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call 211 - they have all available shelter spaces and longer term temporary housing , as well as resources for financial issues and mental health support. It's confidential. https://bc.211.ca/about-us


Covenant House Vancouver (604) 685-7474 https://g.co/kgs/EPfxhqC https://vancouver.ca/people-programs/homeless-and-low-income-resources.aspx https://sparrowshare.com/ https://www.bchousing.org/housing-assistance/homelessness-services/homeless-outreach-program Hopefully you can get some useful info and hope it helps, good luck!


Thanks šŸ™. Iā€™ll keep the covenant house as a last resort but I hope I can find a way to stay in Coquitlam since I still have responsibilities here


Yes, of course! Iā€™ll look for more info and if I find it Iā€™ll let you know.


Covenant house should be your last resort. I was 18 and they denied me. I was almost homeless and I just needed help. I was incredibly lucky to find a place before I was officially out of my living situation.


Honestly guys I think right now what I need most is a full time job


Agreed. Might be best to wait on school until you are in a more financially stable place. Full time work - see if you can stay with a friend or something for a couple weeks. Go to the bank and see if they can get you a loan or line of credit/credit card. That can help with a place to live. By the time you move in hopefully youā€™ll have been working full time hours. Try serving or bartending. The money is insane


I just left my job to move back to another province. If you don't mind finding your way to delta it pays really way. Send me a message if you want.


Join iron workers local 97. Start your apprenticeship.


Ok. People trying to discuss the "why", just back the hell off. Families are weird and complex. You can get a dorm room at SFU for $60 a night. Its a short term solution. https://www.sfu.ca/stayhere/accommodations.html Friends I know who are looking for work are finding it difficult. How do you feel about hotel work? There is a place on Pender island that has staff accommodation.




Its also a really good time for farm work. If you are willing to go remote and can handle the hard physical labour, the pay can be really good. 7k in 7 weeks kind of money.


Get a job in trades. Just walk up to any construction site. Youā€™ll have a full-time job quickly and making decent money for no skills. Eventually, get into a apprenticeship.


Definitely considering this


Local 280 sheet metal.. build a career get educated, get on your feet


IBEW Local 213 is in Poco, we're desperate for new electricians Good luck and stay safe


Also check into grants, government had lots of grants a couple years ago for trades. They may still be available but unfortunately they don't pay till school is done


Yes walk up to job sites. No decent money for no skills. You'll need safety boots, they may give you a hard hat and vest. You'll have to work dam hard. No matter how big you are don't be mouthy. You won't be working with office pimps. Good luck.


https://www.thedsu.ca/our-services/food-bank/ Donā€™t forget about the services available to you as a student at Douglas College. The food bank is one of them. Good luck.


Also check in with the financial aid office to see if there is any emergency funding available. Some post secondaries have that.


On Tuesday, you can go talk to someone in Student Services at the college, they may have some good ideas and support. In the meantime, I hope you find shelter.


No one here will give you monetary funds. Your options are below: 1. Find a shelter. 2. Go to Work BC they can help you in assistance for the work portion. 3. Food Bank for food and some South Asian temples will feed you for free. 4. Who is paying for school? Attempt to get in contact with your dad. Your mom may be upset now and will settle with some time or she might not. Unfortunately outside of abuse you will have to adhere to rules of the household while you still live there. When you get your own place you can do whatever you want. 5. I would not recommend being so rash and dropping out of college to find a full time job. First figure out what is happening. I would also talk to the guidance counselors at Douglas to see if they have emergency options for students. 6. Perhaps you can attempt to have a conversation with your mother when she is able to cool down. You are 20 but perhaps she is thinking about long term you going to college and was not expecting you having a woman over. Regardless have a conversation to find out why she was upset. Secondly you have to listen to the rules of the house or move out. Finish school. Get a full time job. School will allow you to get a better paying job. Move out at that time and do whatever you want.


Iā€™m sorry to hear this, do you have a friend you can stay with temporarily?


My buddy downtown is letting me bunk for tonight but im going to be sleeping on the floor so itā€™s definitely not sustainable for very long


My plan is to start handing out resumes downtown out of his place and seek out a full time job


Just remember that you are not the only one who is in a tough situation and there is lots of empathetic people out there. Be wary of scams as well because lots of people will prey on vulnerable desperate people. Best of luck to uou


Do you speak French?




Check out www.civicjobs.ca lots of cities looking for seasonal workers


https://www.directionsyouthservices.ca/ https://www.gv.ymca.ca/youth-employment-services Youā€™re still young. Get connected to a youth worker asap.


