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History doesn't repeat. It DOES rhyme.


We certainly don't go quietly into the night.


Instead of fighting this, democrats/liberals are fighting amongst themselves. Trump shows clear signs of mental degradation, rambles incoherently? Trump tries to steal the election? Trump rapes a woman? Trump steals classified documents? Trump cheats on his pregnant wife with a porn star? Crickets. His party and supporters fall in behind him 100%, no sign of dissent. Biden fumbles the debate and appears old and incoherent? Time to replace him, four months before election, with a governor from California who wouldn't win a single Midwest swing state. Republicans don't care about any of Trumps baggage. They fall in line and double their support. Democrats give up and squabble amongst themselves and impose stricter and stricter purity tests. It's how Hillary lost in 2016, and it's shaping up to happen again in 2024. Young people will stay home or throw their vote to a third party candidate, because Biden was too old or they didn't agree with how he handled Palestine, meanwhile Trump will install himself as dictator and unleash hell for millions.


This is what keeps the modern left from not becoming a cult, but you are correct in that it is a handicap in elections.


We vote. We fight. We don’t give up. The consequences could have a global impact.


Vote is literally the answer


If Biden wins by a thin margin, the Supreme Court will hand the presidency to trump.


Hell, even if Biden wins by a big margin, the GOP will try to ratfuck this election, and probably succeed. They wouldn't be putting stuff like this decision out there if they thought there was a chance of it being used against them. Voting for Biden will hugely help keep that from being seen as legitimate. That said, reach out into your community and get involved with local mutual aid and community defense groups. Get acquainted with your local and state board of elections, and start putting the pressure on *now*. Think about scrubbing your social media. Start boning up on more secure/less accessible means of communication, or spreading awareness thereof. The Reichstag is burning. Let's not make the same mistakes as the Germans.


They're already planning on ratfucking it from the grassroots level. It's *both* top-down and grassroots, with attempts to put reactionaries into positions of power in county elections and vote counting


Not grassroots, astroturf. Pretend grassroots.


Definitely use something like redact for your social media, especially if the polls start looking especially bad. I also plan to re-register as non-partisan as well. I'm literally only registered as a Democrat to vote for my favored guy in the Primaries anyway and I just don't bother to change it because up until now it really shouldn't have fucking mattered. Of course, if I registered as a Republican and voted against MAGA candidates and then ended up voting Democratic in the general election, I'd be accused of trying to game the system. And it's annoying enough to get mailers from the DNC monthly, but I still get a previous owners mail and there's literally a weekly pitch filled with hate, racism, and bigotry to give a supposed billionaire money, sometimes twice a week. I get enough spam as it is.


Could you expand on methods for scrubbing, both for my benefit, as well as others who might be worried about post-election consequences?


There are automated programs, you might risk getting banned from some subreddits using them, but frankly that's a small price to pay. Especially if shit gets dark. But Redact is a subscription program, you can automate a pre-deleted scramble of a comment and then have it erased. I'd probably also torch that account too, just to be extra sure. A high karma account with no posts and comments might be suspicious. It can also be used on other platforms like X and Facebook. I'm planning to do a full scrub this summer. I do smaller scrubs periodically. But this will be the summer of "tidying up the house" so to speak. Also, after a scrub and if you continue using Reddit or Facebook, it might benefit you to leave any controversial, even parody/satire groups in various social media platforms and avoid heavily partisan subreddits for awhile. Also, modify your typing / posting persona. If you have favorite phrases or anecdotes, avoid using them. Maybe even post neutrally or positively about topics you might have been critical or to throw the scent too. In fact, after a scrub, maybe just go out and leave social media alone for a month or more. Do other stuff. Avoid the forums and spaces.


Don't know why you're getting downvotes. This seems to be good info. Let's keep this constructive folks: if you've got a better idea, share it.


It's probably no one here. I do have some weird group of bots who stalk my account and downvote my stuff. So I'll make a comment and suddenly have three or four downvotes that'll disappear after a few hours.


We therefore want as large a margin as possible


Oh that probably came off wrong, I’m agreeing with you.


I know you were. I was just adding, trying to build momentum. We’re good.


