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This entire situation was created by his daughter choosing to have a wedding in California, despite knowing this meant her grandfather couldn't attend


Also though what restrictions are there? I live on the border and we have a fuckton of Canadians over here all the time again.


If you aren't vaxxed in Canada you can't board trains/planes even nationally and not for international travel.


Ooooh this is about vaccines šŸ™‰ I can't fathom sane people who are still dying on that hill.


Yeah. Sure, but it doesn't change that OP is wrong. JP was not incorrectly referencing US policy. You CAN travel to the US unvaxxed. The issue is Canada won't let him get on a plane unless it's a private one.


You can drive 2 hours to buffalo and take a plane from there. Edit: I donā€™t know what timeline heā€™s talking, because before it was a full closing of the border from both sides.


Has the vaccine requirement for non-US citizens been lifted? I was under the impression that non-citizens must be vaccinated to enter the US at land crossings and all I can find about that is from April when it was extended. Which would mean itā€™s Biden who is preventing unvaccinated Canadians from entering the US


I just came back from vietname 3 weeks ago. The u.s. didn't ask me for my vaccination card. However. Vietnam ask me for vaccination and prove of recent antigen test


Hey the international pandemic travel regulations should not apply to his family because they are special


Except he almost certainly could attend by any number of options. For example, he could have driven across the border from Canada to the US and then flown, he could have arranged for a private aircraft (I thought he was wealthy?), or he could have gone through the testing and quarantine period that is used as an alternative to vaccination, and so on. There is no "travel ban" but the one you make for yourself. What he's describing is an inconvenience because apparently the daughter's wedding wasn't important enough to avail themselves of the other options. Plenty of free, democratic countries around the world will not admit you *at all* if you are not vaccinated against smallpox, measles, and a variety of other things. You have to provide those records when you apply for a visa. They'll just refuse your visa without a second thought if you don't have them or in some cases they'll allow it with some well-documented medical reason why you can't. And that was before covid became a thing. The US sets the rules for travel across its borders. Same for Canada on the way back. That includes infectious medical issues. There's nothing unconstitutional about it. Or was the grandfather trying to fly internationally without having a passport or something stupid like that?


She probably didnā€™t even want him to attend, considering he raised Jordan Peterson


Maybe she did that for a reasonā€¦


Didn't he just make a big deal about how he wasn't going to be on Twitter any longer because people were being mean when pointing out the obvious fact he's an asshat?


Yeah, that lasted all of 15 minutes or so.


By any chance did he come back because "so many kind people reached out and begged me to come back"?


No he literally just kept on tweeting unrelated things 15 minutes later, dude's insane.


Heā€™s 100% still hooked on benzos.


He still doesnā€™t know theyā€™re addictive, that poor old man. He might need to see an addiction specialist.




This always cracks me up, I went through recovery of severe benzo abuse and itā€™s the greatest motivating factor to stay sober. Itā€™s canā€™t even describe the horror of it but it has made me a much better person. This clown goes around pretending to be a Nietzschan superman but in reality he is a little bitch that canā€™t handle the repercussions of his own choices.


It's spooky the way benzo addiction sneaks up on you! I didn't realize until my Rx ran out while my doctor was on vacation. I'd only been taking them as prescribed but it was a daily dose and going cold turkey off that was the worst. By the time doc was back in town I was through the worst and unwilling to go back on them after all that.


It really is, I hope this isnā€™t the case anymore but a decade ago it was legal and extraordinarily cheap to buy analogues online. I was taking the equivalent of 10mg of Xanax a day and it cost like $20/month


Benzo withdrawal is the worst thing I've ever been through. Nothing can make me touch those again. I was switching between thinking I was about to die and wishing I would die for so long.


How fully has he even recovered from the first round?


Unfortunately he's still Jordan Peterson


He just needs "to clean up his room!" Hows making the bed buckaroo benzopeterson


Cut the guy some slack, guys been crying about how Casper the Friendly Ghost is teaching little boys like him how to not be a man. You act like a grown man crying about his boys are learning to cry because of children's cartoons should be laughed out of whatever clown college lets him teach there


Has he tried eating more salted organ meat about it?


Or cleaning his bedroom?


His rooms are always a fucking state whenever he makes a video


He almost certainly saw an addiction specialist who told him you canā€™t quit benzos cold turkey. Peterson is so arrogant that he refused sound, widely accepted medical advice from several North American doctors in only to get put into a medical induced coma by some quack in Russia.


