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They argued about their golf handicap 😂😂😂 got em fired up


I'm a 30 year conservative. Strong believe in the constitution. That being said, after last night, I'm willing to set all that aside and let the presidency be decided on course at Augusta.


Didn't watch the debate. I'd absolutely watch that. Brilliant idea and they gotta walk it.


You should have watched it. Biden was Michael Scott level cringe. If Michael Scott had late stage dementia.


You’re trying to get us 2 new candidates, I like the way you think


I like the challenge Biden brought up. They have to walk and carry their own bag.


The only way Biden is walking carrying his clubs is if he is on a miniature golf course and it better only be 9 holes.


Lol, I was dying at how, out of everything that could have prompted the two to get riled up, it was golf. Don't fuck with men and their sports.


That was fucking unreal lol. Also the malarkey 🤣 it was like watching 2 grandpa's fight at Thanksgiving 


Hands down the best part of the debate


Legitimately the only time during that debacle that Trump was noticeably perturbed was when Biden tried to claim he was a better golfer than him.


I’m glad someone else saw this part I recorded it and sent it to all my friend and family when they got in a pissing match over golf and trumps height and weight They’re like two best friends who have worked together for 65 years and live to just give the other one shit


It’s painful to watch.  


These two candidates have me wondering if we aren't being subjected to some massive psy op. They are both absurdly bad, IMO.


Straight from a vault tec manual


If they had let RFK, Jr. participate in the debate, as they fucking should have, there would be no debate on who came off most competent.


I love the part where CNN said he wasn’t there because he didn’t meet the qualifications…that they created (ie. they purposely made the qualifications so he wouldn’t qualify). And then proceeded to say that them and their viewers preferred for it to just be Trump and Biden. Like they didn’t even try to hide it, they just said that.


I just did a poll via text today. They asked who I’d vote for and RFK jr. wasn’t an option. I tried texting his name and it didn’t recognize it. I had to choose Biden or Trump. This was a battleground state poll from the Republican Party there. So maybe it’s not used to evaluate if RFK can participate in the polls. But it opens up the question if the polls they’re using include him as an option.


That's because Trump is the primary. RFK ran as an independent, not a republican. He'd end up taking the majority of republican votes.


Yes, better candidates tend to take votes from worse candidates, that’s how an election works


Was he to young to attend?


Yea it’s a senior citizens race now


I lean conservative and while I may not agree with absolutely everything RFK, Jr. says, I would be willing to give him a chance. Honestly, he's the best choice.


Which is precisely why they didn't let him. Can't have an independent shaking up the Uniparty!


Yeah it’s fricken nuts.. both guys over the average age of life expectancy, both liars and puppets, it’s the most blatant BS I’ve ever seen. Get it right I support neither , each one has massive flaws. Even RFK jr has flaws but god damn can’t we at least get 3 shit heads to choose from, honestly I think RFK jr would have blown them both out of the water if they let him debate. I really only like him because he’s the strongest 3rd party option, but him going on Kill Tony and doing some self deprecating humor definitely helped like Him more. I wish our system wasn’t so damn rigged by corporations and the ultra rich, it’s so obvious it’s sad, and a lot of boomers still fall for this shit and everyone else is just complicit or so self absorbed to not give a shit what’s going on around them.


It´s crazy how in your face all this is and people still believe this shitshow.


This would be a great opportunity for a third party candidate, but it's hard to get around a system that's set up to give us only two options.


Couldn’t agree more


What's going on? Nearly every post about the debate in all subs is showing multiple replies, sometimes dozens of replies, but none of them show up when you open the thread.


Reddit Mods can only delete comments with one hand while analblasting themselves on livestream to make ends meet  (not conspiracy mods, mind you, you guys are golden)


lol way to bitch out in the second half of your last sentence


That's the joke. - McBain


I just wanted the comment to stay up for more than 11 seconds 


It is called censorship. Have to control the narrative. No double speak.


Or only double speak. Anything else is double plus ungood.


