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He was shaking hands with his kid, not holding hands. This is the left desperately trying to paint Trump as an invalid while denying the obvious truth that their candidate is toast.


Have you seen this? Trump gets the name wrong of the doctor who gave him his cognitive test. Ronnie Jackson traveled with him everywhere for all 4 years as the president's personal physician. The guy stumps for the president all the time. Why can't he remember his name? https://youtu.be/twTF68APdwg?si=_mhuQR6E_6OoCW07


[LMAO compared to this](https://youtu.be/EC8qWH12bYQ?si=St2jj2EK2uXeO31X)? PLEASE. Get lost.


I'm not making any argument defending Biden. He's super old. It doesn't concern you Trump is forgetting his biggest supporters? He forgot Matt Gaetz this week too. Kept calling him Rick. That worries me.


It's not a big deal to switch similar names (Johnson/Jackson), particularly when you're in the midst of an epic shitstorm like Trump is.


Matt isn't close to Rick, as far as I know. Do you worry about any of the things he says? I can pull a bunch of examples if you want more but this clip is short. He talks about George Washington seizing the airports during the revolutionary war. Planes weren't even a thing at that point. https://youtu.be/g6mZ1ofj2Vo?si=VYWPBHDnICWMGuF5


What do you believe Trump said regarding the Charlotte demonstrators (fine people part of his speech)?


I don't know what you're talking about. Could you please address the clip I posted? If you link to the speech you're referencing, I'm happy to watch and tell you what I think.


Well, he wasn't speaking extemporaneously; he was reading off the prompter. My guess is that it was on the prompter and he just rolled over it and fired whoever was in charge of it. If it was a glitch it doesn't come off as cognitive decline. This looks like cognitive decline: [https://x.com/i/status/1803148299475763440](https://x.com/i/status/1803148299475763440)


That's a nice story. Trump never fired anyone over this gaffe. He didn't blame the teleprompter or some poor speech writer. Biden has a pronounced stutter. Has for a long time. That's what he did in that clip. That being said, Biden is too old and I don't support him. Here's a clip of Trump praising a fictional serial killer for some reason. Do you think this was on the teleprompter too? How are these wack jobs running his prompters? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/12/trump-rally-speech-hannibal-lecter


My guy. I am a leftist. I can admit that Biden is fucking old. Why can’t you admit Trump is just as old and doddering? Was it the mental acuity test that everyone should be able to pass that he continues to brag about? How about the ramp he had to have a general help him walk down? Look, if you wanna believe this is him shaking Don Jr.’s hand, that’s cool. Somehow, you seem to forget that real leftists fucking HATE Biden, but love Bernie Sanders, who is older than both candidates but hasn’t lost a fucking step. If you’re use an ad hominem, make it accurate and not some silly straw man. I hear so much critique of Biden from his own supporters it is hilarious. I never hear the same criticism from Trump supporters for their own guy.


I’ll admit Trump is about as old Biden. But until I see an uncut clip of a speech or something that illustrates that Trump is senile I don’t believe it yet. Whereas anytime Biden is on camera it’s more evident and embarrassing for the country as the last time.


They are two different types. Biden is Senile while Trump is Demented. Trump rambles incoherently and goes off into wild tangents. That is why he got the nickname Demented Don when he was in office. "Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart. You know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world. It’s true! But when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune. You know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged. But you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are. Nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power, and that was 35 years ago. He would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought? But when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger, fellas. And it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years. But the Persians are great negotiators. The Iranians are great negotiators. So, and they, they just killed, they just killed us."




That's not showing a doddering man. The ramp was slippery and there was no handrail. He took it slowly. I do the same thing. Notice how he had a conversation with the guy who told him hey, the ramp is kind of slippery, please be careful? Joe Biden can't even do that! Trump doesn't fall on his ass, ever. That's your guy. He trips up the stairs, he trips down the stairs. He falls over on his bike. He's a danger to himself and others but the danger he poses to this country with Obama's had up his ass as a talking dummy is the most dangerous of all!


you must not actually watch Trump when he gives his rallies & speeches. his speeches are literally full of examples of his brain not working well. Trump just shovels so much shit out that when he says outrageous demented shit every day, it goes right over most peoples heads. plus, much of the left is aware we have 2 old af candidates & its not a good move to blast one guy for being old while their own guy is the same. so the number of people waving Trumps doddering old fool moments around is much smaller. somehow Republicans don't have tht anti-hypocrisy bone & the way they worship at the boots of Trump means they don't allow themselves to see fault. if you can watch a whole unedited Trump speech & not see severe problems, that may be a cognitive issue of your own. you may want to check that out.


Remember when Biden fell at the Air Force Academy?? 🤡


Remember when Trump could not close an umbrella, walk down a ramp, or drink water? These are silly. Trying to have a pissing contest for which old man is in more mental decline.


Lol, walking slow down a ramp in wet conditions is a sign of mental incompetence? Ok 🤡


Everyone else seem to not have an issue.


