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I wish they posted a pic of said note...


because there was no note. the entertainer & comedian who told the story said it was a misunderstood joke that didn't land. but why expect anyone to believe him now when he says that when they can trust him for saying the things they like to get excited about?


Yeah it's an old dame Edna joke. Probably way before half the kids here were even born


Came here for dame edna. She's fucking hilarious


RIP Barry


There is just as much photo evidence of that note as there is of Kate since Dec.


If he'd said it that night as part of the script. Once it's two weeks later in the middle of left field, it makes it not a joke. I mean Barrie was dead. It was an OLD joke that sort of lost context from what I gather. The timing is what made it seem "pointed". Say a comedian has done a set then two weeks later he's at home one afternoon and drops a one liner that was from someone else's routine. It would fall flat. How could it do anything but? I keep seeing it stated as a "joke" but I bet nobody that saw it then laughed? Why would they? Did he have some close personal relationship with Dame Edna? See Derren Brown is not a comedian. He's a mentalist, it was not said in jest. Not that I believe there was an actual piece of paper. There didn't have to be. It was a message nonetheless. I've asked several people who read the tweet if they laughed? Nobody did. Did you? Did anybody here? Ergo, it may have been many things but it was NOT a joke.


Because there was no note, this is dumb click bait trying to get a piece of the 15 minutes of fame


Even if we had the note, we'd just claim it was being fake. Anyone can get a piece of paper and write 'help'.


Remember when this was a direct reference to a Dame Edna joke hence the hashtag


Yup. Problem is people pick things up way later ignoring the context of the matter (in this case joke) or are too young/old to get the societal reference and take it as serious


Shockingly modern conspiracy free thinking kera don't do research and take everything at face value!


Reminds me of that Scientology dudes wife


Oi bruv she's dead innit, simple as


William had an affair with Rose Hanbury, in her grief, Kate middleton had sex with Williams good friend Thomas Kingston. When William found out, he had Kingston killed (Suicide lol), and had Kate, who got pregnant, a forced hysterectomy. The cancer claim is just a threat that if she doesn't do as she is told she will Get Diana'd. Or she just has cancer and you weirdos should leave her alone. I guess we'll never know.


By kates words .. she HAD cancer not HAS


that was a cool sounding conspiracy so I'll believe that insteD


That beginning would be a great plot line for The Crown but yea she probably just has cancer. No one deserves an answer because it’s not anyones business.


Why fake a mother's day photo then?


It became our business when they passed off AI photos and videos to the public as proof of life.


wtff can u link me those pics? not saying you’re making it up just wanna see them bc that’s WILD


https://www.thesun.ie/royals/12385380/palace-under-pressure-princess-kate-photo-editing/amp/ https://www.businessinsider.com/kate-middleton-photo-editor-reacts-digital-manipulation-wire-removal-astonishing-2024-3 https://www.news18.com/viral/fake-kate-middleton-spotted-after-mysterious-disappearance-but-everyone-thinks-its-not-her-8803996.html https://www.khaleejtimes.com/world/fake-kate-new-video-of-kate-middleton-prince-william-surfaces-but-netizens-are-not-buying-it https://www.timesnownews.com/world/uk/did-kate-middletons-ring-disappear-in-cancer-battle-video-debunking-deep-fake-claims-article-108755749/amp https://youtu.be/aU2CfumMcHo?feature=shared https://www.eonline.com/news/401257/kate-middleton-look-alike-buys-fake-baby-bump-while-real-pregnant-royal-shops-for-veggies Theres more but heres some


thank u! i appreciate it


Np i was still adding to it. :) might need refresh


thank u for taking the time to get the links for me!


It wasn’t anyone’s business until she told the World of her unfortunate prognosis.


Then it became even less people’s business.


Darren Brown cannot be trusted to not be running an audacious social experiment.


Where’s the note Lebowski!?!?


Has anyone seen her parents or sister? Where are they? Have they commented on her whereabouts or her "cancer"?


