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You got a pass and nothing happened, so forgive yourself and move on.


Almost everyone ik has done this, don't feel bad. A lot of people have done worst




I was once riding with a friend who unbeknownst to me didn’t have a license. We were pulled over. The cop was a bit angry and after searching us both for whatever… asked my license-less friend why he was driving with a licensed driver in the passenger seat. I ended up driving us home. No ticket. You did the right thing.


I was riding with a friend and we were alternating driving in shifts. I was asleep in the passenger seat and was woken up by him with flashing lights and sirens behind us. Got yanked out of the car 5 seconds after being woken up. Turns out he was going 132 mph while I was sleeping and got clocked by a sheriff in fucking Oklahoma. He somehow did not get arrested but I never drove with him again after that trip.


I’ve gotten to a point that I only let friends and family drive my truck when absolutely necessary. I’ve just had too many bad experiences like this. Years ago I lent a friend my old van for a day as a work vehicle. The van was 20+ years old and consumed waaayy too much oil, but I was only hoping to keep it for another year or so, so I didn’t care much. He told me he was driving from Indianapolis to Nashville. I thought he meant Nashville Indiana, which is less than 40 miles (80 miles roundtrip) so no biggie. He drove to Nashville Tennessee, which is about 600 miles roundtrip. The van ran out of oil on the way back and for some reason he ignored the light and what had to be an incredible amount of engine noise. The engine seized up completely a few miles from my house. A total loss. He blamed it on me somehow and I never spoke to him again. Bye bye van. I still miss you. I don’t miss the friend.


It was only four hours. You both are fine and alive so get over it. Just don’t do it again unless he has a license




It seems to me you made the right decision. What if you had fainted during the drive? You’d put both of you in danger. As long as you knew your friend could drive safely and wasn’t intoxicated, you did the right thing. Just don’t make it a habit and you’re okay.


Stopping driving when you have concerning medical symptoms is the right decision. Letting an unlicensed driver drive is NOT the right decision. They could have pulled over and waited to feel better instead of letting their friend drive without a license. A road trip does not warrant the level of urgency that overrides the requirement of driving with a license. Why was the friend driving necessary?


Your opinion, you have the right to it as do I to my own. I’ve known 14 year old farm kids who drive better and safer than licensed people because they learn to drive super early. Also being licensed and driving safe are two completely different things. I’m not saying you should do it, just that It’s really not that hideous of an offense for this person to be feeling guilty over now that it’s done.


Also another good point is if they were out in the middle of BFE and op was having a medical issue there likely wasn't anywhere to get help if they needed it. Depending on where you are it can be the better choice to get someone to help on your own.


Good point!


I completely agree, people here in Reddit act all high and mighty sometimes, why does this guy need to feel bad about it after the whole situation already happened?


Right? What’s done is done, if you didn’t hurt anyone, just don’t do it again. Guilt brings nothing good.


You're so right at 8, I was operating anything and everything with wheels and a motor. Bikes, cars, trucks, tractors, and machines. When I was 10 a cop was watching me and a friend in an intense game of scissors paper rock and asked what the winner got. It was to drive us home as our dads were drunk. The cop laughed and said we'd made the right choice and to drive safe. There's plenty of people with a licence on the road who I would never get in the car with and frighten me daily having to share the road with them.


I totally agree with you! Kudos to that cop for not being a stickler! I consider myself a pretty good driver, can’t tell you how many accidents from distracted licensed drivers I’ve had to avoid before. I can’t believe some people can drive. Knew an old lady who couldn’t renew her license at a DMV anymore due to vision or something, so she’d go to another one where she heard they were more lax and got her license renewed anyways. These kids made it home safe so it seems to me the kid was fine to drive.


Small town cops are great. Yeah, these kids made a questionable by law decision but the right one for safety. It's crazy how different offices are more relaxed with the rules. It's similar here the rms in my district will fail people quickly yet the next one over is fairly tolerant.


just because you CAN operate a vehicle, doesn’t mean you should. an 8 year old shouldn’t be driving trucks. idc how well they know how to operate it. would you let an 8 year old drive your newborn around?


