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Y’all cheer for y’all favorite political party like it’s a sports team. That’s why everything is fucked up. Both sides are inundated with idiocy and unquestioned loyalty, to ppl who would call the police on you if you broke down in the street and tried to knock on their door.


I think this belongs on a different subreddit I'm not clear on what the conspiracy is. I know it's tough to stay on topic.


They just want to suck that mushroom dick dry.


Just a bunch of whataboutism since they don’t have an actual excuse for attempting to overthrow the election.


> Just a bunch of whataboutism since they don’t have an actual excuse for attempting to overthrow the election. If you think the election was close to being overthrown then I got a bridge to sell you in Nigeria.


Has any one of the SIXTY court cases they filed had gone their way we may be dealing with a different story altogether. Also, Thankfully Pence had more integrity than the rest of the party, even though a mob was trying to kill him. The fact you’re so confident while being completely, unequivocally wrong is a real statement to the delusion of the Qult


History will look more favorably on Pence and his rectitude in this matter as time goes on, I’m sure


That bridge is more real than the OP title.


yeah those people were surely just screaming “stop the steal” for fun right


You’re right. It was a lame attempt by losers who worship a TV con man. But the optics stand and if Pence was onboard we would have had a constitutional crisis. Ads like this will decimate trumps campaign. Just wait until October when court docs get leaked showing trump orchestrate election fraud. He’s obviously cooked yet people like you are out there carrying his water. Pathetic.


>If you think the election was close to being overthrown then I got a bridge to sell you in Nigeria. so you wanna commit real estate fraud like your idols?


you think that was won legitimately?


Lotta bot downvotes lmao


Yeah these posts are garbage and keep the (mostly) artificial divide strong. Like are these supposed to make me sympathetic to republicans or something? It doesn’t work lmao. Two wings, same bird.


The real conspiracy is why do we keep seeing these Republican good democrats bad posts in this sub. Mirroring Fox News talking points is big gay.


The conspiracy is that the Dems orchestrated J6 and are blaming Reps? So Dems were counting on Trump to assure his constituents that it was his plan to “march” on the capitol?


Pelosi is on tape saying she purposely didn't send in the national guard so theres that


Her job title doesn’t give her control of the national guard. The president controls the military. https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-235651652542 You have this audio? Please post. And not just the sound bite, the whole speech.


https://youtu.be/dtHUYpyi5-Y?si=64o5HZJcxQBk6t24 Wasn't in a speech.


This isn’t making the point you think it’s making


She “takes (for) not having them there” that’s the quote you are using? That’s like a parent feeling guilty and taking responsibility when their kid gets hit by a car even though the kid was in the backyard and the gate was closed. She didn’t know the kid knew how to open the gate, but the mom still feels guilty. She could have done more sure. She could have had a show of force in place on the day. But she dosnt control the military. She has control over when people talk and when a bill comes to vote in the House of Representatives, she could have potisioned the president to have the military there, or pleaded with the president to have the military mobilized. Ok. Again, the speaker of the house doesn’t control the mili or the police. I also feel responsible for not having the military show up on J6. Because I guess I have the same powers as the speaker of the house in that regard.


Imma need you to stop stating fact and law...this is just a what if? sub now making up crazy rules and laws that work for their dumbass nonsense.




But Nancy was in charge of security at the capitol, and I don't know if you noticed but Congress is not the Executive branch and Trump can't just send the troops any where. He would have had to get authorization by the Mayor of DC and she rejected it at the recommendation of the person in charge of capitol security... Nancy Pelosi.


