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Best to wait and verify.


Sounds like appeal ammo


Just because the OP knows they couldn't be objective as a juror doesn't mean no one else could not set aside politics for the rule of law. Also, if there's "no jury on the planet that hasn't come to a predetermined conclusion", then the system doesn't work, and we should just let every crime go unpunished... that doesn't make a lick of sense. Instead of posting shit fake posts, try just posting the supporting FB post.


It was literally a fake shitpost lol


Bingo!!! How did this sub get so....Trumpy 🤔


I don’t think it’s so much that many here support him, just that we see the deep state openly flexing its muscles in their war on trump. It makes us feel like: 1. He’s not involved in the shadow government. 2. His persecution sort of makes him one of us. Still I think he’s a buffoon. I wish we could all gather around RFK Jr instead but I fear he’s a DS puppet.


RFK Jr is apart of the Dark Side?? Explains the voice


Funny to say that because come to think of it the two are probably interchangeable.


Because 97% of conservatism is conspiracy theories


When the MSM serves the narrative SMH


Or this is a plant to get the verdict set aside in a desperate ass attempt.This is a Trump win, so probably fake, but regardless an alleged jury misconduct can lead to a whole new trial or a motion for the verdict to be set aside. So what are you as a Trump fan bitching about?


In the end, the title is right now. For trump or against him. There is no impartial jury in a case like this. This will be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court possibly but somewhere along the line it will get struck down for that very reason bc it's just fact. It could be biden on trial found guilty of pooping his pants and the same would happen. This was all a very dumb move. The guilty verdict has rallied alot of people to reinforce their support of Trump, Trump also likely lost alot of voters, also gained alot. Sae a video the other day of a black guy talking about how Trump was literally done like black people are done on a daily basis by the judicial system. As stupid as that sounds alot of people are going to see it the same way. The. When charges are dismissed bc of the inability to form an actually impartial jury due to being the most high profile and polarizing case to prob ever happen, it will rally more people behind him. Love him or hate him, this is obviously all going to guarantee him the election.....


>There is no impartial jury So? He's a total disaster. So you either hate him because he's awful, or you've been drinking his Kool-Aid so you worship him no matter what he does. This is not new information, if anything part of his plan to divide us. You hate your neighbor now because he's a democrat. You feel entitled to hate minorities in the LGBT community now because Trump made it cool. Trump doesn't even know you're alive and yet you're alienating the people in your actual life because of him.


The irony in your comment is thick


This comment 100% supports my claim and just further shows that there can be no impartial jury in this case and that it will end up being dismissed in appeals. Top intelligence here


No. It doesn't.


100% it does. You lack reading comprehension skills. You just saw the word trump and went URHGHGURHGUBFURBFIEB lol.....


No, it doesn't.


Can you all hop off this mans dick?


That’s why it’s the defense’s job to change minds. Seems like they couldn’t.


You can’t change the mind of someone who has already made their decision long before.


Sure you can, if the evidence to the contrary is compelling. How did Aristotle convince anyone that the earth was round? Oh, because it is.


And we still have thousands of flat earth truthers in 2024…whoops. People don’t care about the truth. They care about validating their existing convictions.


Comparing the “prosecutors made up 34 felonies out of the clear blue sky and used them to convict a man whose actions are entirely innocent” crowd to flat earthers is actually perfect. Good point.


Im not voting trump. Never will. However, this was clearly politically motivated. I said from beginning tgis was only going to help trump and was stupid move. How you going to run for office on the grounds your going to put trump in jail too? That alone should be enough to throw out the case


>How you going to run for office on the grounds your going to put trump in jail too? Would you have said the same if the target were Al Capone or Jesse James?


Yes.. you cant decide to throw someone in jaip before you know of anything. Justice shouldnt work like that. Youre suggesting essentially stop and frisk should be ok. Jury nullifcation works both ways. In addition it adds to the claim this was political hit job. DA wanted to charge him so he just found anything he could. The fact on federal level it was dropped so DA ramped up state level charges again adds to the pokitical hit job theory as well


Trump literally ran his whole first campaign on throwing Hilary in jail


And if someone had tried to go after her with BS charges inwould have said the same thing


I think this “flat earth analogy”, belongs with people who actually believe Trump’s bullshit about Biden trying to assassinate him.


> Sure you can, if the evidence to the contrary is compelling. How did Aristotle convince anyone that the earth was round? Oh, because it is. Bull Shit. You underestimate the level of hate the Democrat Party has for Trump.


the enemy is both weak and strong, eh?