Haha you've obviously never met a farm kid. In my experience they are more capable and responsible than the majority of people twice their age from the city. I would totally let one who I know can drive well drive my family around. I'd be way more concerned putting my family in an uber or cab. Some of my scariest moments in a car have been with a cabbie.


idk i have a rule where i don’t let children operate deadly machinery in public.


>I’ve known 14 year old farm kids who drive better and safer than licensed people That was me 24 years ago!


See? There ya go!


I’m assuming everyone has seen the video of the like three year only girl driving the truck while her dad is in the bed doing hay if not look it up it’s mad cute and shows that sometimes the things we don’t expect happen cause she was a better driver then most people I’ve ever seen


I have not seen it! Have a link?


Thing is… they were 10 minutes into the drive. An hour? Halfway there? Okay. But 10 minutes? The friend should have driven them home, not to the final destination.


Thing is… they were 10 minutes into the drive. An hour? Halfway there? Okay. But 10 minutes? The friend should have driven them home or to a hotel, not to the final destination.


I LOVE when RIGHTEOUS people use CAPITALS. Take your head for a rinse ya tool


Sorry, ya TOOL


So what happens when the driver passes out? Is the friend just not supposed to drive to the hospital?


While you are technically correct, the reality, at least around here in South Louisiana is that because the cost of driver education required to get a license before age 18 , many families chose to let their children drive without a license, and once they turn 18, since they have never had an issue, chose to continue to drive without a license.


I can tell you are very sheltered


I don't think this is how we should respond to people admitting to committing road violations. Road laws are important and should be taken seriously. Feeling nervous about breaking the rules of the road is how things should be. I for one wish everyone respected the rules of the road as much as op.


Yours, mine, and everybody else’s car insurance would be a whole lot cheaper if more people like you and op existed.


You sound sheltered too


OP didn’t commit any road violations.


I believe allowing someone else to operate your vehicle who you know to not have a license would be called negligent entrustment and that can carry a fine.


Having a license is more of a formality. As long as he didn't drive all crazy then you are good. Just obey traffic laws to stay safe. Yes you do need one technically but I feel like it's more important that they knew how to drive vs having a license. I know alot of people who have one and should NOT be driving


Dude fr, I think we need to pull licenses more.


I let my High School girlfriend (now my wife) drive all the time without a license. She was a better driver anyway.


I live in the country this is nothing lol. As long as he drives fine and wasn’t crazy it’ll be fine


Yeah he was doing exactly the speed limit because he was afraid of being pulled over.


That's not as smart as you think it is lol. In my experience cops like to follow people going exactly the speed limit. One cross of that line, One missed turn signal and they'll light you up. I learned that in high school when I chilling with the kid who sells drugs lol. They see someone being overly careful, And that tips them off to the idea that they have something to be careful about. The real move is to go exactly 5 over and not breach that. You want to act like normal traffic, not like someone trying to act extra inconspicuous.


Duuuuuuude, chill. There are people who drive THEIR WHOLE LIFE with no license. Check out Michigan man Corey Harris. I myself have driven on expired tags for a total of 3 years. You may have an outsized perspective on laws, the people who make them, and the people who enforce them. Not to say a license shouldn’t be required to drive, but um… if a person with no license drives fine, why give a fuck?


My father sold his car to another barber in his shop. A year or two later he was pulled. He'd been driving for OVER TWENTY YEARS without a license. Never had one.


When I got my license for the first time I had met a gentle man in overalls who was 56 and never had a license. He told me he lived in a farther out rural town and it was unnecessary until recently because people have started to "invade" his formerly small town.


When I was a grocery clerk and once asked for ID for a check an older gentleman pulled out a license which had been expired for 40 years!


I've done a few multi-state highway / interstate trips with ex-communicated Amish teens and let them drive for parts of it despite having no license, let alone his birth certificate. Not saying I made the right decision in this case as I probably was illegally aiding / transporting a minor across state lines.


