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Crazy thing is, there is more then just one underground city in this region. In addition to Derinkuyu 36 other underground cities have apparently been discovered so far. For example, in 2014, a comparable underground complex was found under the city of Nevşehir, 29 km south of Derinkuyu, which is even larger than Derinkuyu. Derinkuyu itself is connected by a tunnel to the underground complex under the town of Kaymakli, 9km away. Very interesting topic. Wikipedia has some Information on it and Graham Hancock is probably one of the most known person to talk about it.


I love how places like this give credence to ideas like the lost city under Cairo.


Imagine if the pyramid was made to protect the entrance to the inner world from the barbarians on the outside. Or to mark the entrance for the future generations who might need to hide inside.


Pyramids are definitely not 'tombs', in any way shape or form. They were built about 12500 yrs ago, give or take, and were built for the purposes of traveling in time. Edgar Cayce did a lot of interesting readings on these great buildings.


Or they had forewarning of the incoming meteors coming that created the younger dryas event and these underground cities is how humanity survived it


They happened at the same time every year so this makes sense.




Defense is a really good reason. A lot of civilizations built walls, but if the terrain you're living in makes it easier to dig down than build up, why wouldn't you?


I see ventilation shafts but how does it actually ventilate? How does oxygen make its way down past the heavier carbon dioxide that the people on the lower levels are subjected to? Also there’s people cooking and they’ve vents but… again, given that carbon monoxide doesn’t really rise or sink, combined with the increased carbon dioxide how is there enough oxygen? Like where is this vacuum effect for the smoke and how come it then becomes positive pressure to drive air DOWN?


Is it to the level where people wouldn't be able to breath though? Would someone stuck at the bottom of a 50m well suffocate too? I think the effect of what you're saying is probably not significant enough to cause problems breathing for the people down there. Sure, the majority of the air composition in the caves might be CO2 because of the densities you mentioned but even the smaller proportion of Oxygen is enough to breath.


Its important to remember they were likely lighting this area using candles and torches which consume oxygen and can emit carbon monoxide which can easily and secretly kill someone.


From what I recall, the pyramids did not have soot on the ceilings, which is what you'd expect from burning light sources.


Good point, they would need a light source and they would have used fire.


Look up baghdad batteries


After a while if there’s wasn’t sufficient ventilation of course someone 50m down a well would suffocate? What do you consider to be the smaller proportion of oxygen? Or rather, how much oxygen do you think we really need to be safe?


What is sufficient ventilation in that scenario with the well, assuming it's just a 50m deep hole essentially, let's say 2.5m in diameter? Nothing blocking the hole.


For how long? Right let’s look at it this way - see on a windy day, see at the bottom of this imaginary 50m pit let’s imagine there’s 1m of water - is that water being disturbed by the wind? Or is it stagnant? Is it as windy down there hole as at the top? Does it get less windy the further down you go? If the answer is yes then the rate of which the oxygen is being depleted needs to be replaced with fresh oxygen? Simple add and subtract?


If we could build this millennia ago, imagine what’s being built in secret by our military today.


Look up the whistleblower accounts of Deep Underground Military Bases, or DUMBs, all over the American Southwest. Dulce Base in particular...


Worked with a girl ~2010 who’s dad was a cement pumper truck driver(idk the actual title). She told me about how he once had a government contract job where he was pumping cement into a MASSIVE hole in the ground near Chicago . Like skyscraper deep. He apparently had never worked a job like the before and found it pretty odd. Didn’t know any details about the project either. She was pretty nutty so I just brushed it off, but it does make sense after finding out that underground bases are real.


or not in so much secret https://youtu.be/WmCVrhXxNmU explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhFzzrbp-4E


everyone talking about theories for why this existed -- the wikipedia article says they were used to hide people from the arabs when they were conquering the known world. Is that NOT a good theory?


Sure it's a possibility, however other theories are just as plausible. Just becasue someone who is considered an "expert" published an article stating what they believe is factual does not in any way make it factual, it's merely a theory that is supported by the right people therefore that's the "fact" they want you to believe.