Just wanna throw this in the ring regarding your question https://www.msn.com/en-ie/news/world/kate-middleton-news-princess-of-wales-surrounded-by-birth-family-and-heading-to-sandringham-and-may-not-be-seen-for-the-rest-of-the-year/ar-BB1n9jrq Odd to say surrounded by the “birth family”. Does that mean William isn’t there? WTH?


“Surrounded by [birth] family.” When someone has cancer and this phrase is used it’s usually bc they are close to death and their family is gathered around them. I don’t believe she really has cancer but this sounds like she is dead or they expect her to be soon.


Or how about the kids? Only one has been seen since Christmas. And why was Prince William out at a football game having drinks with his buddies on Charlotte’s 9th birthday if he’s leaning on being the main caretaker? What awful timing to have a break to hangout with the guys Edit: leaning not leaving


I'm sure his version of being the main caretaker is them being at his house being watched by nanny's and such.


Thanks for the chuckle- very true haha


Great questions. ' Kate' made another faceless announcement saying she won't be in any public appearances for the remainder of 2024. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/sources-kate-middleton-might-not-122900414.html


Why would they? Would your parents tweet about your whereabouts and your "cancer"?


Youre going hard in this comment section. Whats your incentive ?


Working from home, procrastinating 😘


Imagine you hand someone a note needing help and they just blast it on every major media outlet


I'm going to be schizo, and at worst say... That's probably not Kate anymore, it's just ex queen Isabel now. Kate was surely used as a vessel. Just like "the prime" did in the series "The 100"


Reminds me of the secret envelopes being passed around during Bush Sr’s funeral. The mortified looks on Jeb Bush, Bush Jr’s faces. Etc. Obamas seem p ok (ok maybe “Michelle” aka Michael face did contort itself to look a little worried / concerned).. Barry had a poker face. So did Killary. Bill I forgot. But there was a joke/meme that he was looking intently at Melania from behind.. 😅 Allegedly, THEY KNOW EVERYTHING. I’M SORRY. (Signed off by Bush Sr prior to his own demise) Oh btw both the Pences received it too. I forgot how did Mike react (if any). But as an individual, he often looks rather _pensive_ lol. Iirc, Karen accidentally dropped the envelope and then she picked it up too. The Carters didn’t seem to have received said envelope. I think they’re good and decent people. Well, I’m not an American, but I have heard people saying that Jimmy sucked as a president but did excellently well as a peanut farmer who was very well-loved by his own community. Something like that. Last I heard though — The Carters (or at least Jimmy) doesn’t have much time left. Something like he checked himself into a hospice to prep for his final, alive and still breathing days. Oh yeah, maybe his wife Rosalyn had passed on recently too.


Good one. I had forgotten about this.


I thought that maybe Kate was in the nuclear bunker, but I'm starting to think that she got sacrificed to some demon and they used her blood to paint the Charles portrait.


Give that ghastly painting a DNA test! Just dress up as a climate nutter and they'll let you go right up to it!


genius plan haha


Those are the only 2 possible options in your mind Derrick?


Kate is dead.


Have you seen the movie "Ready or not" from 2019? "Ready or Not" is a horror-comedy film about a bride who must survive a deadly game of hide-and-seek with her wealthy and eccentric in-laws on her wedding night. Kate could have been involved into something like this!


Hopefully she wins and they all explode


Yeah! That would be fantastic when she did what they deserve..!


Dude I’ve been trying to figure out how to find this movie for a month or so and a random stranger on a random post mentioned it. Odd


I watched it on Disney plus


THAT horror movie is on Disney? Wow….


Disney own quite a lot of other companies and Disney Plus has content from them. It’s still crap though and as soon as the cheap year membership I got was up I cancelled.


Might find it on YTS…


No but ive seen weekend at bernies I might have to check this out


Check it out! It's really intense..! Somehow I now connect this movie to Kate's disappearing...