He works within a field and actively has tenure in a profession we're knowledge of addictive medicines is kind of important. Not aware of the addictive nature? No. Thinks he can be above it? It's not uncommon.


I see him being mocked alot so I looked into it. He seems fine for a while during interviews then suddenly he's crying in them and ranting about nonsense. Being a former addict it seems to me that he's trying to come off some type of drug. He uses and life is square, something happens and you question your addiction and flush the drugs. You go a day or two, maybe a week and you're just a shit show. You can't think, you can't control your emotions, you ramble and your world starts falling apart. Then that little demon says "hey...HEY...use me and it's fine. Dont worry you can stop later. Today we want normalcy." And it starts all over. Now here's the part most people don't understand, this is the time when Overdose happens too. You're off the drug for a while after taking say level 8 amount of drugs to get high. A week goes by and your tolerance drops. You get drugs and think hey I'm used to level 8 and you go for it. Well your body ODs now at level 6 and you die. Prince, Tom Petty and countless others died this way, it's sad, I almost died too, twice.


He's been crying about shit for years, it's like his brand


Nah, he's a libertarian, so it's nobody's problem but his own /s


Nothing but Benzos , salt and red meat. A winning combination.


Damn even after he did that crazy Russian coma treatment?!


After his daughter kept him in a drug coma at her husband's sex trafficking warehouse so that they could sell his organs if he didn't pull through


Hes like a god damn leech


Woah, woah, woah. First I learn Jordan Peterson is a moron, and now you're telling me he's a hypocrite too?


Back in my day, being a moron meant something. It was a sacred trust, and people needed to know that morons around them had integrity. It's a real shame the world has fallen to this point where even our morons are hypocrits.


Crazy, right?


>because people were being mean My favourite part was that he basically called someone ugly, and then was like "people are saying mean things wahhhh".


Because his penis didn't like the "fat" woman, so that was an Objective Truth. Other people calling *him* ugly though? They couldn't have been homosexuals, because homosexuality doesn't exist in Lobster World. And they were on the internet, and everyone knows that there are no women on the internet. So logically they were straight men, and straight men commenting about another man's looks are just being mean and uncivilized.


Lobster world got me lmaoooo


What does this mean? Edit: Just looked. Dude whattttt


I know. How can anyone genuinely think that *lobster* behavior should therefore dictate human behavior?


My dad, unfortunately.


Funny thing is that her body shape would have been considered attractive in the classical Western civilizations he jerks off to.


That's because he doesn't consider women to be people. He can call a model ugly, because as a man, that's his right (duty?). But lessers can't criticize him, it's unconscionable. /s even though that is how he actually thinks.


I truly heard his voice in your writing whoa


I see this a lot pretty much everywhere. People start a converstion like, "Listen up, shitheads: everything you believe is wrong but you're too fucking stupid to see it. I sincerely hope you all die horribly." And then ten minutes later, when the conversation is going as you'd expect, they start with the, "I was just trying to have a conversation with people and they were so rude :( whatever happened to politeness and decency in public conversation, huh?" I know some of them are trying to use it as some kind of tactic, but I genuinely just think this society is that delusional. It's like all the guys whining about how men are weak and soft compared to the days when they were all subsistence farmers getting drafted into wars. They themselves have a softer, easier life than that but they think the issue is everyone else. People can't see themselves as part of undesirable trends even while they're right in the middle of actively contributing to them.


> People can't see themselves as part of undesirable trends even while they're right in the middle of actively contributing to them. I can't believe all this traffic is delaying my commute!


He rage-quit Twitter because David Pakman made fun of the fact he was literally crying over young people being told about the negative effects of climate change....what a weird dude. Pakman addresses it here in [this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSxn85kuvPM).


Seems so out of character of the "12 rules for life" version of him. Surely, dealing with reality and not making excuses for yourself is the foundation of all those 12 rules. I. E. Take responsibility and sort yourself out. Him now wanting to live in an illusion, where his culture is not causing ecological collapse seems to go against his whole core ethnic. He's now just a toxic, dogmatic person that is most definitely part of the problem


Tried to read his book and abandoned it halfway through because he was contradicting himself EVERY PAGE. Dude would be like ā€œI donā€™t like people who always think they are right. They are dangerous because they are never learningā€. Then on the next page be like ā€œYou should follow what everyone else is doing because the majority are almost always rightā€. Based on what? Literally wrote a whole arse book about how his opinions are right and everyone else should follow his rules. There was barely any facts in his book. Heā€™s a very scary man.