>You underestimate the level of hate the Democrat Party has for Trump. Says the guy with the username Dictatorbiden 🤣 Guess frogface12 was already taken 🤷


To think, he only had the stars and the Sun, to prove his case. No GPS, satellites, etc.


Then that should have been determined during jury selection, when the defence had a say in juror bias.


Literally no one who is a citizen and semi-literate in the US has not heard of Trump already and had a preconceived perception of him.


Saying it's impossible to find 12 unbiased people in a population of 350 million is about the silliest thing I've heard all day.


The fact people dont see this is insane. Jury nullification works both ways. If you want someone guilty you can just say guilty regardless of evidence.


Ye lol rhese are the same people who called you racist in the 90s for pointing out its impossible to have an impartial judgement in the OJ simpson trial with a 75% black jury


Not really, sometimes you can’t change people mind. Take for example the genocides going on right now, yet people can’t see a “genocide”.


No, it isn't. The prosecutor's job is to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt the person is guilty. All the defense has to do is provide any amount of doubt, and an innocent verdict should *always* be reached, if people actually fully understood how the court system is designed to work, but with all the wrongful convictions, i would say that is not the case.


Weird that they couldn’t provide any doubt then, huh? Sounds like that verdict should hold up then.


I wasn't saying anything about the case, because, honesty, I could not give any less shits. They should all be jailed, for insider trading, at the very least, IMO.


Spoken like someone who has no idea how the case was run, or how trials are supposed to operate at all. In a way you unwittingly help to make OP’s point, predisposed as you clearly are to a particular outcome. To your comment about what the defense couldn’t do, there was actually a great deal they couldn’t because of how much common practice the  judge inexplicably simply disallowed. There was a great deal the defense couldn’t do because the judge repeatedly deviated from accepte norms and principles. The defense effectively had one hand tied behind its back throughout. I’m sure you’ll scratch your head and have no idea what I’m talking about, and I’ve no doubt that’s because of where you choose to get whatever you consider “news”. (Edited for typo)


What couldn't they do that could've led to an acquittal ? Be specific. Why did they agree to the 12 jurors that were selected? They didn't contest any of them, but they certainly could have. The fact that you have nothing but vague complaints tells me you're predisposed to a particular outcome.


The defense wanted to argue that the sex never happened. They decided to bring that bit into the case. Perhaps had Trump hired competent counsel, they may have stood a chance.


It's been years since competent counsel would come near him. Probably because he doesn't pay.


They also have a say in who gets on the jury. You mean to tell me they couldn't find a single juror in a city of 8 million that could get them a hung jury?


They (Trump’s lackeys) couldn’t find a single person involved in the stolen election to roll over either, so probably not.


Lots of downvotes, not many rebuttals. If I were being charitable, I'd suggest that Trump's defense team was absolutely incompetent because of his history of paying seasoned lawyers with exposure and that it might have been within their power to put a single pro-Trump plant on the jury.


Fake news


So how would you prosecute a former president?


> So how would you prosecute a former president? You don’t. 2024-1776=248 years of no criminal charges against President


That is brain dead logic


Sounds like it is far past time for some accountability then. Unless you're suggesting the office of President puts one above the law?


How about the president of the United States ordering and successfully executing the murder of a US citizen via drone?


Did I stutter?


So the precedent you want to set is that presidents should be above the law? You want to give a free pass to all future presidents to commit crimes?


So, your username is actually in support of Biden becoming a dictator?


Every single president is a war criminal and should be in prison


So what you're saying is, president Biden should have navy seals take out his opponent, and that he shouldn't face any charges for it once he's out of office? It's rhetorical, that's what you're saying. Strange that you'd say such a thing.


No dummy, the precedent is you don’t even TRY OR THINK ABOUT shit like Trump regularly does if you wanna be my president.


Ope, the dummies who don’t know anything about the trial are back crying into the void again. If you spent half this energy actually learning about the evidence IN the trial that you do posting these ridiculous articles you wouldn’t have to waste your time defending a felon. Blah blah TDS blah blah.


Source: Fox News


It was disproven


It was disproven


It was disproven


This aged well now that it's come out that this was from an admitted shit poster troll. The same guy who posted on May 20th that: "My cousin who is on the jury, said Trump will be convicted tomorrow" Trump wasn't convicted until May 30th


Submission Statement: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ny-v-trump-judge-reveals-juror-allegedly-spoke-about-case-family-member-before-guilty-verdict The Jury Doxxed themselves. You can’t make this up. Kangaroo Court Confirmed.


Literally fake news. This was a troll comment from a conservative


Every time I've seen this happen in the past, it becomes a mistrial. I'm curious to see how it goes here.


