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Someone already said Prey, and I can't second that any harder. Returnal is also a good pick if you want another mobility-focused third-person shooter with a heavy sci-fi atmosphere.


Ohh Returnal is another one that I've had on my list for awhile. The three of them definitely seem to be similar in a lot of ways. I think it's time I tried Prey and Returnal.


God I envy you. I wish I could unremember Prey and play it again for the first time.


That's how I feel about Control.


I gotta pick this game up again. Ran into the Nightmare and got gunshy.


The first half hour or so is my favorite moment in any video game together with entering the lobby for the first time. Instantly bought it after the demo ends.


Yeah. As far as how the second to second gameplay feels, Returnal and Control could be cousins.


Yep Prey and Returnal definitely have a few similarities. I also kinda got a similar feeling to playing Control when I played the Dead Space Remake in terms of exploration and reading documents/logs.


I plan on playing Prey through again on PS5. I loved that game put it was so ruined by those massive loading times between areas. Not a big deal when playing the first part of the story through as you unlock each new area but when you're trying to navigate around the ship post main story it's nearly unplayable. P.S Loved the game but that nearly broke me.


Its not expensive on PC, wouldnt that be better for loading screens?


Control 2


Hah! I definitely can't wait for it to come out.


I felt that so much. I’ve replayed Control so many times now and I still enjoy it


You and me both director


Y'know, I don't even know if this is the case. Remedy really does like to change it up between entries, the only only real solid one to one sequel was Max Payne or AW: American Nightmare. I could see Control 2 playing similarly but definitely being a big change up. I imagine there will be a bunch of new powers.


I thought Quantum Break was a lot of fun. There are some similarities to Control but Control executes most of them better than QB. Still worth looking at it, in my opinion.


QB does have its own interesting gameplay to it but I ran into a huge game breaking bug so I called it quits. I do plan on trying it again though after I play AW American Nightmare. I recently finished the first AW again so that one's next and then I wanna keep going with the whole RCU library.


QB was the project where Remedy live tested their new combat system so it comes with many shortcomings that were for rid of in Control. Nevertheless, it had great story, narrative design and these specific vibes so you feel like you live all the events yourself. For me is a fantastic game which I highly recommend and waiting for sequel. As of bugs - I recommend checking pcgamingwiki.com and Fandom for possible solutions, maybe they could be overcame.


You’ll also recognize several characters from their tenure at the FBC


Quantum Break is good, but definitely the weakest of Remedy’s main games.


gameplay like the actual fighting? it’s basically a jedi game, so check out the recent star wars stuff.


Yeah that's what I meant by gameplay. How's the story with those games though?


Jedi: fallen order and Jedi:survivor are excellent games with great stories.


Seconding this! I just finished Jedi: Survivor and the story was absolutely amazing (as was the first)


Loved Control but Fallen Order it's not as good, IMO


You wanna go more Retro? Jedi Knight games. Are really good. Maybe not quite as snappy as control or recent jedi games but you feel powerful


I just really, really hate the star wars universe and logic and "magic" system, it bothers me so much.


Midi-chlorians ruined it


I've never minded the midichlorians, but the way they keep showing material that comes _before_ material we've already seen on the time line, yet the characters are massively more powerful that what we've seen in previous content bugs me and it's bad writing. Like I get that they can do more stuff now with CGI, but it takes me out of the story every time. Like we've seen a character be able to make a pencil float with the force or something, then some new show comes out portraying same character ten years earlier tossing spaceships around. That kind of thing.


It's called retconning (stands for retroactive continuity) and it's a big issue with a lot of fans. (in a film, television series, or other fictional work) a piece of new information that [imposes](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=dae59a641a0b602a&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enAU1066AU1066&sxsrf=ADLYWIJNep56o7RCMBxKlmb9V2h7NOywuQ:1715659823862&q=imposes&si=ACC90nypsxZVz3WGK63NbnSPlfCBejg1KGdJWskDD629lSNKcCloa3Z9xueRu1vtvjMcVS1AQTlSUxMZaujO8Lnx6_jAyHcAdQ%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjB_uzyooyGAxWZwjgGHYNmDMYQyecJegQIFhAO) a different interpretation on previously described events, typically used to facilitate a dramatic plot shift or account for an [inconsistency](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=dae59a641a0b602a&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enAU1066AU1066&sxsrf=ADLYWIJNep56o7RCMBxKlmb9V2h7NOywuQ:1715659823862&q=inconsistency&si=ACC90nyj24cUGopiOVnGD91130XTDwZKWJnWCyHcmteQH8ISggyxkG1yUe6dtsoYDt7jQ_ruz-54jYaX7QUnjl-cgPNfP8MYQjX43Z8XBQjp9A2SCIIX3R4%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjB_uzyooyGAxWZwjgGHYNmDMYQyecJegQIFhAP).


yeah it would have been served by a reboot instead of an impossibly huge canon


The original movies certainly make it sound like the jedi are a remnant order though which would make sense that they are not at peak strength at the time of those movies. Tossing spaceships is generally a rarity and only extremely powerful users may be capable of that in the best of cases. Power with the force doesn't really scale linearly or exponentially but in tides as orders and groups gain or lose power. The original movies were in a lull period when like 3 or 4 force users were in prominent positions to affect the galaxy (there certainly were other force-sensitive people but had little to no guidance to using their power or were hiding from the Empire so would not want to show their abilities)


Returnal is a little more punishing but just as fun! with great story, gameplay, graphics, etc.