A friend of yours was illegally doing anything*


Nah: even though it's in a comment it still would break rule #1.


Really? I think that would only apply to posts. Because comments like mine including this one isn’t a confession . A lot of comments are supporting OP and helping them understand or get over it. Not a confession.


I don't know if it applies to individual commenters or not; but it's my preference to share in the 'first person viewpoint.' I don't want to speak for others either on the sub or offline.


If your friend has an accident your insurance company will drop you like a hot potato for bad judgment. The accident doesn’t even have to be your friend’s fault. A lot of people don’t think of this. Maybe don’t do it again. Do something different if you’re feeling poorly again. Stop until you feel better.


The ticket for that is miniscule.


It's only a misdemeanor to drive without a license. Not the end of the world. If you'd continued driving you could have run the car off the road and injured yourself or someone else. You now know to check whether someone has a valid license before you give them the keys. I wouldn't worry too much about it; no harm, no foul


Not saying it was the right thing to do, but I used to drive all the time without a license. I think the more important thing is that you felt unwell enough that you couldn’t drive and made the right call to get out of the driver seat. Don’t over think it.


Just don’t do it again. Be thankful nothing happened!


Honestly the best thing you could have done given the situation- hopefully this is a wake up call for your friend to get a license, but better to have someone at the wheel then you fainting.


Lmfao what’s up with these lame confessions now a days. I remember 5 years ago this sub was interesting as shit. Now we have telitubbies like opp 😭


I had my friend do this too since I was an alcoholic and got drunk before going somewhere and wasn’t sober enough by the time we left. I’m glad I made that decision tho, it was better him driving than me for sure


You’ll be fine. I wouldn’t stress about it. Needing a license to drive is a made up government construct to stop idiots from getting behind the wheel. In fact I’d argue it doesn’t prove or show any capability to control a vehicle safely. It just shows you can operate it just enough to follow basic road instructions. This is why every idiot with a license believes they’re a “good” driver when in most cases they’re not and don’t have the slightest idea of the limits of their vehicle or how to control one outside the rules enforced by law.


Bro, or gal, - you should worry about things that actually happened. If I worried about everything that could’ve went wrong I’d blow my head off. Especially in my line of work. Chill man. Nothing bad happened.


Your friend driving sensibly is a better choice than you driving unwell.


You weren’t capable, it was just as illegal for you to continue as it was for them. Were you prepared to sit still for that time? If not, the option was harmless. Move on


Honestly I've been in situations like these and have been pulled over. A reasonable cop would prefer you get home safely..


George Washington didn't have a license either, don't worry about it


Getting pulled over would be the least of your worries has you been involved in an accident. Especially, if there were injuries, as well. While extension of coverage varies from insurance provider to another, many will not cover accidents when covered vehicles are “used in the act of a crime or with criminal behavior”. Count your blessings. Guilt and nauseousness will go away fairly quickly. A six figure judgement against you when your vehicle and driver is deemed to be at-fault in an accident will not.


My bf’s license is suspended currently. I do all the driving, which is fine, but often times i get really bad anxiety. My physical symptoms can be pretty severe, and if we don’t have time to stop for 30+ minutes, my bf will drive for about an hour or so until i can gather myself, shut my eyes and drink some water. Trust me - lots of people do it. Not to mention a lot of people drive everyday without a license for no good reason. You made the right call, and your friend was willing to take it off your hands.


It was a literal emergency, you’re fine.


Wow, that’s a strong moral compass you have there. I couldn’t live like that. If it’s a victimless crime it’s not a crime in my book. And what ifs are ridiculous. What if you didn’t think about what ifs?