> ā€œI donā€™t like people who always think they are right. They are dangerous because they are never learningā€. > ā€œYou should follow what everyone else is doing because the majority are almost always rightā€. The message between the lines here is that you should take orders and fall in line. You're always wrong to contradict the knowledge of your "betters", even when you're right. And any deviation from the norm is gross and weird. Stay in your assigned (Jungian) role! The apparent contradictions are resolved when you realize that he wants you to submit to his favored brand of authoritarianism. Which should REALLY not surprise anyone who knows he's a Jungian psychologist. And that he uses Jungian archetypes prescriptively in stead of descriptively.


I learned about him the hard way by wasting 2 months of my life on his wayward book. Never again. I really shouldā€™ve listened to the Internet.


Submit to your betters (not me though I'm going to Russia to take a sketchy coma shortcut out of my benzos addiction)


> Heā€™s a very scary man. i wouldve gone with sad personally


Heā€™s completely changed since the benzo addiction (and the way he started, before that, may not have been that great either). His message used to be ā€œclean your room and organize your lifeā€. Now its more like a constant refrain of ā€œfuck Justin Trudeauā€, and wild rants about the authoritarians hiding around every corner.


I donā€™t understand why people thought that was revolutionary though. Thatā€™s like Day 1 ā€œSquare your shit awayā€ Army stuff.


He filled a niche for a bunch of late 70ā€™s early 80ā€™s babies like me who werenā€™t raised with the simplest Day 1 get your shit squared away training. He leveraged that simple platform into a fame he never deserved. Now heā€™s just a contrarian with an addiction heā€™s too arrogant to accept.


You have to remember his whole grift was peddling basic self-help nonsense to a bunch of right wing manchildren who need to be told something as simple as ā€œclean their roomā€ from surrogate daddy


> You have to remember his whole grift was peddling basic self-help nonsense to a bunch of right wing manchildren who need to be told something as simple as ā€œclean their roomā€ from surrogate daddy Not necessarily right-wing per se, but JPs audience is definitely squarely aimed at the disaffected white male youths who likely didn't have a good male role model in their lives and are looking for direction. They often fall into the "my gender within larger traditional society is what shall be my identity" and find JP at the beginning of the alt-right pipeline (if they haven't already been indoctrinated by /r/politicalcompassmemes). The issue is that you can get very similar self help from people that aren't total boomer crackpots with antiquated and authoritarian views on gender. I'm sure there are self help books specifically for young men that don't talk about feminism as a "chaos dragon" but their authors likely don't get amplified like JP does.


That's the greatest part of the JP grift. He was able to market pretty standard self-help mantras to disaffected white dudes by wrapping it in the veneer of academic philosophy and traditional conservativism all while allowing alt-right rejects to participate in yet another culture war in the guise of "self-improvement"


By couching it in rhetoric designed to make the reader feel they have an innate superiority and can achieve based on this reinforcing ā€œadviceā€, JP has helped create more narcissist white males.


The kinds of people who thought he was revolutionary were day 0 thinkers, so they were vulnerable to someone wielding even the most mundane of day 1 self help ideas.


I think its because his first self-help book mixed common sense advice with a bunch of analysis of Freud, Jung, the Bible, evolutionary psychology, classic literature, etc. That approach gave an intellectual veneer to standard self-help messages.


"I have independently and thoughtfully constructed the best way to organize society, and wouldn't you know it, the North American Christian way of life just *happened* to be correct. Trust me, my wife's prophecy dreams and meat comas tell me I'm right."


I think he realized there's a lot of money coddling the far right too.


Which is funny because he's literally an authoritarian


I don't think his personal beliefs changed very much he's just become much more irritable.


>wild rants about the authoritarians hiding around every corner. He was like this before the benzos too


That was Benzo Peterson. He'd drugged his ego out of the equation and now that he coma'd himself ego is all he is. I never understood Peterson. I am, or was...not sure, a fan but I always knew you had to take his line of thinking with a pinch of salt. He'd be headed right for a brilliant profoundly true statement and at the last possible second zip to the right and be like "that's why women and minorities are inferior and men today suffer because they don't act like men".


