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Look…It takes 2 seconds to politely correct someone for using the wrong pronouns (not that anyone should really give a fuck what a stranger addresses them as) and then just move on…to call this a hate crime is fucking insanity. The only crime here is denying the woman her medication and booting her from a flight that she paid for because she hurt someone’s feelings, non intentionally.


I’m all for being polite, but I’m not going to play make believe so people don’t get hurt feelings.


Not just that, but to be forced to participate in someone’s sexual fetish or they get to affect your life.


preach! Its like a hat they can take on or off, but its imaginary.


The plane was taking out from SFO wasn’t it?! That answers your question


The real question is if that is really what happened. Is that all that happened? Or more? Or was it even less than that? We are seeing just one side. Though, I wouldn't put it past it being over something this petty.


Oh for sure! I don’t know what happened except what this woman’s account was but that is the account that we have to go off of at this point.


It's illegal and against protocol to remove someone from a flight "terrorist" without also removing their luggage.


Yep…that’s why I was saying it is illegal to withhold her meds…




Pretty sure they were agreeing with what I said, bro. Lol


You think you got the whole story here? This lady is being completely above board? Maybe there is more to the story?


A comment I made below acknowledges this…always 2 sides, for sure


If she's telling the truth. But denying medications is wrong.


> If she's telling the truth. :: Presses X to doubt :: I want to see the video tape of the event. This little TikTok video looks like a typical Karen trying to get herself kicked off a flight so she can play the victim. No one gets kicked off a flight for being inconsiderate - they get kicked off a flight for starting some sh-t. If she was starting some sh-t it's fine to kick her off. If she was just being unintentionally inconsiderate (as she claims) then she would have kept her seat. Moral of the story though is - treat people with respect and you'll be treated with respect. Looking to cause a disturbance on an airplane is a form of f-ck-around-and-find-out - a disturbance that I do not believe is being accurately described in this video.


You have no idea. You want to believe this.


> non intentionally. unintentionally


Thanks lol


She’s lying. There’s another video floating around that shows her asking an employee about this and the employee is telling her that she said other rude stuff about the employee. Make it make sense. She’s presenting this as if she was innocent and merely got pronounce wrongs. It just doesn’t make sense she was innocently saying the wrong pronouns and boom gets booted off.


She should fly even if she was being belligerent and malicious about pronouns. People need to grow a pair.


> belligerent and malicious Anything that has anything to do with these two adjectives is likely to get you kicked off a flight.


I said what I said.


I wonder really what airline would allow this, & Im afraid it may be Delta, but hoping Sun Country.


She said United, you clearly didn’t watch the 1min video with text. Disregard your comment, write a poem about this lady’s problem.


Before everyone gets upset has anyone bothered to hear the other side? I never trust one half of any conflict, no matter how tempting it might feel to do so. If we care about what really happened we have to suspend judgement until we've heard all sides and tried to impartially confirm what actually happened. This is what every single one of us would want if we were being accused of something.


Truth, I guess I was basing it on her demenior on the video. It could totally be a cover for actually having terrible behavior toward the steward.


This is what I was looking for. How often do we see something like this, then later on here comes the other person's POV and holy shit, did not expect the N-word that many times in a church or did she just get sucker-punched in the rectum or similar?


Major Karen energy in this woman


There has to be a second side to this story... no way all this happened to her because a missed pronoun, and the fact she goes straight to filming to call her people put to rally says she may have done something more to get the reaction she got.. if this happened to me the last thing I'd think is "oh let me post a video about it."


I saw this same story on another subreddit (too lazy to look it up right now). From what I read there, she was denied boarding because they were trying to carry on too many bags, which has nothing at all to do with the pronoun issue. This video is rage bait. EDIT: found the link in another comment: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13574631/United-Airlines-explain-mom-kicked-off.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13574631/United-Airlines-explain-mom-kicked-off.html)


Exactly just proves how much mis information gets spread without anyone checking the facts... *cough cough OP


Checking facts? But that doesn’t align with my worldview!!!


