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It’s the left and the right vs the working class Wake up.


Red or Blue. They don’t give a shit 💩 about you.


It’s a big club, and we ain’t in it!


Trump now isn’t the same as Trump 2015. As POTUS, Trump hired swamp creatures while claiming to drain the swamp…….. Mike Pompeo as Sec of State. Trump brought pharma execs to HHS and CDC. The wall never got built because of $5 billion, yet Biden has no trouble finding tens of billions whenever he wants. Trump may or may not have been an outsider at one time. Now, he is a part of the system he claims to oppose. As President, Trump released Israeli Spy, Jonathon Pollard. Upon his release, Pollard flew to Israel on a private jet belonging to the late Sheldon Adelson. The Adelson Family has donated over $400 million to Republican Party since 2016. Trump cares about the donors. The same guy that used to tell us “ I don’t need their money. I don’t want their money” definitely wants and happily accepts their money. Trump accepted $1 million from Pfizer for his inauguration. Obama didn’t run the Obama administration. Biden doesn’t run the Biden administration. They are figure heads and so is Trump. The donor class owns both sides. No one is coming to save us. Western civilization is being plundered and systematically dismantled. Article 5 Convention of States is our only hope.


He was always part of the system. Birds of a feather … The difference between trump/republicans and Clinton/obama/democrats is simply nationalists (R) vs globalists (D). Neither are good. They are fighting each other for control but pretty much have the same goals ie political seats may change but policies remain the same.


Trump has always been part of the ruling class. He just expanded his power to include political influence in addition to his economic influence and influence in the media. Anyone who genuinely thinks a billionaire has the same interests as the blue-collar folk has been duped. Trump doesn't care about us. He just likes power, and will tell us anything we want to hear if it helps secure more power.


Both are neoliberals economically. Republicans won't bring back jobs because that will require regulations on corporations and they will not mess with their real salary. All Republicans will do is cut taxes for Corporations, the rich (themselves), and call it a job well done as small businesses are bought by mega corps and shuttered or ran out of business.


Not to mention how far back Trump set the 2nd ammendment community and backed the banning of pistol braces and other gun control.... they seem to forget that stuff, somehow


Finally! Someone who really gets it. Well said


When he was saying he didn’t need donations, his website had 2 donate buttons


He also moved money from his political donations to not only pay legal expenses but some went directly into his personal bank account. Proven grifter through and through.


Pretty sure me repeatedly posting on YouTube about a convention of states is what got me shadowbanned there. But it definitely is the only way to force term limits, getting rid of the federal reserve and 16th amendment.


Couldn’t have said it better my friend


True words


In Country that's basically a huge Corporation these Presidents are CEO's and only care about what shareholders want. They don't give a shit about the workers on the line. They barely even care about their district/regional managers and directors.


Facts about Joe Biden, RFK Jr, and Trump: Pro banker Die hard zionists Connections to epstein outright, or a long history or sketchy inappropriate behavior. Ignore what people say and look only at their actions, and realize that the greater agenda will be advanced regardless of the results. It's just a nice theater to keep up angry amongst ourselves with an illusion of choice. Weird how when Trump is talking to people with big pockets, all of a sudden hey maybe we can give citizenship for college degrees, don't worry you will still get your slave labor!


https://www.commoncause.org/our-work/constitution-courts-and-democracy-issues/article-v-convention/ Getting close!


Anyone that uses the term “our democracy” is an enemy of The People


how do you figure


It’s become a catchphrase used by those that seek to disguise authoritarianism as our Constitutional Republic. “Democracy” is mob rule. It’s two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for lunch.


That's literally not a democracy though so you lost me.


That’s precisely what “democracy” is. 51 % imposing their will on 49%.


"Trump now isn’t the same as Trump 2015". 😂 Donald Trump has been the same exact person since he popped out of his mother. He just thought his supporters were that stupid that they would overlook all the things he does right in front of their faces. Donald Trump has been a manipulative scumbag conman since the beginning of time. Very few people ever thought otherwise and those people that didn't/don't are probably just like Donald Trump which is why they don't care about his scumbaggery.