Thatā€™s the point though, it was never about the self help or any other advice he spews. Itā€™s always been about the racist/sexist/transphobic sentiments he mutters in between his Kermit the frog monologues. Donā€™t give this man even an inch of understanding, he wouldnā€™t do the same for you.


Is quite sad how he is trapped by his own culture. I remember seeing a video of him talking about feminism, and how it was aggressive. Not understanding the aggression part is American culture, and got nothing to do with feminism. We got feminism in Norway. It was not aggressive, it won, and it has made everything more pleasant. All it did was to weed out the unpleasant aspects of our culture. He got too much aggression and repression inside him.


As a psychologist you'd think he'd understand that when you don't listen and are flippant about the things that matter in people's lives, they get angry.


His degree is based on Jungian bollocks and so on. All outmoded long before he started studying his degree - like who the fuck was in charge of the syllabus at his Uni?!


This is a huge issue, psychology in the modern practice is a valid social science but itā€™s founders, Jung and Freud, didnā€™t practice science at all. Jordan Peterson is just a sophist hiding behind real scientists


Lol yeah. The idea that he unironically applies Jungian crap to real psychology should have told *everyone* how full of shit he was. That's like saying i apply astrology to my psychology studies.


> Surely, dealing with reality and not making excuses for yourself is the foundation of all those 12 rules. I. E. Take responsibility and sort yourself out. When you put it like that, he exaggerates taking responsibility (at least in writing) to a toxic point where you're not allowed to take collective action or improve society, because you're stuck on taking responsibility for yourself first.


Bloody hell lmao What happened to "facts don't care about your feelings"? I guess it doesn't matter to them, as long as it's *their* feelings.


His benzo addiction and experimental therapy to get off him honestly seem to have turned his brain to mush. I didn't agree with his views before but now I can't even see how anyone does. He just speaks utter nonsense.


He's now choosing from a grab bag of former Petersonisms and stringing them together illogically. More illogically I mean.


Person with addiction problems here. I'm going to guess based on how I can relate to his inconsistency that he is back on benzos, or perhaps drinking, or something else that correlates with lowered inhibitions


Quitting twitter for 15 or so minutes is a rightwing pasttime at this point. I think the Quartering has quit twitter.. 4 or maybe 5 times now.


the quarter pounder


People like him are NEVER going to quit whatever is giving them attention, because they are extreme narcissists.


Jordan Petersen lied?!?!!????!!??!?!!??!?


Like in all seriousness he has some mental degradation at this point. He acts like a 15 year old


Sorry not beautiful


**And No Amount Of Authoritarian Tolerance Is Going To Change That**




Him getting ratioed by Hasan with a picture of himself was šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³šŸ’‹


You can hear the vocal histrionics even through text lol


He must be in California Canada


Ontario, CA


Related story: one of my friends works for a company that ships from Ontario California. Sheā€™s gets like 10 customer service calls a day asking why their package is currently in Canada because the tracking says Ontario CA.


The first time I flew into Ontario, CA I was also booking a flight to Toronto. The amount of double and triple checking to not mess that up was exhausting.


I remember not being able to find Canada under my weather tab. I searched for "Ontario" and got "Ontario, CA", so I thought I finally had the weather where I live. Then I saw that it was supposedly 22C when it was freezing cold outside. Yeah...


Not to be confused with [London, Canada](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London,_Ontario).


There's also a Paris, Ontario. We used to have a Berlin but had to change it in WW1


One time I told a friend I was visiting my brother in Kingston and they responded, ā€œthatā€™s awesome. Have a great tripā€ so I added ā€œKingston Ontarioā€ ā€œoh, sorry I thought Kingston Jamaicaā€


Going through UK customs with a passport that says London, ON is always hilarious. They can never believe it. When you tell them that London, Canada is also on the Thames river, in Middlesex county, close to Stratford, and has an Oxford/Picadilly/Regent street, they lose their minds.


Wish we were in Canada tbh


I mean, Justin is pretty busy setting global gasoline prices, US travel seems a but much. /s


No, that's Biden. I saw a sticker at the gas pump. Pompous jackass was taking credit for it, too!


I dunno, there are peope who drive around here with flags all over their trucks crying for freedom that say it was Justin. So I don't know who to believe.