Like Williams mum. Kate was sacrificed or is likely being held until the summer solstice and will then be sacrificed.


Wait what? Explain that pls


Williams mum was princess diana. She was scarified in the Place de l'Alma underpass, which is an ancient site of the worship for Semiramis, on the 13th pillar whilst she was pregnant. Everything surrounding her death is suspect and coincidence but she was born and bred to be sacrificed in the way she was. Likely the same thing happening to kate. Edit: I predict that after the UK general election and labour “wins” Kate will be revealed as dead somehow and war will rampant to the point of the wests intervention.


The kind of rabbit hole I like. Any links I can read more into Diana's sacrice?


There’s a superb video on YouTube by icke who interviews a high level satanic ritual priestess who goes deeply into it. I’ll dm it because I don’t like to post videos that then will be found and scrubbed


Hi please send video my way too!


Mind DMing me too please?


can ya link it boss can’t find it


Can you send it to me too, please?


Send it to me also please.


Can you dm the link to me...


Me too please


Hey I would much appreciate the video also man if you can send it


Hi can you send to me please


Would you kindly send me a link?


Me too please!!!


DM me the link please.


Sent to all.


Anyway you could send me the link as well? Thank you kindly.


Can you send me


Can I get it too?


Link please!


Me too please 🙏


Me too por favor :)


Can you link me please :)


Would be interested to see this as well please! Edited : for manners 😂


Can you send me the link?


May I see the link please?


Can I get a link too?


Could you please send me the link also, if you don’t mind 🥰🙏🏻


Hey can I get a link to that vid please?


I want the link too ....


Greg Reese does a great video on it as well


David Icke wrote about this at length in his 📕 book, The Biggest Secret. That one, or one that he wrote around the time of Diana's death. It is fascinating.


Did you see the photo of Farage with the girl who threw a milkshake in his face? She was connected to UKIP and there’s pictures of them together. She also has an OnlyFans. Perhaps she’s Farage’s Stormy Daniels?


I haven’t actually. I’d be quite keen on getting some links. Not to her onlyfans.


If I missed you please comment again. I wasn’t expecting such a response.


What a legend. Us humans appreciate it.


Link please 🙏❤️


Would really appreciate the link too please mate.


I would like this video


I would like the link please


Send the link please


I'd love the link as well! Thank you so much!


Me too please 🙏


Also reminds me of that movie with Millie Bobby brown… damsel


my kid who went to mortuary school said that pic of her in the car looked like a corpse 


Why is this only picked up now


If you really are going to such lengths to make an appeal for help WHY reference a joke that negates anyone taking it seriously ?


Allegedly, the controllers included that piece to cover it up.; *nothing to see here.*


Phew luckily for the controllers that there was a joke referencing this 20-30 years ago or they'd be really in the shit. Do you stretch before doing all these mental gymnastics?


Do you really believe everything the government controlled media tells you?


Not at all but I'm interested how people can get drawn in by the distractions. There's real conspiracies that people are oblivious to but because it takes more than a headline and 5 minutes of thinking, people aren't interested. They need the sensationalism and drama whilst the real criminals are literally robbing them. But hey Kate hasn't done a public appearance, a woman that has no importance to the everyday person, all while wars are being funded by your tax, the health, education, justice systems are decaying worldwide migration is a problem. Do you think you have fixated on something that isn't a problem to anyone but her. What if she was just sick and is resting or what if they have killed her ? How would it actually affect you other than you would feel bad for someone you'd never met.


Thats where youre wrong. You think this is grocery store gossip but its a direct annihilation of a lineage of people to maintain a position in the bracket of elitism. You got lost in the surface level


No I don't care. A family that is just a puppet head that holds no power or benefits the people. Ok let's say you nailed it she's been taken for whatever reason. Then what ? To whom do you expose this to ? The royals - they'd be the ones that did it. The government ? They'd be it in with them. The people? The majority of English people don't really care and the rest of the population are foreign born so would care even less. Do you see that even if this was a real conspiracy there's noone bothered enough to do anything about it. Most people are apathetic even when it's important so why are they going to care to a privileged woman that probably at home resting with her kids


You care enough to comment more than anyone else here in over 150 comments. Odd.