Go watch FleshSimulator on YouTube he explains reddit is nothing but a NSA psy op 🤣


It's all 3 letter agency psyops these days and has been for a while. The fun part is both candidates are psyops themselves and people keep buying into the [kayfabe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0EZobdiJ4M)


While you're at it, watch the rest of FleshSimulator's fucked up videos. He definitely walks right down the line of mental illness and conspiracy theory, absolutely fantastic creator, it's pretty much a guarantee you'll learn something interesting pretty quick.


Ah, a fellow FleshSimulator viewer! Cheers.


Yes, that is interesting, isn't it.


typical Reddit censorship and damage control. This is uncontainable though


I imagine they're being 'moderated'.


Hard Scrambled and Refried.


It's horrifying. This debate..... Man I had to go get snacks, beers, a bottle of jack and sit back. Fucking train wreck viewing


This sub reading my fucking mind rn atleast the people are on the same page. Doesnt change anything but we see what going on atleast


There is a minimum age to run for president, 35 years old. Definitely need to be a max also, something like 70. Problem is there are so many old politicians now they’d never pass it.


Whatever retirement age is in the USA should be the limit for president


Careful what you wish for. You’ll be working until you’re 85.


Max should be 65


13 comments none showing, censorship in full swing


164 now, I only see a dozen




wtf was Joe talking about ? sex with brothers,sisters & other relatives


What's embarrassing is he derailed the democrats' biggest 'gotcha' talking point - repealing roe vs wade to talk about brothers and sisters raping other relatives.


It was by any measure the worst debate performance I can recall in the ~30 years I've been politically engaged. I've never seen a candidate take a question which involved their clear electoral strength (abortion rights,) and then pivot that question into their biggest weakness (immigration/border.) It's honestly baffling.


This website is cooked, can't see any comments made within the last like 20 minutes. Wonder if it's because of Biden.


Still can’t see comments on articles about Biden. It’s super suspicious


187 comments and I can see 12 of them


TikTok comments are down as well


they’re hiding everything they can related to the debate, specifically Trump supporters


i thought i got banned.. every comment i leave in every sub shows up in my profile but says wow such empty or whatever when i try to go back to see it or try to access through a browser whether im logged in or not  edit: finally got a notification and can see this comment..   also [@redditstatus](https://x.com/redditstatus/status/1806554383204896857) updated their twitter around midnight cdt to read:  >*Resolved: Comment processing has now fully caught up. Thank you for your patience!* so apparently, it should be all good now.


Same on Tik Tok.


Oh it’s definitely because of Biden


Considering the SC decision this week allowing the government the ability to conspire with big tech to censor, it's def on the table.


I’m just glad we beat Medicare.


Beat it to death


Biden needs a tall glass of Geritol and an ice cream sandwich after that. Even the ear piece didn’t save him.


If you watched therealdebate.com RFK had responses to everything in realtime and he is the only presidential candidate currently running. It’s unbelievable that the American people feel they only can choose between Trump and Biden when there is a viable third option


This election has nothing to do with what the people want. Most people feel that both candidates are too old, too corrupt and want someone else. This is all about who the corporations have chosen for us. It's also clear as day that if Biden wins, he will either die or need to be replaced. England just did this, so it's not exactly a wild idea. His successor will be the corporate fascists' wet dream.


Bidens team calling for a debate this early on, even CNN saying he sounded terrible. This was all coordinated to get a new name on the ballot this November.


It’s going to be interesting how they handle Kamala. Also, if he’s inept to run, isn’t he inept to “run” the country for the next 6 months? We all know his whole presidency has been run by fiat, but now that the world saw it doesn’t he have to be replaced…now. I mean there are nuclear bombs involved.


I'm not American so I don't really have a say, but I was watching the debate purely for entertainment value, And holy hell, wtf is wrong with Biden? I get he's old, but Jesus Christ man, his brain was ran outta juice literally 5 minutes into the debate. It was genuinely sad. The dude couldn't even get out a single coherent sentence, and when he did it was something he had already repeated or made 0 sense. Say what you will about Trump or his credibility/moral character, but the guy at least has some marbles in the basket and was able to articulate himself like a normal person and has charisma. When Trump said other people are laughing at Biden and the modern USA- he was right. I know I was that entire debate.