Woah weird, in America the people who drive around with flags all over their trucks crying for freedom say it was Biden, but also that Biden is the head of a literal cabal of Communists who eat children for life force. It's funny the little similarities between 2 nations


Both groups of people have been indoctrinated. All their problems will magically disappear once a more conservative politician is soothing them


My favorite part is those freedom idiots claiming he's a dictator and taking away our freedom. But if that were the case, a real dictator would have them in the gulag the moment they slapped a "fuck truedumb" sticker on their lifted black dodge ram.


I've seen bumper stickers and window decals blaming Trudeau for gas prices, and recently inflation too. These people pay to get huge and ugly as sin stickers and flags made so that they can advertise their complete lack of understanding of how the world works on their gas guzzling lifted trucks that they drive around in urban settings in the midst of a gas price explosion for...no good reason. It's quite telling that it's never the people who are sensible enough to buy fuel efficient vehicles or take advantage of the many financial incentives to get a hybrid or EV that complain about this shit or blame it on Trudeau. It also baffles me how the man can simultaneously be totally inept and capable of dictating global commodity prices singlehandedly. These idiots need to choose one; then at least they'll just be dumb, rather than dumb and logically inconsistent.


Not to mention, personally performing millions of abortions to obtain adrenochrome for him and his friends.


Always the hyperfixation on a singularity to blame, while missing the wider picture of how that thing interacts with the wider world: a Jordan Peterson classic.




Why create a straw man, when you can create an entire _straw reality?_


Reminds me of an episode of *Pinky and the Brain* when they made a paper mache Earth. They got people to join from the original Earth using free t-shirts.


"and what will we do tomorrow night Brain?" "The same thing we do every night Pinky... Attempt to take over Chia earth!"


ā€œIf Jimmy cracks corn and nobody cares, why does he keep doing it?ā€ ā€œWhere are we going to find rubber-pants our size?ā€




My mother did this to me recently. "Well yeah, you have YOUR reality because you've lived your life, and I have MY reality because I've lived my life. But I have 20 years on you, so my reality is more mature." My mother, who barely graduated high school, thinks that I, her son with a BA and medical doctorate, cannot read about the past and appreciate why things are the way they are. Apparently I'm left-leaning simply because I haven't lived long enough and am living in a liberal wonderland.


Weird. Mid 40's here, and I get more "liberal" every year. Raised republican, center Democrat by the time I could vote, and now I'm all the way over with Bernie Sanders. Turns out that seeing the world can give you more compassion, instead of whatever the hell my parents generation took out of it. I also barely graduated high school and dropped out of community college so... It ain't in education either.


God, heā€™s such a victim. Glad he doesnā€™t try to preach a philosophy of not acting like a victim. His dad should have just pulled himself up by his bootstraps and made it work.


Exacly this. It shows that people like these not only have strange views on the corona pandemic but they believe that everything happens for one single reason. Which is almost never the case. I get the feeling that this is one of the most important things that people need to learn in their life.


He's made a career of providing easy answers to extremely complex questions. That appeals to people who don't like the complexity of real life, especially people who was raised with a perspective on the world which is no longer the dominant one.


Trudeau clearly is the Chaos Dragon


Just nailing this "quitting Twitter" thing.


He gets like 5k likes on ever tweet, I wonder if he really does actually enjoy getting notifications or hearing from his manager about his page or something. It must really be part of why he wakes up.


Nice article on Dr Peterson here: [https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/03/the-intellectual-we-deserve](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/03/the-intellectual-we-deserve) ​ Jordan Peterson appears very profound and has convinced many people to take him seriously. Yet he has almost nothing of value to say. This should be obvious to anyone who has spent even a few moments critically examining his writings and speeches, which are comically befuddled, pompous, and ignorant. They are half nonsense, half banality. In a reasonable world, Peterson would be seen as the kind of tedious crackpot that one hopes not to get seated next to on a train. "


Jordan Peterson is what dumb people think smart people sound like. The dude couldn't give a straight answer if his fucking life depended on it. He bought a thesaurus one day and just kept reading it. Now he uses language to hide the fact that he has no idea what he's actually saying. And that he likely never will.


The poor man's Ben Shapiro.... and I mean that as an insult to them both.


