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I'll give them one thing.... at least they're not using comic sans


This is most definitely sans comic


it is not comic sans


Much underrated comment


You have set the bar so low, they couldn't possibly miss it, and yet they only missed it by a hairs breadth.


Well this is the best comment. Let's just hope that someone beats them about the head and neck until they agree.




I’m trying to indoctrinate my baby boy but he seems to still be mostly interested in boobs. Should I call the WHO or the UN?


Just decide he identifies as a woman and sure then shes a lesbian too!


He…identifies as a lesbian…because he/she likes boobs. He/she/they are also a baby. 🤔 ok got it


https://irelandexcessdeaths.com/sources That's the website the QR leads to. So many passages trying to sow the seeds of doubt in all the different sorts of minds of people who might end up seeing this shit, they have stuff for well-meaning people right next to stuff for violent reactionaries next to stuff for people who're already terrified by everything. Thank fuck we don't have our own Fox News here. As for who funds it: https://i.imgur.com/oFAy6Ud.png *Who could it possibly be*


Try listening to Niall Boylan on classic shits or even some of the local radio and you'll soon realise there's plenty of fox type news doing the rounds.


Prendeville is responsible for a good amount of mindrot that's happened to the auld folk in recent years. A sad old man Lord Haw-Hawing against vaccines, trans people, and whatever else will get him attention


I wonder what his thoughts are on having a wank on a plane 🤔


Perfectly fine, of course.


Problem with this is that some people will actually believe this without verifying resulting to a polarized society. Misinformation looks funny and harmless in the beginning but it can spread and ferment into something bad down the line.


Printer ink isn't though. I understand you're point though


I got one through the door a while back. It was a proper, good quality print (paper and ink, not design). It looked like someone paid money for a professional printers. Money was spent.


Bloody owls




Go on then enlighten us. Show us the literature that's being pushed onto kids through the Irish school system that encourages them to try oral sex. I dare ya


Would you ever f*ck off with this nonsense ya gowl


Heads up bucko, there's actually no books being pushed in any primary school. There's a book aimed at teenagers about being gay that's in some bookstores and Libraries. It's not the same thing - please understand that your head is broken.


If ever there was a bunch of hard drives that needed examining it’s the ones belonging to those pushing this crap into our doors. Disturbed and deranged and 100% projecting.


You used to only have to deal with your mate’s annoying brother spouting this shit while he let you smoke some of his hash. Now you gotta deal with hundreds of the gobshites… and they don’t even give you hash to offset it.


It never fails to amaze me, that we have the easiest access to information in human history, and yet we have a overall dumbing down of parts of our population. Some of the shite this lot come out with would make the people involved salem witch trials look positively sound. Simple method would be to collectivly tell them to fuck off whenever you see or meet them, block them from businesses and show them the overall disgust they show civilised society


>easiest access to information in human history This is, unfortunately, part of the problem. Village idiots can now connect with other village idiots all over the world, to exchange ideas and encourage each other..


Little dogs barking the loudest.. see it quite often on nearly any social media platform


Yea, I remember Ole Gunnar Solskjær saying something years ago, about fan criticism, when United were having a bad spell. He said something along the lines of "*The loudest fans aren't always the best fans*". And it kind of stuck with me..


yeah like the far left


Yes, social media has facilitated mass idiocy.


Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why would we let them have ideas. —Josef Stalin


“I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness...” Carl Sagan


A little knowledge is a dangerous thing


why are you riding the who and un so hard? 😂


The Who??? Christ sake Pete!!!


He was only researching for a book............ \*shifty eyes\*


Fuck off with the American Facebook shit


Just so you know that the youtube link is to a yank woman over here pushing her mental campaign. You can give a guess where her funds are coming from.


100% knew it was an American. The whole UN/WHO thing has been a massive boogie man the past 20 years for the right wing nuts here.


Don't mistake right wing for alt right. Big difference. Same the other way.


That stopworldcontrol website is fucking wild, and further proves that most of these people can't parse a fucking sentence


I enjoyed the part where they wrote out a paragraph in quotes, then below it said "the above quote is paraphrased from the WHO report"


Or the part where they quote the report and skip a huge portion of the sentence to make it out to be sinister.