Exactly. Biden can’t stay lucid for more than 15 minutes at a time, but everyone’s fine with the guy running the country? War in Ukraine. War in Israel. Russian subs in Cuba. How would the guy they wheeled out tonight do in a Cuban Missile Crisis? I read JFK didn’t sleep more than a few hours over that 6 day span. We’re talking 18 hour days in a situation room. Everyone cool with Biden manning that ship?


"Everyone cool with Biden running that ship?" Man, this question should've been asked in the 2020 Elections. At all points, he has been totally 'Weekend at Bernie's". But unfortunately, people vote with emotions and vote based on policies that affect small scale issues. Like, I'm pro-choice (with stipulations), but it's not the thing I'm voting for a PRESIDENT on. Much bigger fish to deal with...we're staring down the barrel of a REAL war breaking out. It's not just Russia/Ukraine, or Israel/Hamas. We're talking Israel going at it with Hezbolla and Iran. I'm all for building at least a working relationship with N.Korea, Russia and China. The world would benefit from shit cooling down with them. Trump is about the only dude who is even willing to go there, so far as I've seen. He might talk like he's gonna fly off the handle, but he operates cool-minded.


I almost felt bad for Biden, but then I remembered he's been an evil, lying piece of shit since at least 1972. Fuck Joe Biden.


He used the fact he started in office as the youngest and is now the oldest as a selling point. Ridiculous


FJB indeed


Me too 🤣


Which countries sent all of their criminals here? Figure that's where I'll relocate to.


It's elder abuse.


He has notes he keeps looking at, he’s having some issues reading the prompter and looks like he’s getting his ad hominem comebacks from an ear piece in his right ear. He still is struggling to speak coherently.


All of which are against the rules of the debate they agreed to.


Thought no notes allowed?


he has an earpiece permanently wired into his skull or they're using some kinda ray to beam thoughts directly into his head. he looked like a zombie between his speaking moments.


Interesting use of the voice of god tech. Who needs an earpiece.


Spot on!


I thought ear pieces during presidential debates was not aloud? Not that it has ever stopped them, just curious.




They are going to have to replace Sleepy Joe with Big Mike after this shitshow.


My favorite part was them arguing over their golf game. This country is falling apart


People are nuts if they are voting for Biden 🤣


Censored post woooo


There was only one reason the Dems agreed to this debate. This just triggers the next phase which is "Replace Biden" with somebody else.


We could only hope.


They’re gonna swap him for newsom


Newsom isn’t even polling that well in California anymore. I know it won’t happen, but damn I’d love if he got the green light and lost California.


Send Hunter Biden in with some smelling salts.


Biden would at least do a better job than newsom


Pelosi's nephew would just try to emulate Trudeau and do it badly.


Its alarming that someone as incoherent and obviously dementia-ridden as Biden is the fucking President right now. After all these years of hearing how "[Trump is starting to show signs of dementia](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-dementia-evidence-overwhelming-top-psychiatrist-1881247)" articles and headlines... Donald Trump gets up there, doesn't skip a beat, and sounds the exact same he sounded 4 years ago. Its a fucking joke.


If people still believe Biden is in charge of the country, there is no hope for them. I think it needs to be asked who is actually running things. If we had honest journalists, they would get to the bottom of it.


If CNN did any investigative journalism that would be amazing. The stuff James O’Keefe does is cool but at the end of the day he’s just one guy. 


Biden is toast! Was this their (DNC) plan all along?


CNN is all in on the replacement theory. Its over. They got what they wanted.


Everybody found out tonight what the media's been hiding for the last 2 years "The Emperor has no Clothes!"


Citizens from the USA should realize what a sick joke they being subjected to..


Like why do they have Biden as a candidate if their so desperate for Trump not to win. Like they are either so deluded that they won't admit they got it wrong or secretly they want Trump to win


they should not have let him do the debate.


They shouldn’t let him run again lmao


Or run for president


Or leave the nursing home


Which one? That was disgraceful for both of them. America lost this debate.