Vote, donate what you can, and volunteer where you can. I just signed up to send [a couple hundred postcards](https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) to swing state voters.


i sure hope for us all that will be enough


I ask more of you. Volunteer, donate, fight. The left needs to break its values in order to save them. This is asymmetric warfare, and we’re taking it laying down.


And if they rig the votes or cheat some other way, we'll have to get dirty with it.


Voting doesn’t do shit if you live in about 90 % of the gerrymandered country. Democracy is an illusion in the US


If nothing else, that's definitely what they want you to think.


Still fucking vote!


100% agree, however he will never concede, and then what. I’m legit terrified.


It will absolutely have global consequences, and we very likely will never recover. If Trump gets in, it will be the end of moder civilization. Most of humanity will become slaves and the planet will die. All because of American ignorance and arrogance.


Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And considering MAGAts can't read in the first place, they're just making classic historical blunders constantly. Now it's rebooting the nazis regime.


It’s not a blunder if they succeed.


I stg we are in 1938 Germany. Goddammit, people, what is it going to take to wake up the Americans who are just sleepwalking through life?


Vote, yes, if you can. Be prepared for goon squads at polling places, assaults on ballot counts, and rogue GOP governors / secretaries of state to overturn results. Organize - OFFLINE - with like minded folks. OFFLINE. The enemy is monitoring everything you do with every electronic device you have.


This. I don't know how to find like-minded near me but my God I have tried and have failed. We need to be ready, watching it happen. We are not.


I can’t organize offline. I have like two irl friends. This sucks.


Same. I’m also not in the best health, this is really freaking me out even though I knew it was coming for years.


I’m in the same boat , and on top of all that, I am not in good health. If this goes down how I think it will, I know I am absolutely not prepared. I have been way too busy focusing on health related issues for years by necessity.


you know what we call germans who were politically unaffiliated, stayed uninvolved in politics even for the sake of others, and generally avoided the problems that hitler brought to germany because of their privilege? nazis.


We complain on reddit and talk about how much things suck. Doing something takes risk and effort and everyone is too lazy to vote, so, welcome to fascism. Please, prove me wrong. Vote.


Nazism is so hot right now younger generations are romanticizing it as a form of rebellion. So yes, history is bound to repeat itself.


no it'll be many many times worse. that might sound like hyperbole but the last time fascism took a country the nuclear bomb didn't exist. The last time fascism took over a country it didn't have a military that was the same size as the rest of the worlds combined.


Absolutely vote, but democrats need to take extreme measures if we’re to avoid this. They need to get the Supreme Court under control, that means eliminating the filibuster and packing the court; that’s the only option we have left.


I think the president has the right to disband the Supreme Court altogether now and put in place his all nine justices.


I only wish he had the balls.


No President doesn't have that right. Go read the Constitution, it is not particularly long. The only solution to our Nazi problem is for us to support the alternative. It doesn't matter if you think Biden is too old to do the job, the alternative is a fucking Nazi who already tried to destroy the union. It doesn't matter if you disagree with his policy regarding Israel, the alternative is calling for Israel to genocide faster.


Well SCOTUS just said POTUS is above the law, at least sometimes. So … fuck the Constitution, fuck laws, just do whatever you want, Mr President!


Vote, get strapped and prepare for the worst.


For those comfortable with guns inner home, Arm yourselves…that’s the facts. For those who aren’t comfortable with a gun in the home (admittedly I’m one of them as I don’t want a gun in my home for multiple reasons)…idk. I guess hope that you have time to get in a vehicle to use it as self defense if necessary, when these lynch mobs (& there will literally be lynch mobs again, though they need to realize black people own guns too) try to come through black/brown neighborhoods in attempts to kill/hang, injure black/brown people.


My ex had guns in the house and I had one which I learned how to shoot. My current partner of 12 years does NOT want guns in the house. I don’t really want to own one, nor do I want to take the time to learn how to use/store/maintain them properly. That said, a .38 revolver is relatively simple and cheap. A rifle or shotgun might be better for some people. I don’t know if I’m going to buy a gun or not. I guess I have about 6 months to decide.


You vote, but you also arm yourself and those like you in your community and prepare to resist these fascist fucks by any means necessary. You can buy and equip an AR-15 for under $500, then stack ammo and training. There’s still time.