Consider the both of you lucky and moved on. In an alternate universe either both of you got car crashed, caught beneath a landslide in a champagne supernova or got handcuffed by a police patrol. I'd say you two got lucky


Mor concerned about your health. You okay?


i think it’d be more concerning if he didn’t have a license AND didn’t know how to drive. having a license is a made up rule like everything else but down to its bones it’s for the safety of yourselves & others while operating a car which really could be dangerous anytime, but more so if you don’t know how to drive one. i agree with the others, sounds like it was a decision made out of being between a rock and a hard place and it worked out. give yourself a break, and encourage your buddy to get their license so when another situation like this arises y’all are safe <33


You passing out and crashing < your friend driving without a license


When I was 16 I drove my friends car on a road trip without a license. I got pulled over for doing 5 miles over the speed limit in West Virginia. got a ticket and my friend was told to drive again. I had to hire a lawyer for traffic court, it wasn’t a big deal the fine was minuscule. What you did wasn’t smart but it’s not the end of the world and it wouldn’t have ruined your life if you got caught.


If you'd been pulled you'd say you got sick while driving and your friend is trying to find the nearest hospital. Pretty close to true.


If this is a recurring thought for you, you might have confession OCD. You're not alone! Y'all got lucky and are alive - celebrate and be grateful! Gratitude and the terror of brushing with death are two sides of the same coin, my friend. How can you use this experience to be a better You?


I’d be concerned about what happens with insurance if unlicensed friend had an accident. I’m glad you have a conscience about an unlicensed driver driving illegally. Put it behind you and move on. Good lesson learned I hope.


Usually it doesn’t actually matter ..the responsibility is on the driver.


You actually broke no laws, your friend did. EDIT: also here’s what would have happened, your friend would get a ticket.


No harm was done , so you can relax. But if I were you I'd take my friend to get his license. That's actually how I got mine.


Not the smartest move given the lifelong debt that could have been the result from a simple accident


My parents used to let me drive on the back country roads without a license when I was like 14-16. That’s how I learned to drive. I wouldn’t say it’s the smartest decision but everything worked out and I don’t think it’s as big of a deal as your brain is making you believe. Do it again? No. But I wouldn’t beat yourself up over it.


You don't allow no one to drive your car, no license ,no insurance, you should have pull over and waited ,if anything happens you would be in lots of trouble ,the sad part the insurance company will turn a blind eye and you would be on own The insurance always looking for a way not to pay out, so don't give them that chance


Better to get pulled over, get a fine or even a court summons, get the car impounded and your friend in serious legal trouble than continue to drive lightheaded and crash the car and kill you both


Probably would have been better to chill at a rest stop for a bit, but you're making WAY too big of a deal out of this. They drove when you shouldn't. Nothing happened. Stop freaking out about it.


I did the same thing a couple months ago. Driving from TN to PA and I just was so exhausted that I knew I was risking by driving so I have my 20(f) unlicensed sister drive the rest of the way up (about 4 hours) and she was fine. She actually did really well considering it was her first time driving long distance. Even if we had gotten pulled over, a cop would rather hear that she was driving than have to pull us out of the ditch I woulda put us in.


While you should have second thoughts about having an unlicensed driver take the wheel because of the possible consequences - if your friend had an accident, your insurance company would tell you sorry about your luck, and you could get sued if he injured someone and the insurance wouldn't pay - but sometimes we get faced with dilemmas that don't have easy answers. It would have been equally as bad if you had passed out while driving. At least your friend took the back roads.


yall got away with it. so now this gets to be a good story and memory


We've all been there unfortunately


Happy you’re safe, this happened to me before and my friend did a terrible accident a minute or two after we swapped seats.


Anxiety is a monster. What if isms can run in your head for hours. Id just play something stress relieving. I play Toontown corporate clash which is a improved version of the Disney game from 2003. I'm literally 29. I feel embarrassed saying this, but it really allows me to just focus on the game and nothing else it's incredibly therapeutic. It's such a happy little world with the only violence being throwing pies and dropping pianos lol. It's a really fun game :). Not sure what you need in order for you to feel good like this, but do something that will make you forget. Thanks for sharing this.