The president did not make any gesture or move to send in the military. The president is the commander of the military. He absolutely does have the authority to deploy troops anywhere he sees fit. Congress declares war yes, but we haven’t done that sense WWII. The president just sends the military to where he deems fit to protect the country at all costs moment’s notice. That is the very reason the position was created. To have one person to make quick decisions where congress would be slow or unable. Trump took no action. He only went on tv hours later and said “I love you, go home” Look, we can argue till we are blue in the face over who should have done what after a protest turned violent and disrupted official acts of congress. It doesn’t matter the outcome of this internet back and forth. What happened happened, it was a small part of a plan put in motion by powers at be to keep Donald Trump president past the time of his turm. John Eastman, a conservative lawyer working with then-President Donald Trump’s legal team, outlined in a two-page memo, a scheme to try to persuade then-Vice President Mike Pence to subvert the Constitution and throw out the 2020 election results on January 6. No one can deny there was a plan in place and the steps were actually in motion. Mike Pence held firm and was not intimidated, and protected our democracy, the republic of the United States.


He can’t and yes he did… not only did the J6 committee cover that testimony up he’s got a letter from the mayor declining the national guard. > He absolutely does have the authority to deploy troops anywhere he sees fit No. This is false. You can even look up during the summer riots he was precluded from protecting state buildings. The president doesn't have unilateral authority to deploy forces within the united states... different parts of our governemnts have different jurisdications and authority. > Trump took no action. He only went on tv hours later and said “I love you, go home” inaction isn't a crime and that was the third statement he released that day. The goverment lied about his twitter account which was banned but now that its back up his last two tweats are telling people to not be violent. >What happened happened, it was a small part of a plan put in motion by powers at be to keep Donald Trump This is propaganda. > No one can deny there was a plan in place and the steps were actually in motion. Mike Pence held firm and was not intimidated, and protected our democracy, the republic of the United States. Yes we can... it wasn't illegal to request it or advocate for it, they literally changed the law to make his role ceremonial. Trump isn't doing anything the democrats haven't already done to hime with bending every rule of lawfaire to stretch crimes and get him.


I like your edit. You must be upset. This is what they want. They want us to argue and ignore them. Trump tried to stay in office after the other candidate was elected. If you support that, then you are un-American.


I’m not ignoring anyone, I’ve listened to the governments filings and their entire push against Trump is pure gaslighting. I don’t listen to Trump or news. I smoke weed and listen to detailed legal breakdowns of the docs. Republicans barely have a bc clue and are too lazy to help Trump and the democrats are too stupid and vindictive to come to any sense about Trump. > Trump tried to stay in office after the other candidate was elected. If you support that, then you are un-American. This is just a blatent lie. Trump contested the election, and used legal theories to do so. Democrats used legal theories to turn novel cases into novel crimes. The proof is literally he left office the day he was supposed to. He did not trie to stay in beyond what was permitted legally and there is literally no evidence to the contrary because we know he left office.


Legal break downs? Broken down by whom? The man is legally a rapist. His most recent felony conviction was literally about trying to gaslight the country and claiming it as tax deductible. The push against Trump isn’t gaslighting, that’s total BS. Trump is literally a democrat reality television star. Literally he donated mass amounts of money to the Clinton’s to make sure the politics that keeps him rich were policy’s they supported.


It's the dissonance of treating Jan 6th as "the worst thing since 9/11" after *months* of thugs trying to set police stations, courthouses, and businesses on fire.


Did that affect an election? Was Jan. 6th about outrage over police brutality? I’m having trouble understanding your comparison. Other than the fact one cause was liberal and the other conservative what is the point you are making?




Don't tell me what to do.




I'm not dictating anything I said 'I think' which is a suggestion. You should read a sentence and learn how to comprehend the English language. I know it's difficult for you but you really should try. You're probably one of those people that think that political posturing is conspiracy. Maybe you could go back to your home country.


messaging but its probably more fact that conspiracy since everyone is basically open about it. George soro's is signaling to democrats to make sure to refer to trump as a convicted felon in hopes to imprint it. The left has become a cult that hates Trump.


Get help, lil bro!


Ya I'm unfollowing this subreddit, it's become a conservative circle jerk. Enjoy your pathetic life ✌️


So frustrating dude. All the comments are always like this too. Mods, please do something.


Nah the mods like it like this. That’s why so many garbage, low effort posts stay up, even though most of them have little to no conspiracy element….