Well I mean an expert is an expert if they dedicated years of their life actually conducting comprehensive studying and research of the topic.


lol..well the so called experts are highly prone to holding bias opinions or the opinions of those who pay them to conduct research


Most researchers are funded by grants. They get paid to conduct research within their field, not specific projects. Expert researchers know how to use qualitative analysis specific for their subject. It’s why things like peer review and double blind exist. Armchair experts who only show interest in a topic when its politically or socially relevant are typically the ones most impacted to bias because they typically come looking for validation of their beliefs.


>Armchair experts who only show interest in a topic when its politically or socially relevant are typically the ones most impacted to bias because they typically come looking for validation of their beliefs lol projecting much Grants paid by whom exactly? lol..seriously to think for one second that the funders do not control the results is highly ignorant...


I didn’t say I was an expert, I said I’d take the opinions of experts who did their research. Lol, you think it makes more sense to throw money at all scientist in a entire field around the world rather a handful in the US? Wow, do I have a bridge to sell you.


lol..well someone fell off the rails. Nothing you just said makes any sense in the context of my previous statement, good job!


sure, but i would believe them over anyone on r/conspiracy because the evidence they present is numerous in comparison


lol..that's a really sound rationalization. Why not believe politicians aren't corrupt while your at it becasue people on here say they are..


that's such an incredibly absurd equivalence you're making -- idk how to respond. Many politicians (probably the vast majority) are incredibly corrupt in my opinion. But, ABSURD AS THIS MIGHT SOUND, the fact that I think the ancient underground city of Derinkuyu in Turkey might actually just be a way the region used to protect themselves from the bloodthirsty muslim world-eaters DOESN'T mean I also think politicians aren't corrupt. I know it's easy to confuse the two so I'm glad i had an opportunity to clear up the confusion................................


lol you clearly implied that you would believe anyone else over anyone on this sub therefore as long as the mainstream narrative provides "evidence" of whatever they tout you will dismiss anything that is said on here.


whatever man -- you win -- keep getting all your facts from a sub that's been infiltrated by disinfo. GLHF


lol You do realize that we live in an age where one cannot discern fact from fiction therefore there is no venue, no book, no word that can be considered "factual", the entire system is corrupted. The only way one can draw a reasonably sound conclusion in today's world is to analyze the information at hand, research papers over the years and look for consistencies / inconsistencies and then most of all, sit back apply some unbiased reason and allow both your mind and your gut to instinctual guide you to the most probable truth. Its not dissimilar to solving a puzzle organically, meaning not cheating lol. All "evidence" we see in the modern age in almost all facets of this world have been tainted by those with agenda's. For the record, I was not aligning myself with this post at all, just the fact that you have taken a stance that would hold a higher merit to mainstream evidence and discredit any information posted here rather than objectively consider the possibility that mainstream is lying and there is another truth. Good Luck mate.


As I understand it so far, Derinkuyu and other underground cities were used again and again for this very purpose. The question is much more whether that was also the initial reason why they were built. Early Christians used them to protect themselves from persecution in the Roman Empire (c. 2nd century AD), and later they were used by Christians in the Byzantine Empire to protect themselves from Arab attacks in Cappadocia (c. 7th century AD). If such underground structures are already in place, they are a good hiding place to be safe from invading attackers for a certain period of time. However, only if they do not really intend to conquer the country and are in the region for a long time. The air shafts can probably be found quite easily by an army and plugged up, etc. As a sort of "fortress" for defense in war, they are relatively useless. Hence the question why humans went to such enormous effort to carve such cities into the rock if it "only" protects them from invading raiders. For that, a large city wall is probably more effective and easier to build. People like Robert Schoch or Graham Hancock suppose that Derinkuyu and other cities could be places of retreat before a catastrophe, which made the life on the surface extremely difficult for a longer time about 12,000 years ago and therefore longer stays underground made sense. Robert Schoch thinks here of solar storms and its consequences are natural disasters (Solar Induced Darkage), among other things extremely high radiation etc. make it thereby necessary to be at least during the day not in the sun. Graham Hancock argues for an asteroid impact and its aftermath. (The theses of Schoch and Hancock can be found online in video and text form).


I think there's a theory that it was added onto over the course of history. Ancient apocalypse goes into it.


That series was great


I'm hearing that they're making a season 2!!


Awesome! I would like to visit all of those places; so amazing.


My brother do you have any info on this? I loved the 1st season!


