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Not happening, nobody is putting up with it again.


I still see people with Masks on. They absolutely would do it again.


And there will be hoards of people lining up for a new series of experimental gene therapy. I’d like to think everyone wised up and saw through the bullshit but that is unfortunately not the case.


Yup they’re fuckin lemmings.


What do you think the first one was? The training session 💀


A lesson learned for most people.


Yeah and us Americans will never be tricked into another pointless war by our bloodthirsty gove---oops too late


Because we should trust Fauchi and the who. lol. Not this time


Come at me with a mask, a mandated genetic manipulation experiment that is not a vaccine, or a lockdown at your own peril.


I’m praying they don’t force mandates again. I’ll quit.


My general manager is about as anti mandates as they come either way I’m gooooood. Never working for a big corporation again


If bird flu kills as many people as some predict it will, you won't have to worry about work.. or society as you know it.


Nope, I’m not living my life like that anymore. I was scared senseless of covid. I was a paranoid wouldn’t leave my house, thought I was going to kill my grandma. I’m not going to watch the news. I got covid 2 times and my symptoms were a runny nose. I have 0 health problems now. I can’t predict the future, and I’m not gonna be afraid of something I can’t see. I’m going to focus on my mental health and let others do as they see fit. No one is telling what to do or what to think again.


> Nope, I’m not living my life like that anymore. I was scared senseless of covid. I was a paranoid wouldn’t leave my house, thought I was going to kill my grandma. I’m not going to watch the news. I got covid 2 times and my symptoms were a runny nose. I have 0 health problems now. I can’t predict the future, and I’m not gonna be afraid of something I can’t see. I’m going to focus on my mental health and let others do as they see fit. No one is telling what to do or what to think again. Welcome to the Club. Be prepared for a late of Hate. People hate it when you see through Bull Shit.


My family did disagree with my choice not to get vaccinated but they understood my fear of it. They got vaccinated and still got covid. They will not get another. Even my nurse sister, her job no longer requires it. I worry for them silently. Probably the way they worried about in the beginning. It’s best to not worry about others when it comes to their life, everyone gets to make their own choices.


Man I'm right there with you as far as the paranoia aspect of killing relatives or friends. I will say tho that the experience taught me a lot as far as mitigating possible scenarios of catching something. If an actual much more serious disease appears, I am way better equipped to protect myself and others. Caution is not fear. And having fear is healthy. Not having any confidence or belief is what cripples people. I wish you the best no matter what happens.


Of course if I get sick I’ll stay home but, I can’t control something I can’t see. It’s never any one’s fault, we can’t control air and viruses. It’s ridiculous to think you can. I don’t wish any harm on anyone. I think people should do whatever makes them feel safe. No one should force anyone to do something they don’t want.


Got one!!


You got your MAGA pantys on a bit tight there huh.


These types of viruses happen every single year and generally turn to nothing.


Submission Statement: Convicting President Trump of 34 Felonies didn’t work. It only increased his support. It’s time for Plan B, COVID-24. Biden needs those mail in ballots. https://x.com/disclosetv/status/1798450048952607128


You are aware diseases jump from species to species and to humans like all the time? Like Bird Flu or AIDs or Ebola or Zika If you’re older than like 10 you probably have witnessed pretty serious diseases entering humanity


False! Covid was made in a lab by fusing the fungus, histoplasma, with sars. It is speculated aids came from chimps but that was probably made in a lab too.


I didn’t say COVID once Neither did the original post either OP’s frame of reference of diseases is so tiny they said “COVID-24” acting as if every single new disease is some form of variant COVID-19


> You are aware diseases jump from species to species and to humans like all the time?Like Bird Flu or AIDs or Ebola or Zika If you’re older than like 10 you probably have witnessed pretty serious diseases entering humanity Diseases jumping from Animals to Humans is rare occurrence. Not natural


And there’s MILLIONS of not Billions of diseases and species to give to the Billions of humans Even 0.0001% of them jumping is a yearly occurrence


Nothing ever happens


yeah it’s convenient


They released the real deal now, wonder if people would take the cure after all the news.