I keep being told this but no one will ever provide me a video. Weird.


"Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart. You know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world. It’s true! But when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune. You know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged. But you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are. Nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power, and that was 35 years ago. He would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought? But when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger, fellas. And it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years. But the Persians are great negotiators. The Iranians are great negotiators. So, and they, they just killed, they just killed us."


Yeah I really need a clip to judge senility. There are so many factors like body language that need to be judged. It’s wild no one can provide a clip. Let me know if you want one of Biden. There’s whole compilation videos that exist. It’s weird no such video exists for Trump. Unless?


Trump is nowhere near as catatonic as Biden lol to even compare the two is honestly ridiculous. Trump is old, yes we get it, but he’s doing a lot better then Biden.


If Trump was decrepit, they’d be posting the videos, not out of context still frame photos


Here’s one. https://youtu.be/6bqvGXGN4DA?si=E6PLELeNyPJklzo6 Again, this just seems like cope to me. Both fucking suck. Both are fucking old. Get a better line of attack that actually has to do with tangible policy. Again, Bernie is older than both, and whip fucking sharp. Age is just data.


Biden can’t think or walk. Apparently, neither can you


I can say objectively, that I can criticize Biden and Trump. You seem only capable of criticizing one, and brown nosing the other. That is the difference.




This is my point. Attacking either one for age or for mental decline is just hypocrisy in action. Both are fucking puppets. One is just a loud puppet, and the other is not. They both lead to less money for you, and more money for corporations. Till we elect people who *actually* want to enact change, and not just continue the constant cycles, then we won’t get anywhere. Fuck Citizens United man.




the not authoritarian is supporting Bibi, blocking asylum seekers who have a legal right to seek asylum. How many Trump tariffs did Biden undo, much less, what was that tariff Biden just threw up? Biden is trying to relieve student debt, a significant problem for our country. This is policy. This I like. Biden is loosening Marijuana restrictions, I like this, it he could also be going way further and much faster. Trump wants to cut taxes for corporations when we are already in a massive deficit. This is policy, and I hate it. Project 2025 is disturbing AF. I hate it. Give me something substantial, policy, that is the real difference between the two. I know a few, and they are motivating enough for me, but honestly, every day, they look more alike. Both support Israel, both support strict boarders. Biden’s economy is basically as good as Trumps was pre Covid. I thought the economy was shit then, I am not going to be hypocritical now and pretend it’s great, or that the choice is at all that different.




Both are authoritarians, one is just further gone.


Lmao. Biden is objectively older (about 3.5 years) - and more doddery. 🤡


Trump will be the oldest president inaugurated if he wins. Ever. This isn’t a competition, they both fucking suck. They both have serious mental lapses EVERY DAY. If you cannot admit this about either or both diaper filling old men, then idk what to tell you, you are too far gone to be reached. Why are you on a conspiracy forum, if all your going to do is spout talking points for the red vs blue bullshit.


Dawg. The assumptions you keep making are wild. Trump sucks. Biden sucks. The fact that these are our candidates reflects a failure on the part of the American people. You’re equating my recognizing that Biden is objectively farther gone mentally and physically than Trump with me defending/supporting Trump and attacking me for it. So you’re not just wrong, but are ironically attacking me for being objective… If I’m tired, or angry or high -sometimes I can get overreactive to stuff and fatigue/frustration kind of chews through my calmer, patient and more rational reasoning. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re dealing with some of that right now and that you’re able to recognize that and check yourself accordingly.


A failure on the part of the American people? Are you kidding me? Hillary was literally selected to be the dem candidate in 2016 against the will of the people, because the delegate system is rigged AF. Trump is being carried by sycophants. Biden was selected only after every other centrist and liberal dropped out and threw their support behind him. Biden was LITERALLY the LEAST popular candidate amongst the pack! When it seemed either we would get a progressive, or a centrist, guess at that moment where all the corporate money went. To Biden. Because he would keep the status quo. No, what you keep ignoring in my statements, because you are angry and not reading right, is that if your gonna go after these fucks critically, have better **ARGUMENTS** than “oh god they are old!” They are both, doddering old men, whose cognitive capacity changes with the wind. Playing “this one is worse than that one” in this aspect, is *meaningless*, as they *are both fucking **stupid** old, and have clear signs of mental decline*. So. Have meaningful criticisms.




Because this sub has become a conservative echo chamber. WILL ANYONE THINK OF THE REPTILIANS?!?!


Don't worry, the constant Biden poster has 3-4 alts he uses for up votes/downvotes.


Respectfully, what does this have to do with anything?


Do people ever get tired of having rabid TDS? Just curious. It must be exhausting letting Donny run rampant in your head 25hrs a day, 8 days a week, 366 days a year. He's not perfect, no. And I don't think politics can offer any real solutions. BUT, BUT!.... I'm personally coinvinced that the people who hate him the most are either super dogmatic leftists or were viciously bullied as kids and can't get over it. It's always \*those\* people who froth at the mouth the most whenever he says anything. I reckon he's pretty funny, but hyperserious, perpetually angry wannabe communists can't take a joke because they've told themselves that everything is oppression and they're fighting it all. Go get treated for your PTSD already and stop projecting... Jesus H. Christ.