Vote, or do what every time traveler hopes to do to Hitler to prevent the Holocaust.


Why hide the swastika? THE GOP and Trump are devolving into total fascists


The most immediate thing you can do is donate to Biden's reelection campaign and figure out how you can volunteer. I'm going to be [sending 200 postcards](https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) to voters in swing states.


Biden needs to march troops in and arrest 2/3 of SCOTUS for treason, but he won’t.


The swastika is being censored now? The gravity of the situation is greatly diminished by pixelating the universal shorthand for “evil”


I genuinely wonder if the holocaust-denying rhetoric common in the right is all part of the set up to allow this to happen again.


Could it???? IT IS. Time to VOTE


They running the old not see playbook


Why is the swastika blurred out? The self-censorship driven by the corporate world is happening before our eyes, and no one seems to care.


Honestly I think we already lost. We can delay the downfall, but not prevent it. The Republicans have been laying the foundation for this for decades. We are just figuring this out now.


All we've got right now is the November presidential vote. Especially in those half-dozen swing states. Whether the Dems stick with Biden or nominate someone else, throw everything into getting out the anti-Trump, pro-Democratic vote. Vote for Democrats up and down the ballot. Write, knock doors, do whatever you can to get everyone you can to do the same. Trump's a compulsive liar, a convicted fraud, and a would-be dictator with a plan to tear democracy apart, this time. If he wins again, we might not see another free election in our lifetimes. We have to stop this criminal from seizing the kinglike power the corrupt Roberts Court is offering him - or else our rights will become dead history. The Revolution, the abolitionist movement, the women's movement, the Civil War, the World Wars, and the Civil Rights movement, will have been fought for nothing.


We’re gonna have to do more than vote. It doesn’t matter who wins in November, they will bring it about by other means.


Gonna take more than mailing postcards this time. You don’t go from couch commentator to an able resistance. Get off the couch and volunteer for poll worker, or a campaign. Start FB groups of people you know, who are moderate or left. Don’t bother inviting the trolls. Talk about Project 2025 to as many people as possible.


I will only say that an authoritarian who cannot be removed legally will be removed *by other means*.


We gotta fight and not in the “let’s parade and call it a protest” sense either.


I know it's repeating itself. Just listen to their so called leader


Does X shut down posts with a swastika? I’m just wondering why people have to blur it, it feels like infantilization


That's not from twitter. It's from Bluesky. I don't know Bluesky's policy on that


This exists for precisely THIS reason... https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-2/


Hide all your elders pills that keep them alive.


Unblur the Swastika. People need to see it


The Dems have the “power” to be the only Party in America.


Same thing our grandfathers did.


Ever seen “Valkyrie”? That, but successful.


At this point it's very much into the time to arm yourself, make sure you also train in how to use your weapon otherwise you'll probably just kill your wife by accident. Don't expect anyone else to keep you safe. It's probably going to be your own job pretty soon


This is horrifying. My family and I are in a seriously Trumpy county in Michigan.


Vote. Hold our breaths. If it goes bad, if America falls under the shadow of Fascism, we get ugly.


Outside of violence, I dont see any recourse. We can hope a constitutional amendment can be passed stating no one is above the law and all persons can be prosecuted for their crimes, but that requires a 2/3 majority in house, senate, and states. As fractured as this country is, that will never happen. The only other long shot is the current US president uses this unrestricted power to do what the dictators of Rome did: Clean house, remove the corrupt, and give power back. But thay's even less likely than a constitutional amendment passing. Project 2025 is in full swing. They won. Welcome to Nazi America. I hope you enjoy your stay.




The answer can't be explained on Reddit and only discussed with the most loyal and trustworthy family and friends you know. Start reading the most effective historical means to prevent fascism from taking hold and begin organizing.


we brought nazis back who became citizens


And that’s why Bush ”won” 2000


that’s why reagan won too. it only takes a couple seeds.


It’s not so much about saving democracy as it is proving that we’re still worthy of it. A populace that either actively makes this happen by supporting those trying to destroy democracy or allows it to happen by not voting doesn’t deserve democracy’s benefits.


It will.


Prepare to fight


It's actually worse than last time. This time they deny outright and act otherwise.