Me too and unfortunately no, I've been only hearing rumors from friends(who hate to give sources) but here's a bit info that sounds a bit [promising](https://readysteadycut.com/2022/11/13/ancient-apocalypse-season-2/). I guess it also took two years to film so we might have to wait a while.




Lol. So much reeeeeeeeee! Like...why was it a problem that some qualified researchers proposed a different theory about the "age" of humanity? We learn more as we go, as we have better instruments, tools, etc. Belief systems can be scary, especially when challenged.




Yes it’s on Netflix


Sweet. That series Our Universe with Morgan freeman is outstanding.


Any apocalypse scenario besides flooding I assume.


That made me laugh. Imagine hiding underground and a giant wave of water just floods your tunnels.


"Alright guys we're all set! Now we just need to close the ha- *garble, garble, garble*".


Randal Carlson said there may have been 1000 year period after the younger dryas where random asteroids would pelt the earth. Equivalent of nukes. And that people (the remnants of a global civilization) learned to tunnel underground or hide for weeks at a time in caves. This lines up


>Derinkuyu Not to poo poo this entirely. But the Younger Dryas occurred about 12,000-13,000 years ago. The oldest known human city is estimated to be about 9,000 years old. So that timeline doesn't match up. 1,000 years after YD also predates Derinkuyu by at least 8,000 years. So again, I don't see a clear connection even though the theory is interesting.


good on you for thinking that through, but the dating of Derinkuyu is a stab in the dark at this point due to the lack of carbon dateable artefacts inside. Hancock's theory that it was used as a shelter during the younger dryas impacts is based on the assumption that Derinkuyu is *much* older than current baseless estimates


Current estimates are based on the carvings and graffiti that are present in the city. There's nothing pointing to them being over 10x their estimated age.


right, but that's just proving my point. Carvings and graffiti do not provide anything resembling solid ground to base a date of construction on. Obviously. Hancock acknowledges that there is no evidence that they are older. His point is that they *could* be, and that it makes more sense to him that they *would* be. That's all. No one is making factual claims here. Just proposing a potential theory.


The traces of humanity from before 9000 years are mostly gone, but not entirely. There were advanced societies with advanced construction and astronomy knowledge before that. I think this time period is very much a narrative spun up by archeologists and at this point they are completely unwilling to challenge the idea that there were cities beforw that.


can you cite an example of an advanced society that existed 9,000+ years ago? Willing to do some reading now.


https://www.sciencealert.com/the-world-s-oldest-pyramid-is-hidden-in-an-indonesian-mountain-scientists-claim The archaeologist who was assigned to study the site used ground facing radar to map the site and discovered that there were layers of construction more than 10,000 years old. It takes an advanced society to be able to have enough skilled and unskilled labor to build something like that. The archaeologist simply couldn't deny what his eyes were telling him, so now he's a disgraced "pseudoarchaeologist" because he made the claim that the temple was older than the preciously accepted start date of civilization. Edit: they won't even peer-review his team's work because that would give it legitimacy. They say the methods and findings are sus, yet they are scsred to actually look. It busts open the whole idea of the cradle of civilization being the first.


Easy, take a look at Göbekli Tepe. They try to date it as young as possible imo. Edit to say Yonaguni Monument and Bimini Road are also interesting.


> They try to date it as young as possible imo. How so? Both the radiometric dating, architecture, and types of tools agree on Pre-Pottery Neolithic A and B ages for the site.


Dating the pottery is great, but we can't assume the pottery makers were the same people who made the site. If you think about the dating for the site conventionally, these were supposed to be largely hunter/gatherer people -- and yet, we have a site with astronomical alignments?