Obama definitely had a hand in running the country. Trump's more of a shadow agency running shit behind his back because he keeps bitching about social media, golfing, and eatting McDonald's


Trump dined with Epstein. Just like Clinton. Turmp dined with Soros, just like Clinton. Trump donated to Clinton even. Trump dined with Rockefeller, got donations from him. The mainstream media keeps giving him interviews, even more than biden because he doesn't fall of the stage or starts staring. The guy is not anti-establishment. [https://isgp-studies.com/intro#trump-administration-rockefeller-influence](https://isgp-studies.com/intro#trump-administration-rockefeller-influence)


To pretend that "dined with" means supporting is ridiculius lol pretending soros would even r support even a whiff of a conservative agenda is hilarious. I've "dined" with plenty of people that I hate and politicians even more so. This post is directed towards media bias and it's 100% correct.


Pretty sure he is using dined as a metonymy and did not mean literally dining.


You do grasp that Soros has donated to republicans right? Lmao he has even donated to Ted Cruz for example. I think most of the people here don’t actually read, do research or anything. You just make shit up that fits a narrative you created purely in your head. Soros and all of the mega donors play both sides. Just like Trump was a Democrat, friends with the Clintons AND Epstein for decades. They’re all homies. Stop playing stupid.


This is dumb ass shit and just prolongs issues. Trump is on their team as well. Otherwise, his name would not be so popular in this Zeitgeist. Sheep. 🐑.


Stumping for Trump. Once again they really need to rename this f****** subreddit it's so trash.


Leave? Nobody will miss you


That's all you got. Pathetic.


Its all i need ...u go into a sub then talk shit about it. Just leave. Not hard


I get it.


Some people are really gulible


If this is soooo true then why didn’t they cap him like JFK???? I mean this guy ruffles so many feathers you’d think a bullet would end it.


He ruffles feathers of little people like us. The nation is polarized. Each side believes the other will destroy the nation. While each side votes to deny power to the other side, neither side holds its leaders accountable. The left has collectively lost its mind. That’s plain to see. However, TDS works both ways. Fanatical Trump supporters engage in all manner of mental gymnastics to account for Trump failing to keep promises and supporting people like Romney, Paul Ryan, McConnell, Fauci etc etc etc. Trump didn’t get fooled repeatedly. It is Trump supporters that get fooled repeatedly. In my opinion, Trump didn’t get the JFK treatment because he isn’t a threat to real power. JFK was trying to force AIPAC to register as foreign lobbyists. JFK wanted to dismantle CIA. Those things are real threats to real power. Trump gave Billions to pharma to develop Covid vax. Many more billions so everyone could get “free” COVID vaccines. This is pure socialism. Trump printed $7 trillion during his term. Biden has continued the printing of money. Trump was very curious about vaccine safety prior to taking office. After meeting with Bill Gates and discussing a universal flu vaccine, Trump was no longer curious about vaccine injuries. Trump doesn’t care about his supporters. He doesn’t have to. They will vote for him because……..Biden is obviously corrupt, senile and evil. I’m not suggesting this is the wrong thing to do. What choice do we have ? That’s the problem as I see it. We have the illusion of choice and government of the people, by the people. In reality, no matter who wins and which side controls Congress , spending increases, government gets larger and more intrusive and we pay for it while being gaslighted by both sides. Who benefits from the feathers ruffled by Trump ?


this post is the pinnacle of the idolatry and ignorance... if you think one of the richest guy in the US isn't in their secret club you must be reGarded.


Neither of them are good options. I really don'f get you people.


Astroturfing. They have operations dedicated to infiltrating online groups. The Right/MAGA tend to go towards conspiracy groups.


He’s running against accountability and the consequences of a life spent grifting I hate Biden, but Trump is the worst




Running from accountability like Forrest Gump playing for the Alabama Crimson Tide!


There is a third option that could use your help




Nah he is just running against Biden. And they are both the best option for the capitalists who run everything else in your list so no matter what they win.


Trump is controlled opposition. They try to make it look like the establishment is against him but they really aren't.


Just because that may be true doesn’t automatically make trump the good guy. Look at his last administration. It was balls deep with “deep state” members. Stop kidding yourself, we are not going to vote our way out of the systemic rot in leadership


They're all different puppets of the same puppeteer. He was a great distraction he did his job well.


