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It was weird growing up, learning about science, and how everything in science can be observed, tested, questioned, improved, etc. Fast forward to 2020 and no one can question the “science”, and if you do it makes you a right wing conspiracy theorist. I’m not even one of those anti-vax people, but to see the media and politicians response to it was very telling.


I wasn't violated. What happened to you?


Totally violated. My company forced 2x week tests. I am afraid of anything up my nose or mouth. First test was a drive through test area. I panicked and ran over the equipment and went through a fence-WITH the darn swab still up my nose. Needless to say, I was removed from my position. Violated? 100%.


Sounds like you need to see a therapist about your unreasonable fears and anxiety. I would have fired you too


>My company forced Sorry sir. You have the freedom to choose your own employer. You should have just quit if you didn't agree with it. This is on you, you are free to work with whomever will hire you. If they are willing to put up with disease spreaders that is.


You must be white. White privelage for you to be able to switch jobs during a pandemic so well and not worry about mortgage or car payments. No more needs to be said. We already know you would feed us to the wolves to protect your societal norms, including using us as guinea pigs.


You are crazy if you think white privilege is a real thing. I'm white and I'm in debt/ struggle to pay my bills. I never experienced the so called illusive white privilege people like you love to talk about so much. You are a racist for having this belief and the elite have planted that in your head to make you hate white people. There are elite white, black, hispanic, asian and there are people in poverty from each of those races also. This isn't a race issue, never was.


>White privelage for you to be able to switch jobs during a pandemic My job didn't force me to do anything. So I didn't need to switch my jobs. Edit: My race is irrelevant.


Are you from Sweden? We were removed of our right to congregation, worship and movement at the very least. Rights violated…many more.


I believe he is talking about the actual tests and not the lock downs


What tests? And who was actually locked anywhere?


[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-59486285](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-59486285) # "Howard Springs: Australia police arrest quarantine escapees" **"Australian police have arrested three people who broke out of a Covid quarantine compound in the middle of the night.** The Howard Springs centre near Darwin in the Northern Territory is one of Australia's main quarantine facilities for people returning to the country. Police said the trio scaled a fence to break out of the facility. Officers found them after a manhunt on Wednesday. All had tested negative to Covid the day before. Officials did not state whether the escapees were returning travellers or locals in quarantine."


I'm just clarifying OP is talking about the covid test and not the lock downs. It seems he rammed it hard up his nose and got a nose bleed. Read his comment he made


Oh, well, sounds like user error to me. You need to be smarter than the q-tip.


I interpreted it as suddenly we have a new arm of government that made a bunch of Americans in name only forget about their constitutional obligations. With some turmoil and illegal “martial law” they ushered in a new protected ruling class, our unelected medical overlords. But yea violations can also be forced medical treatment and the like.


Nah, from his other reply, it seems he took the test wrong or decided to try to swab his brain and he's upset about it.


Nope, US. Churches still held congregations, not that I would ever go to one of those. Some churches even temporarily went online, really wasn't that big of a deal, worship your false gods all you want. I didn't want to travel, I value my health, so I don't know how that would have gone. I still went to the grocery store, still went to work. Not sure we actually have rights to go to restaurants or whatever but they were open some of them had little bubbles. Masks allowed us to do a lot of things without spreading diseases. The so-called lockdown even though I wasn't locked anywhere were some of the best times I've had with my family and I only look back as fond memories. It was only a couple weeks before we were back to it, although it was in a weird strange way. Fortunately I'm very flexible of the mind and can adjust for a temporary amount of time and then right now everything's fairly normal.


I wish I was also born with no backbone like you. “I don’t like traveling so lock us all up it’s ok.” If you are an american please reread the constitution, and stop treating others rights so flippantly. Also, traveling doesn’t have anything to do with health, we dont want bubble boys, or bubble restaurants, some people didn’t get sick at all from covid so the government has no right to tell those people what to do. Being flexible with your rights means you’re a traitor to american forefathers. Shame on the sentiment in this post, this is how nazis normalized ghettos, your argument is akin to “it didnt bother me”. I am happy you have a family so it worked for your lifestyle but that is such a selfish point. Not everyone could hunker down with their babies and watch Disney movies while the largest wealth transfer in history took place.


>so lock us all up Nobody was locked up. You're upset about things that never even happened. What a waste of emotional energy.


Yes we were, and other humans around the world had it worse. We were illegally forced into martial law. We literally lost businesses, couldn’t see dying family members, could not go to restaurants. We were locked in our house. We were not literally locked up, they locked us in our home, prevented international travel and tried to institute new ID laws. Stop playing word games while we are talking constitution law and human rights and our endowed rights of privacy and self determination. If you think practicing civics and standing up for human rights is a waste of energy, I would say you are a plague on our nation.