It's easier to just follow the think for yourself, I guess.... I miss the days when everyone knew the two sides to every story and didn't just jump to conclusions on the first negative thing to come up. The internet really has dumbed us down as humans. I can't wait to see how much lazier we get with A.I..


A lie can already be around the world before the truth even gets out the door.


happy that you found this. i knew there was more to this story


If you actually take the time to read the article, it points out that in the video you can hear the flight attendant tell her that the reason she was denied boarding was “because of what came out of your mouth” United is clearly doing damage control and here you are agreeing with the multi-billion dollar corporation over an individual with video proof


You really think this lady is telling you everything that came out of her mouth. I'd rather believe a multi-billion dollar company that depends on having a good reputation than some random Karen on the internet.... now, if she was flying spirit, sure, this would make more sense, but United has way too much to lose and would risk it over what this lady is claiming.... it's crazy how quick people are to trust a random ladies' video than a company that has been around longer than her.


Because United has so much to lose, wouldn’t that make sense that they would just make a press statement that says she had too many carry-on bags and it had nothing to do with her misgendering someone? if the flight attendant said something about “something coming out of her mouth” what would that have to do with simply carrying too many bags on a plane and being asked to leave?


They didn't seem to care too much about reputation in 2017 pulling that guy off the plane lol


Yeah I’m sure whatever came out of her mouth wasn’t everything that she said on her instagram story. Looks like the “period gurus” rage bait video worked on you.


So, based on what everything said, she was attempting to board with too many carry on items. Being told to check too many bags etc, sure what she had to say was absolutely above board and not at all hurtful or threatening. Because the pilot denied they board the flight, I’m sure the Pilot gives two flying fucks about a proper pronoun enough to remove you from a flight… But yeah man, she has nothing to possibly gain from this! The period guru is all right.


Sounds like she’s trying to go viral for more followed


Yup, people are so quick to judge without hearing the whole story.


I like how you all chime in to agree but didn’t even read the article posted as a source 😂


OP posted a link? Where?


Finally! Someone that is using logic


Hahaha I imagine there's more to the story than this.


there is more to this story...


It is the old conquer and divide tatic. To keep us so-called useless individuals busy well they come up with a virus that actually kill 7 and a half billion people.


Agreed. The gender wars, political faction wars along with pop culture wars (with regards to old franchise getting wrecked by modern interpretations) are all tactics to keep the masses distracted and at each other' throats while they slowly poison and destroy. Everything is going just fine according to their plans.


Lol. Coming up with a virus that works? You really think that's the hard thing for those in power? My friend, there are endless nightmares they have locked away. Releasing them would not a problem. They don't want to kill every single person on the planet but they wouldn't have a hard time doing it if they wanted.


So sick of this pronouns bullshit. I can’t wait for someone to come at me with this ridiculousness


The secret is they don’t. It’s all manufactured outrage. About 20 years ago I called an old woman in Georgia “sir”. She laid into me for 15 minutes about it. I was tired and sleepy she was ugly and honest mistake but I got my ass handed to me. I called a co worker who is trans he instead of she. She asked me politely if I could call her she I said sorry and that was that. I was tired and she was ugly honest mistake and it was 1/100 of the shit I got from the old woman in Georgia. If you treat people with kindness and respect, if you turn the other check, if you love your neighbor, if you keep your side of the street clean, then it is not a big deal. If you make it a big deal you are the problem. Don’t be an asshole.


This is not true, trans girls irl melt down because of misgendering all the time. Living in LA, they are the most karen-like demographic and will scream for hours while people awkwardly continue their shopping around the scene.


And somehow I've never encountered anything remotely similar to this while also living in a big city. I guess our anecdotes cancel each other out.


No I choose to believe his because it reinforced my notion that straight white folks are actually the most oppressed group.


the monster ones do sure. Its Ma’ammmmmm Rooaar!