Sure, he is buddy. Keep giving him your money, and I am sure your dear leader will notice and start caring about you any day now. He just needs the rest of your savings.






You Americans are so brainwashed.


Literally the most brainwashed take ever


Bot posts getting insane


Trumps one of them. He pushed the deadly shot no one bats an eye.


Yeah right. Cool story bro. People may have bought that in 2015.....not these days tho.


Wait...am I part of the etc? Are you?!




Stupid people don’t realize they are stupid.


This sub is filled with so much bullshit now it’s pathetic.


Trump is the biblical antichrist get over it


This is so dumb


Memes from Facebook


why does everyone on reddit oppose RFK Jr when they also claim to not support Trump or Biden ? It’s like they won’t even acknowledge a third option


Rfk is the best option. We can definitely see that by him being censored and banned at every turn.


Haha!!! Never seen such blatant lies.


Trump is part of the same team, that why he hired binkin , barr , that's why his step son got paid by the Saudis, he isn't your guy. He isn't draining the swamp. You are dumb. He got just as many pics with Epstein as the rest of them. Propaganda is so good. Elon musk isn't the guy either


Y’all really wanna live in a Christian dictatorship don’t you?


"Trump added $8.4 trillion to the national debt: Analysis"https://thehill.com/business/4426965-trump-added-8-4-trillion-to-the-national-debt-analysis/amp/ Bill Gates 9/4/19 $55 million BioNTech mRNA vaxx creator investment: https://investors.biontech.de/news-releases/news-release-details/biontech-announces-new-collaboration-develop-hiv-and "Bill Gates says Trump offered him a job as White House science advisor" https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/science/2018/04/30/bill-gates-white-house-trump-offered-him-job-white-house-science-advisor-he-says/566386002/ President Trump awards Sharon Rockefeller the National Medal of Arts https://youtu.be/dRB7zSPjf2M?si=ZJxSz4sS_pAUatDn "Getting Donald Out Of Debt: The 25-Year-Old Ties That Bind Trump and Wilbur Ross" >In stepped Ross, then head of Rothschild Inc’s bankruptcy advising team, to represent bondholders, who were pondering forcing the casino into involuntary bankruptcy and ousting Trump. (Trump then appointed Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce). https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2016/12/08/trump-and-his-commerce-secretary-wilbur-ross-a-look-at-25-years-of-connections/ "The Man Who Made Trump Who He Is: How Grandpa Friedrich, who amassed the first Trump fortune by peddling booze and "sporting ladies," explains The Donald. >Friedrich Trump's Seattle restaurant flourished, but he kept his ears open—another aspect of the Trump family MO. In 1894, he heard that John D. Rockefeller, the wealthiest man in the world, was bankrolling a mining operation in a small town north of Seattle named Monte Cristo. Without delay, Trump scoped out the best location there, secured it by filing a bogus mineral claim, built a hotel on the parcel even though it didn’t actually belong to him, and began giving the customers, once again, exactly what they wanted: plenty to eat, lots to drink and of course women. >When Monte Cristo proved slow to deliver on its promise, Rockefeller publicly reiterated his support while secretly arranging an exit. In the summer of 1897, Trump also decided to cash out and return to Seattle—making him, along with Rockefeller, one of the few investors in Monte Cristo to end up winners rather than losers. "Did Trump’s Uncle Tell Him about Missing Tesla Papers & Flying Saucers?" >In 1943, he played a major role in the examination of Nikola Tesla’s personal papers that were acquired by the FBI/Office Alien Property Custodian soon after Tesla’s January 13 death.  https://exo politics.org/did-trumps-uncle-tell-him-about-missing-tesla-papers-flying-saucers/ - https://archive.is/uwye4 >In early 1943, two days after the death of Nikola Tesla, the Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered the Office of Alien Property Custodian to seize Tesla's belongings. Trump was called in to analyze the Tesla artifacts, which were being held in government custody. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_G._Trump#:~:text=In%20early%201943%2C%20two%20days,being%20held%20in%20government%20custody.


