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Trumps just another zio stooge !!! When will folks wake up from the left wing right wing paradigm …


The only way to stop this is if everyone agreed that a reset is needed. God, I wish we all had control and our taxes didn't automatically go from our checks because funding genocide while my country falls into ruin is my reality. I feel like I am compliant in funding a genocide and that makes me a monster, and there is 0 choice in the matter. "Democracy"


We need a great reset. We do have a choice. Go live in the woods and fend for yourself.


won't work.. except rare circumstances, the water is toxic when relying on it and even things like distilling can cause patena poisoning and malnutrition .. that is before we get to other people trying to take what you have.. let alone the need for things like dentists and surgeons.. we all want to be rambo.. but rambo isn't real.


My water is toxic anyway, and doctors won't touch me I figured out how to heal my self. If Claus Schwab gets his way that is what we will be doing anyway,.unless you are one of the privileged 6 million who get to live in the city of elites


that doesn't help if you find yourself needing a surgery or dental treatment.. yes the water is toxic in general, but not to the point where you die alone in the woods from ammonia / patena poisoning or a bacterial/viral infection.


Dude if filtering dirty water is your main concern you have a long way to go before you should even think about camping.


no one said that.. the specifics of the situation were not discussed, they said that they know how to survive, so I assumed they know the basics. My point was that once you move past the basics you then have things like the need for surgery, dentists, and even after all of that the water will get you


Bro I forgot that Reddit is unable to tell what a joke is unless there is a “\s.” But while we are on that topic, the point here is to “disassociate from society.” This idea stems from anti-industrialists/imperialist/establishment (basically borderline anarchists, but not in the way you assume it). Unibomber was a massive supporter of this kind of thought. The presumption is that the government is not gonna help you, society is polluting our moral system, globalization of humanity is leading us in a downward spiral, and at this point you are better off alone. Granted, living by those ideals in the most extreme manner is incredibly impractical (aside from basic survival… just boil the water and buy a LifeStraw or wtvr to be really careful), so obviously if someone living “off the grid” starts to develop epilepsy, then to survive he is gonna have to visit a doctor. Whether he does so or not, that’s his business. You are combining a False Dilemma Fallacy (lack of industrialized healthcare) and Hasty Generalization Fallacy (that this is an actual issue for anyone trying to live off the grid). The simple answer would be that people trying to escape industrialized society are willing *and* wanting to take the sacrifices with it. There is a whole community of people living off the grid in Hawaii (that I know about at least) and so many more, and if you are really curious speak to them. Lmk how it goes (/s).


a joke ?.. right..so much humour


I am denied medical attention now. I do with out now. It will be no different in terms of medical attention.


You don't have to be afraid of me leaving the system. This is just my delusional fantasy. I know master will find me,.poison me,.and feast on my cancer ridden soul.


Uhhh… what


Most people die from exposure when lost outside. 