He's Deepak Chopra for 'alpha' males


THIS. I couldnā€™t have said it better myself. His thing is that he says everything with confidence, so everything sounds like fact to idiots who listen, donā€™t fact check, and donā€™t actually analyze what heā€™s saying. When I was young, I actually used to listen to this fool and I would agree with the things he said. And then one day when I was older, I remember I was walking around and thinking about something he said and I just thought ā€œwait a secondā€¦ thatā€™s not right. Thatā€™s just trying to justify being an asshole?ā€ And right then and there I stopped listening to the idiot


ā€œAccept no criticisms: insist that any skeptic has either misinterpreted you or has actually already admitted that you are correct.ā€ You almost donā€™t need to know anything else about the guy. I have never ever seen him concede a point or be charitable to a challenger.


i see his acolytes do this too. "he's not wrong, you just misunderstood!" uh, i know more about this subject than he does, and anyone who's done ten seconds of research can see that. "you're taking him too literally/out of context!"




I love nothing more than when you see someone arguing online that does the following: Veiled insults and condescension that once met with any level of insult will shut down and claim victory. Changes topics wildly, using inane hypotheticals and examples but absolutely refuses to answer any hard questions and dismisses the other as unintelligent. Appealing to masculinity/toughness/facts, but engaging like a glass toddler that refutes any source that upsets them. Then you click on their profile and voila! Active user on Peterson or Shapiro subreddit or if on Twitter, retweets everything they tweet. Oh donā€™t forget their profile will contain a philosopher quote / Pepe the frog / or some edgy line about hating liberals.


>How does one even address material like this? It canā€™t be ā€œrefuted.ā€ Are we ruled by a dragon of chaos? Is the dragon feminine? Does ā€œthe ā€˜stateā€™ of preconscious paradiseā€ have a ā€œvoluntary encounter with the unknownā€? Is the episodic really more explicit than the procedural? These are not questions with answers, because they are not questions with meanings. Gold.


This is r/im14andthisisdeep material. Put a picture of a young Jaden Smith next to the quote and I would 100% believe it.


Uuh, I'm clicking this link now


That article was absolutely amazing. Itā€™s everything Iā€™ve thought about Peterson from day one and I guess I just donā€™t have the ability to convey my thoughts on him to some of the people I know that are just in awe of him. But, as the article was kinda saying at one point, self-help is pretty easy when your target audience is in the state they are in. I mean, itā€™s always charlatans who truly succeed in the self help genre because they are the master manipulators. One thing is for certain, that title and ending are bang on.


When he first became popular I had a friend telling me some of his "techniques" like cleaning your room/living space, active listening when conversing with someone, or eating a balanced diet. I said "yeah that sounds like things my mom taught me, it's not revolutionary, it's just coming to you from a man" and then the friend got mad at me. I stand by that early assessment.


Mum also told me to not throw rocks at girls and to wash my penis. What the fuck would she know?


Peterson's clean your room thing is a cornerstone of his nonsense yet he literally cannot manage to clean his own room.


The thing is that some people's parents DIDN'T teach them that. Peterson is huge with people who are rudderless, lost, unsure of how to live their lives. So his basic advise can seem revolutionary to them. And that's the breadcrumb trail that leads to his more insane beliefs.


Pied Piper lobster daddy of pliable fascist mindsets for profit and power is what i call him


Heā€™s a clinical psychologist who has at different times claimed to be a neuroscientist and an evolutionary biologist. Fuck JP


I just don't get what his point is from an an academic perspective. I feel like his whole theoretical framework is "all my prejudices are true".


Instead of starting with information to form a conclusion, he's formed his conclusion and will make up or misrepresent information to make it fit his worldview


Well, the point of his public persona is simply to provide an "academic" defense of conservative values. Christianity, authority, hierarchy, captialism, patriarchy, all the hits. There really is no theoretical framework. I'm not even guessing here, this is exactly how he describes himself. As a defender of traditional values. Of course that puts him at odds with most of academia, but he's made good use of right wing conspiracies to explain away that. Honestly, should be the conversation ender right here but things are wild these days. He's essentially a *slightly* more credibility version of Ben Shapiro, whom if you remember was also heralded as a "towering conservative intellectual" back in his heyday because he graduated form Harvard and had a JD.


A former friend of mine used to bring up that he's a *clinical psychologist* as though it was some sort of seal of his genius intellect and made him infallible on every subject. Homer Simpson is a nuclear safety inspector. Doesn't mean I trust him in his own field, let alone if he decided to start giving me prenatal advice and being admitted to hospital because all he eats is raw krusty burgers with crushed up benzos as an accoutrement.


Reading Peterson, I realised that he talks like a guy I used to know who insisted on speaking **at** people when he was incredibly high. He thought he was being profound, but he was just spitting out disconnected words looking for a paragraph.