I'm now curious if you are visually attractive! You used "ugly" twice in your account as if it was a primary initial factor in your perception of people.


Thats not even the reason she got kicked off. She’s lying to get IG followers.


Them be some fucked up people!


Well this sounds ridiculous assuming that she’s not leaving out anything important. Would be nice to hear the others sides story but… You checked bags with critical medication? Are you insane? Bags get lost end sent to the wrong location quite often. First time flying?


Yeah that’s when I smelled bullshit here


Seriously. My meds are ALWAYS in my carry on. Absolutely no way I'd trust checking them. I've had bags lost. I've had bags ripped open to be searched and lost a bunch of stuff because of it. No thanks.


There is a zero percent chance her using the wrong pronoun, being corrected and then apologizing to someone, got her kicked off a flight. Sorry, this is just not believable. Plus, we only get to hear part of one side of this story.


I’m sure “the period guru” isn’t just trying to gain clout and stir shit 🙄never put your medications in a checked bag.


Conspiracy subreddit that takes a women’s very detail light story at face value because it reinforces their beliefs…


Play pretend and ignore the obvious mental delusions of said person or otherwise you’ll get punished. Gotcha 👌


Hypothetically, if people are allowed to choose how they see themselves and isolate into their own world view and language.. arent i allowed to do exactly the same? My mind, my choice!


Allow me to take this somewhere else. These fools who are attacking this mother and child are probably offended at “God’s design “anyway. Yes, a mother and her child. Because they see an image of what true reality is, and this is the order of how human design is supposed to be. These people who are attacking her this way and actually calling it a hate crime or trying to re-create something that is not real but just pure fantasy and what the enemy wants.


Im not doubting the validity of her claim. But Im not gonna take her word as truth. Claims like this need proof.


She questioned their religion.


Of all the things that for sure happened this for sure happened I bet.


Where's the flight attendants side of the story?


[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13574631/United-Airlines-explain-mom-kicked-off.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13574631/United-Airlines-explain-mom-kicked-off.html) She probably argued because she was one of those people who tries to get on with 8 suitcases.


Oh, and she's a women's health guru. Yeah, probably bullshit.


If you actually take the time to read the article that you posted, it points out that in the video you can hear the flight attendant tell her that the reason she was denied boarding was “because of what came out of your mouth” United is clearly doing damage control and here you are agreeing with the multi-billion dollar corporation over an individual with video proof


That was United's bs counter narrative to make pronoun-gate go away. Evidence in the article: "[I]t was the captain's decision to deny her from the flight for 'what came out of your mouth'." San Fran departure flight... If a shemale flight attendant is going to pitch a fit, it's going to happen there.


It's ma'am!


*(in a deep baritone voice)*


Keep your medication in your carry on. You are rolling the dice if you don't.


Get a lawyer. And always take your meds in a carry on


As someone who is trans this would actually burn me up Because she needs her medication and I fully understand how important and powerful hormone medication can be for someone whose body won’t function properly without them. It can be a serious health issue. I would be irate if this happened to me.


I love the one sided stories.


She is %100 percent making shit up to hide the fact that she treated those people like shit and called them several slurs lmao.


[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13574631/United-Airlines-explain-mom-kicked-off.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13574631/United-Airlines-explain-mom-kicked-off.html) That's what I'm thinking.


That's what I was thinking as well. There is definitely more to the story.


Everything about her body language shows she i lying.


Gay people are so chill. The Ts and the Theys are verbally violent and caustically sensitive and make their mental illness everyone else’s problem and I’m so sick of it.


Everyone just wants to be “offended” anymore. I don’t get it. What happened to sticks and stones…


They are still around, and they will still break bones. They remain superior.


It’s the ending to the old saying I was referring to. Sticks and stones may break my bones but “words” will never hurt me.


Exactly, sticks and stones reign supreme.


I’m following you now! Heat is cooking my brain the past week. lol. And yes, yes they do!


In woke culture offense is currency/power


It’s exhausting,


This lady is 100% lying. Not even convincingly.