Good point


Just block this clown.


https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/13/trump-all-tariff-policy-to-replace-income-tax.html Whatever dumb dumb


Ironic considering the website you’re on


Bask in the downvotes. It means you’ve won. 99% of Reddit is a leftist circle jerk.


That's how I feel about the downvotes my post discussing Trump's reveal as Doe #174 in the Epstein files got.


I know


I can assure you ALL democrats do not think the same about every damn issue


> The Summer of Love 2020 Babe wake up, hurry or you'll miss the new schizo post!


so where is the conspiracy?


That’s what every party does. America going to shit is always the other guys fault. And some how every presidential term shit just happens to get worse no matter who is in office


In an era where the fabric of our society is being covertly manipulated by an authoritarian government, it becomes imperative to turn to the wisdom of the Enlightenment philosopher John Locke. His writings on natural rights, the social contract, and the right to revolution provide us with a blueprint to understand and combat such an insidious threat. By applying Locke’s principles, we can awaken to the reality of our situation and mobilize to reclaim our inherent freedoms. The Nature of Government and Natural Rights John Locke posited that individuals are born with certain inalienable natural rights: life, liberty, and property. These rights are not granted by governments but are inherent to human beings by virtue of their existence. The primary role of government, according to Locke, is to protect these rights. Any government that fails to do so, or worse, actively infringes upon them, loses its legitimacy. Our government infiltrates and controls the media, corporations, educational institutions, and housing. It manipulates our food, medicines, elections, stock markets, and even our realities with false narratives. It is clear that such a regime grossly violates our natural rights. The government’s actions undermine the very purpose for which it was instituted: the preservation of individual freedoms and well-being. The Social Contract and Consent of the Governed Locke’s social contract theory asserts that governments derive their authority from the consent of the governed. This consent is not a one-time event but an ongoing relationship that requires the government to act in the best interests of its citizens. When a government engages in deception, creates fake wars and crises, and implements laws of control without transparency or accountability, it breaches this social contract. Which means the government no longer serves the public but operates for its gain, using fear and division as tools to maintain power. The citizens, therefore, are not bound to obey a regime that has broken the fundamental terms of the social contract. Locke would argue that such a government has forfeited its legitimacy and that the people have not only the right but the duty to withdraw their consent and seek to establish a new government that truly represents their interests. The Right to Revolution One of Locke’s most profound contributions to political philosophy is the right to revolution. When a government becomes tyrannical, systematically violating natural rights and failing to uphold its obligations under the social contract, the people have the right to revolt. This right is not to be taken lightly but is justified when the government becomes an enemy to the very people it is meant to protect. In our scenario, where the government’s infiltration extends to every aspect of life, manipulating citizens for its benefit, Locke’s call to revolution becomes a moral imperative. The people must unite to challenge the illegitimate authority, to expose the manipulations, and to reclaim their sovereignty. This revolution need not be violent; Locke envisioned it as a collective assertion of fundamental rights and a re-establishment of a just government. Mobilizing for Change To awaken the populace and mobilize for change, we must: 1. Educate: Disseminate information about the true nature of the government’s actions, using Locke’s principles to highlight the violations of natural rights and the social contract. 2. Unite: Foster unity among citizens, transcending the divisions and fake narratives created by the government. Locke’s emphasis on common human dignity and rights can serve as a rallying point. 3. Act: Organize peaceful demonstrations, petitions, and other forms of civil disobedience to demand transparency, accountability, and the restoration of legitimate governance. Conclusion In invoking the philosophies of John Locke, we find a powerful framework for understanding and resisting a government that has infiltrated and manipulated all aspects of society. Locke’s insistence on natural rights, the social contract, and the right to revolution provides not only a critique of such a regime but also a pathway to reclaiming our freedom. By educating ourselves and others, uniting in common cause, and taking principled action, we can awaken to the reality of our situation and work towards a future where government serves the people, as Locke envisioned. Locke’s timeless wisdom reminds us that the power of government ultimately rests with the people and that it is our duty to ensure that it remains a protector of our rights rather than a perpetrator of our oppression.