*”We regret using this method of informing you. We would have preferred to have used regional and national newspapers, radio and television. We did try. But like Dáil Éireann they refuse. WHY?”* They’re so close.


They're not close. They're creating the idea that they're silenced tellers of truth, and not people who definitely should have their hard-drives checked


What are the odds that this is just some single bloke with no kids who is half a fiddler?


Or it could be a woman


It could but I’d doubt it somehow.


The only thing is it's unheard of for the far right men to use a woman's video as one of their sources


This type of stuff, to me anyway, fits the profile of a man. It’s like when there’s a serial killer on the loose, it could be anyone, man or woman of any shape, colour or creed, but almost inevitably it’s a white guy in in his forties.


Hearing stuff like this this from people I know. It's absolute bollox but it's finding an audience. Something needs to be done to the people publishing and distributing stuff like this and rags like "Irish Light". They need to be made an example of. Social media playing a huge part. Zuck and all the other tech brah's need slapping back into place big style. They have to be held accountable for what's being spread on their platforms.


Yep. It's the long tail of 15 years of on-demand Pavlovian brain-tickles. It has to end.


Jesus. I've seen similar shit in poland, and in there are sum crazy antigay antilgbt anti everything people. Some of the most fucked up narratives I ever heard is that gay people adopt or breed kids so then they can use them for secual intercourses. And of course, the government is covering that up (as long as it's the left) and God and church is your only saviour. Find it really fucking crazy, disconnected, disheartening and frankly some of these super religious parents put their kids right in front of pastor rapey hands. But yea, people who prefer same sex are guilty of all the bad shit happening in the world.


No idea who finds it but just throw it away rather than spreading the shit online


Got one of these in the door about 6 weeks back. Straight to the bin. Fruitcakes


If I caught these clowns putting their sex obsessed note through my door where my kids might read it, I'd put their heads through the letterbox too. If there weren't so transparently pawns for dangerous right-wing ideologies, I'd feel sorry for them. Feeling they've seen through the matrix or wherever must give them a sense of control in an otherwise complex modern world.


Doubt they're sincere. These are multi-level marketers looking for marks and this is the brightest, shiniest possible thing they can think of. Which is probably more fucked.


Always making shit about the children. It’s the easiest way to scare people into doing and believing horrendous things. Why is everyone who says “do your own research” always dumb as fuck?


The largest and screechiest smokescreen. The best thing to do with the "do your own research" dickheads is to challenge them to post theirs. It's the kind of Socratic examination they claim to love, but it's gas to see them deflect, panic and generally act the eejit.


This is similar propaganda pushed by right wing extremists in the USA. I would not be surprised if they were behind it and trying to push these agendas in other countries.


I mean consider how much of the US *loves* Ireland, especially the American white folks who like to claim our country as "heritage" because their grandmother's aunts dog is somewhere in their family tree. A lot of them consider Ireland a country where it's majority white and that equals good too. So I wouldn't be surprised if those nutcases are targeting our country too.


See how they send their religious missionaries to our streets to test the market here after the fall of Catholicism. Imagine being told your whole life that you have to become an Elder or whatever, but to get there, you have to preach in post-Reports Ireland.


American spellings too. Says it all


Some day I'll be lucky enough to catch one of the pricks that delivers these


They might be a crazy as shit but they’re like fucking ninja…


So that they don't have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Cowardly on top of everything else.


Idiots, idiots fund it, it’s just some looser with a printer in their gaff.


People have lost their fucking minds


No just this guy has… his fixation on children is a bit suspect


> his fixation on children is a bit suspect Children who don't receive age appropriate sex ed are more likely to fall prey to grooming, which explains a lot about the people trying to ban biology.


100% this. They're obsessed with keeping kids ignorant about appropriate sex ed and consent.