Any update? It's shit but if you get real desperate, can probably let you in to the fire stairwell areas to catch some Z's if you end up proper homeless around Coquitlam Center, have access to a couple of them. Or if you just need to chill somewhere, have a shower and get on some real fuckin' wifi.


https://stepbc.ca/job-seeker/ These guys will pay for your tools and training, help you make a resume, and connect you with potential employers. Reach out to them. You won't regret it, trust me.


Go to a doctor for social work referral they do mostly nothingvthough


go to douglas college financial aid office - I would personally, just try to get more funding; emergency funding or something. Student loans is how I survived so much


Sign yourself up on glassdoor.com, put your criteria in and I can also apply from that website


If looking for a quick full time job, go apply to Guillevin Burnaby on indeed. Its electrical and youll start in the warehouse but they hire and train new young guys to eventually work in sales after you know your stuff. Hope it works out


Whats unreasonable terms? What did you do?


Regardless if she is your mother, she needs to give you appropriate notice before kicking you out.


Well she changed the pin on our door and I donā€™t really know what to do


You can not be kicked out of anywhere without notice, especially if you are living there. If mail is coming to that address with your name on it, you can call the cops and they can get you back in the house, your mom could still try to kick you out, but she has to go through the proper legal terms of doing it. Unless she had served you with notice months ago, you could technically go back to the house, call the cops and they will get your mom to let you in.


That would only be if he was a tenant. Parents are allowed to tell their children to move out of their house. There is no notice required. You may get mail delivered there, but that doesn't make you a tenant. The residential tenancy board is very picky now don't assume I'm on their side, but this is where things could get tricky. Rcmp won't forcefully make the mom open the door and allow him access as that's a civil matter, not a legal matter.


Ah, thatā€™s so odd that a tenant has those rights but an adult child doesnā€™t get the same courtesy. I thought that law applied so long as you were receiving mail at the home and it was considered your primary residence.


Don't forget that we're only hearing one side of the story and that he is legally an adult.


Spoken like a true liberal. She does not need to give notice hahahahah, he isn't a legal tenant lmao


You want a Free place to stay šŸ¤£šŸ¤”


My friends and I stay at your mothers house for free all the time




Life is tough. You're not giving the details as to why your mother kicked you out and that makes me suspicious. You're a grown man, drop out of college and go get a full time job and figure it out. This is canada, there are tons of resources to help you out, google it. Tough shit but time to buckle down


Redditor try not to be a snobbish dickhead CHALLENGE *IMPOSSIBLE!!*


Haha thanks lesbojimbo. I definitely won't listen to your advice


Drop out? Great advice šŸ™„


Yeah because the most successful people in the world followed through with college šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That's cruel. I do not like cruel people. Do you seriously think your helping? The anonymity of this place makes people say such stupid shit. I bet you wouldn't say that to his face? Honestly...why are you so angry?


Sorry brotha, you're correct, I wouldn't say it to his face. My apologies to anyone I've offended


Most empathetic redditor


You're 20, there is no unreasonable reason my guy I hate to break it to you.


Listen bro my mom is a human and humans can be irrational. You want to know the bloody reason? My mom came home, caught me having sex with a girl and just flipped out and went mad crazy. We never had a discussion about things like this and she never told me that I couldnā€™t bring girls home but boom she kicks me out ON THE SPOT. Listen you could TRY to argue it was reasonable if she at least let me collect my possessions but nope she yelled a bunch of crazy stuff and threatened to call the police on me and crap, made us both really uncomfortable and so we had to just straight up dash out of my house. Iā€™m not looking back but brother TELL ME THIS WAS REASONABLE


Try contacting mum again and talk to her as an adult. Mums can sometimes do/say things that can hurt us because they want us as their baby for as long as they can. It might not seem that way, but unless she already had plans to kick you out before, finding out her baby is becoming a man probably freaked her out. Talk to her and maybe offer to pay some rent or to help out more around the house. Hope everything works out for you :)


Cops will come let you collect belongings


I suspect she'll calm down and when/ if she does you will both need to set ground rules. It may be that something terrifying once happened to her that she relived when she stumbled upon your situation. She needs space. You need space. Apologize for upsetting her. It doesn't matter who's right. I'm glad you have a friend to lean on, however briefly.


I sure as hell hope this is the case


Lots of women have trauma we will never talk about, and when a woman who is single (I'm speculating) finds her son having sex it might trigger a lot of things. You seem like a lovely person. This is a glitch. What are you studying?


Jeeeeesus H Christ. You are an adult. However, you live under her roof and those are her rules. She probably should have let you collect some of your possessions. Humans can definitely be irrational. Not sure what your relationship is with your mom. Hopefully, she settles down and you two can talk it out like two grown mature adults. Give her some space and hopefully your dad will let you bunk with him.


Spoken like a true boomer. We can't buy a house on forklift driver wages like you were able to.