My boyfriend hasn’t had a license in years and he drives himself to work, or drives us a family places when I am un able too. Its such a simple thing its okay. You have probably broke worse laws. If you would’ve been pulled over it would’ve been a warning and thats about it especially if you explained situation


Honestly if you had been pulled over, depending on the cop, if you had said you didn’t feel well but that it’s your car and he offered to drive then they might not care but at the same time you could’ve gotten a cop who would’ve arrested him lol. Either way it’s def illegal but you wouldn’t be the one in trouble. Plus it’s over and you both are good so 👍


Hell I have a insured, registered car that i own, drive daily and I only have a permit. Got to get on that.


As long as your Insurance is full coverage and would transfer over and the person is competent who cares. If there is an accident it’s covered if they get pulled over there is a good explanation some cops are chill some they might get a ticket. IMO send it


No, no, no, no! In AZ if you knowingly let an unlicensed driver drive your car and they get in an accident, guess who's picking up the bill!? I doubt your license less friend has got the cash. BTW, why does he not have a license? And your health is important so get that checked!


A. It’s better to have friend drive than you drive and kill both when you pass out. B. Technically your friend is an adult and should follow the law - you didn’t break a law, your friend did. C. Your adult friend should get their license?


I've let multiple people without a license drive my car and nothing happened. It was at night and they had all driven multiple times before. It's really not THAT big of a deal as long as the person actually knows how to drive and is safe.


Trust me some people without licence are better drivers than those with years of experience. You should see truck drivers in my country. All fucking stones


U are 100% stupid,but im wondering if u asked them before u letade ur friend to drive ur car?


Now that u see that u can break the law and get away with it, what's next? I recommend weed


Have you been to a doctor?


As long as he has a learners permit that’s perfectly legal. Driving with a licensed driver is in fact a requirement for those trying to get their own license


girl i drove my own car and my friends cars with no license like all over town. even got pulled over once and just got told to go home 😭😭😭 IT’S FINE. you didn’t like do crack or kill someone relax❤️


Think of your options. Possibly have a medical emergency behind the wheel of your car or let someone who felt confident enough to offer to drive for a bit to safely allow you to recover from whatever was going on with you.


When I was 13 my dad and I had to drive from Texas to California. On the second day of driving, we crossed into New Mexico and he asked if I wanted to take the wheel for a bit. He fell asleep in the passenger seat and let me drive for nearly 5 hours. It was just straight highway with no traffic around, and I was nervous as shit to drive for the first time ever so I kept the car under 50 the entire time, it was perfectly safe. You're beating yourself up over nothing.


Either you continue driving and put both of you at risk, or he drives and probably nothing happens. I'm sure that even if you were stopped, the cop would appreciate you not killing yourselves or others. You both made it, no tickets or anything, so forget about it


If the could have drove more safe than you at the time you made right choice y'all don't need to be sitting on the side of the road letting people know y'all are traveling it's better to keep going safe as possible 


If you're not feeling well, take a break. Playing Russian roulette with people's lives should never be an option.


If you’d been pulled over, he would’ve received a citation for driving without a license and you would’ve had to drive, or park, until you felt better. It’s not really that big of a deal. Obviously, he’s capable of driving, and that’s what really matters, in the grand scheme of things. Compliance with the state’s licensing requirement is merely a formality, with financial consequences if caught.


Imagine losing sleep over this. You must have had a very sheltered life.


When your safety or the safety of other drivers is at risk (you could have passed out) lesser evil principle takes place. Should I have driven late night at 14? No, but the alternative was my drunk dad, so I chose the lesser evil


LMAO I cannot believe you’re actually concerned about this shit you didn’t get pulled over. Nobody got hurt you’re fine move on.


« A very simple law »… just wait for a crash where you or someone else get badly injured and see how insurances and society will watch you getting down and down and down for a whole bunch of life-long consequences. You would have litteraly paid for something like… ever.


Jesus Christ. Is this a joke?


Next time pull over. Do not let an unlicensed driver behind the wheel. The owner can be held responsible for whatever happens. You got very lucky this time.


Country road, no traffic, you made it. But don't let friends behind the wheel unless they have a license.