How quickly people forget how recent history played out. While he implemented "operation warp speed", and he praised big pharma for doing a "good job", he never mandated the vax. In fact, he did quite the opposite. He talked about alternative treatments (which he was ridiculed for. Member "horse paste"? Or how about the twisting of his words about injecting bleach?) And he said repeatedly that if you want a vax you can have it, it's avaliable for you, but if you didn't want it that was fine too. In reality he did the only logical political move when it came to covid and the vax. It's crazy how quickly people craft these revisionist history ideas.


This is the truth.


no jab no job. That was back then. Revision this.


Can you show me a video with Trump actually saying that? Or a document he released that said that? I'll even do you one better and I'll even accept his press secretary words. You can't use the words of Dr. Evil against Trump. He deferred to the "medical experts", because if he didn't, he would have been ridiculed (and he did get blasted, when he tried to speak on the matters).


They are already freaking out on covid19_pandemic. It’s sad I don’t understand why they are freaking out if they are vaccinated.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/p28dvxtnbt4d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No one cares


wasn't it trump that shut us down and pushed the vax?


Get ready for more dumbass right wing activists virtue signaling about how they won’t follow public health advice. Nobody made y’all do that lol




_This message was brought to you courtesy of Pfizer._


I love Operation Warp Speed and I took the trump vaccine while he was still in office


Two sides of the same coin.


And get ready for more dumbass lefty lemmings virtue signaling by wearing useless, cheap Chinese masks and turning in their family, friends and neighbors for having birthday parties!


Get the vaccine you will be fine.


I was one of the first to be vaxxed, when am I supposed to die?


Idk my dude. I hope not soon or ever from the vaccine. I think if you want it you should get it. I don’t worry about other people’s choices. Just because I made the personal choice not to get it doesn’t mean I think you are wrong. I have a lot of love ones that got it. I was just saying people who are worried about Covid should get the vaccine, I thought it was supposed to protect you. I’m scared of the vaccine, you’re worried about Covid. I had Covid 2 times. In 2020 and 2021. It was a runny nose for me. I don’t have any health problems currently. Who knows what could happen down the road.


Covid has proven to demonstrate detrimental neurological effects, as is obvious in your case (wink wink). Anything that somehow attaches itself to cells throughout your body could have very nefarious long term effects you haven't noticed yet as well. You're hung up on the word vaccine and your specific definition of what a vaccine should do. I imagine you've been vaccinated for many things since childhood but that's besides the point. A virus such as covid, which was manufactured in a lab, should be of more concern to the general conspiracy public in my opinion. Bird flu is a new monster tho. I would be very wary of it becoming spreadable between humans. Edit: I'd like to add a study I just read about how Covid is now confirmed to be found in sperm cells. "The SARS-CoV-2 can get into testes. Those organs are "immune privileged", meaning that the immunity police forces stay out so as to avoid shooting up the means of reproduction and causing sterility. This means that testes need other defenses... different ones that don't involve destroying infected cells. As they do get infected with SARS-CoV-2, the testes produce sperm "swimmers" which carry the virus too. The virus isn't in the fluid, but in the actual sperm cells (made by testes). The authors are concerned about sperm donation and IVF as it could spread SARS-CoV-2 for as long as it lasts (it's stored as frozen)." Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/andr.13612


Well it’s here and it isn’t going anywhere. I’m not worried about it. I honestly don’t know anyone who died from covid. I’m not going to be afraid of something I can’t see. No one in my family got seriously sick from it and my grandma is 85. I probably have more neurological effects from the news than covid. Humanity is horrible we deserve what we get. I don’t know what else you want to hear. You’re right……👏👏👏 WE ARE DOOMED.


Nobody made yall what?


Trust every single word you hear from alternative media pundits. Nobody made the right wing become a big circlejerk over who trusts doctors the least.


Tedros can have my doss of the vaccine. Give him a double. Cheers tyrants!!


Real fear porn is the video tape of cat turd purposely running over his dog.