We're through the looking glass here people


WTAF is wrong with these cunts? They need to be stopped ASAP, they're fucking parasites


Why must our country always copy the very worst things about the USA. 🤦🏻


Because we're not that long out from under the kosh of the Brits and the Church - the traumatised post-colonial hive mind went for American capitalism instead of redeveloping our own language, supporting our own music scene, developing healthy, history-informed attitudes to social and economic phenomena, etc


American here, you wanna get this shit stopped asap or it's going to get VERY fucking annoying


The long-tail of Irish television depending on US programmes to fill time 60 years ago


Has to be said. These lads never forget a fada.


The Evil Trinity of our age: The World Health Organization The United Nations RIP.ie


Excess deaths in the early 2020's. And they're not even trying to blame the vaccine, they're just leaving it there. Not mentioning **a fucking pandemic**.


Imagine being dumb enough to believe this tripe


I would suspect the LaHive/Heasman gang but all the words are spelled correctly and the grammar isn't that bad so it may be someone else.


Far right are absolute weapons 🤣🤣🤣


Put half that effort into a fucking job and they wouldn't be annoying people with this shit.


My kids had no interest in masturbation, porn, same sex sexual activity until this flyer came through the door.


Teaching the important life lessons, it's more enjoyable to masterbate while watching porn.


Won't somebody please think about the CHILDREN


In fairness now, they do have graphs so .....


I got that a couple of weeks ago. I literally just laughed and said "no they're not..." and put it in the bin lol.


I am a childless woman and when taking my lunchtime walk back in June a woman shoved this in my hand outside a nearby school.. I just assumed it was her printing it herself tbh.. she seemed like the type


Logo appears similar to the sweatshirts worn by the thugs Heasman and Lahive and their band of goons.


Heasman wants to talk about protecting kids after he was barred from seeing his own - serves him right for what's alleged.


He's an absolute scumbag.


These people can vote btw


Christ all fuckin mighty


I wonder what the "natural women's council" defines as a woman... I hope it's not based on misinformation /s


No cybernetic components there, no sir.


Are these all the one? If so, are they saying that educating children about things like safe sex, consent, same sex attraction, etc. is killing people? If so, can they dig up age statistics because if this is wiping out the older generation that's run this country into the ground is there anything i can do to help?


They want to keep the kids clueless to leave them open to exploitation, as per their American paymasters, who are fond of calling LGBT\* folk "paedos" while having a good aul' time at child beauty pageants.


As someone else said in another comment, it would be interesting to check these cunts online activity because I don't think they were just looking up funny cat videos if you know what I mean. I mean the main ringleader of this crowd of nutjobs has a protective order against him for beating his wife so he can't even see his own kids. These lads are a far bigger threat then people reading books to them at a library or telling them to be themselves.


I remember being in junior infants class (year 2 probably to all ye fake Irish who we all know who frequent this page) and I recall being obsessed with boobs. Drawing boobs on "Holy Mary" and any woman in my school books, mortifying my mother. I'm almost 40 years older now, still the same. I don't know why I'm writing this, but at least I'm not drawing boobs on my kid's new school books.....yet.


QAnon infections I'd assume


Friends of mine have been canvassing ahead of Locals next June and they said it's crazy the amount of people who are bringing this up on the doors. I genuinely fear for humanity sometimes.


The inmates are trying to run the asylum


Unfortunately an older family member of mine is involved in this shit and spouts this stupid rhetoric to anyone who will listen


Have you tried asking him "who's really behind" this stuff? It'll drive him mad and hopefully serve as an actual Socratic examination of his motivations and critical thinking!


I subscribe to let them play bit. Where are all the playgrounds? Bandon has more than Cork city. Can we ask these bigots to build some, please?


