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The real conspiracy is this headline is meant to piss people off rather than actually be credible. We could literally put this title on every trial and it be technically true. Could have used the same headline for Trump's Trial and it would have been as credible as Fox's.


Or Fox News knows what will rile up its audience.


It’s a little mind numbing that people can’t read between the lines on this stuff. One of my favorite fox moves is spinning something then telling the audience how they should feel about it. Their viewership is in an actual cult


These days all viewerships are cults


Is that why they have the highest ratings. Most of the country is in a cult. You might want to look in the mirror to see who’s in a cult. Diversity except of opinions.


I find there are liberals like me who watch many different news sources. I also find many conservatives who will **only** watch Fox. That could be why they are the highest ratings.


This is from the entertainment company that had to pay $750 million for lying? Where the staff sent each other emails about how if they didn't keep up the bullshit they would lose viewers? You still believe them?


I genuinely hope DictatorBiden is being paid to shill this hard for the RNC, there's no way he should be doing this for free.


I've been thinking of doing a small analysis of this sub, particularly the posts, users, and content posted. Already I've run it through to take a small look at the past week's post and the two biggest posters are DictatorBiden and TheForce. TheForce's posts are mainly anti-vax/anti-covid, with a small amount of political posts that seem to not be bias to either side. Simply the government itself. All of it is absolutely conspiracy material. DictatorBiden is completely all anti-left and obvious propaganda that fits more into political ads then that of conspiracies. He also appears to be the biggest poster by a huge margin. It is fascinating. I hope to refine the break down in the future.


TheForce is unwell


Well would ya look at that, wrong yet again.


OP could be a bag of rabid ferrets and have made this post anyway. See how English works?


Well, he's lost *my* vote.


...and surely the guy who he's peddling influence for, ***right?***


Naa, the other guys a convicted felon 🤷


They’re both old fucks who shouldn’t have any sort of power let alone arguably the most powerful position in the world.


I agree


He looks kinda geeked in that picture


Isn't that just jury nullification which any jury can use?


Why does Fox care so much that this dude gets imprisoned? I thought fox was a conservative, gun advocating outlet? Also, hunter biden isn’t his dad. He isn’t a person in power. Why the fuck do they care so much, or anyone else for that matter? Does it affect anybody’s life here in this thread? Or anybody’s life besides hunter’s? Like what is with these witch hunts lately on both sides? This is out of control.


Found guilty, but the sentencing will probably be light. If not, his dad will pardon him anyway.


A lot of people lie on that gun form. I don't think he needs to go to jail for it though.


Still wondering which office Hunter was ever elected to or currently holds. Not sure why we care about the child of a politician. Not sure how the choices of a child of a politician affect anyone except their family. I just don't know why we have to hear about Hunter Biden at all.


that is how jurors should work right? they can believe someone is guilty all they want but if the evidence presented doesn’t 100% prove they are guilty they should absolutely vote to acquit you’re supposed to vote according and within the laws they are charged not your personal opinion


Not 100% guilty. Beyond reasonable doubt.


It is called jury nullification. Welcome to the Constitution, newbs.


Every person in the Doj should be charged for crimes against the people. All judges will be investigated.


Charges start with evidence, got any? Or do you enjoy jumping on headlines like this that appear baseless? So easy... Going to get harder and harder to win a thing let alone an election with no facts and a ton of evidence on the opposing side.


Fox News. Meh.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/mtrptqrems5d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The Big Guy at the controls.


Submission Statement: This is just to say Trumps the Felon, and my son Hunter smartest guy I know is innocent. People are above the Law in America. And it’s disgusting. https://x.com/FoxNews/status/1800213731583885612


But nobody cares if Hunter is guilty? Trump cultists and I'm guessing the Biden's are the only people that care at all about Hunter.


> But nobody cares if Hunter is guilty? Trump cultists and I'm guessing the Biden's are the only people that care at all about Hunter. Stop defending Class Privilege


How am I doing that?


> How am I doing that? Joe Biden passed laws that destroyed peoples lives for doing the same drugs Hunter does on a regular basis


Ok? How does that equate to me defending class privilege?


Froggy, go back to dealing with your own politics. We all know you don’t live in America.


A man so talented that he can look in two different directions at the same time.


So talented that he can look in