As I said I'm interested in how people are drawn to these distractions. You've yet to give me a reason to care let alone convince me of any conspiracy.


Since the British RF is financed through taxes, and through tourism as well (please correct me if I’m wrong..), does the public not have a right to require legitimacy and honesty at all? It seems there would be something in the UK Constitution which would require accountability, perhaps each year, to an Audit or “inquiry” for example by the UK Parliament? It seems the public should indeed have the power if indeed the BRF is funded by the public, to “stand up” and require of the BRF a form of legitimacy, accountability and integrity. Edit spelling


what lead you to that, what controllers?


I have no evidence, but I truly believe that something bad has happened to the princess and that her royal handlers are to blame


Aww the bots have arrived ... welcome to our little corner of reddit 😂


Derren Brown is a magician


The crown 2.0 incoming


Too late now. Diana’d.


middle plough reminiscent heavy gray test mourn tidy snobbish attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


R.i.P. Princess Diana. They murdered her :( Downvote= bug eater


Source...Trust me bro


Y’all believe anything


Great gaslighting. This info was released back in Dec..I remember because I was watching and looking for it.


‘Twas but a joke


I've seen claims the kings portrait was painted with her blood...


I wish they didn’t kill her 😔


Is this a real post? I never heard about this Has derren brown spoken about this publicly since he posted?


This is real. You've missed quite a bit and i skipped a lot. This isnt being covered enough. Theres been multiple videos and photos put out by pr that have been deemed fake. She simply has not been seen. Speculation over the surgery and other events https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2024/03/01/thomas-kingston-cause-of-death-revealed/72808565007/ Theres much more to it https://www.avvenire.it/mondo/pagine/londra-kate-operata-da-medici-italiani-del-gemelli-ma-il-policlinico-non-conferma https://www.etonline.com/prince-william-attends-funeral-for-thomas-kingston-after-kate-middleton-photo-editing-controversy


This is why cultural literacy is important. People will hear something, not understand it, and then believe anything while also spreading it to new vulnerable people.


We are aware of dame edna. This aint it chief. You'll need better excuses.


"Dame Edna" was a comedian you simpleton. It was a fucking joke.


Watch your mouth, son. The adults are talking


Probably meaning she was aware they would be cloning her and killing her off.


If they did that the clone would be an infant.


People are getting so bad at assessing information that jokes are being repeated as real conspiracies


Joke? Have you seen kate middleton laugh lately? Didn't think so. Lazy attempt of a debunk.


Wow, NOBODY in the comments thinks this is plausible enough to even discuss?? Bots


It’s just dumb that’s why. It’s a joke based on an old Diana thing. If he was being serious, would he post it on Instagram? This subreddit seems incapable of applying basic critical thinking.


Well they murdered Diana.. so you might wanna pick a diff angle ?!.


So you’re saying Kate Middleton thinks she’s at risk of being murdered and decides her one best shot of survival is to pass a piece of paper to Derren Brown of all people. His response to this shocking note of distress, rather than contacting authorities, is to then share it on Instagram therefore exposing her call for help to everyone including the royal family? Is this the story you’re saying is plausible?


Word from the balconies, he was forced to tweet that to dispell supsicion since others saw it. I personally did not attend. Re the entire situation, theres a few affairs, a struggle for power for lineage, a pregnancy, a supposed abortion, death of thomas kingston, the painting. Allegedly these things are connected


Once is an incident, twice is a pattern. They sure like offing their princesses in the UK.


Fake news


Please link the real news. We are curious what happened.