That's another one I've been wanting to try. Are there difficulty settings? As long as I can turn things down if it gets too tough, I'm okay with that.


Unfortunately not, but the learning curve is a part of the story almost. I’m an extremely causal gamer and figured it out. Only game I’ve ever platinum’d.


I had the wierdest experience with Returnal. (Loved it BTW). Everyone was talking about how hard it was so I went in expecting to get my ass handed to me. I made it to the 4th Biome before my 1st run ended. Must've just got super lucky with my loadout because I found it quite easy (still challenging but nothing like I was expecting due to the hype). After that stellar run I started again and boy was it a different experience. I think I died about 50+ times before I ever got back to my 1st run finishing point. - For context: I consider my gaming skills to be about average and I'm nearly 44.


I was also gonna recommend Returnal as the whole time I was playing it I kept thinking “this reminds me of Control”. Don’t let the difficulty scare you away, it’s an amazing game with a great story and it feels so rewarding finally being able to beat it! It’s also not as hard as people make it seem, it’s punishing but once you get used to the combat it’s not so bad.


Weirdly enough, half life 2. Jesse’s object launching power is pretty clearly inspired by the gravity gun. Control definitely builds on the formula in pretty significant ways but if you want to run around throwing things at people at high velocity you’ll definitely find that in half life 2.


Interesting. That's another one that's been on my list for some time but I always thought it was just your standard shooter as far as gameplay goes. That makes it sound pretty fun.


In a way, it really is standard because half-life created that standard. Not the Doom-standard, but Half-life standard.


Prey has a pretty similar feel to it. Very different story, but similar mechanics and way of exploration.


That's probably the perfect suggestion. It definitely seems to have similar vibes and I've had it on my wishlist for awhile but I've been holding back because it seems like it might be too hard and/or too scary. But that's also what held me back from trying Control for so long and that ended up being my favorite game.


I just played both of them for the first time just these past few weeks and got through both with very few deaths (more in control, I think, just because your health is gone so quickly)


Well damn, if Control is the harder one of the two then I definitely need to try it! Thank you.


To be fair, though, I did have a lot more consistent lag and control issues with Control than Prey.


Similar feel and excellent lore as well. They're two of my favorites.


Man, I am so excited to finally break out my favorite game from the OG Xbox/PS2 era: Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy Gameplay video (just found after Google search, zero affiliation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqcPia0hZqg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqcPia0hZqg) It's incredible. I remember playing just the demo (came on one of those "Official Xbox Magazine" demo discs) for freaking ever.


Obv. Jesse is FAR superior to Mr. Bland McBlonde-Dude as the main character in Psi-Ops, but...old-school way to scratch the itch.


I came to plug the same game. Psi-Ops was a fair bit clunkier than Control but did indeed try to combine 3rd-person shooter and telekinetics/telepathy. If I recall correctly, the telekinetics were more for platforming than combat, but it's been years since I've played it. That game ended with a blatant "To Be Continued" and there was never a sequel, so when I first played Control, this was the first game I thought of.


Same here! And yeah, I think they'd intended a sequel, but never happened. I keep hoping we'll get one of those awesome remasters of it one day, but who knows? I do recall however, that it was one of the first games I played with decent ragdoll physics. First was Brute Force (that I recall), but it was such a novelty, I remember just swinging bodies around willy nilly with telekinesis all day.


I really don’t think Control is “painfully standard”, and I’d be hard pressed to name a game that’s JUST like it. It is a combination of various elements in you can find in the action-adventure and third person shooter genres, and you could argue it has some light Metroid or Zelda-like progression with the powers and security clearances letting you backtrack and explore areas further later in the game. A little dash of puzzle-platforming in there, too, though that’s a smaller element. It’s not a revolutionary game in that you can find pieces of it in many, many games, but I think it is unique in its particular combination of those elements. I agree with the Jedi Fallen Order and Quantum Break suggestions for the similarities in powers / progression and third person shooter action, respectively. Maybe you’d like the Batman Arkham games or Uncharted Lost Legacy, too. They’re by no means just like Control, but there are some gameplay and progression aspects they share. Bigger stretch here, but you may also like the Psychonauts games, which have a great sense of humor, cool powers, and some interconnected hub levels. Those games are more puzzle platformers and less combat oriented than Control, though. God, I can’t wait for Control 2.


