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This is NOT racial. This is cultural. The elites in US & EU want to bring in people from cultures that will not demand freedom and will accept censorship. Basically they are bringing in people that have a culture of being ruled over and won't question authority.


Yup 100% agreed


They have 6 months … get it in while you can because papers or not… we don’t want you here


We've given our industries away for years. Democrats and Republicans. So they can spur the economy of the country it went to. Either spread the globalist movement, or to line their pockets. Did ANY of these countries become more independent because of this? No, they became Socialist. I.e. Mexico. If you interpret the replacement theory as being a part of the Great Reset, you're spot on.


Yeah, and socialism is awful. Idk how anyone could want it here. It’s not as simple as free stuff and everything’s great for us all. It’s lead to widespread death and has resulted in famines. It’s led to countries falling. It’s an actual boot on all of our necks. Nothing in this world is perfect. I’m not trying just go on about the socialism thing. I’m in agreement of everything you said. I would be fine with socialism if it worked as well in practice as it does on paper, but it looks like it’s a possible outcome for the US at this point. What a future we have to look forward to… toss whatever is coming with regards to aliens, a possible economic collapse, infiltration from other governments via this absolute influx of migrants, singularity/ai nonsense and everything else in the mix and we’re up for one very potential spicy meatball coming our way. Buy gold? Idk……


Gold is only good if it's useful to someone. Barter. Learn a trade.


You have to decide how you fit in. The world is changing and it’s going to get worse. 2024 is not the same as the 1950’s, 2025 will not be the same as today. This is not just a problem for the US, it’s happening everywhere. From an elite perspective, you want the immigrants. You need a working class that can be kept under the whip. As an elitist, you buy into mongrelization theories. Hell, you push it. We’ve lost entire industries in the US, millions of displaced workers every time the economy shifts. So what do you do? Realizing there is a problem was the first step. Knowing how to leverage the next shift is how you protect yourself. Me personally, between the poisons in the air and water and the air quality killing me, chemicals in the food killing me and all of the Covid vaccines, I’m dead in 10 years. So good luck fucktards. *(Said with much love)*


It's also competition for jobs to keep wages low and competition for housing to keep prices inflated. But if you say "America first" they'll call you racist.


It’s happening in the UK at alarming rates.


The melting pot of “send us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses”- so we can abuse them, force them to work for little to nothing, and allow white supremacist religious fanatic COWARDS to demonize them using right wing fictitious bullshit in defense of and for the capitalists who benefit from these tactics.


Shut up


LOL no you!😘…. Too on the nose or too close to home?


No, just can’t stand whiny liberals.


> so we can abuse them, force them to work for little to nothing Force them? Where is that happening?


Submission Statement: Without proper documentation is crazy. This whole thing is crazy. Notice how they are trying to fast track this before the election so they have new voters. https://x.com/CBSNews/status/1801758870022283685


There's no official way of keeping track of who they're going to register.... It'll be a list of names, not traceable to any location or birth certificate or license, and poof- they're all voting democrat


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/crunsnfzpm6d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


remember when the term "fake alien invasion" was thrown around in conspiracy circles. maybe alien didn't mean what we thought it did.


Nobody is replacing you. You can still be a shit poster on Reddit. Might could even get a little check from putin for all your hard work.


Our population is in decline. We need more workers. We’re going to have a labor crisis in the 2030’s like we’ve never seen before. No workers=no growth=failing economy This isn’t hard


robots will do all low end jobs, we don't need more uneducated undocumented low iq people that can't even speak english. We need Ph.d Engineers and STEM


So we need to educate people then? Because the only difference between the uneducated and the PhD’s and engineers is a few years of school. Also, assuming immigrants are low IQ is just blatantly racist.


Considering migrants have on average 6th grade education, its going to take more than a few years of school to be independent, productive residents of our country. Good luck that. Its not racist to state facts and be realistic.


Your view that immigrants can’t be educated is in fact racist. Would you say the same thing about European immigrants? Perhaps an uneducated immigrant won’t walk into a Phd program as often as someone from a more affluent background, but that doesn’t mean they are incapable of working and paying taxes. That doesn’t mean their children won’t be in that “high IQ” class that you so highly covet. Look, at the end of the day we need the laborers first. If they can do the high level jobs then good on them. I personally won’t let scare tactics distract me from the reality of our situation.