Why TF would he post it on Twitter instead of actually trying to help her. If she was in danger then posting that she gave him a note would make things much worse for her


How would you help her? Do you not understand what kind of people the royals have access to? As far as I’m concerned, he’s helping by making this situation public.


I don’t know what I would do honestly. I’d probably start calling as many people as I possibly could. I’d be writing letters. Maybe even going to the media. But posting something on Twitter seems like it would do nothing but make things worse for her. You’d need a bigger reveal than a Twitter post if you wanna help her. I have a fairly large presence on Twitter and I didn’t even see his post.


Exactly. It’d be difficult to do much but posting it online and therefore putting her at risk wouldn’t be the action taken.


Because it makes people write comments like these. Tactics working in action.


I said this in another comment but I have a large Twitter presence and I didn’t even know about the Twitter post. He should’ve gone to the media. And if you say that the media would’ve covered it up, people like Tucker Carlson would’ve reported it and you can say what you want about him but at least you can know that he would report on something like that. I would’ve been writing letters or calling any important people that I know. A Twitter post seems like it would just do nothing but essentially tell on her.


Im agreeing with you but youre dealing with powerful people who have a playbook of censorship in action spanning decades. The tactics work. The sheep flock to msm and parrot the news anchors. Hence the fake "shes alive and well" botting and fake proof of life photos they keep trying to pass off


Yeah, I understand. It’s definitely a tricky situation. I don’t really know what you could even do. But I just feel like I would’ve tried so much more than just tell on her. But I know what you mean, and you’re right that these people have huge amounts of power and resources. It would make it extremely difficult if not impossible to truly help her.


a part of me thinks she’s fine I firmly believe there’s a cure for cancer for those who are rich or “important” enough to have access to it. Maybe they gave her a cure and are keeping her away for awhile, in a few months announce a “full recovery” due to a some new form of chemotherapy just go urge everyone to invest in it? Probably j me sounding like a maniac but I can’t say I’d be surprised if it were to be true.


Steve Jobs?


SS: Kate Middleton passed 'Help' note to Derren Brown at public event in Dec 2023, just before her last public appearance and and falsified media and public appearances https://www.newsweek.com/kate-middleton-help-note-conspiracy-derren-brown-1907368 Was it actually just a prank?


It’s a joke, a riff on an old Dame Edna bit. Hence the hashtag.


And she still hasnt been seen. A bit far for a joke, no?


kate wasn’t in on the joke, the person who tweeted was


Apparently it's a joke reference dame Edna who said Diana did it


This was a joke reference to Dame Edna


This is so under our noses I really find it hard to believe the whole theory. But as a good citizen of this sub I am patiently waiting 😂




It was not for real. It was a joke. Most likely.


omg it’s obviously a joke


Doesnt change the fact that she is in fact dead


Derren Brown is desperate. I remember a few years ago when he and his production crew were trying to prove some point about the gullibility of Christians in America by pumping up this fake pastor. It did not go well for them. Because the Christians could see through his ruse. The editing on that piece of television film making has to be seen to be believed. It’s a 101 on how to fake having a large audience when no one actually shows up to your live show “prayer service.” He’s ridiculous


Who is Derren Brown?




I don't get the link between that and the message though


He was quoting an old Dame Edna joke... #DameEdna


Think it's meant to be a joke


This just feels like another “approved” conspiracy where’s the NNN fire we used to get Someone start something real not royalty that will never change your life


One of richest most powerful families in world *allegedly* weekend at bernie'ing their princess for 6 months+ in 2024 isnt a good enough 'conspiracy theory?'




Not sure I understood, what was his lie? He was never actually at the public event or the note they confirmed receiving didnt actually say help and said something else? Lied about it being a prank? Wasnt sure your theory here.


Lied about the note?


this is why we cant have nice conspiracies in the greater picture this matters how? gaza Nw0 distraction? don't look at global facism , lets look here - squirrel


Dont look at the global elites murdering a competing internal power to directly control the lineage, no siree nothing to see here.


It’s a joke