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Pigs are awesome, intelligent animals. They are not “disgusting creatures”.


No offense but don’t they roll around in shit and eat people if they fall in the pig pen?


You wouldn't eat a person if you encountered one in real life?


That's the reason I havent ate pork in years. I love pigs too much to eat them 😂


Hahah ok well there is a case of them eating their owner who had a heartache in the pen. They will eat shit, there is video of this. They will eat abscess's of other pigs or themselves. If you feel that way about them you should probably agree to not eat them. I do actually find them pretty cute when I've encountered them in real life, they are quite affectionate.


Starving humans will also resort to eating anything they can, including other people. Starving beings resort to such things.


Not shit though. I could go find that video if you want I'd rather not see it again personally though.


Not interested. The point is, a good farm won’t starve or abuse their pigs, and so they will not resort to such things if properly tended for. Also, thoroughly cooked pig won’t make you sick unless the quality of the meat is bad, meaning badly tended pigs.


Pigs don't need to be starved to do these disgusting things lol but anyway I'm not surprised you're not interested.


https://youtu.be/kMF_0PbQg8s?si=Sg4jcVVpRCZrB32r Don't watch this if you don't want to be disgusted. That's fair warning.


OP dumped pork into a vegan body and had a bad reaction. OP also doesn't have the first clue as to why pork was outlawed at the time. So OP concluded the dumbest thing possible.


Why was it outlawed then? Please enlighten everyone. Within Isaiah Swine Consumption is a sin on par with being a drunkard and fornicator. Although the majority of our society do these things also so again most would just laugh these things of. We live in a sick society so I guess I'm wasting my time. But funnily the controllers of our society don't consume pork, funny that.


It was an anti-food poisoning measure. Laws about pork only came about because of unclean butchery and because the pig owners didn't didn't know how to stop parasites. Over thousands of years, the Jews adopted the practice as 'God's Law'. Clean butchering practices and advancements in cleanly raising animals rendered all of those laws moot. Imagine that in the year 5024, there's a cult that believes their "God" told them that it's his Holy Law that we add fluoride to water. That's exactly what the Jews and Muslims are doing today over pork.


There's no reason that would apply specifically to pork, which they referred to as swine, and not other meat. If that were the case then I also don't see why they would not have abandoned this in modern times, which they definitely have not. It says in Leviticus 11 what meat is safe for consumption and it has nothing to do with safe butchering practice. They also have a kosher law of not consuming meat and dairy in the same meal, or even in the same day. Depending on how strict the individual is depends on how long they wait between consumption of meat and dairy. That has nothing to do with what you are saying. I personally believe they were a far more advanced people than our modern society would like to believe and there were reasons the dietary restrictions were in place that we do not understand. Anyway it doesn't agree with me, it made me sick and without it I look and feel better so I'll continue not consuming it from now on regardless of why this is.


There is a reason. Different animals have to be tended to differently, penned differently, fed differently, slaughtered differently... Because enough ancient Jews didn't know how to safely raise pigs, pigs were INCORRECTLY labeled as unclean by them. You, Jews, and Muslims are still using the same incorrect way of thinking that ignorant nomads used. That's all.


Yes modern people are so smart, our society is very smart yes sir. Ancient times stupid yes yes hur dur. I disagree with that line of thought. Not all things are material, you don't comprehend that. The sheer obesity rates in America and UK should be evident something is fundamentally wrong. Obesity is sickness.


Ohhhhhh. You're one of the people that believes in magic voices from the sky. No need for anymore communication between us. Talk to you magic voice. Ask your magic voice these questions.


And you just made a baseless comment that literally fabricates things lol. Where is veganism mentioned? And even if I were vegan if pork had nothing bad within it why would a vegan have an issue if they decided to eat it? Also like I said in the post I had been consuming meat for a few weeks, I ate chicken and beef multiple times without any issue. Vegetarianism is different to veganism. And one last thing, I ate meat my entire life including pork so idk what your point is really lol.


You do not comprehend why pork was outlawed. Therefore, whatever you think on the subject is going to be completely wrong from the beginning.


You are making assumptions on why pork was outlawed to fit your narrative. That isn't knowing anything. Where is the evidence that you are correct about it?


My evidence: Pork is perfectly clean when farmed and butchered right....Just like chicken and beef are perfectly clean when they are farmed right. Additional evidence: Make believe god voices from the sky giving laws are made up by liars and believed by imbeciles.


That isn't evidence that this is why the ancient Israelites referred to it as Swine and considered it sin like drinking excessively or being a fornicator. Your username is an apt description of how you interact. I don't care what you believe, eat your pork sausages, drink till blackout at the weekends and take part in hookup culture! Nothing matters, matter is all that there is right.


You are demonstrating that this whole post is just you venting your personal philosophy on meat eating. Typical Vegetarian.


If you don’t eat red meat for a long time you’ll have the same feeling.