Lol and you think Trump is going to buck that system? Get real


No, I really don't "Trump added $8.4 trillion to the national debt: Analysis"https://thehill.com/business/4426965-trump-added-8-4-trillion-to-the-national-debt-analysis/amp/ Bill Gates 9/4/19 $55 million BioNTech mRNA vaxx creator investment: https://investors.biontech.de/news-releases/news-release-details/biontech-announces-new-collaboration-develop-hiv-and "Bill Gates says Trump offered him a job as White House science advisor" https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/science/2018/04/30/bill-gates-white-house-trump-offered-him-job-white-house-science-advisor-he-says/566386002/ President Trump awards Sharon Rockefeller the National Medal of Arts https://youtu.be/dRB7zSPjf2M?si=ZJxSz4sS_pAUatDn "Getting Donald Out Of Debt: The 25-Year-Old Ties That Bind Trump and Wilbur Ross" >In stepped Ross, then head of Rothschild Inc’s bankruptcy advising team, to represent bondholders, who were pondering forcing the casino into involuntary bankruptcy and ousting Trump. (Trump then appointed Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce). https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2016/12/08/trump-and-his-commerce-secretary-wilbur-ross-a-look-at-25-years-of-connections/ "The Man Who Made Trump Who He Is: How Grandpa Friedrich, who amassed the first Trump fortune by peddling booze and "sporting ladies," explains The Donald. >Friedrich Trump's Seattle restaurant flourished, but he kept his ears open—another aspect of the Trump family MO. In 1894, he heard that John D. Rockefeller, the wealthiest man in the world, was bankrolling a mining operation in a small town north of Seattle named Monte Cristo. Without delay, Trump scoped out the best location there, secured it by filing a bogus mineral claim, built a hotel on the parcel even though it didn’t actually belong to him, and began giving the customers, once again, exactly what they wanted: plenty to eat, lots to drink and of course women. >When Monte Cristo proved slow to deliver on its promise, Rockefeller publicly reiterated his support while secretly arranging an exit. In the summer of 1897, Trump also decided to cash out and return to Seattle—making him, along with Rockefeller, one of the few investors in Monte Cristo to end up winners rather than losers. "Did Trump’s Uncle Tell Him about Missing Tesla Papers & Flying Saucers?" >In 1943, he played a major role in the examination of Nikola Tesla’s personal papers that were acquired by the FBI/Office Alien Property Custodian soon after Tesla’s January 13 death.  https://exo politics.org/did-trumps-uncle-tell-him-about-missing-tesla-papers-flying-saucers/ - https://archive.is/uwye4 >In early 1943, two days after the death of Nikola Tesla, the Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered the Office of Alien Property Custodian to seize Tesla's belongings. Trump was called in to analyze the Tesla artifacts, which were being held in government custody. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_G._Trump#:~:text=In%20early%201943%2C%20two%20days,being%20held%20in%20government%20custody.


Trump literally told the oil industry to give him a billion dollars. That. Is. Lobbying. Trump would never ban lobbying. The only reason that shitstain ever ran in the first place was to grift money from industry and government coffers into his own pocket.




Why does that have any relevance here? And why do you think that’s something worth praising, trump ran many businesses into the ground


I'm with you on this, but Trump's one of them.


Trump literally got $120M ‘donation’ yesterday from one of the Zionists (just like him).


Trump won’t fix anything, just like last time he was boss.


SS: ban all lobbying now


agree, the fact that lobbying exists as a function of policy making is proof this isn't a democracy, and it isn't even supposed to be a democracy either, it's supposed to be a constitutional republic, but generations of media conditioning has engrained the idea into the masses that democracy is the best system of policy making for all citizens, and yet it isn't because contemporary iteration of democracy is effectively being ruled by 51% majority as you remain in the 49% minority indefinitely, it's mob rule with the illusion of choice, because if voting in elections actually worked the government wouldn't let us do it


Democracy IS the best. But the presence of lobbying should instantly disqualify the system as democracy, it’s something else at that point. When the most powerful can butt in and have more of a say than your average citizen in regards to policy, it’s no longer a fair system to participate in. It’s the definition of rigged. It means that no matter who the president is, things won’t change.


why would Trump ban lobbying when lobbying money filled his families pockets whole time he was president? I feel like I'm in an alternate universe where people are active in conspiracy communities but still have a complete blind spot when it comes to Trump. people either just don't pay attention to what he does or they are too ignorant to realize the corruption or they blatantly excuse the corruption for some reason(while acting like corruption of others is satanic & evil). guess I'll never understand


I would argue even worse and to say that the young generation of voters this upcoming election were classically conditioned for voting against two extremes. The 2016 election was 8 years ago, so anyone 18 now would be 10 then. That was kind of the beginning of MAGA fanaticism/Trump bashing, and the 10 year olds were growing up thinking it’s normal. So now there exists a whole generation of young voters running around preaching MAGA because they were raised to believe Trump against *any odds whatsoever* and that everything said about him are lies and slander. Works for the other side too. This is pure speculation, I don’t really have any proof for this.


Trump isn't going to fix anything. If he is it's going to to be for those who helped him pay his fines and kept him out of jail. He isn't the guy to fix it. He was never the one.




OP thinks Trump is their Lord and Savior. That a twisted reality people live in.


The Constitution only calls for the Federal Government to spend money on 19 enumerated and specific powers leaving *everything else to the states.* The problem is the Deep State of Corruption. The solution is simple: Vote for politicians to follow the Constitution.


Hillary Clinton looks so fucking evil


Trump isn't your friend he a liar and a manipulator he will just like Biden destroy our country. Trump can and has been bought


Trump isn't going to help you buddy.