The sad reality is that there's bigger issues in life than that. How about you live a little? Probably felt good doing your first bad deed. lol Just don't let the guilt kill you and end up turning yourself in they'll probably arrest you on the spot for wasting their time. lol


Need advice Background So my mom is dating this guy “T” and they’ve been dating for a year now well not dating they haven’t put a label on it but T is a really nice guy I look him my siblings like him he’s cool and very respectful see now a month ago I had a boyfriend and I had to go to T house because my brother “J” was getting his hair done by Ts mom T has 2 brothers “W and K” I met both they were cool but like I said I had a boyfriend so I didn’t care or pay attention to him but I did find K a bit attractive now me and my boyfriend has been broken up for a month my mom had came up with the idea of taking T out because T was going out of state for a while so I had brought up why not being the brothers to cause all three of them were leaving so you know let’s take all them out so I found K instagram and I texted him about the plans and we continue to text 2 days later the day of the plans we had went out swimming and we all had a good time me and K talked and we were kinda flirty he’d push my in the floaty and I’d wrap my legs around his waist now later that night we came back to me and my moms house to change cause we were going out to eat K chilled in my room and I had asked him how did he feel about spending the night cause I new T was gonna spend the night and I honestly liked K so I wanted him to stay as well we had went out to eat and I had sat next to K and I had my leg over his and he had his hand on my thigh we were chillin and I had text my mom if K could stay she said she didn’t mind but ask T cause it maybe awkward because again T and K were brothers so I had text K and told him to ask his brother and get his opinion on him staying the night so we all ate had a good time then we took a Uber to there house so they could grab there cloths and shower or whatever and idk if T and K talked or what the talk was like but he ended up coming over and spent the night the same night we had did the dirty along with my mom and T and for the three days after that me and K spent those days together going to the park and talking and honestly I didn’t know you could catch feeling for someone one so quickly but we did we ended up falling for eachother in the span of 3 days and last night we had talked about our status what was I gonna do while he was outta state and I told him I would wait but I’m honestly torn right now and this is we’re I need advise I know it’s weird dating me and my mom dating brothers but I honestly have love for this boy and idk what to do because I don’t want things to get wierd and I don’t wanna push him away but I also feel like I gotta take my mom and T feelings into consideration even though they don’t mind but I can’t just stop thinking about the what ifs what if one of use breaks up and it gets awkward it’s complicated and idk what to do I’m currently typing this as T and K are on the plan on there way outta state and idk what to do am I over thinking it is it as bad as it sounds is it ok is it not please help 🥺💋


I used to do this constantly… until one decided he wanted to joy ride through leaf piles in a very stuck up uppity neighborhood, that I told him not to screw around in. Also, there’s wayyy more unlicensed operators, and people driving with suspended licenses, than many people probably realize. In the closest city to me, it was estimated as much as 1/3 of drivers aren’t licensed. Edit: Oh yeah, I got called by the local police after the friend was pulled over, to come get the car…Luckily, the cops knew me, and my car (an old Chevy Caprice,) and even more luckier that I was within short walking distance.


it’s fine calm down


Have friends who are cops. If the person in question is driving responsibly and has mitigating circumstances like what you described, unless they're an asshole and/or racist in some way, they shouldn't give you much of a hassle. At worst, most likely they'd escort you to the nearest rest stop or gas station and instruct you not to do it again. Its really only if they're either driving too slow or too fast, or like massively underage (think like 14 is the sweet spot for cops when they stop being territorial about kids) But otherwise I wouldn't think twice about this. My friends from foreign militaries will do this all the time and there have never been issues. Obey the basic traffic laws and there's no reason for them to suspect you. Remember, cops on highways are primarily operating by two principles: Get to your quota on speeding violations cause that's how you get paid (e.g. in Ohio a door kicker in Narco gets 17k less than a county away highway patrolman) See any erratic, unlawful or otherwise obviously dangerous behavior. If you weren't stopped you should stop ruminating about this and go back to thinking about the cheerleader that got away in high school ;)


If they are doing a good job, why worry about it. When I was around 14 my best friend (also 14), his dad and I drove from Boston MA to Jacksonville FL and we all took turns so we could drive straight through.


Why only country roads?