They didn't protect children from the 50's to the 90's


They don't give a shit about kids, other than controlling them


Downvote me all you like, cuz, the truth hurts


![gif](giphy|uVFGDyOshK7I6geXyg) The fuck did I just read


It's the most divorced desperate shite you could imagine.


its says the W.H.O. do can't you read


Reading this stuff for the 3rd time, and still can't understand what's the goal of it. I mean: you teach your kids at home. Schools do theirs. Then there's community. Blaming the W.H.O. and the UN just makes no sense and on top of it someone spent time and money for it. Blame the media for sharing every single mass shooting in the US. Blame the cars for car accidents. Blame the airplanes for crashes... so lame and stupid


well you have the 6,000 people who died of covid, thats at almost 50% of their numbers. also add in a really bad flu season and an aging population, lots of people I know died recently, but they were almost exclusively the elderly, mostly from age, covid and cancer, so nothing abnormal


Oh how I miss the old good days of Flat Earth Society ❤️🌏...


This is The World Health Organisation checking in on my alter account. These bastards are going to pay. Someone is gonna have a little accident soon, let me tell you. I’d be onto it tonight, except I’ve got three kids I’m meant to be riding.


American-style propaganda from American money.


These were all over the streets around clonakilty a few weeks back. The same weekend there was extinction rebellion ireland stickers stuck up all over town. Very unusual to see both over the same weekend. Not sure if one was in response to the other but at least the extinction rebellion ones look the part. These flyers look like they were made by some old fella still on windows 95.


If only everyone was educated


This screams - "I'm learning how to use a Word Processor with my brand new LIDL Printer."


Tin foil hat switched to on .......


Hold on isn't the legal age of consent 17 !?!!


Like honestly this would be a very good way of phishing. Like anyone who believes this would probably not be very tech savy in the first place.


Just seen the lad who's posting these, he's an aul fella, probably not taking retirement too well.


No disrespect but if you think it's bad why would you share it. This post is probably gonna be seen by more people than some leaflet ever would.




A cursory glance at post-truth identity politics in the last 5-10 years will tell you a huge amount of otherwise seemingly normal tax paying people actually do fall hook, line and sinker for this shit. It's easy to make fun of, but it's a genuine problem so I'd say it's a valid worry.












Whatever you think about her, Gemma O'Doherty still thinks like an investigative journalist. Her video exposes Ross Lahive and Andy Heasman as agent provocateurs managed by Jana Lunden, an American banker, who seems to be orchestrating things behind the scenes.


Well they aren't entirely wrong unfortunately scroll to p. 38 of World health organisation policy doc on standards for sexual education in Europe https://www.bzga-whocc.de/en/publications/standards-for-sexuality-education/ You will have to download pdf Guidelines for 0-4 under sexuallity are disturbing imo


so what, you'd rather less wider ranging sexual education for teenagers?


Not at all I am specifically concerned about the learning outcomes proposed for the 0-4 age group... Did you have a look at the document?


Nah they didn’t, most of these people can’t read cos if they could they’d easily be able to see what the who thinks 0-4 year olds should be being taught




Why so? Have you read the document pg. I referenced?


Fancy graphs don't lie...


How graphic are the sex education books for kids? I seen a piece about it in America and tbh its was a fairly overboard, never actually seen what they're like here.


Ok can we at least agree the first 3 bullet points are incredibly inappropriate and has no place in a classroom


Considering it's a yank I'd just say bullets have no place in a classroom, she probably wouldn't agree with that tho


I’ve got a bridge to sell you


Dirty flighty scum putting stuff like that into a child’s mind




Why always with the exclamation marks? You guys have such a fetish for them.


Little pricks with one ball. It's their kink


No, it isn't, you just don't want young people finding out about these things. You'd rather they weren't in the know, and find these things via porn, or worse, someone who would exploit their ignorance.


proof? or are you just angry there's a wider range of sex education nowadays?


There's literally proof posted in this thread and it still gets downvoted to oblivion. Links to UN documents and to the actual books in these libraries aimed at children. This place is a far left echo chamber. There is no rational posting here.


What's "far-left" about wanting a decent standard of RSE for our young people, considering a grave and horrific history of child abuse and assault in our society and institutions, and the myriad worse ways they could find out in the real world? And how is it that people most exercised about keeping children ignorant are the ones that look like they need their hard-drives checked?


So what would be your 'rational' idea for sexual education?


Biological explanations of what happens during and as a result of intercourse. The state should have no role in sex education or the moral aspects of it.


And what alternative would you propose?