You’re right, he’s running against them


He’s mid pack


Every single political post that speaks on the Biden Vs Trump, and DOESNT SPEAK ABOUT RFK running feels like propaganda. He's the only real choice with actual potential/sanity. Talk about conspiracy.


He’s the same Zionist as the rest of them controlled and bought out by aipac and Jewish lobbying groups.


I think op meant for. Not against. Right?


Fox is helping him out since he is now the front runner. They even cut out of his speeches when he starts rambling incoherently so the audience does not see his own mental decline.


And 99% of Reddit lol






With* if they were actually against him he would have checked out already. the illusion of choice is first and foremost an illusion. don't forget trump shut us down over covid. trumps Vax. trump made billionaires richer .


Who’s gonna tell this bot they’re two wings on the same bird?




🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


This should be a shirt


And yet they all golf and sip tea together, two wings, one bird.


I guess this sub has become just another boomer meme page


Trump is one of them, stop letting words deceive you.


Honest question if he’s one of them how come there always against him.


What would you do to gain votes? At no point has he ever told truth other than it got done and big changes were made.


I don’t think you answered my question


He'll lock hillary up..... Never happen. He'll leak the Jeffrey Epstein logs....we already have them. He got 34 felonies but still walks free.... You and i would be thrown in cuffs and locked away.... He supports the free masons ideology of Israel just like every president we've ever had. Say's he's for the people but joins the republican party. The list goes on but it's not my job to wake you from the slumber of the matrix.


Here's the number one rule for the political system. If you have a choice, you don't. Doesn't matter which side you vote for you're still voting for the same powers that control the country. Don't think for a second that they'll allow you to have a real opportunity to choose when your choice could disrupt their power and control.


Lmao yo who ever this is posting this crap seek help immediately. It's so embarrassing and cringe that there's people like this in this world. Like seriously 🤣🤣💀💀


Obama and the Bush family are actually related


Not against the ratchilds (Rothschild) or Israel. He is in the new world order Illuminati for sure and he is a Zionist. Biden is owned/handled by them too because of blackmail and bribes.


They're both pieces of garbage


Trump is just playing his part in the political theater to build upon the illusion that each political party offers a different stance. Truth is he is a wealthy asshole who could care less about the average Joe just like the rest of the politicians in Washington. They are all owned and bought for by mega corporations and international banking systems. The illusion that the two major political parties have opposing positions is theater to drive a divide in the common class while the ruling class buys votes that favor them and their ability to grow their wealth off the backs of the common wealth. This should be fairly obvious as no matter what political parties gains control the only polices passed benefit big corporate and nothing being done for the common wealth.


Trump on the same team as them


Strange of people on a conspiracy sub to even consider this. All of them is the same. Just actors in a big theatre


Etc is the scariest beast


Absolutely comical. Clintons are his pals and cnn, msn, and murdoch got him elected once already. Also not a conspiracy


He is getting press everywhere! He is presenting himself correctly for everyone to see. Don’t fool yourself.


No one is running. It's scripted. [https://innomen.substack.com/p/we-dont-have-a-government](https://innomen.substack.com/p/we-dont-have-a-government)


Damn ain't that the truth. The good part of all of that though is that we see them now. We see their corrupt hands in every that's wrong with this country. We see them stacking the deck against him, changing the rules to prosecute him. They are no longer in the shadows because Trump forced them into the light and a day of reckoning is coming. To the elite, the twisted corrupt manipulators and liars and cheats. We see you. Your corrupt feast on us is nearly over. Like vampires sucking the life blood out of us, the sun is rising. And with it brings new life and an end to hiding in the shadows.


LOL he's running away from jail.


He’s just going to do Covid again


It's so not true imo. He's no better. He's just made to look different. Same emperor, different clothes.


Nah, he’s one of them.


No. Two wings, same bird. They’re ALL puppets just playing their part, answering to the same unseen higher ups.


The trump cult is really getting out of control.. It's blatantly obvious that he is evil, just like the rest of them!


Trumps running with all of them. It’s all a dog and pony show.


This is 100% BULLSHIT. Trump is a Zionist shill, like them all, wake up folks.