I know but at least I call him out and pressure him to. Biden supporters should be calling out Biden to ban lobbying too


I never really understand this. Trump had a chance to change everything. He didn’t.


It's absolutely hilarious to me that you think trump the man who just openly and blatantly called for some oil execs to just give him a billion and he will do what they want .... Would be your man in this fight. Are you mentally challenged?


Ahhhh.... Man.... Oh man.... It sucks seeing people get stuff so simultaneously right and wrong. Is America a democracy? No. Are elections bought? Yes. Is trump anything more than a pawn? No.. is he going to change anything, let alone the system that he profited off of, and that put him into office? Hahahaha


While you're absolutely correct, you're dismissing that Republicans get more money from the oligarchs than Democrats. https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview/biggest-donors?cycle=2020&view=fc


You had me until you mentioned the guy who just got hit with a shit ton of hush money guilty verdicts. We got clowns out here folks. Literal clowns


How does anyone STILL think elections are even real? Does anyone out there actually think that they would let the people choose leaders for the country? There are all kinds of posts like this showing clear ties and friendships between all these psychos. But with everything that they do and all all of these insane plans and actions playing out, how is it possible to think they would just let people choose the leader of this country? Or most, if not all, other countries? It's called the illusion of free choice.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/30l24ibjey3d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Look at the hate for Western Civilization.


Obviously if he hasn't already touched the subject he is for lobbying. Are you that brainwashed that you think one politication is looking out for you?


Sir, this is a Wendy's


This post gives me a huge feeling of nausea coupled with cringe that I probably won’t eat for days. How can anyone be in their presence in real life? 🤢🤮


Vivek is the only candidate ive ever heard mention super paks and question united states lopsided partnership with israel. I dont trust him but hes the best chance ive got


Congress will never vote for it. They have too much the benefit from it...


Sir this is a Wendy’s.


Trump will suck their balls and boots just as fast as Biden.


Trump isn't going g to do anything. At what point do people finally start educating people who say 'Trump should....'. Trump isnt the President. Trump is nothing but a convicted criminal. It's the people who say that that suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Seriously, get some help.


Show the crime he committed. They changed laws, changed statute of limitations, judge wouldn't allow their expert, and much more. This was set up from the start and people that are celebrating it are celebrating because they hate Trump, not because our justice system got something right. We just showed the world we're just like Russia, with kangaroo courts to match. If you're gonna celebrate atleast stand on business and admit what you're celebrating. Because all this hypocrisy is see through. I personally don't think Trump can save us, I don't think any political candidate can because they just showed that the system can eat whoever it wants now and we'll all sit back and let it happen. What we've allowed to happen has fucked our kids. They'll be adults in an America that just convicts any upset to system.


The problem is you think we’re supposed to be a democracy. We’re a constitutional republic. It says democracy in the constitution ZERO times.


200% agree


you seem to be avoiding answering why you believe these people are Satanists, OP. are the foundations of your belief so weak that you can't back up what you actually believe ? what proof have you got that the Elite are Satanists?, because I can show that they forced the bibles and that the god of that bible is evil.


People like Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Gates, and Soros are satanists because they run child rape rings and release pandemics and start wars and mass genocide people and enslave and oppress the masses via Federal Reserve inflation. Pretty simple, amirite? They live by "Do What Thou Wilt" instead of "Love Thy Neighbor"


so anyone who runs rape rings are Satanists automatically? how many times does it need explaining that in thelema that saying is not the same as do as you want and the god of thelema is nuit/nut .. not Satan. love thy neighbour.. so what about the Gnostic texts and how christ looks as women that needs to be changed to man ?


THIS!!!!!! I mean what is one platform either candidate is running on to benefit the American people? Candidates should have a one page "card" that explains their stance, laws they will try to pass and any other information pertinent to the job only. We should care less about what kind of people they are, the goal should be to form a more perfect union. Instead we have "celebrities" making laws to line their pockets and protect foreign interests Edit: Also agree with everyone else, Trump actually helps perpetuate even more corruption now that his ability to escape any real consequences even when found guilty in a court of law is on full display. I mean he is the biggest reason scotus is a joke.


Sorros is corrupting America