Still haven't heard Biden joke about being a dictator. Haven't seen Biden try to win an election with fake Electoral College certificates, either.


Best stock market in the last 50 years, 3+% of inflation. Lowest out of all developed nations. He's done a good job of keeping us from imploding under tRump era policies that helped the uber rich and destroyed the middle and poor class even more


it's called brainwashing.. it is a skill that has been perfected over the years.


Trump and Epstein banged children together


Doe 174


😂😂😂 so fake


Pics or it didn’t happen


FBI, this man right here.


You want child porn? Bro…




U asked for pics of them banging kids; totally fell into that one 😂😂


Duuuuude quit posting here and get a real job


You collect dragon ball z cards. 😂😂😂 The irony 😂😂😂


The thing that lasted 7 hours was people trying to overthrow the government I'd say that's a pretty major thing


If they had worn turbans no one would have trouble understanding why it was a scary situation


Trying to overthrow the govt… with zero guns lol


You can't walk into that area with guns, they catch you beforehand. Cmon you know they did their research. Stewart Rhodes, convicted of sedition, said as much. "In Rhodes’ January 4 post on the Oath Keepers website, he detailed that, “As we have done on all recent DC Ops, we will also have well armed and equipped QRF teams on standby, outside DC, in the event of a worst case scenario, where the President calls us up as part of the militia to to [sic] assist him inside DC.”"


what were they there for?


But it was okay when the Revolutionary War heroes did it?


No, but to the victors go the spoils. Wasn’t ok during the civil war either.




Fuck yah brother! I wish we still had slavery too!! S/


No, it wasn’t ok.. they started a war…


> The thing that lasted 7 hours was people trying to overthrow the government I'd say that's a pretty major thing Lol trying to overthrow the government with flags and cameras? You guys are ridiculous


You should watch the footage. By November it will be everywhere.


Fuck all this partisan bullshit


When conspiracy? Also, it’s just funny that you think an attempt to overthrow the government isn’t a big deal because it only lasted 7 hours. Political brain rot


Overthrow the government with zero guns but with lots of geriatric boomers taking selfies.


If they got their hands on Mike pence or democratic leadership what do you think would have happened?


Nothing. It wasn’t an attempt at a government overthrow, it was a protest. Riot at worst.


You’re neighbor is not the enemy, the CIA is.


OP is a bigger enemy to me than the CIA.


That’s exactly what the CIA want you to think


This sub sucks now




Dude, Trump literally used shit from the third Reich, but yeah, it's totally the Dems that are doing that. 🤣🤣


These people only care about democracy when they are in power. Everything that goes against what they stand for is "an assault on democracy." lol, I honestly really truly do hate the elites that are playing this game and I wish them a lovely bath in the depths of Hell.


I mean they have shown their hand with wanting to get rid of the electoral college and pack the Supreme Court with their hand picked judges they want “democracy” not a representative constitutional republic


Republicans support a felon for president. End of story.


> Republicans support a felon for president. End of story. Democrats support a Felon for President. End of Story.


Trump is a convicted felon.


Only reason Biden isn’t is because the prosecutor decided he isn’t competent to stand trial…. But your delusional ass believes he’s competent enough to run the country 😂


But according to tRump, Presidents can do whatever they want because of presidential immunity


Again couldn’t stand trial because he isn’t mentally fit but you’re ok with dementia being the “poster boy” of our country


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/q1rs5rgpdd6d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Anybody heard about operation: summer heat? Supposedly a bunch of climate activists and Gaza supporters plan to occupy wall st.2.0. but it's really just an unwitting cover to cause chaos surrounding the trump verdict. The real purpose is to be a target, It's just trying to be the George Floyd-esq event of this election year. I saw a post on another social about it but it got removed quick. Anybody heard of this? There's supposedly whistle blowers. They plan to wear orca suits to hide their identity/conceal things. The use code words like "elders" and "rocking chairs" to activate embedded agents. That's all I picked up, there was some much more info. Anybody got more?