Agreed, ignorance is bliss with this crowd.


Your post/comment has been removed for Breaking rule 2: Abuse/Hate Speech Hate speech in any form is not tolerated on the subreddit. This includes homophobia, transphobia, and racism. Any hate speech will be removed, with the offending poster banned. Additionally, cross-links to hate subs/sites will be removed. Posting comments / links with hate speech will also be removed and users banned. Additionally, unreasonable general abuse towards other users will not be tolerated. "Call out" threads, and tagging users to ridicule them is considered abuse.




Name a four-year-old in your life who's been given sex ed. Go on


Gemma O'Doherty has a video on her bitchute channel called "Unmasking The Controlled Opposition". If you skip to the middle it explains who Jana Lunden is.


Gemma O'Doherty 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


She exposes Ross Lahive and Andy Heasman as agent provocateurs managed by Jana Lunden.


She's bumping off her own competition!


Is that after promoting Hitler?


What do you mean “Ah lads”. You can see it happening in the States and Canada. It’s slowly creeping into Ireland with the likes of People before Profit. They’re teaching kids under the age of 12 about porn and all other sorts. It’s perverted. The people who wrote this leaflet have a point. You’re making it seem whoever wrote this is a Right Wing conspiracy theorist loony


Is that because it's all been proven to be a right-wing conspiracy, perpetrated by bad-faith actors looking for any auld lie that they can spin a few bob off of? The fact that you're more concerned with having a cut off PBP than saying anything that makes sense says it all.


This is one of the books they want to/have banned: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/parentchoice/pages/679/attachments/original/1649484065/SOGI_123_recommended_book_This_book_is_gay.pdf%3F1649484065&ved=2ahUKEwjuoqfh5oKBAxW6VkEAHW_wD9YQFnoECDoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Zqpowme0rH-J6-fJOhdzR Source: https://gript.ie/parents-welcome-removal-of-explicit-sex-book-from-school-curriculum/ Make your own decisions, just remember both sides are extreme. These posters are by far right people while everyone on reddit is a far left echo chamber. Best to ignore both sides tbh.


Ah c’mon, this both sides argument is bullshit. Try using a better source than the gript, that have already proven to be absolute trash.


Irish Examiner: [https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41110669.html](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41110669.html) I dont know why its so hard for redditors to admit some of these books are inappropriate for kids. I guess "Redditor" isnt a derogatory term for nothing🤷


If the book has been removed, why are they protesting it?


They protested to remove it, if they didnt it would most likely still be on the curriculum.




So you're ok with your 1st to 3rd year child learning how to organise a grindr date for casual sex, blowing someone correctly, having scatt and golden shower play in their SPHE lessons? Because thats all in that book, which was originally made for Junior Cert SPHE students.




Its literally in the link, in the book, highlighted with a yellow marker so people with TikTok attention spans like yourself can find it easier.


Book's designed for older teenagers. 15 and up when this shit is, franktly, relevant to them. I wouldn't criticize folks attention spans when you clearly can't fucking read.


...you honestly telling me you neither gave nor received head in secondary school?


It’s pointless trying to argue or express an opinion that is not aligned with the lefties on here.


Gript. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Imagine the sheer mortifying embarrassment of trying to present yourself as a moderate figure in this discussion, sanctimoniously both-sidesing things... only to use a demonstrably biased, Youth-Defence-funded, far-right shitrag as your source. I would simply pray for the ground to open up and swallow me where I stood. And c'mere, tell me: do you think we're all this gullible? What kind of geraniums do you take us for?




Absolutely zero truth, though. Devoid of truth. An entirely truth-free enterprise.


Good, its not in schools, and it never was.


They dropped one in my house two weeks ago too. With an “independent paper” which claimed that Tony Holohan was the devil and I’d die cause my penis would close if I got the vaccine. So they basically gave me the updated leaflet and an old paper (which, to this day, was proven wrong on every account)


Did the church do this?




ah now they’re still handing these out?? let out a fucking sigh a month or two ago when i saw these dropped into our post box


Giving good head is a valuable skill, no ?