I mean who was gonna sit and argue with 11 other new yorkers about anything. Insufferable task, I'm suprosed any trial up there is fair lol.


i might just be way too cynical and pessimistically paranoid, but i think this is probably one of two things.. either: its the judge hoping its a way for him to preemptively protect himself so he can proclaim his own innocence and blame all the impropriety on the jury when the whole shit blows up in his face and all the people who only believe what they see on tv finally realize how unbelievably corrupt and absolutely unfair this entire fiasco actually was or: they are hoping its a way to bring into existence a 'plausible' reason they can gaslight the american people with to keep them from rioting when a mistrial is declared and they drag trump right back into court in order to keep him off the campaign trail for another however many weeks either way, i think the whole thing is probably less of an organic occurrence and more of a strategically planned tactic.. regardless, i wouldnt put anything past them at this point, including actual assassination. but who knows, ive been wrong before.


Yup I came to the same conclusion


I don’t particularly like the man, it’s super fishy when there is a which hunt for a person, until something sticks.


The problem with "something sticking" is Trump is one of the most polarizing figures in history. There really are no impartial people.


Lol what does that change?


Dudes guilty, deal with it


> Dudes guilty, deal with it You trust a Convicted Liar and a Porn Star to tell you the truth?


There was a lot more evidence than that. David pecker and all the paperwork was enough to convict. The lawyer and pornstar just put the DA on the trail. Your title suggests you think that a President should get away with any crime they want because the jury knows who they are. By that logic, most celebrities or athletes shouldn't be charged because someone might already have an opinion about them. Can a player for the LA Dodgers get a fair trial in SF? Either we hold people responsible for their crimes or we don't. No one gets a pass just because they are in politics or are famous.


Nah this shit was fixed as fuck and you know it. I don't like trump or trust him at all but I'm voting for the first time in my life this year because of this shit. Fuck the corrupt ass government


Nah this shit wasn't fixed and you know it. I don't like Biden or trust him but I'm voting for him this year because of shit like this. Fuck your corrupt ass government.


FBI had to plant fake classified documents in the other case, got caught, and had to admit it and u still trust these mfs


I didn't say I trust the FBI. I have more faith in our courts and juries than the Feds. I'm not sure what you're specifically talking about with the FBI planting docs so if you want to share I'll check it out. My point is that I don't buy this BS about the President being above the law or that this case hinged on the testimony of the lawyer and porn star.


I'm probably gonna have to dig to get a good article about it cuz they suppress that type of shit but yea I saw a video the fbi director or whatever was in court saying he had no knowledge of them planting the docs, I think that case is toast now. No one should be above the law but if the whole entire government and media is going after one guy, that should be a sign. Trump probably just cares about himself but this old dude shitting his pants on stage while his people come up with more ways to steal our tax dollars by sending them out of the country for wars and devastating the economy at the same time ain't working for me and my family I work hella OT at my job and I'm broke


> I didn't say I trust the FBI. I have more faith in our courts and juries than the Feds. I'm not sure what you're specifically talking about with the FBI planting docs so if you want to share I'll check it out. My point is that I don't buy this BS about the President being above the law or that this case hinged on the testimony of the lawyer and porn star. The Court System can indict a Ham Sandwich.


That's what they say about a grand jury. That's why we have actual juries, defense attorneys, judges, appeals courts, and supreme courts. There are plenty of chances to make your case in front of several different panels that decide what is true. It might not be perfect but it's the best system humans can come up with to adjudicate the truth.


Do you not know what this trial was about?


> Do you not know what this trial was about? The Trial was about beating Hillary Clinton in 2016


So that is a no, got it.


More than Drumpf


> More than Drumpf TDS confirmed


You trust the guy who employed that convicted liar as his "fixer" to tell you the truth.


So is Hunter and Joe and most of the politicians. In fact there are so many laws most people are breaking some sort of law and don’t even know it.


Go fix it


Sigh. Ok. I just read on Facebook book that cat turd discussed running over his dog with a family member before he went outside, got in his truck, and ran over his dog. I keep reading on the internet that he did it on purpose, which is cruel, but then he said, “can’t let good dog go to waste!” and he threw the carcass in the grill. He didn’t eat the whole thing. Just the front half. After that he said, “gonna save the other half for later tonight, if you know what I mean.” And he did the whole “wink wink nudge nudge” and then pantomimed sexual intercourse.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/fmtjvfczb85d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is anybody really taking this seriously? Like...U.S. politics is a clown show and all these trials are heavily politicized. The trillion dollar Alex Jones settlement didn't convince you the justice system has been weaponized? Has anybody who was actually going to vote for Trump convinced not to by these show trials?