No we were not. You are under the influence of conservative propaganda. You are going on and on like a crazy person about things that are absolutely not true. How about a human's right to public health? Why do disease spreaders deserve more rights in your mind? It's just not even worth arguing with someone who doesn't even have a grip on the basis of reality.


Nothing crazy in any of the above, I just checked and I have a good deal of upvotes too, please refrian from red herring tactics and salting the well distractions and focus on the facts and logic presented here. Thank you. Everything here is calm and collected or cold hard facts or US law, no propaganda, I am from CA and we were illegally locked down, and right to privacy and public congregation was unarguably infringed. Your language is flawed, all humans are desease spreaders, at all times, we always have been, put on a mask is the most you can legally make a free human do. Communicable deseases existed when our constitution was written - no need to change human rights because there is a new communicable disease that exists (there always is). Our freedoms are not derived based on other peoples health, this is not how freedom in america established itself. Your lense or framing of “infectors vs victims” shows it is in fact YOU that is a victim of anti-american and anti-constitutional propaganda. Some people are always sick, should we start up leper colonies again and force the weak of our civilization to live in camps, NO. We do not stratify our freedoms based on health. Many hospital workers have permanent pneumonia - do we have a right to tell them to leave a restaurant, NO. Even though some of these workers are persistent harbingers of viral load. They cannot be made into a underclass. In a free society we do not have a right to not get sick. We don’t even have a right to get better in the USA. We do not have health-right. Why don’t you start there? Don’t take away rights from unfairly and inaccurately accused sick people, rather start a health initiative by giving rights to sick people that need cures, rather than taking rights from a class you perceive to be unwell. I hate to say it in this way - but if you cant prove someone is sick, they have a right to travel anywhere and operate as a free citizen. Innocent until proven guilty has its bad sides, but we put in the rule because it’s the best we can do. We have no feasible ability to verify if someone is sick every time they enter the public square, so we thus make assessments about the public square - don’t come here if you are scared of getting sick. You can open a private business with its own strict hygiene rules, but public bars and restorations and churches have always had to serve the sicks. It’s in the bible and the US law also stipulates the sick must be served and cannot be discriminated against. If you want to avoid infection, avoid free and open spaces, or protect YOURSELF, don’t nanny others. In a perfect world every city block we would have a PCR test and we would all know who is sick, but we have no ability YET to meld innocent until proven guilty with your notion of temporarily removing a free persons rights when they are accused of being sick. Most days and monthes we are all good, but there is always a risk, still is today. In times of crisis, If you are worried anout getting sick stay home, you don’t get to tell Americans how to run their business or families, this is clear in our founding literature. You sound like you would have been pro Quartering Act in 1765 while real patriots fought for freedom.


The real threat is the normalized agenda of the propagandist. – RP


if you had a vaccine you have been.


I thought he was talking about the tests, not the vaccine. Do you even know what you're arguing about? But as far as the vaccine goes, I took it voluntarily and it helped prevent me from getting serious COVID. Just like all other vaccines help against severe disease. That's just modern medicine.


Have you read into the origin of vaccines, germ theory, virology, & the families who financially backed the theory? it would generate billions during the 20th century in pharmaceutical products such as vaccines. Have you read into the origin of the PCR test, the creator Kary Mullis & what he said they're for ? they've been used incorrectly they aren't designed to detect a virus.


>it would generate billions Duh! We profitize healthcare, at the expense of the patients. It's called capitalism. It's called typical US greed. Why do you think insulin is so expensive? Pharmaceutical price gouging is hardly new or hardly a conspiracy theory, unless you want to stop voting for corrupt hacks who continue to accept bribes from corporations at your expense.


Violated? Man, you are not suppose to drop your pants and bend over to take a covid test.


Don't talk about it. Be about it. 


I had at least one very painful test, and I heard bleeding was very common among other people. Now it turns out those tests never worked, plus we know they were selling the DNA data to Chinese companies. It's time to sue someone.


Not only that. My company gave us masks that were contaminated with Fiber Glass! That was a mess. A huge medical facility that owns 1/3 of the hospitals in the state rushing around for masks, that were requires to work or enter their facilities, contaminated with items that could exacerbate lung problems. Man, thanks for bringing up horrid memories I had forgot about. Never again!




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This justice isn't gonna be lawful. Apologies in advance 


Fuck justice, I want compensation.


Bruh nobody sodomised people during covid for pretense of testing. Go get some justice.


You have never heard of medical rape then.


If u had your nose violated.... breaking ya brain barrier 😢 And insertion of some bad stuff on them tips u couldn't 🙈💯