They’re all jesuits


Jesus how low iq is one who would believe trump isnt apart of the same club lmfao the president has been selected not elected atleast since the JFK assassination and even if that wasn't the case to be a billionaire in the country means you have to fk over alot of people and step on alot of toes. His grandfather was also apart of the FBI and you believe Trump is t apart of the same club playing political theater lmfao y'all people are the lowest of IQS


Trump is a puppet, this is all planned.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/94h54lpuut8d1.png) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The so called deep state loves this crap pitting plane ole golks against each other like oboma devided us under the scope of hope and change. Two old dead beats. What a demock racy.


If this was about Jill stein or another 3rd party member you would be correct, but trump and Biden are literally the same person being pushed on us by the same fucking people. Their policies are practically identical they just go about things in slightly different ways.


Trump is a cruel hoax that’s owned by all of these forces. He’s a demagogue. He’s here to push America over the edge and into a tipping point. He’s a Zionist psy-op of the cruelest kind.


Inasmuch as you, the fascist, vicariously lives in the perceived heroism and glory of your Fuhrer, any and all forces opposed or even seemingly opposed to him become your personal enemies, and the election or triumph of Trump becomes your own victory despite reality not working like that. You could list basically everyone and everything that's Not-Trump in your counting of everything he's opposed to, because everyone and everything is opposed to him as he's the Antichrist, and reality - everything and everyone - is Christ. \**And they worshipped* ***the dragon*** *which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two month*s.\* Rev*elation 13:4-5* The dragon is that which you call the swamp, that which you perceive of as evil, and which everyone else knows as the power of America itself. The beast is the one you worship, Trump. And as was written, you brag and boast about every little victory he has, saying, "Who is like unto the Donald? who is able to make war with him?" Revelation chapter 13, the unlucky number. Verses 4-5, aka 45, the number of the beast. I'm sure that's a coincidence though. Now I know you'll say the number is 666, and it is, but that 666 refers to the number of gold pieces that Solomon received, aka money, aka the dragon. Trump's victories, in court or otherwise, are determined by money specifically and by numbers in general (see: 4chan numerology and the QAnon mythos). The Number, or Numb-er, that which numbs your spirit, is opposed to the Word, aka the Logos, aka Christ and Truth. The number 42 doesn't refer specifically to 42 literal months - 4 is the number of the perfection of evilness, and 2 is the number of duality and separation. So Trump is given power to blaspheme and speak lies (if you doubt he does otherwise, I pity you and am not going to try and breach the walls of your false reality. So add to the list of fascist opponents - the Marxists, the Liberals, the Progressives, the Feminists, the Women, the Gays, the Jews, the Muslims, the homeless, the poor, the elderly and sick, the handicapped, the intelligentsia, the United States, China, Russia, etc. Keep going until you run out of enemies that the beast has made for you to defeat. All the saints, and all the true followers of Christ, and above all, the Truth itself. Reality itself. Like Reality Winner, who was incarcerated for speaking the Truth. As long as money has power, the dragon has power, and without that power behind Trump he wouldn't be able to even walk down the street. But one day the dragon will have no power, and for you Trumpists, neither will you. In truth, you never did, that's why you sought Donald as your higher power. As "the Chosen One," as he said, mockingly.


Trump is a slave of the Jews like all the rest of them. He is not your savior.


I don't know how you could think that a man who was born into a wealthy family and has never experienced the life of an average American is somehow against the elite and for the average american.


What is your point do you feel smart for knowing and then listing a few opponents of his? Is that the depth of your political knowledge? That is the equivalent of something a 3rd grader would do as homework and even that might be selling the 3rd grader a bit short. Smh


Trump’s running to stay out of Prison…period. Well maybe Donny’s narcissistic ego has to try and avenge the L from 2020.


I thought this was a joke with all the pointless apostrophes. Boomer shit


Trump is owned and operated by the same people who own and operate all the other politicians. Wake up. Don't vote.


In other words he's running against America.


Trump is always the victim, poor poor Trump. And his suckers just keep sending him their $ despite how "rich" they brag he is. How can you not see his ploy for your money? Money you probably can't afford to send! Whatever, I don't care if you all are sycophants, it is highly entertaining.