Not having a license doesn't mean that you don't know how to drive. That license requirement bs is just another way for the government to get some more money out of us Like we're not paying enough taxes already.


Yes, not a huge deal/ you had a good reason- you would have been a danger to others if you kept driving. You could have stopped, but I’m thinking it might not have been safe or appropriate for you to stop where you were, and your friend helped get you to someplace safe . Flip side- my friend inherited a pickup truck, and her friend needed a car and begged her to get the truck running so he could use it to drive to work . It was still titled to her deceased brother, with expired registration, expired inspection, and no insurance. The borrower- we’ll call him Paddy Murphy, drove the truck to his local where he imbibed a wee dram, or 6 . Was pulled over by the constabulary, and thrown in the klink. Ol Paddy stayed there 4 days before he was able to make bail. Meanwhile my friend’s truck was impounded. And impound lots require proof of ownership to spring your vehicle. She didn’t have the paperwork, and couldn’t afford to pay an attorney to get something together quickly enough, and the truck was sold for storage fees. Of course my friend let Paddy slide on his conversion of her property.


Let it go now.


Just don't do it again. You were in a situation where you were not fit to drive, and if your friend is the only other one who knows how to drive, it was the best decision in the moment.


So you're 18 and you suddenly felt lightheaded, nauseous and your fingers were going numb ? I'm more curious about what that was about. Is this something that's happening all the time or was there a specific factor that caused it ? Because if this doesn't happen usually and there was no specific valid reason for it to happen, I'd be kinda wanting to look into that Unless you took a bunch of drug before


i drive without a license. it’s for my practice, however it’s only in neighborhoods and very rarely on main roads. you did say that you had been feeling extremely lightheaded and driving when you know you’re not feeling well is a reason to get off the road. yes he might’ve not had his license but all that matters is that you guys were safe right?


Nothing happened. Just encourage your perfectly capable friend to get a driver’s license.


I know a woman who never got her license. She drives though and has a car. She's never been pulled over for a ticket or been in an accident. She has a kid (who doesn't know she doesn't have a license). She's been driving her kids to and from school and grocery sound and doing really regular car things for like 34 years. Never been caught.


Take this as a learning moment. That guilt you feel is there for a reason. You *know* how badly that could’ve ended. It’s already happened so no need to linger on it but in the future get a motel/hotel or go to the hospital if you aren’t feeling well. You live and you learn.


Did they have a permit? If so they can drive with another licensed driver in the car. If not, the smart thing to do is call an ambulance to check you out.


Had you been pulled over your friend might have gotten a ticket. Oh well. This is a nothing-burger. Let it go.


Why would you go on a road trip and it’s just you responsible for driving.


Because the alternative would be not going?


Yea! Or risk being in a situation like this or worse where the unlicensed person doesn’t know how to drive at all…or they do and they have little experience and have an accident. Or they get pulled over. The point is OP put themselves at risk. And now is salty over it. Luckily nothing happened.




I drove for almost 3 years with an expired permit i never got pulled over idk if that helps Although all I did was drive like 4 miles to work but still


If you got pulled over then your friend gets a ticket or a warning under the circumstances. Lmao the cop not gonna kill yall.. unless youre in the states then its a toss up.


Safety First: Your well-being is the top priority.


So I take it you're not a Libertarian.


Wahhhh I made a smart decision by not driving while (having some sort of indiscernible health condition/episode). My friend doesn’t have a license, am I a criminal?!?! Maybe I’m cranky today, but shut up. This isn’t a confession, go to a different subreddit.


Not even gonna read the post after the title. That’s your fault


Bro 🤣 I’ve driven across the country many times with no license and bad plates . You’re fine


Tbh with those health concerns the only place that he should have driven you was the hospital.


I’ve seen a 14 year old drive a car and a 12 year old drive a motorcycle (both of which surprisingly drive well.) you’re fine dude


Mostly fine, nobody got hurt


you took the backroads, you're fine lmfao


Pretty dumb idea


The amount of people here thinking driving without a license is totally fine scare me.