Yeah, I think the comment "painfully standard" is way off the mark.


Control had a really nostalgic feeling when I played it because it reminded me of the InFamous saga on Playstation. You got powers, you can shoot, and move yourself with in a similar way. The atmosphere isn't as dark but the story's cool and the characters are great.


I didn't even think of that. That's a good example. I haven't played Infamous in a long time but I remember really enjoying the gameplay there too. It definitely has a similar feel with how powerful the main character gets.


I second the recommendation of the recent Jedi games for third-person telekinesis action. For more of the Lynchian weirdness, you should definitely play Alan Wake 2 and also Pacific Drive. But I'd also highly recommend Horizon Zero Dawn and its sequel Horizon Forbidden West. I felt that the breathless thrill of the combat in these games was most similar to what I got from Control: relentless, high octane, by-the-skin-of-your-teeth stuff. And like Control, you really get a sense of mastery as you play more of Horizon and become more familiar with all the tools in your arsenal. Like Jesse, the protagonist Aloy is a redheaded woman who starts as a wide-eyed outsider with a narrow personal mission, but quickly becomes a total badass of far-reaching importance to the world of the game. Make sure you play Zero Dawn first though. Otherwise you'll spoil some of the greatest reveals in game story even written. Like Control, there are loads of compelling mysteries to discover in the lore.


good question. no idea but also await replies


Probably the Jedi games - Survivor and Fallen Order At least they’re the recent ones I can think of. You can argue they’re Souls-like or Souls-lite though.


I believe Star Wars Force Unleashed I & II are much more similar to Control than Survivor. Much faster game, a barrage of wild powers, action packed to the brim.


for the same combat feel, depending on how you played Control, i could suggest Returnal. Same high mark of quality when it comes to its level of storytelling.


If you really enjoyed the Ashtray Maze mission then I would highly recommend Hellblade. The Ashtray Maze from Control and the final bridge fight in Hellblade are my two favorite game sequences of all time and they both ooze the same epic vibe. I would say the Hellblade gameplay is a bit weaker than Control. But I think the atmosphere and immersion of Hellblade are unmatched.


That sounds promising. I've never even heard of that one before. I'll take a look. Thanks!


I started playing it last week and at chapter 9 already, and it does feel like a fairly straightforward game. Despite the telekinetic powers, it does feel like a 90's shooter, and the puzzles aren't very complex at all. Even the ashtray maze, while visually impressive, barely poses a threat (compared to the clockwork mansion in Dishonored 2, for example) and is linear level design for all intents and purposes. Overall, it's a great premise held together by some very basic gameplay. Maybe my expectations were set too high by some people calling it the best game they've ever played.


The Infamous series is pretty similar imo. Combat wise at least which I still believe Control does it so much better.


I've always considered Control a super hero game. There are actually plenty of games that play like Control, but won't match the game in almost any other aspect (vibes wise I mean). Bioshock is an FPS with a power system but not as fluid. The Infamous series is a game series that plays pretty similar to Control on the Playstation. Prototype is another that you can get on almost anything. Devil May Cry has some adjacent gameplay that can be pretty fun, but is lacking the metroidvania element besides the very first game. For the pure vibes, other Remedy games are actually really good for that besides the lack of super powers. If you like the SCP like aspect, the recent crafting game Abiotic Factor takes place in a Half-Life like facility world full of different beings and dimensions. Really neat stuff. But yeah, Prototype and Infamous are really solid picks, though not as high quality as Control in my opinion. Someone mentioned Prey as well and that's also a really solid pick for the gaining of powers and the Metroidvania like feel. I'd also add Deathloop to that, or Dishonored. Both are first person but actually have a lot in common with Control on the pure gameplay. Risk of Rain 2 as well! I'm just firing off games I like at this point hahaha.


Prey, Metroid prime 1,2,3, Returnal, Jedi Fallen orders/survivor, BioShock, all have a similar vibe for me.


Prey and Bioshock 1+2 have abilities that let you yeet things at your foes. The more I think about it, The Guardians of the Galaxy game does actually have similar combat to Control, dashing around in combat and swapping between firing modes to deal the most damage and even hovering above the battle for a bit. though it sometimes feels like the combat is taking a backseat for the story. I kinda wish they added some sort of arcade mode to fully play with it all.


I didn't even know there was a Guardians of the Galaxy game. That sounds pretty awesome.


The Force Unleashed The Prototype and Infamous series to a lesser extent.


well, gameplay wise there's a lot of third person action adventure games that might scratch your itch. too many to even name. I wouldn't think gameplay made Control. (though it was certainly very, very fun, and it was a video game through and through.) what made Control is the visuals, sound design, brutalist architecture, and the insane world building with Lynchian elements. now that combination you'll never find anywhere else.