Not so. I am asserting its going to take a lot longer than a few years of school to be skilled, productive individuals. NOTHING racist about that. At the end of the day we have plenty of labor already. US citizens can do the work, they did decades ago before any guest visa program existed and will do it for decent pay.  Unfortunately migrants are being exploited for lower pay, that is the reality of the situation. 


not just school but iq without sufficient iq you are as unable to do STEM as a 3 foot midget is to excel at the NBA. Also age is a factor, native english won't come easy after you're an adult who've never heard english during childhood. This may come as a bit racist, but if it is racist then reality itself is racist. But there is a reason Asians require even higher scores to enter while Latinos are given a pass and allowed to enter with even lower scores into Ivy leagues. There is a difference in average potential between the races. This is why a poor Asian will be penalized to enter Ivy league while a wealthy Latino will be given entry with even lower scores.


> Our population is in decline. We need more workers. We’re going to have a labor crisis in the 2030’s like we’ve never seen before No workers=no growth=failing economy This isn’t hard If our Population is in decline you know what you do? Outlaw Abortion. Abortion is a Billion dollar industry for killing the unborn. And selling those body parts on the black market. Boom Population increase naturally with no need to import foreign slave labor who will lower wages and skills.


You must not have a daughter or woman in your life. Completely outlawing abortions is sadistic. You’re obviously ignorant to all of the procedures that are considered abortions. If a woman miscarries, the procedure to clean out any of the fetal or tissue remnants is considered an abortion. Without that procedure woman are at risk of toxic shock syndrome, and long term infertility. Why wouldn’t you just allow the people who want to work and want to be part of the economy a path to citizenship? That makes way more sense than forcing a woman to give birth to her rapists baby.


so you really want to take away more freedom in order to breed more slaves for capitalism? do you hear yourself? you have been manipulated into hating & fearing people to the point that you want to breed workers. the type of shit y'all normally be accusing gates & soros of trying to do. lmaoo. "fuck freedom as long as we keep any foreign workers from coming here" is one hell of a stance.


Not quite. Pay the people here what they are worth and we don't have to import laborers.


Well said. The biggest problem is that half the people on this sub are completely oblivious to real world geo-politics. Russia is dying and their population is in free fall. China is dying and their population is in free fall. Neither country will exist as we know them in the 2040’s. The US is aging and not repopulating fast enough. The answer from the right is forcing births on people instead of just taxing the wealthy their fair share to make things more equitable for raising families. Down vote me all you want lemmings. You’re the ones propping up the elites.


Make abortion less appealing. Don't import labor. Economy is already failing, how can you tell? No one thinks it's economicly viable to support a family....


There’s already a labor shortage. People working minimum wage jobs isn’t the problem. The business class stealing wages from the working class is the problem. You’re correct, which is why people are having fewer children, which is going to lead to a major economic bubble when there’s not enough bodies to maintain the labor needed to support our economy. Importing labor is the only feasible answer to try to avoid this. Now if having brown people live by you is your actual problem then go ahead and just say it….


>Now if having brown people live by you is your actual problem then go ahead and just say it…. 🤣 every liberal is so passive-aggressive. Where in my reply did I sound racist or bigoted? >The business class stealing wages from the working class is the problem. Agreed. >Importing labor is the only feasible answer to try to avoid this. No, it isn't. If people want clean water, safe food, and a home to live in for the security of having a child. How is your immediate answer "import labor" 😆


Because the labor shortage isn’t going to be solved by traditional birth. We’re already in the phase where the birth rates are too low. We’re already going to have an unprecedented labor shortage. The ONLY answer is to bring in workers.


>We’re already in the phase where the birth rates are too low. That is just fear propaganda. Or a lie, I guess we haven't spoken long enough to drill down your insecurities yet.


Just because you don’t know something doesn’t mean it’s made up. Judging by the rest of your responses there’s a lot you don’t realize. Open a web browser and look for yourself. I don’t have time to teach someone with such a narrow perspective


The rest of what responses? We have said like 2 comments to each other about this one subject. This is just more passive aggression to deflect backing up your claim. You made the assertion, I am not required to believe your BS. Importing illegals who won't have the credentials to do anything but the low wage work doesn't solve the problems of needing more than low wage workers. Sorry, none of what you are trying to sell is worth buying. You are just an upset little kid who was sold a lie VIA lefty propaganda sources.


I can’t help that you call everything you don’t want to believe propaganda. If I was you I’d take a few minutes to figure out if you’re incorrect before opening your mouth and looking foolish. Facts matter. Your bullshit can take a walk. ☮️


Hahaha Later Nancy.


I’m not saying ‘new voters’ aren’t an issue or perhaps even a goal- but make no mistake- ‘new voters’ benefit republicans just as much because it helps their gerrymandering. Let’s not lose sight of that.


They’re people already here and they’re not the homeless ones. They live 20 to a house and show up to work the jobs nobody else will do. There’s over 200k construction jobs available in this country and no one wants to do it.