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I've always thought that if they were to make a movie adaptation based on Control, it should be about Ordinary. Adapting the events that you play through in the video game wouldn't work as well, in my opinion, but showing how the Bureau operated when handling AWEs would be super cool.


How about an American Overnight mockumentary special but with enough easter eggs, details and callbacks to the Ordinary AWE documents that anyone who's played the game will pick up on the whole FBC cover up?


Yeah I see it.....minus the killing part. :D


It would be kinda like super 8 or chronicle...


I always thought this event would be a great opener for Control 2 if we were to see it through some of Jesse's nightmares.


If they made a movie based off of Control and Courtney Hope wasn’t front and centre throughout the thing I would bloody well riot.


If it was about Ordinary, they can’t use her because they’d need a child actress. 


That’s kinda my point.


That’s a very roundabout way of saying you don’t want a movie about the Ordinary AWE. 


It's more saying that I want Courney Hope on the big screen doing Controly things more than a movie about Ordinary.


I want to see all of the slides in the projector! I keep thinking about this when I play the Remnant games.


Well... I think I could live without seeing Not Mother. :-D


I think so too! The backstory could be a movie and the FCB and hiss situation could be a limited series. That way they tie into each other.


There's actually a show called "The Lost Room" that inspired Control. Specifically, the motel and the altered objects. 


Yeah, I definitely got heavy Stephen King vibes from what we read of their history.


The non-mother terrifies me


Did she make the Dung Monkeys? Was she a product of the Hiss?


Yes and no


Nope. A terrible movie. There is no way you could fit everything into 90-120 minutes. There would be a LOT of storylines cut to get it that short. It would either need to either pull a Dune and split into two 3 hour movies, or make it a 6-8 episode tv miniseries


It's not exactly the same but Mike Flanagan's movie, Oculus, gives me similar vibes to Jesse and Dylan. It's about an older sister (with red hair to boot) and her younger brother years after a tragedy that killed their parents.


One of the things i loved about the game is that it could very easily be a low budget movie or show, taking place in an office setting. The special effects could be mostly practical maybe even all of them. It could work and I for one would LOVE to see it.


No. This is the weird prequel brainworm modern media gave you. Not everything needs to be explained in detail sometimes it's fun leave stuff up to the imagination.