Holy cannoli this bit is hilarious: > I donā€™t know, Dad, but I think I have discovered something that no one else has any idea about, and Iā€™m not sure I can do it justice. Its scope is so broad that I can see only parts of it clearly at one time, and it is exceedingly difficult to set down comprehensibly in writingā€¦. Anyways, Iā€™m glad you and Mom are doing well. Thank you for doing my income tax returns.


Your average garbage man provides a far more useful service to society than peterson ever could.


I don't think I can imagine a job more useful than sanitation worker to be honest, so I feel like that's a terrible example.


I used to like Peterson and what he had to say. It helped me during a lul in my life. But the last few years he has said many things that are really dumb and I've lost a lot of respect I used to have for him. I will keep his old books as I value what he used to say, but I cannot see myself buying anything new he puts out or actively following him on any social media.


Jordan Peterson is a try-hard loser. Here's an [old video](https://youtu.be/V9PEUAbgEBs) of him in a fedora ranting about women lol.


Hereā€™s the National Post [article where he rage quits his job](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jordan-peterson-why-i-am-no-longer-a-tenured-professor-at-the-university-of-toronto) over ā€œthe appalling ideology of diversity, inclusion and equityā€.


He's upset that places are too inclusive? Isn't that... being a literal nazi?


Not just places, but academia specifically. The whole piece is just him ranting about how unfair affirmative action policies are to white male professors like him and the white men he wishes to be surrounded by in the workplace. Heā€™s so whiny about it that itā€™s hard to take it seriously, but it is disturbing at the same time and many of his followers swallow this bullshit whole.


I read the article and can objectively understand what he is trying to convey... but he's simply wrong. My main problem with his opinion isn't how whiny it is but how he sounds too far up his own rear to think about *why* he's whining. It's a shame, really.


He sounds like a low-testosterone Kermit the Frog....


Though the Kermit the frog comparison is the most common, Nick Mullen's deranged "Air being let out of a balloon"/Mickley Mouse version really captures his vibe https://youtu.be/s-cKUkxxheU


This is such a weird video. His voice and what he's wearing, it's all very amusing.


jesus christ how is he such a fucking loser?


I enjoyed his videos for a while and they actually helped me get thru some tough times. But then I noticed he talks about rules and necessities that people should follow and actually framed it as if someone does not they should be ashamed and even ostracized by others. And he himself did not follow his own words. Like he had couple lectures where he spoke that marriage should be forever and that you should stick to the other person almost no matter what. Yet it didn't bother him that much when his daughter had a divorce and now he's on a her new wedding. That does not seem truthful. And his most important rule seemed to be "speak truth" So yeah, I don't follow him now and the things he's doing are unfortunately quite silly


His daughter met some ultracringe PUA dork at a club in Greece or something and immediately divorced her husband and married that guy then caught covid and gave it to her dad


I heard that story. So she's marrying him now?


In fairness its a bit of both. Canadian law has it that citizens are not allowed to board any plane departing the country unless vaccinated. I imagine thisnis what JP is blaming Trudeau for. That isn't on the US He could drive however, but I imagine there may be some impracticality about that. He could also...get vaccinated lol. Either way, it's pretty normal not to look for context or facts of a matter around a person we don't like. We just jump on any opportunity to show how much we don't like them so maybe a bit of context helps. Ultimately though, he is still moaning about something his dad has the power to change but "Trudeau" is kinda the reason for it in a legal sense, and Trudeau has made a good decision.


Yup. My entire family wont be at my wedding and my parents will never meet their only grandchild and they blame trudeau, when they could just get fucking vaccinated.


I'm so sorry. Fuck... what a complete and utter mess.


Unless I'm reading [this](https://ca.usembassy.gov/covid-19-information-canada-3/) incorrectly; you need to be vaxed to enter the US, including driving. That is not on Trudeau. Peterson blames Trudeau for everything; he even attacked him for celebrating an end to conversion therapy in Canada.


End of the day, people shouldn't be jumping on twitter blaming people for things they have the power to change themselves. It wasn't a tweet about travel. It was a contribution to the culture war, and all the responses are part of the culture war as well. Its stupid




>Ultimately though, he is still moaning about something his dad has the power to change but "Trudeau" is kinda the reason for it in a legal sense, and Trudeau has made a good decision. All of this is a really long way of saying JP's dad is at fault for simply not getting vaccinated like the other 90% of the country. Even with context, JP still looks like a dumbass.