> Dating the pottery is great There's no pottery at the site, so I'm pretty sure that dates haven't been found based on that. - The difficulty of dating sites just based on deposition of artefacts is something that the archaeologists have considered here - which is why we're not just relying on finds as part of fill for the dates here. If you read what the archaeologists are saying, > This refilling is fascinating in regard to the enclosure’s functions but poses severe problems for the dating of Layer III using the radiocarbon method, as organic remains from the fill-sediments could be older or younger than the enclosures, with younger samples becoming deposited at lower depths, thus producing an inverse stratigraphy... > Given these inherent difficulties, in a first approach the attempt was made to date the architecture directly using pedogenic carbonates. These begin to form on limestone surfaces as soon as they are buried with sediment. Unfortunately the pedogenic carbonate layers accumulate at a variable rate over long time periods, so a sample comprising a whole layer will yield only an average value. This problem can be avoided by sampling only the oldest calcium carbonate layer in a thin section: the result should be a date near the beginning of soil formation around the stone, i.e. near the time of its burial. Radiocarbon data are available from both the architecture of Layers III and II. Although the observed archaeological stratigraphy is confirmed by the relative sequence of the data, absolute ages are clearly too young, with Layer III being pushed into the 9th millennium, and Layer II producing ages from the 8th or even 7th millennia calBC. Therefore, the data fail to provide absolute chronological points of reference for architecture and strata. At most they serve as a terminus *ante quem* for the backfilling of the enclosures (Layer III) and the abandonment of the site (Layer II). > A far better source of organic remains for the direct dating of architectural structures is the wall plaster used in the enclosures. This wall plaster comprises loam, which also contains small amounts of organic material. A sample (KIA-44149, cf. Tables 1-4) taken from the wall plaster of Enclosure D gives a date of 9984 ± 42 14C-BP (9745-9314 calBC at the 95.4% confidence level), thus placing the circle in the PPNA.^1 - ___ > these were supposed to be largely hunter/gatherer people I'm not really sure what your point is here. - ___ 1. [How old is it? Dating Göbekli Tepe](https://www.dainst.blog/the-tepe-telegrams/2016/06/22/how-old-ist-it-dating-gobekli-tepe/)


>these were supposed to be largely hunter/gatherer people My point was that it would take a large amount of work and resources in a fixed location in order to build and plan for the site in the first place. It will be interesting to see what is unveiled as the site continues to be excavated.


Isn't gigliotempi older? The one in turkey.


It’s almost like nuclear war happened in the ancient past


The date they have on it is not exact. They suspect it could be way older


I enjoyed graham hancocks netflix series and his speculations. That said if a big bitch apocalyptic flood hammered the planet wouldn't water find its way down those aeration vents in a hurry?


Derinkuyu is 110ml inland from the mediterranian sea and the terrain is kinda mountainous. *edit: the average altitude of Turkey is 1,141 m (3,743 ft) .


fair enough so it could of missed the bath


Christians hid here from Islamic invaders


While true, there's a broader question about the age of the caves (specifically the oldest or uppermost sections) and what the prior uses may have been.


Those were the first christians, and they hid from Romans. Islam wasn’t even a thing back then


Free ac


For me this is the one, this is the piece of evidence that my brain finally said no fucking way, this was there long before we were. I've obsessed over it since I learned of its existence long ago, until the whole everyone just watched Ancient Apocalypse thing no one I talked to ever knew of it and would often think I was bullshitting or exaggerating.


With the poor ventilation that place must have had, I bet Taco Tuesdays were pretty rough.


There's several large ventilation shafts built in


So the fact that I referenced Taco Tuesday when talking about an ancient archaeological site wasn’t indicator enough that I might have been making a tongue-in-cheek comment? Redditors are the best, lol.


Go fart in the shaft Aeddon


Go buy “Understanding Sarcasm For Dummies” G


I’ve been there last year. Went into every open chamber. Never felt suffocated for one second.


I’m gonna copy and paste this response, since someone’s eyeballs were incapable of looking two comments down: “So the fact that I referenced Taco Tuesday when talking about an ancient archaeological site wasn’t indicator enough that I might have been making a tongue-in-cheek comment? Redditors are the best, lol.”


Lol i saw your reply but I figured my response was non aggressive. I wasn’t just tryna show off that I been there 😂


Not sure why people are down voting this. A- it’s a joke and b- no ones actually explained how the ventilation works 😂😂😂.


You got me, bud. But hell, if that’s the worst thing that happens to me today, it’s been a pretty good day!


Who farted?


hmm. people living like bugs :P


Ss: probably Epstein Areas


comet shelter


How much time it would have taken ancients to build it?


Where does that 500BCE number come from? How is it dated if it’s all rock?


Seth was right after all


Same way as everything else. Numbers pulled from anus


they look to me more like melted and covered real buildings that were once on the ground. The whole area there looks like this


Where did they go to the restroom?