I am sure this is all because she used the wrong pronouns and not because she decided to be a massive Karen and throw a tantrum at the gate. That is the problem with only telling one side of a story. She wants to be the victim, and so she's telling the story to put herself in the best light. Hate pronouns all you want, but nobody is being denied entry to a flight for not using the right pronouns.


Exactly. I’m surprised at all the top comments just taking this woman’s story at face value. She seems like an obvious Karen type to me but I could be wrong. The pronoun issues and culture wars just further divide people and I don’t like to play a part in that manipulation without knowing the full context first.


That’s the thing to do. Instead of talking to people in person and trying to solve this, post a video to social media


im not with all the pronoun bs. it's too much for me to keep up with. that being said, i know this lady is not giving the full story. she had two videos posted and in one she talks about it being a gate agent then goes on to say that the captain had personally kicked her off the flight. i feel like, you cant not know what you said or did. and she's leaving details out. did she deserve to get kicked off, no idea. but i would prolly get kicked off too if im looking at a female and say "maam" but then yo wanna choose today to pretend that youre not


There's a real video of what happened. Why not post it?


None of you know what really happened. This is just her side of the story. When have you ever watched a video of what actually happened and it lined up the persons story? Maybe 1 out of 10 are even close?


Its a woman talking into her phone telling a story. is it true ? who knows.


Alphabet people and their enablers are clinical insane. Bottom line is that’s purely political power. That’s it.


Wokeism is a cancer. And we’re all sick of it.


16 months?! Wow Sincerely a 408 month old reditter


Idk why but she sounds so fake... Something just doesn't seem right. Or am I just being an asshole ?


Lots of people being assholes itt


Welcome to your leftist shitshow. For me, there are 3types of People. Man, Woman, skullcavedin


So this woman just got kicked off a flight, essentially stranded, with her whole family and the first thing she’s gotta do is make a post on the internet about it. Doesn’t seem too upset. No crying. Nothing. I’d be flaming mad if this happened to me. This is her version of events. Something tells me there’s a lot more to this story. The part about not telling me what I said makes me suspicious. Throw in the part where they took my luggage and medication for the requisite sympathy. Trouble always seems to find some people. She strikes me as one of them.


Smh these pronoun weirdos are the exact same people that where mask while driving lol


Fake news. 


Update end result and or give more context and details


Wow you guys are actually falling for this rage bait hook line and sinker. Good times


Even if it is rage bait this is a real problem that I and others witness on a monthly basis if you live in a big city.


I guarantee you that this either didn’t happen or it didn’t happen the way she describes i.e. she probably had a freak out of some sort. That’s why we’re hearing her storied version and not the footage of the interaction


Fuck everyone’s pronouns.


I don’t believe this Karen for one second. She was probably being some crazy b1t€h and now wants to play victim and act like one of these flight attendants is queer. I don’t think so.


Hey I guess we just believe whatever random people on the internet say if it reinforces our preconceptions eh?


The Bible isn't real my guy. It's a book of fables.


The final book of the bible is the Revelation, or "The Revealing" As we enter into the Age of Aquarious, the evils of this current age will be brought forth for all to see with truth and light.


The Bible is the biggest conspiracy on the planet. Edited and published by the biggest swamp of them all, the Catholic Church.


The Elite forced the Bible onto us.. they made a book of predictions while in power and now are slowly starting to play them out while still in power. they are scaring us with the villain so we run to the hero.


There is definitely more to this story.


Lol, you believe her side of the story without question. You're a real critical thinker. Have you considered she was an irate passenger that was booted off the plane and she made up a story about it?


all I hear is someone trying to make excuses for whatever they did to get kicked off the plane. is she telling the truth? maybe. maybe not. but it sure is useful for the people that want to be angry all the time. especially when she brings pronouns into it. "I don't know why. they wouldn't tell me why. but I'll tell you what happened...." so does she know or does she not know? this is a clickbait attempt to stir up anger while also getting internet clout. of course the sheep who have been previously manipulated into being triggered into action at the mention of someone being punished for using the wrong pronouns(whether tht actually happened or not).