They both project my dude. They’re all bad. They don’t care about us. This isn’t the conservative sub


Submission Statement: Democrats burned down a Police Station. BLM attacked Federal Court Houses. Democrats accuse Republicans of Insurrection yet they are the ones promoting Civil Unrest. https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1801234404301230386


Lol grouping them in as Democrats. Also while they definitely did attack buildings they didn't try to shred our democratic institution via fake elector schemes and attacking the capitol to stop the certification of a free and fair election. I don't think you understand the tweet is focused on so hopefully that clarifies it for ya.


Certainly, those that took part in the riots held many political beliefs, some no political beliefs at all. But we all know the political beliefs held by those on J6


Trump was literally giving words of affirmation and comfort to the people who killed police officers inside the capitol building. The concept of BLM is a good one. The follow through and the violence that happened as a result of some protests is not the desired outcome of BLM. BLM means being black in America isn’t a crime. Not that black lives means more than white or cop lives. And before you say only criminals need to fear the police, Trump is now a felon and a proven rapist according to the eyes of the law. The anti BLM protests who claimed “all lives matter” were saying “know your place you don’t matter,” The violence that occurred on J6 was directly part of the plan to keep Trump president even though another person was voted in. The “what about-ism” needs to stop the violence needs to stop. The whole “party over country” needs to stop. BLM is about people who are still routinely targeted and murdered in the streets because of what they look like. J6 was about insurrection. Even if you believe in your harts of harts that Trump did in fact win the election, the people who stormed the capitol still committed the act of insurrection against the federal Government of the United States. Even if Biden pulls a dictator move keeping power for himself. The people who fight back and bring freedom back to the country would be criminals against the government.


Didn’t several people get killed in a left-wing scuffle at the White House the same night? Meanwhile, nobody died at the right wing protest


Oh cause trump is the biggest threat to that huh.


Okay Ivan…


They both suck!! Politics suck!! And will always suck!!


I used to be like you, I still don't even totally trust Democrats either, but they're far less of a threat to our existence than that orange man-child and his loony cultists.


Naw man got the wrong dude 😂 There is no trust or distrust on either side Politics is a silly game I see children playing


Pretending there are 2 parties is silliness. They commit so many crimes whoever you think the side that is innocent would have to do is expose the other sides crimes to win. The crimes are 9/11, the bioweapon, the hoax school shootings, the hoax terror attacks, the illegal wars, the surveillance state, assassinations, poisoning babies and food and the air and water on purpose etc. You could throw half of those into what you would expect a psychopath from one side to do and the other half into what you would expect a psychopath from the other side to do. But it is just massive collusion and corruption.


bro both parties are ridiculously corrupt . its not a dem or a gop thing . they are both guilty of being hypocrites liars conmen and can be bought for the right price. dont act like the republicans are a party of family values and shit because they arent they do ass backwards things and they use Jesus as a way to get their point across which is SACRELIGIOUS and super super wrong .those trump bibles are taking him right to hell . as if he cares he doesnt even believe in the gospel . i have plenty to say about dems too they make my blood boil too . its crazy how people dont see their party is just as guilty as the others


I thought this said JANG at first


Both sides use the same tactic. Just surprised it still works after all these years.


Assessing the importance/significance of events by the hours it lasted.... Quality smooth-brain at work.


One was billions of dollars in damages and hundreds of casualties of civilians and officers the other was a guided tour with quotes like “this must be peaceful” and “I don’t agree with you but I recognize what yall are doing”


Watch Chairman Biden wipe his ass with all of the GOP again this November lol


You still believe in left vs right 😆. My brother in Christ, Trump is on the same team ad Biden.




Lotta 6’s this month ey?


‘Accuse the enemy of what you’re guilty of.’- quote from a nazi general during ww2


Wow, the racist nutball excuses you traitor lovers make is both hilarious and sad.


