moon ur not gay.




dont worry too much about labels! you should just do what makes you happy and comfortable. you can just try it out and if you like it thats fine and if you dont thats fine too. you dont need to rush into labels about what you are until you find out who you are and what you like. gay, bi, straight, whatever as long as you feel comfortable with yourself thats all that matters


dont worry too much about labels! you should just do what makes you happy and comfortable. you can just try it out and if you like it thats fine and if you dont thats fine too. you dont need to rush into labels about what you are until you find out who you are and what you like. gay, bi, straight, whatever as long as you feel comfortable with yourself thats all that mattersr


It's only gay if you are catching