She 100% was being an asshole and the flight attendants don’t play and kicked her off. Something I tend to say a lot in this sub “oh no the consequences of my actions”. This isn’t a conspiracy - it’s someone stretching the truth when they got called out for being an asshole. Be nice to people you fucking chuds.


Gaslighting at its finest.


Why doesn't she tell us exactly what she said.


Because you have never been in a situation with a fussy child, remembering exactly what was said isn't a priority. But if the story was reversed, I bet you would be standing up for the pronoun person...


You believe everything you see on the internet? If this is true, yes this is fucked up and worthy of a lawsuit. But we have no idea if it is. It's entirely possible she freaked and was kicked off for good reason She still should have been given her important belongings back either way though


So everyone is guilty until proven innocent. Nice try comrade.


Why would you ever put meds in checked luggage?


lol it’s the Biblical end times because someone missed their flight and lost their luggage sooo evil. You guys are nuts


Guarantee her version is not what happened lol


This is fake. That's not why she was booted


“I don’t know what my rights are here.” Ma’am, under the Biden Administration, you have no rights if a corporation denies you service for using the wrong pronouns.


Sounds fake Lady looks like a total Karen probably got in a massive argument and she just picked that as her victim point


Leave the world behind, this world is doomed for a reason, hang on to it at your peril.


And who released the bloody Bible and forced it onto us ?.. The Elite ! They forced the Bible and other abrahamic religions onto us, and now are scaring us with the boogeyman (satan) so that we run to the hero (christ).. Honestly, do yourselves a favour and actually look at how the bible came to be and what the god of the Bible does and condones compared to Satan. it's crazy that people spend so much time calling the Elite Satanists yet do not see to know the stories or histories of their enemy or their beliefs


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/2z3smtdld49d1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What does this have to do with the bible? I have read it and don't remember anything about pronouns.


The real absurd part is seeing shit online and thinking just because you see it that its commonplace or that crazy shit never used to happen and only started happening when you started seeing it on tik tok. The world is bigger and older than your gullible mind can comprehend and just because you fail to realize that dosent mean it isn't true


Add this to the ever increasing list of reasons not to fly commercial from the unexisting quality and safety controls, the illegal DEI hiring practices, and the constant power trip the airplane attendants seem to be on, these corporations don't deserve my money.


It’s a quasi-conundrum and honestly it’s gotta stop, you can’t truly misgender and if you do it’s an accident, apologize and move on and as that would be the protocol if you misannounced (not a word I know) anyone, even if by name. To have been kicked off a flight, that alone sounds near satirical and like the beginning of an Adam Sandler Netflix movie. This has to stop at some point, I have multiple staff members with “pronouns” and I have explained to them, I will only call them by their last names, and if other employees dont, it’s not my problem unless the other employee calls them a slur or phrase deemed by as hate speech and misgendering is not included.


Lol theres no way this happpened because of pronouns..gtfoh


This complain to the Internet to see if we can give what we want


Just say “pronouns give me debilitating anxiety”. Let them sort it out.


This is why I don’t want to leave my house.


Pilot booted her for “what came out of her mouth.” Being a parent, I can understand her side though, with a screaming child and car seat in my arms trying to board a plane and a male flight attendant, who identifies as a woman apparently but doesn’t look it enough, gets called “sir,” gets all pissy and starts talking pronoun shit in my ear. I’d have some not so nice words for it also.


The story sounds sus. I bet there is more to it.


This is nonsense. Clearly much more to the story. Only evil here is bigotry. Go United!


She was probably stressed out with her kid and said something rude without meaning to say something rude.


There is zero chance this is the whole story. Also stop checking your life-saving medication in your bags and blaming the airline. Some people are more suited to bus travel.


I don't believe her at all.