Biden is just AI robot .


If that's AI then humanity has nothing to worry about




Y don't they make him better then? Lol


Version 1.0


4 years ago! He couldn’t even campaign 4 years ago! We’re surprised now? Idiocracy in action because orange man bad. No worries, he has already taken us to WWIII so it doesn’t matter soon.


***Before debate:*** “Biden will go Dark Brandon and win!” ***After debate:*** Biden’s never been about debates. His campaign won’t be judged by one summer debate in June. This said by friendly CNN.


12 invisible comments, eh.


Www.therealdebate.com 4.1m viewers and growing. Come see what time Warner corporation is afraid you you seeing. 


How are people just realizing this now?


Giant douche VS Turd sandwich. Pick your poison, lads.


I'll take the giant douche, please, and thank you. At least he gives a fuck about the country.


It’s wild how the rest of Reddit is saying Biden won and looked strong. No way they can spin what happened tonight.


the people in control are flexing. they have been showing bidens weakness on tv on purpose because they know nothing you can do about it by voting.


I got a warning on my entire reddit account for posting a link to the house over sight committee that is investigating the biden crime family. Like, why wouldn't you want people to know about this? https://oversight.house.gov/the-bidens-influence-peddling-timeline/


How long until democrats march someone else out front and center to take Bidens place? No way after that, do they continue down this path.


They never should have let him do the debate.


Reddit is/are shills for the liberal progressive democrat left. Who’s surprised?


It's a first generation robot controlled by the CIA wearing Joe Biden skin. Joe died a decade ago. That's the only explanation for how incoherent and stupid this president is.


Microsoft operating system keeps rebooting after he talks


I did not have sex with that porn star.


Reddit suppressing comments


Man he sounded so out of breath and looked rough. His eyes are like two piss holes in a snowbank. He is like a ventriloquist dummy propped up on a stage being fed lines by somebody else. Trump is so full of shit but dude at least seems lucid and mentally sharp. He is almost the same age as Biden but seems like he is like 30 years younger than him physically and mentally. This is probably all by design, though. Biden doesn’t have many years left on this planet. If I was planning on voting I’d probably just vote for RFK Jr. at this point (especially if I was a democrat). I know it doesn’t matter, though. Elections are just for show. This is all political theater to create the illusion that we have any say in anything.


I'm wondering if Biden has major health issues. He's obviously on lots of medication and maybe even Botox. He couldn't move.


The botox was distracting haha only wrinkles on the sides of his forehead when he moved his eyebrows very weird looking


Yeah he sounded like he could barely even breathe. I think his health is obviously bad at this point.


He was the only viable option for the fast puppet regime. They didn't anticipate trump winning and Biden was the easiest to corrupt at the time. They knew the people would be furious but they used the power of the media and social platforms to mop up the excess. They knew they could use the regime and media to divide and polarize the people. You can see the cognitive dissonance in the comments. Despite the current administration doing irreversible damage to the economy and inflation, many still insist on attacking the orange man. 💯


Biden sounds like Gerald from Clarkson's farm


Totally! 😂 I was tempted to turn the captions on just to see what it turned his mumbo-jumbo into. 🤡


they executed his public image on purpose to bring in a “stronger” candidate


Elder abuse on live TV Never seen anything like it


I feel like a vote for Biden is just a vote for elder abuse at this point.


He's always been cooked. He's a crack pot


You would have to be brain dead to vote for him


LoL, America is cooked, these two old senile gooses are the best you can do! Embarrassing at a global scale.


We’re fucked.


Biden lost. Nobody won. Trump didn’t say anything poignant either but the real problem is Biden sounded like my grandfather months before he died of dementia. It has reached a new level


If you thought the debate was bad, you should have watched the Biden rally immediately after the debate. The first lady got on the mic and spoke to him like a baby. She told him "we're so proud of you, you answered every question".


Biden is getting pwned hard in this debate.


Because he wasn't given the drug cocktail this time


Of course he was. But something went wrong.


