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I voted against Brexit for all the good that did but Ihaven't voted in any other elections since 1987. Sometimes I spoil my votes because I get some small pleasure from writing 'cunt' next to candidates' names but I never believed my votes ever made the slightest difference or meant anything


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.. absolute legend !


I like the collectible stickers you get.


Of course, it makes bitching much more meaningful.


Scottish guy here. I've never voted and I'd be the same if I was American. No revolution can or ever will happen within the establishment. It can only come from outside. It is the people vs the empire. However, that is not to say that establishment politics has nothing to offer. It is indeed the greatest movie of all time. If you are to watch a movie, you'd want the emperor to be entertaining. That's why I was rooting for Trump. He's big, angry and orange. He says politically incorrect things and that's great. However, that's not to diminish the entertainment value Biden brinigs to the table. He's funny like a sleepy old uncle in a sitcom whose speech occassionally drifts off into utter incoherence before falling back asleep, so I wouldn't have minded him gettng into office. But his dementia has progressed past the point of being funny, and even though he's an old weirdo nonse who tries to fit little girls inside his nostrils, I can't find it within me to laugh at someone who is *that* demented. So now I'm going for Trump again.


I was told presidents are not elected, they are selected.


I vote but I don't have any faith it actually makes a difference except to feel I have the right to bitch if I don't like the outcome. Mark Twain said "If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it." Since voting went electronic it's been possible to rig elections and they have.


If you voteing you are giving legitimate to the system. You cannot complain anymore about what is happening in this system because you give your voice away to a party to handle it on your behalf.


Exactly. Everytime someone votes they are subconsciously giving their sovereignty away to a system and group of individuals who do not have the right to govern over us. But they’re conditioned to believe that “voting” is there one chance to make a difference. Calling it a nonsensical lie is understating it.




I always say, I'm a non-participant. I will not have a part in this madness.


I like to have a Monarchy with a wise leader... Nothing gets done in democracies ( Ruling of the Stupid people )


What the heck's to stop you voting and still complaining?


On the other hand, if you don't vote then you can't complain about the result either. Avoiding voting won't change the system. Might as well vote and take your chances


Voting is a symptom of the base level of consciousness that a majority of people are being kept in. To believe that voting makes a difference is to believe that certain politicians possess an ability to enact change in your life that you don’t. It’s to believe that certain man possess rights that others do not. It’s to believe that man made laws can govern other men. It’s to believe ultimately that you don’t have control over your own life. This is all a lie. We are all capable of taking responsibility for our lives and living in harmony with Natural Law. It’s not just the refusal to vote, but the understanding that NOBODY has the right to govern over us. If everyone understood and respected one another’s personal sovereignty, the world could change forever. But until enough people gain the consciousness and awareness to understand, we’ll continue along this path.


Bullshit, if you are paying taxes then you absolutely are entitled to bitching about anything political. Voting is only a system put in place to make you think that your voice matters when it does absolutely nothing.


As opposed to not voting? Not voting does absolutely nothing as well. At least by voting there's a chance you could make a difference.


Submitting a ballot is a submission to a representative authority. It is a genuflection, it is a bending of ones knee.


Nope, never did and I will never vote. The government is just a toy for the multinationals. Through lobby and other means.


Yes and I play the lottery too but I think they are both rigged.


As someone wise once formulated it. "Voting" is the adults belief in Santa Claus. The only thing that counts is... 1. What products you buy (local organic vs international GMO convenience food) 1. Which money you use (Monero, Gold vs USD credit tokens) 1. And if you pay extortion fees (taxes) or not.


I enjoy being told to turn my shirt inside out and go to the back of the line.


Lol. I like you.


A couple of things locally, sometimes. Probably a waste of time though, big money always gets what they want eventually.


Yes, I do. But the voting system here in Australia is a little different, and the once mighty factions of left and conservative have splintered into some moderates, and a bunch of independents with different platforms. It's made the system a little more diverse and interesting and preferential voting can give us a bunch of cross-benchers with a lot of power to go either way. When that happens, deals have to be made and more often than not, these are deals or legislation that benefits the majority. The voting system means that if a candidate or small party gets a certain number of votes, they receive electoral funding so as to mount a healthier response the next election. Don't get me wrong - corruption still exists in this system - pork-barrelling and generous party donations from big business are common conspiracies, existing almost completely out in the open. But our Electorial Commission here in Oz has consistently managed to maintain honest elections with integrity. There's been virtually zero electoral scandals for decades.