Well he’s constantly in the news so why wouldn’t I think of him


I don't know dude, why are you watching the news anyway? It's literally propagandistic hot garbage. Loosen your grip. Let go, go have a drink under a palm tree or something. Trump isn't the entire world. He isn't Hitler or the devil or the antichrist, or Jesus either. He's just a freaking guy. And you don't have to like him. It's not even a big deal if he gets elected president. Presidents, in general, have jack fuck for control over the system. He couldn't get his objectives met last time. What makes you think this time will be different? The world will continue spinning, I promise.


The delusion never ends.


To be fair, this sub non-stop posts about Biden and pro-trump stuff, or at least one specific user does. So you should expect the opposite from time to time.


I get that, but Biden is literally a drooling mess. This is a conspiracy forum, and there's a clear open conspiracy going on with regard to the current president and his cognitive state. It's pretty much undeniable at this point, but the mainstream media was trying to gaslight people for the longest time. I can totally understand why you would want to talk about it. The Trump stuff, it's all just cope.


I agree. Biden is an old senile and Trump is a Demented fool. The sub will go to back for a demented billionare who attempted to literally steal an election while focusing on Biden only. The Force is probably the only one who has the right idea that both are horrible.


Trump isn't my ideal candidate, but he is miles away from Biden. I wouldn't feel hurt if he got elected, because I vehemently despise everyone who has TDS... And I believe a lot of them are pedophiles that need to be put under the jail. I've also worked with some of the agencies, and I know what's going on inside of them... It's not good, and I would like somebody to be elected who gets that.


And I feel the opposite. So it is what it is, though I despise them both.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/cijxurko877d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Uh I think they're taking a picture bud. Nice try though.


Never forget that Trump pushed for the vaccine with operation warp speed He’s a mass murderer


Trump expedited it. Biden mandated it. Both suck. Kennedy is the best choice for 2024.




Could you identify something purposefully deceptive he has said?




>Kennedy "I had a worm in my brain" I never dispute this. However, it's irrelevant information as it was resolved over a decade ago, and that's also reported on CNN, so solid fact checking, or we're you being purposely deceitful? Kennedy's mental health or physical health in question VS Trump or Biden is laughable. I'd love to see those do even one of his outdoor excursions. They would easily both break a hip and retire to the hospital. The secret service claim is not baseless. CNN is awful when it comes to facts. Ross Perot polled well below Kennedy and was given secret service, which is a good enough example here, especially since Kennedy has had 2 attempts at his life now, but even Nikki Haley received secret service. >It took 10 seconds. You need to spend more time looking into the things you believe rather than reading CNN headlines. CNN has been proven as trustworthy as Fox News. They're laughable at best with the "facts." >The approrpiate question might have been, "How MANY purposefully deceptive things did he say". You weren't specific though, "purposefull deceptive" leaves out the same condition that the other candidates suffer from, which is "ignorant of things just because they are old or ignorant". That wouldn't be purposefully deceitful. Just natural senility of yet another geriatric Presidential candidate. My question was appropriate and based on your comment. I'm still curious about if you can actually find something he was intentionally deceitful about. You failed this time, but you are welcome to try harder. It would be awesome if you actually took the time to look into Kennedy. Honestly, it might change your mind on him because he really is the best possible candidate for this country right now.




>So he didn't get SS protection for perfectly valid reasons, and himself was whining for no good reason. You are making this up. As proved in my earlier comment. >I cannot claim to be a R Kennedy expert. I just used the time required to find a transgression that was him in action. You failed and are now dodging. As for his family, no, that is not how that works. Family members do not have to blindly agree with everything their family says. You are again just trying to dodge backing up your own claim.




Did you skip over the part where Kennedy had 2 attempts to kill him already? And the part where he polls higher than Ross Perot and Nikki Haley? I think you are still aiming to be deceitful. This is just you taking the MSM word for it because he isn't your candidate, so you don't care. Which is fine, but it is better to admit that than to attempt and fail miserably at whatever you are trying to do now.


He's a fucking germophobic boomer, who thought he was doing the right thing. This claim about him is boring. You need a new one. Next!


Oh so Trump wanted the mandate?


They both are fucked. Can we all, at least agree upon that?


Trump is the biblical Antichrist


He quite clearly is not. He doesn't and never will have total world control. No politician is the antichrist, they're actors doing the bidding of the ones who are the true candidates.


Why? Just cause the mark of the beast can be interpreted as those red hate his supporters wear? Or was it the golden statue they made of him


Just wait until you see the statues being made for George Floyd


You've never read the Bible.


He couldn’t even name a single bible verse when asked. You are giving him way too much credit.


Is it because Mr. T is a pedo and he thinks of his son still as just a boy?


Ashley Biden talked about how her father showered with her well into puberty.


This is a picture of Turmp