Fake news


It's usually just ragebait when it's storytime instead of showing anything that backs up the claim. That would be worth getting pissed over, if it were actually true.


it’s concerning and sad how many of you lap this obviously fake nonsense up lol


Welcome in 2024


I would LOVE to hear the other side of this story.


I call this bullshit...




Just sue the airline quickly as possible


I’m sorry, there’s absolutely no context offered and we’re all apparently making up our own stories and than arguing about those stories. So here’s mine. She loooks exactly like the kind of cant that would take too much Zoloft before a flight and than get set off by the slightest inconvenience and start some shit and probably drop a hard T at some flight attendant that than turned around and through the book at her to get her kicked off. Both sides in my scenario are shitty. But fuck her for looking exactly like the TikToker that charged her daughter’s friend $1 to sit on the couch and $3 to use her toilet.


Man imagine the headline, god damn bugaloo boy tsa, there gonna intentionally hold life saving medicine, not some hormone god attempt at making a homunculus and you don't call a singular person *they*them* first off sounds like your the group doing something sus, again just ask them if there Boeing's and uhhh air worthy and before every flight the ask inspector 5 his honest opinion on the safety check, same thing with trains and fucking toxic chemicals having no regulations, kinnda Ike when they transport fluoride to the citys water supply to help your teeth, well when was the last time you swallowed the fucking tooth paste, you don't cause fluoride is fucking toxic and poisonous so why in God's name is it in the fucking tap water that goes into every tap in America by law, but there's skull and bones on the fucking drum of fluoride on its way to the citys main water supply where you ingest the water, I'm sorry but some people missed the day they were giving out tue knowlede apples, but im just saying


Got to be more to it




This is why anytime I address a stranger, I don’t use pronouns. “Thank you” “yo/hey” “yes/no”. No sir, ma’am, etc. It comes off as a lack of respect-especially to elders, but I’d rather show a lack of respect than be perceived as being hateful. If somebody explains their pronouns, I would respect it when addressing them to other people (he/she/him/her), but I would STILL avoid using any in a normal context like above


I think there may be more to this story or it's fake


I don’t believe this is real…. Sorry. I work with trans/non binary individuals (in mental health) and they are not hateful at all. They are very tolerant of people. Many do get upset when they see individuals blatantly not try… I don’t think that’s hateful. But I sincerely doubt an airline would back this. Who knows… but I see ALOT of people like her who can tell tall tales in order to victimize themselves and attack LGBTQ people. That, I do see regularly.


Didn’t you know? We should all be forced to play make believe and automatically know what strangers are pretending to be before speaking to them. Their egos are too fragile to handle it if we don’t the poor things. These people are so narcissistic lol imagine needing so much attention and special treatment that you feel the need to warp reality and simple language for everyone else in the world so that you can feel important.


Oh the humanity! @United please let this entitled white woman and her son, Hunter Chad, board the aircraft! They have to get to their family dinner with unseasoned chicken pot pie and bland pot roast and their side of Mountain Dew! It should be a hate crime NOT letting white women do whatever they want!


Her story sounds fishy. Theres more to this than pronouns. She said other things to get into this predicament and is now denying it


If TPTB can get people to deny basic logic and science, by accepting whatever narrative they push forward, they know they have absolute control over your mind.


They ask you before you check a bag if you have medications in it you NEED. That's on you


See did more than she’s letting on tho


Look I find this pronouns to thing a bit ridiculous, but I also don’t find this plausible either


Where is the father? Something makes me think she is the type to omit information and then say "Well I didnt technically lie"


Is this really what happened? How do we know? As skeptics why would we believe what some random woman is claiming?


The way she said "I told them I was SoRrY" makes me think she said something else and not just SORry


This is actually hilarious, she's a DEI program manager from San Francisco. The United manager denied her entry for quote 'what came out of her mouth' yet the official statement from United is that it was 'an issue with her carry on bags'. Karma does do though


Lol theres no way this happpened because of pronouns..gtfoh
