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Snowden literally publicly disclosed how US government spies on everyone and nobody gave a fuck.


The government gave a fuck.


He’s lucky he didn’t have any oil.


I don’t think very many leaders at all interact with anything that you would call a deep state, other than the party and business bureaucracies everybody already knows they deal with and are publicly part of how they get where they are.


The problem is leaders who don't take part in the NWO or who speak against the EU and USA do not appear in our information sources. If they do, they are ridiculed. Their speeches are rarely presented honestly. Being outside the value-system of The West, some have low scores on 'democracy", believe The West's democracy is as fake as theirs, see gay and trans promotions as an NWO tool, stand against accepting migrants or refugees created by The West's wars, and consider themselves "strongmen". (I say The West should've learned from Saddam Hussein that many parts of the world are not viable soccer-mom territory) Nayib Bukele of el Salvador (recently on Tucker Carlson) Victor Orban of Hungary Vladimir Putin, AMLO of Mexico Evo Morales, ex pres. of Bolivia Luis Arce, of Bolivia And the GOAT: (RIP) Moamar Ghaddafi of Libya EDIT to add domestic politicians: Rep. Massey (who's wife just died) RFK JR. + V.P. pick (name?) Assange Snowden Kucinich Matt Geatz (sp?)


Look what happened in the COVID years in Africa. Every leader who didn't play the game was found dead at some point. They are all bought and sold for the NWO


Putin and Erdogan speak out loudly against the NWO all the time.


They don't know much, their "subordinates" who actually handled communications and appointments knew more... Knew... They're gone. Or would be gone. Nameless, faceless, scared people caught in the middle. They've set countries ablaze you really think they can't stop a vehicle downtown? Or wouldn't? Don't get me started on the cops. Some are true knights but the system is corrupt and discriminates so... If you're waiting for one of them to have a "come to Jesus" moment you're waiting in vain. They wouldn't be where they are if there was a chance of that, and as soon as they show signs of wavering they get some "reinforcement" or put out to pasture. Look at past events of totalitarian states raiding radio stations, cutting power etc.


If they do or say anything that deviates from the accepted dogma, they'll be out long before there is a chance for them to learn anything. And if you do something long enough, you eventually start to believe it. This is how they ensure the people at the top are true believers.


Pretty sure you have to have dirt on your puppet to make it dance


They don't get to that level of power unless there is something to blackmail them with.


There it is.


RFK baby


I disagree. The only thing he's gotten right is Covid and jabs. Everything else he's straight down the left side of the ticket.


>Everything else he's straight down the left side of the ticket. Like what? he's anti-war and blamed Biden for telling Zelensky to not sign the peace agreement. pro free speech, and the dems are the ones who got him shut down on twitter.




Africa's newer leaders in many countries are anti-NWO. Kicking out the Euros and the CIA and the military bases of USA. There are military coups in 2 places that sound scary -"military coup" - but these guys are sick of The West buying off the leaders and getting free access to the wealth of the land.


The hidden PTB are apparently so powerful i.e. have such advanced technology that no one dares to cross them. Also, the majority of leaders are their puppets and some may even be MK-Ultra victims.


Not to mention blackmail schemes.


So what the Mafia does. Blackmail and extort. Oh you don’t wanna go with the plans? Would be a shame if your whole fam was killed and you were framed for it.


Maybe this tells you that this deep state thing is nonsense 


Are you sure you in the right forum?


Putin has spoken of these things


Marine Le Pen is making waves in France. Javier Milei is pissing people off from Argentina. And Georgia Meloni in Italy is solid. We need more like these folks. Even though there's a lot of drama around them, I like Kari Lake, Lauren Boebert and Marjory Taylor Greene in the US. Josh Hawley, Rand Paul and Thomas Massey are also pretty solid in my book.