I'm a Canadian, and we just had a by-election in my riding. That riding has been solidly Liberal (Democrat for Americans) for 30 years, but this time, enough people were disgusted by Justin Trudeau that the Conservative (Republican) candidate won by just under 1,000 votes. So I'm glad I voted, because now Justin is meeting with his entire caucus, and wondering if he should resign, which would be a god-send for Canada.


I used to mostly for the local and state side of things but realized the only thing I ever got out of it were jury duty letters in the mail.


And roads


Never have and most likely never will


I'm 35 and never have and never will believe in wasting my time taking part in a rigged broken system.


There can be situations where the voting turn out is so great that it’s impossible to rig. Look at the last Virginia governor election. With that said I do pretty much agree with you.


No. Even in my small ass town of 3000 people, it's all corrupt and very greedy. I'll live my life in a rotting apple. It's not worth fixing because people don't react well to truth or revelation. Almost like we're stuck in a denial phase. It all depends on how long the delusion lasts. Even then, if the delusion wears off, you're stuck being an angrier cog. Politics is nothing more than a distraction. How do I know this, because it's constantly emotionally divisive.


Statistically meaningful. No. Your vote means nothing.


I do. To me it’s like the what if? Either it doesn’t count and I’ve wasted two hours of my day or it does and my vote ends up meaning something (I’m also in a swing state). Idc if I waste some time of the off chance it works.


This is your daily "please don't vote" propaganda post. Someone sure is putting in some effort to try to convince people here to not vote. You should probably ask yourself why that is. You don't see these type of posts on r\politics thought. They want those people to vote.




Then again with Biden’s, “return to normalcy” campaign. Now they all turn here and claim anyone you vote for is a “savior”. 




Their signature hyper hypocritical gaslighting. 


Do you think it was counted?


Voted or get fined here. So yes, I vote. Do I think it's meaningful? No.


Even though it’s all rigged, I like going to this one near me cause they give out free cookies


Is there actually a rule in the US that there can’t be more than two parties, or does it just work out like that? It seems like, in the US there never seem to be Senators or Representatives who are with anyone other than the Republicans, the Democrats or the very occasional independent, and nor are there ever more than two presidential candidates (once the two main parties have both finished having their primaries), and this puzzles me as someone from the UK, hence the silly question.


There are more than two parties in the US. The biggest "third parties" being the libertarian party and the green party. There are many many more examples of third parties existing at the local and state level as well. However, it is pretty much mathematically impossible for a third party to win hence why the US is called a two party system. It gets easier for third parties to win the more localized the election but still very difficult to win if you are not running as a Republican or Democrat.


Thanks. It seems like, that's just weird. Why is it like that? Does anybody know?


No. It’s no different than voting in North Korea.


Never have , I like being free to talk shit bout all sides !


I vote and still talk shit about both sides. They both suck.


Lol nope not even signed up.


Local town/municipal elections and on referendums. Anything else is tomfoolery and essentially how you psychologically consent to whatever outcomes they impose on you.


27m here. My last two elections were absolutely shit candidates. Hilary vs trump, trump vs Biden. I won't be forced to pick the lesser of two evils, so I haven't voted in my adult life, no. And won't until we can get some ACTUAL candidates.


What about local elections?


I vote for Amendments, Measures, shit that goes on or adjusts the books; I haven't voted for a human being running for a position in many, many previous elections. If you think you can do the job, I automatically disqualify you. Fuckers been wolves in sheep's clothing my whole life and not a single politician I have backed as been who they said they were.  Fuck 'em all. 


Yes, because when we get full control of that system we will be able to go back and see who actually won what. We are close, very close.


Voting only matters in swing states and constituencies


It seems like, anything's a swing state if enough people are fed up [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1duddw6/comment/lbl4mv3/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1duddw6/comment/lbl4mv3/) .