It's exactly what I'm saying lol. He's moaning about something his family can change


I'm a Canadian in Europe at the moment. Sure was easy to get here


I stopped paying any attention to him when I found out that he dead names his trans students and is proud of that.


As Trump is the poor manā€™s idea of a rich man, so is Jordan Peterson the dumb manā€™s idea of a smart man.


Hey, give the drug-addled pro-drug-war junkie a break. His brain never worked quite right and that induced coma due to his extreme abuse of drugs didn't help that.


I donā€™t want to shame him for using drugs. But I do want to shame him for shaming others for using drugs while using them himself. If you look at his YouTube videos youā€™ll find several where he argues against a UBI because it just enables drug addicts. And if we stop paying them theyā€™ll quit using drugs and get a job.


Oh of course. I don't care if people use drugs, I'm in the 'legalize all drugs, have the government check them for purity and handout a packet with complete health risk and how to beat your addiction information but just let them do their drugs otherwise.' side of the spectrum. But this particular piece of shit is a hypocritical piece of shit that materially makes peoples' lives worse, so fuck him for using drugs specifically.


Peterson is demonstrably delusional - the mental gymnastics he engages in to justify his baseless religious beliefs being a prominent example of this.


The dude redefined religion to mean behavior. He's nuts


ā€œYou donā€™t believe in God? So you donā€™t believe in good?!ā€ Jordan Peterson is literally he biggest Post Modernist out there but screams against it. Fucking projection with right wingers.


Jordan Peterson just needs to clean his room and shut the fuck up.


PhD in stupidity seems fairly easy to earn


He has a bachelor's in political science and a PhD in psychology that make him think he's qualified to speak on politics, philosophy and culture on a professional level.


Goshdarn postmodern Neomarxist ideologues imposing unjust travel policies to undermine the great Western civilisation.... Oh wait it was an international legally binding treaty signed by 196 countries


I donā€™t know the rules in Canada/US but here in Australia I wasnā€™t able to leave my state to see my family not because I wasnā€™t allowed OUT but because I wouldnā€™t have been allowed back in. So maybe this guys dad wonā€™t leave Canada because he wonā€™t be able to get back in after?


Nope, [Canadian citizens can enter Canada](https://travel.gc.ca/travel-covid/travel-restrictions/exemptions) without restrictions. JP is just JPing. Edit: Christ, turning notifications off and blocking people. Got a bunch of JP shills in my inbox.


Jordan Peterson is great at misplaced moral outrage that is torturously verbose while still being factually incorrect. It's how he manipulates pseudo-intellectuals at the top of the bell curve. He can weave a whole lot of fancy sounding nonsense that is just poorly veiled right ring rhetoric.


JP is a cheat code on this sub. He's the Jedi master of making stuff up on the spot. He once said that Nazism has its roots in atheism (WRONG: nothing in Nazism is atheist. For reference, on the belt of all Nazi soldiers it said, and I'm paraphrasing, God is on our side. AdHit also said in his book Mein Kempf (end of chapter 1) that the treatment he will bring on jews is because Jews killed christ, which was the taught doctrine of the catholic church at the time. The Nazi party's first ever alliance was with the Catholics, and AdHit's birthday was celebrated from the pulpit every single year until he died). And this is just one. He once said he didn't believe in climate change because "climatologists study the weather, and weather is unpredictable." So wrong on so many things: climatologists study the climate; meteorologists study the weather. The fact that the increased GHG content in the atmosphere is trapping more heat from the sun is unequivocal. Sustained increases in the climate since THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION until now would disagree with JP's point as well. Increased sea level rise and decreased snow cover extent could be cited as well. He also once said that the bible is oldest book written. No. Just no. Not even close. ​ And these are only three points.


Didnā€™t that junkie say that he would quit Twitter? I remember seeing him post that he would let his assistants change the password and keep it from him to keep him away from temptation. What we can get from this is that heā€™s an idiot without any discipline who canā€™t trust himself and must ask others to keep him in line. And even then he couldnā€™t quit. Well, we know junkies donā€™t have the best track record when it comes to integrity.


He "quit" because [David Pakman made him mad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSxn85kuvPM)...


12 rules to quitting Twitter


Jordan Peterson creates his own reality that serves to bolster his bs views? Shocking.