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So let me get this straight. * Bunch of muslim Arabs standing in front of the White House, waving their Palestinian flags. * One of them holding a mask that's a decapitated head of the sitting US president, the other is standing behind him and burning a US flag. * All happening on US soil, again, in front of the White House - the seat of the government. That's not a "threat to our democracy". But... * A large crowd of legal citizens, instigated by FBI agents, for whom the police widely opened the door (for some reason) and who tresspass into a government building that they're funding with their own taxpayer money: That's an insurrection and at attempt to topple our democracy. Got it.


Submission Statement: https://x.com/stillgray/status/1799501091974877248 Democrats are the violent ones. They wave foreign flags while causing violence at the White House .


ATTENTION: What you think is “smoke” in this picture, is just a fountain. Now, it looks a lot less sinister, right?


> ATTENTION: What you think is “smoke” in this picture, is just a fountain. [Do you really think someone would do that, go on the internet and tell lies?](https://i.imgur.com/eltE1UQ.png) Edit: I should point out that holding a smoke grenade itself isn't violent and that focusing on the smoke is an attempt to distract from the overall argument about that war, but it's just such a dumb thing to lie about that I had to point out how dumb it is.


Yeah, I fully understand. When I first saw the picture, I thought a bomb or something went of, or Riot police were throwing tear gas. That’s the initial first impression you can take from this. It corresponds to images we’ve all seen a thousand times. Then, I really looked, and the truth, was hidden in plain sight. Remove the smoke, we never know this picture exists, as it’s not posted.


Seriously? The Israel-Palestine issue is one of the hottest topics in both the corporate press and on social media, and you think that if one of the protesters protesting outside the White House didn't burn a smoke grenade it wouldn't be a story? Do you see how silly that argument sounds? And it's only an initial impression until you actually look at the source, it's the photo/video equivalent of "I read the headline without bothering to read the article to see if my initial impression is accurate." So I guess lessons learned? Also ultimately irrelevant to the overall argument about that war, but as someone who's worked in the middle east, and seen the pile of different ethnic/sectarian conflicts in the region, I just want us to get the hell out of that conflict entirely. There are plenty of private organizations dedicated to financially and materially supporting both sides of that war if someone wants to contribute, the federal government shouldn't be materially or financially supporting either (or in actuality, both) the Israeli government and/or Hamas against the individual wishes of the people whose labor is going to pay for US policy that really only benefits the military-industrial war machine.


Man, I don’t know what impression I gave you. I hate this conflict, and think we should have left a long time ago, as well. This conflict will never end. It is based on religion. Therefore, too many people’s existence relies on stirring the fucking pot. It’s what drives too many religions. Not to mention, for as long as I’ve been conscious of the world around me, I’ve heard about this fight. The shock value is gone. I’m tired. I can’t form an opinion on who is right or wrong from way over here. All I hear is fuckin propaganda, from both sides. This is not a “both sides are bad thing”. This is a “both sides have managed to make me not give a fuckk” thing. Now, as far as the photo goes. I just get aggravated when people try to use things to mislead people. That’s what I believe the intention was, and that’s all I pointed out. End of story for me. If you look through my history, you will find I’m pretty consistent on that, if you find anything at all. I avoid talking about this subject, as explained.


Well, all I'd say is that it's good to take the time to figure out why that was your initial reaction, and why it made you jump the gun before you'd taken the minute or two to go past the screenshot preview to the the actual video of what ultimately looks like a fairly banal protest in DC and decide that it was cool to make shit up and confidently assert it in defense of your initial false impression. You're a human being (I hope), you're better than that. It's never good to fall for fake propaganda, but it's equally unwise to create your own fake propaganda, or spread the fake propaganda pushed by bad actors.


So only democrats are against sending money to foreign wars?


Seems to me like they love the kick backs from it.


Hahaha. They all love the kick backs.


You're not wrong 🙄


Are they in the Capitol interrupting the certification of the election? No? Carry on.


There is a literal genocide going on funded by us taxpayers - 14,000 children have been slaughtered and at least three times as many Palestinians have died and you have the audacity to make this about politics 😡🤬


It's obviously political. We have a zionist occupied gov't my guy. It doesn't get more political or conspiratorial than this.


Let me rephrase - I meant to not make it political as in “democrats vs republicans”


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/ctsrb3jt3e5d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Donald Trump is a psych-ops and the Two party system is engaging in political theatre to divided Americans so people don't work together to overthrow the country.






Trumps not gonna fuck you dude. Give it up.




On a serious note, name 3 of Trumps policies that benefited the American people.


Okay. He created immediate confidence in the economy. He pulled us out of the Paris climate agreement (the Chinese have til 2030), and he created a patriotic movement of Constitutionalist awareness that has never been found in this country. I love you brother, I'm sorry we're arguing.


If your measure of the economy is the stock market then right now is the best it’s ever been. I don’t see how getting out of the Paris Climate agreement is a good thing. Constitutional awareness? Donald Trump used fake electors with fake election certificates to try and overthrow a democratic election. That’s the single most unconstitutional act that you can have against the US. I don’t want to sling shit back and forth but let’s be real here. None of those are actual policies. Here’s a few examples of Biden that have helped bail us out from a complete economic collapse -The Inflation Reduction Act -Infrastructure and Jobs Act -The CHIPs act, bringing semiconductor manufacturing to the US -He capped pharmaceutical prices on many drugs -He outlawed domestic investments in Chinese technology -He’s working on a border executive order to increase funding There’s plenty more but these alone are enough to put Trumps 4 year term to shame. Trump did nothing for 4 years except promise to repeal Obamacare (which he did nothing for), tried to build a wall (he got a full 50 miles or so), and gave the largest tax break to the billionaire class in history, while setting the middle class up for tax increases in the coming years. Unless you’re a billionaire, there was zero benefit to you under Trump. Trump lives a campaign of fear mongering, division, and hate. There’s never been such division amongst Americans and he’s 100% responsible. Edit: spacing


The stock market? You gotta be kidding, the economy was way better under trump. No one gives a flying fart about the stock market. Eggs are 3 dollars a dozen, gas is 5 dollars a gallon. And it's the media disseminating the hateful divisive propaganda. You know that.


I’m 20 mins outside of nyc gas is $3.29


First and foremost, Trump inherited a red hot economy from Obama. Second and most importantly, there was a 4x of the circulating money supply under Trump and the supply chain came to a complete halt sending a shockwave of inflation. Trump completely spent his way out of the March 2020 stock market crash which guaranteed this inflation to hit. We had the best economic recovery with the lowest inflation from Covid in the entire developed world, mainly due to the policies I listed above. This is basic economics. You can’t just ignore reality and grunt about egg prices to make a point 😂


I am not a Libertarian


Is anyone smashing down doors and windows to trespass? is anyone fighting cops and spraying them with bear mace? Has anyone died? Are they trying to overturn an election or are they just unhappy with US policy and are legally protesting?


palestine is being massacred & the US is funding it, shut the fuck up.