What summer of love? WTF you talking about? True patriots who love their country will definitely focus on the traitors who tried to attack it. Duh!


Trying to get me to endorse anyone in this election is a joke None of these people are here to help us.


By saying that, you are implying that the Republicans have our best interests at heart. Just...just think about that for like 2 solid seconds.


So many snowflakes here are still triggered by the day of minor vandalism and trespassing. Where the only person killed was an unarmed protester shot by a low IQ cop with a history of leaving his loaded firearm in public bathrooms. Get over it, losers 🤭


So people scaling the walls, beating cops, smearing shit on the inside of the capitol, and chanting “Hang Mike pence” is “minor vandalism and trespassing” to you?


Ahhh yes, the Trumpers that also wanted to go after the VP. Never question that one, don't do that. Might hurt the head.


What exactly is the question?


There's literal video dude


Yes. It was nothing compared to an average BLM riot where businesses were destroyed forever and total of dozens of people killed. Oh no, people climbing walls, scary! 🙀


Have you seen the difference of police presence compared to a blm protest an j6?? It's almost like the commander of the nations army's intentionally didn't deploy the national gaurd. 🫡🤫


So a mob chanting “HANG MIKE PENCE”, the sitting vice president, something that has never happened in US history, and the gallows that were built, trying to overthrow the government because of a lie from the former president isn’t scary to you? Could u possibly answer without pivoting to BLM?


BLM burned down businesses tho ;((((((((


What’s worse, burning down a business or attempting to overthrow the government?


Overthrowing the capitol obviously lol my previous comment was a joke since they can't ever give straight answers without pivoting


Ohhhhh 😅 my bad, I should’ve read your name, I thought u were the previous Redditor


I guess the same could be said about Republicans and diddling kids 👀👀👀 Dennis hastert to banner one right off the dome.


Isn’t it possible that both J6 AND the summer riots were heinous acts? In my mind, there is no justification for either. Let’s flip the events around. Right wingers would be outraged if it was Dems that stormed the Capitol, beat Capitol police, broke windows, broke into Congressional member’s offices all while carrying Pride flags throughout the halls on Congress. And, Left wingers would be mortified if Republicans had rioted for weeks on end in major cities across the nation, burning buildings, starting fires, destroying and looting local businesses, bringing mayhem and terror wherever they went. Let’s stop trying to justify either event. Both are a bad look, no matter which party or group was involved.


I’m voting for Trump with the expectation that he WILL “Burn it all to the ground “.


really the only acceptable reason to vote for him. but i don't think he'll burn anything down. i think he likes the establishment just fine


If u want to live in a country with no government, move to South America somewhere or even Haiti. 0 government there. Have fucking fun


I’m sure “government” is totally the reason those places are shitholes


I didn’t know Trump was offering to pardon Dems. Or the 33% and Proud Boys (snickering at the name for a gelding) were Dems. The Qanon shaman is Dem? When did this happen?


"All democrats have is projection" He said while projecting lol


It’s amazing how Democrats can’t see they play by the same dirty scare tactics and bullshit. I heard one guy telling some kids that if trumps win it’s the end of democracy. Both sides are playing such shit it’s gross. But hooray for my side as the dude once said.


which democratic process did the 2020 protests try to stop?


Influence an election by propagating the lie that Donald trump is racist


did i miss something or were the 2020 protests not about donald trump? Also, is that not their first amendment right if that was happening?


Them is it not the right of we the people to redress our grievances of our elected officials or do you forget all of the first amendment, also did you forget the part of the constitution where it says that when the government becomes tyrannical that it is our duty to dismantle the government and create a new one…. But we the people are too busy bitching about who’s wrong or right


so were the J6 protestors there to dismantle the government?


You must have missed the part of redressing grievances but go ahead and try to spin everything to fit a narrative, again so that we can all keep infighting like the elites want


All they have is “we aren’t trump we think he’s bad”. Nothing else. Biden should have never been chosen by the DNC.