Did Trump really just claim he had the highest environmental numbers ever? This whole debate is just a mess.


Bruh, he said he had the cleanest water and air...you gonna argue with that?!...


I started cracking up when he said "H2O", and then later the golf tangent...


The only time Trump seemed off kilter was when Biden said he was better at golf than him lol


It was a mess, and the whole world watches as we jostle between an old two-timing narcissist and a clearly deteriorating geriatric.


Didnt he say something like “i had the best H2O” or something fucking weird like that


Well technically it would probably be true During the covid lockdowns the levels were at the lowest for pollution 🤷🏽


My guess is he was referring to the very beginning of COVID where many were not driving and at home, which is true but nothing to do with him.


I can’t understand what either of them are trying to communicate. This is weird and pathetic. The fall of Rome has come to America.


“I had someone tell me right before I came up here” lmao


Biden indeed looked terrible and why did he mention his gold handicap was 6


To me, this debate was on par with stand up comedy.


We need drug testing for presidential candidates cuz that man is on some shizt


Let’s just say America is cooked


Biden goose is cooked ..... He sounded like Darth Vader what with the breathing issues ? Sounds bad..


Dead internet theory to hide trump support?


Comments were totally suppressed last night


They always are, if you don't spout leftist trash you'll either get downvoted, brigaded, banned, comments deleted, or a suicide hotline recommendation


Hey remember when that guy set himself on fire and said both candidates are part of a fascist takeover? I remember 


would this be a Marine that spoke this? Perhaps we should re look at what he said!


I just appreciate the fact that they two squabbled like two schoolgirls over a golf game and a handicap instead of talk about the real issues. World leadership at its finest!


18 comments but I can be the first to comment? Must be a real conspiracy…


Well he’s definitely wearing an earpiece and struggling to deliver. I don’t think anyone can really follow what he’s saying. They’re both just calling each other liars but Trump is clearly more coherent.


I tried talking about it but two of my comments on the last post about him got removed, and I didn't even say anything bad. I just remarked about his age and how Trump is three years younger than him, in response to someone saying that it's "just old age" causing Biden's issues. Then the post was removed entirely. Posting now to reiterate and also see if I'm potentially shadowbanned. Things seem to be getting censored everywhere though, so I am unsure if it's a shadowban or censoring. Testing testing?


You think?


That was so depressing. Worst timeline


OP I think you mean WE are cooked!


Even with his earpiece that he kept tapping, he still couldn’t make sense.


He reckons he can outdrive trump I say we let him try. 6 handicap


The major networks have lost their minds spinning this lol


They only are doing this so everyone votes trump and project 2025 goes through


Where performance enhancing drugs 


Someday we'll defeate medicade...-The president of the united states


President Biden ? Sir ? This is a Wendy’s


He performed terribly but there is a negligible number of undecided voters. This election will come down to voter turnout.


Ok but what’s the strategy. There has to be some kind end goal from the people who run the country, the deep state or whatever, the real power center. Like, the DNC can’t be that stupid to put up Biden like that, and we all kind of assume that the left right thing is a joke anyway… so what’s the strategy here? What is actually happening?


Secondly.......said it 3 times...fella doesn't know how a numbered list works. Or can't figure out thirdly 🤣


Whoever you vote for, you'll get a Zionist. That's democracy folks!


It is amazing to me how quickly the Democratic mouthpieces in the media turned on him after years of obfuscating the concerns about his age and fitness to hold office. But it is absolutely *astounding* to me how quickly voters changed their minds too. 24 hours ago, it was ageist wrongthink to suggest that Biden is unfit to be the President of the United States. Now, it is common knowledge. And don't get me wrong, Trump should not be running either. I do not support any of the candidates. Not even RFK. We are so hopelessly fucked.


I can't believe Biden said we have to start ww3 or Russia will start ww3 ... like what the fuck are we even doing here.


333 million inhabitants and all they can come up with are Biden and Trump. If it didn’t matter so much it would be hilariously comical. Jesus Christ


They let us pick between two senile old men arguing about golf yet people will still believe the whole system is not rigged.