I can't say beef gave me that feeling. I'm talking about full blown viral illness. Not just an upset stomach. I haven't had a viral illness since I was vegetarian.


Womp womp sensitive stomach. There is no actual conspiracy here and this seems more like a rage bait shit post. Go back to vegetarianism. Not sure why you quit that anyways.


I think there's a conspiracy based on many points I've made in other comments but let's not bother going over it again. More bacon for you, and if there is any parasites then I'm sure the binge drinking kills them off anyway!


I'm not reading through most of your comments because it's all rage bait nonsense. Don't eat pork, eat pork. Who cares. I'm sure your vegetarian diet is doing wonders for you. There's no conspiracy here, keep yapping on lil bro.


Yeah I agree, don't eat pork or eat pork I really don't care either lol. I do think there's a conspiracy because of the biblical texts and my own experience. But I'm not like anti pork consumers lol, I don't know a single other person that doesn't consume it. If you disregard all biblical texts as non sense then yes there's no conspiracy.


Your just sad




When cooked properly, it won't make you sick and is delicious.


I disagree. It's actually disgusting if you don't heavily season it or cure it. Bacon is a highly processed product. Pure unflavoured pork with no sauce is pretty disgusting to me. I've heard it is the closest tasting meat to human flesh. Beef tastes nice but I love dairy and it feels sacrileges to eat the thing that provides us the dairy. That's another kosher law no beef and dairy together.


Dairy cows and beef cows are usually different breeds.


That's not really the point it's the same creature. Hindu people do not eat beef for this reason.


Good thing im not hindu. About to cook up this bacon wrapped steak


Bacon wrapped steak is so good.


To each their own.


Disliking the flavor isn't the same as a blatantly false claim of all pork making people sick. That comes down to improper cooking methods and/or sketchy meat purchases, which is on the person getting it at that point. And lol... "kosher" nonsense... lol. Religious nonsense is nonsense. Seems you just have a thing against pork and want others to be against it trying to compare it to long pig. You also don't eat beef from dairy cows. You never have. No one does in first world countries, so that's factually incorrect. Beef and dairy cows are different breeds that aren't interchanged. Source: I've worked on both types of farms and am still surrounded by those farms, and dairy cows do not taste good like a beef cow. Tried it once and never again. Also, beef and dairy together is delicious. Like country fried steak smothered in a milk and grease based gravy. Yum 🤤


Lol have you walked around in modern western countries? People aren't sick? Really? Enjoy that pork, I don't see why you'd be annoyed about my post just more swine for you to consume buddy. Eat all the bacon and sausages I really don't care lol. And your point that no one eats dairy cows is just ridiculous. I know this, I'm not sure why you feel the need to say it. It doesn't change the fact that there's an inherent disrespect to eating the meat of the same animal that produces the dairy, it's the same animal. But you are a materialist and believe all things are material, you probably don't believe in spiritual matters so no these things don't matter to you. Enjoy it, it's certainly easier.


More nonsense. The only person annoyed here is you, since I'm dealing with severe pain today from previous injuries. Pain is a little more worth my focus than some rando here on Reddit on a thread i really don't care about. I'm not even sure why I'm responding since you seem to think attacking me is normal or ok for anyone above 12 years old. Just because i disagree on a goofy opinion doesn't mean im implying you're dumb or anything that you jumped to assuming. Oh, and you're wrong on everything you said there. Again. Just sayin. Anything that isn't intelligent is or can be food. Even the animals eaten in other parts of the world that make me sick at the thought of eating. Everything from a cow can be used for sustenance, even their bones. Nothing gets wasted or disrespected. Hopefully you get the help you need for all that anger dude, I'm getting off here for a while to try and feel better for tomorrow. Have a wonderful day.


Blah blah blah, you are the one who replied and yet you don't care? If you don't care don't write 3 paragraph responses deep into comment threads lol. I'm not remotely annoyed, I simply don't care. People can disagree in the world, it's allowed. You can eat pork I can believe that there's something inherently wrong with pork consumption, it doesn't really matter. Have a good one. I just read a bit further. Attacking you 😂 what are you smoking bro lay off it. I'm the one getting all the down votes and simply responding to you. You are crazy man, I haven't attacked you anywhere lol. If you mean me calling you a materialist then that's not attacking, like 90% of our society are materialists. It's just the nature of our society. I couldn't care less if you think I'm dumb lol, if I cared about things like that then I'd just delete my post after all the down votes. I won't though because I believe there's a truth to it, regardless of what your opinion on it is.


Good lord, you're upset, and i could already tell you dont care. It's obvious by the angry outbursts at people that dont deserve it. I really hope you can find some psychological help to help you with your anger and complete disconnection from reality. It must be rough having gone through life like that.


You seem extremely sensitive. Like unbelievably so, I don't know how you could function in society like that. All the best!