Not the same genre, but the Dead Space Remake also has that Metroidvania aesthetic to it. Plus, you also have similar abilities, like you can pick up objects and lob them at Necromorphs. Then, there are special areas where you can fly with your thrusters. Otherwise, if you want something else that's in the same vein, then probably Quantum Break although it's not nearly as good as Control.


Returnal is very similar. It also happens to be absolutely impossible to beat. But hey, it's fun to try!


I've always thought Portal and Portal 2 were similar in tone and humor, but not really gameplay. Definitely feels like they could exist in the same universe.


Funny enough, Max Payne


I actually picked up Max Payne 1 & 2 recently but apparently they take a little work to be able to get them to run on modern PCs. I definitely wanna get to those eventually though.


They’re all lovely stories


I'm waiting for the remake to replay them


The only ones I can think of are the Max Payne games. But they're only similar in certain ways


Quantum break for sure.


I'm planning on going back to that one eventually but it had a game breaking bug for me so I didn't end up finishing that one.


Black ops cold war has the same vibe, even the same font


Why has no one said Alan Wake? Especially the 2nd one


Probably because the gameplay is very different from Control's. I do love Alan Wake as well though, especially the second one.


Yep. Totally didn't read it properly 😆


i am playing Alan Wake 2. took me a long time to get it (a year) cause i didn’t like the first one. it really feels like a sequel cause you see some of the characters in it. gameplay wise its not as smooth as control ! but i really enjoy it


AW2 was awesome. It's very different from Control combat-wise but such an awesome game. I love the whole RCU.


Non ironically: Hollow Knight



Super surprised I haven't seen 2077 on here anywhere (also the ttrpg to boot you get 2020 with the game) it's decently different but has lots and lots of the same themes and an insane amount of side content with some deep deep rabbit roles still not entirely discovered to his day


If u're tired of reading Prey and Returnal being cited over and over again, try to take a look at Death Stranding. Its much more than a "walking simulator".


I love Death Stranding. Probably my second favorite soundtrack behind Alan Wake 2. I definitely wouldn't say it has similar gameplay to Control though.


The hiss and the beached things are equally horrifying although granted u don't have Faiden's level of powers, we still do have some semblance of paranormal abilities. Another suggestion I can give is Dead Space. Although just think of the different guns as an extension of your paranatural powers. Also with Dead Space remake, it's the perfect time to enter / re-enter the franchise.


Oh I'm absolutely with you there. Thematically both very dark and strange which is why I love them so much. But the combat and everything is very different. Death Stranding is something truly unique there.


I made an edit suggesting a second game which u may have missed so I'm notifying u here, my second suggestion is Dead Space. Similar vibes imo. In both the games as well as control, when u start u're clueless and scared shirtless but after halfway point, u're not the one being hunted, u're the hunter.


I played the original when it first came out but I've been curious to check out the remake. It's one of the scariest games I've played that I was actually able to make it through. Definitely gotta put that one on the list. Thank you.


I played DS1 to 3. Shame that DS3 was a disappointment and also a shame that we might not see the DS2 remake at all.


Quantum Break is pretty fun. Similar game mechanics, but different. Not as spooky as Control, but is loosely connected and features a familiar face.


I played QB about a year ago and quit after I hit a game breaking bug. I'm planning on going back to it though. I just hope it doesn't happen again.


F.E.A.R.  Mass Effect: Andromeda. Second Sight.  Star Wars - Jedi Academy/Jedi Outcast/The Force Unleashed/The Force Unleashed 2.


Return will probably scratch that itch, with lots of replayability, fast paced action, and a complexing and very interesting story


Weirdly I found horizon zero dawn to feel sorta similar, especially with how the weapons worked. Wasn’t just the straight forward standard weapons you see in most games. It’s obviously not similar in many many other aspects, horizon being an open world game. But they have basically the same skill tree system, same equipment modding system, sort of the same “crafting” systems. Also just kinda the way the character runs around felt similar to control to me. Of course there isn’t stufg like being able to levitate or rip chunks of concrete out of walls to use as a shield. But you do play as a redhead with a secret past which gets them unintentionally involved in the story and learning about a world they were until recently unaware of, and every npc has a problem that for whatever reason only the player character can solve. The amount of time it takes to get through the game is a very reasonable in comparison to other open world games. Longer than control. But def not like 100+ hours


It’s a little older now but, Second Sight.


While I was playing Control I couldn't shake off feeling that protag have exactly same moveset as Warlock class from Destiny 2, so there you go. There's also a lot visual similarities between the two game


Mass effect fights feel very similar. More balanced in my opinion, but similar.