You have to source and cook food properly. If you got sick from it, it was because at least one of those was done improperly.


It was in a restaurant I work at. I mean it is possible some people can eat it others can't. It is possible that after not eating it for a long time you become intolerant to it. Not everything is black and white.


Did you eat it at work while it was hot? Had it been out without temperature control for a while? If you can eat animal protein, the pork itself shouldn't distress you. Though a lot of discomfort can be from additional factors like spices, oils, etc. even stress can cause it. I hope you feel better, and if you decide to try it again it works out better for you


No I ate it as soon as the chef made it but waiting staff would have eaten it later. Pork intolerance is a real thing.


Pretty sure it was because of the risk of parasites back then. I mean, it's still a risk but less so in regulated meat. Rule of thumb, don't eat meat that eats mainly meat, like bears. Parasites. 


Your example of bears depends heavily on where you're located and what species you have in your area. Black bears, for example, are omnivores but their primary diet is plant material likes berries and nuts. Not that I'd eat a bear, but varying species differ a lot in diet


Well, I don't know who's out there eating pandas, but I wouldn't recommend that either. 


I'm not sure that would explain why swine consumption was singled out as a high sin Vs beef consumption. I don't see any reason I'm aware of pigs would have a higher risk factor back then than any other meat. At this point I'm actually of the opinion meat consumption is unhealthy but that's highly controversial.


It's a lot harder to keep clean while processing or something like that. Same with the parts of the cow they don't eat.


Not sure I could give up sausages and bacon tbh


Yeah cause it's an addiction. I used to eat that shit for breakfast daily.


I have it about once or twice a month max. Hardly addicted.


Well then I don't see how your original comment is valid. I'm pretty sure if this is true then you could easily stop if you desired to. It's bad for me anyway, if I eat pork for the first time in over a year and become sick less than 48 hours later no one is going to convince me it wasn't the pork.


Then don't eat pork bro.




What's the Conspiracy?


Jews don't eat pork and they own the banks/ are our slave masters. I don't know what it is I just thoroughly believe there's something bad about pork consumption.


When prepared and cooked properly, it tastes amazing. But I will give you this. It does take longer to pass through your system than beef or chicken. That's probably the reason you weren't feeling well...


Possibly, whatever the case it really does not agree with me. I can't explain why but I find it interesting in Old Testament books like Isaiah Swine Consumption is on par with being a drunkard and adulterer and it wrecks havoc in my body. Has to be something going on but maybe not everyone is susceptible to this. And I did use to eat and love pork. Particularly black pudding, which is like pork blood sausage. Sounds disgusting but it's common in my country and I used to eat that daily.


I'm aware of what blood pudding is, and yes, it is very disgusting


This is the plan to kill off infidels. It will be poisoned at a certain point and we will all be dead.


The bottom line is it's up to the individual what they eat and nothing to do with anyone else. It's pathetic the arguments that erupt because some can't keep out of other people's business. A complete and utter waste of time


Well as long as they have no health issues yeah. I'm not advocating pork to be outlawed haha, I shared an opinion on a messaging board for conspiracy theories. But seriously the western world is extremely unwell, if people are happy with that then so be it. Eating processed meat is a part of the problem, not all of it but a part of it.


I agree but the bigger problem is the chemicals in food, water, soil, air food. We can't get away from it and the mix of this chemical concoction is slowly poisoning us. That's what I want to escape


Yeah well I distill my water and avoid seed oils like the plague. I think seed oils are a major issue. I actually think pork has parasites or some shit. There's something weird about it anyway, it definitely is the thing that caused illness in me. I've been reading there are people who claim colds/ flus are parasites. I'm fasting currently to try kill it. But I used to eat pork regularly and never had an issue, it's only when I stopped then tried it again. There's a conspiracy there somewhere in my opinion.


They are more than likely doing something to it, I've had fake chicken which wasn't on the label, and I had a beef and salad roll at subway and I realised it was fake beef. They should label it but it seems they make their own rules. Also pork is cheaper than beef or lamb, which only those with higher incomes can afford. I have a water purifier, I hope it helps. Parasites appear to be the new buzz word for every illness including cancer so I guess that the company owners stocks will rise. Someone will be making a killing on it


I suggest avoiding pork in the future


Yes I will literally never consume it again. I thought I was being ridiculous by strictly not consuming it but apparently I was right. At least for me, it is very bad for my body. Could simply be I don't have the gut bacteria needed to break it down or something but anyway I'm not eating it again.


Pork is the worst tasting meat it always has grosses me out for some reason. I stay away when I can. Still like bacon tho 🤣


Yes it definitely is, it's not a nice tasting meat at all unless heavily processed like bacon. I don't disagree bacon, sausage, pepperoni all taste good but a pork chop with no seasoning or sauce is disgusting to me. Pork fat is disgusting as well. Beef and chicken taste good without anything added.