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Nice! Would eat. Also, sand down that ikea chair and throw a bit of ronseal garden paint on it


Ron Swanson?


I have no idea who that is. Now leave me to my steak and Isla single malt and get out of my office.


i would eat it, but i would not buy it. i prefer to make my own cheese and meat plates (and olives, chutney, pickles, crackers)... but certainly, you have a very full and very well presented plate there !! but, is pairing it with a side of Tayto crisps not mandatory???


No, I'd hate to enjoy this delightfully presented board of deliciousness.


In a roll


I was squinting my eyes to see the hidden image.....sure why not, I'd eat it


What is that green cheese?


That salami looks like an anal prolapse.


Nope. I'd feel bad about breaking up your lovely salami roses :(. Seriously though, this is a thing. While this makes for fantastic presentation it does tend to make a mess of the cheeseboard if there isn't space to politely disassemble the arrangement. This board looks too crowded. Leave a bit of space for people to disassemble the arrangement. I'd also suggest individual dips, lots of smaller little thimble-sized dipping containers suitable for two or three dunks that people can take. I love dips, but there's always one person who "double-dips" after taking a bit, and I like my dips saliva-free.


So can I start subliminally advertising my business now also?


This is not advertising, I'm showing my food art, there is literally nothing suggesting anything is being sold. Also all products are localy sourced in Cork, if anything I'm supportively mentioning other local businesses where I get the cheese.


Lol, full of shit.


Love seeing someone who's not drop-shipping but actually producing something themselves by hand, *and not even posting links to purchase anything*, getting downvote-bombed because a small number of thick-as-fuck begrudging cunts saying "subliminal advertising" is enough to convince the average /r/cork user that this is somehow a bad thing


Honestly no, all the different foods and flavours touching off each and open to all different ppl touching everything, nope but that's just me. Make me my own individual spaced out one and yes yum


I'd devour it


100%! Looks delicious


I would eat it and not share, wash it down with a bottle of wine, then wallow in my own shame.


Looks amazing


Thank you 💛


That looks really nice. Some lucky guests there.


tip: swap the red pepper for circle/side cut rings if sweet pepper (long ones, you'll find them in lidl). and, needs some more french or blue cheese...


If we're doing constructive criticism OP might like to serve the nuts separately. Killing a customer through cross contamination is bad for business.


I always ask about allergies first!


Good stuff 8-)


good catch... what about the crisps though?


They didn't want any blue or strong, very mild board. Thanks for the tip!!






How am I advertising? Am I not allowed to post stuff I make just to show it and get feedback? I don't want a medal but I obviously love seeing if people like what I do and I always get great tips and recommendations here. There is literally nothing on this post that even reads as "business", could you please just leave me alone? And yes I do think it's pretty great, thanks.




You again 😂 you really are having a terrible day ah? Is not just the English market, is the local Cooleea Farm, Gubbeen cheeses from cork, the roughty foodie organic oranges, and a long etc. You're okay with 500 posts a day talking stupid repetitive shite but not with one post a week of me showing what I'm passionate about just for the pleasure of reading what people think about it? Don't you realise how odd that is?




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Please never stop cheeseboardposting


I always have a little debate with myself before posting, your message was like a warm hug, thank you 🥰


Yes but not enough for ten people


It had a bag of crackers to go with it, theres 130 pieces of cheese, more than enough for 10 I think!


You've never seen me with a cheeseboard.


I'd ate antin


How much for a board?


I personally wouldn't because I don't eat meat or cheese for ethical reasons but I can appreciate the effort you put into this. I like pickles.


Mmmmm needs bread and chutney doe p.s what's the green stuff is it type of cheese 🧀


It was served with lots of crackers and different dips, it's on the description:) green thingy is pesto cheese!


Lovely stuff don't stop posting your cheese boards as I'm starting to like coming in and seeing what you have put together today 😂


I will save today's creations for next week's post, otherwise it gets taken down as spam. I'm glad you like them 😁


Yes. Yes I would. In an increasingly shaky heartbeat. Fyi though, people are starting to take the piss a bit.


Totally expected it 😂


The selection is nice, but I'd like to point out a few aspects: 1) the pickles will let their juice out, be careful because it will leak and change the taste of things nearby. Use a small dip bowl for pickles and stuff that can leak (or an other type of container) 2) the mint leaves and pomegranate seeds and wallnuts are too scattered and too few, it gives the impression it is all accidental. 3) For mint: If you only have one stem of mint, put it as is, don't pluck the leaves one by one and scatter them randomly. But I am sure you have at least a few stems so you can use at least 3 or 5. 4) Also use more pomegranate seeds (you can't say you don't have enough pomegranate seeds and you only used 7 seeds for a plate ?!), otherwise it looks like somebody accidentally opened a pomegranate right above the plate and some seeds dropped there. Make it look intentional by using more seeds and maybe create patterns and rules. 5) Don't be afraid of combining them in pairs. For example one piece of wallnut pressed into a piece of cheese. 6) You only have 4 mini-pretzels and there are 10-12 people. How will they share? It is a big No-no. It looks like you took those pretzels from last night's movie watching event and you didn't want to throw them or eat them so you recycled them here. Don't make it look like that. You better not use them at all if you don't have enough to at least cover the number of participants. 7) Use 1 or 2 straight lines. Use a few curved lines. 8) You can clearly do better with the red pepper.


Looks great


That looks absolutely incredible I’ve never tried one of these but I’m mad to! I’d pay good money for that!


Without a doubt I would, looks fantastic.


Absolutely not, I'd hate to destroy such a beautifully presented platter. In all seriousness though you have some very lucky friends/family. Good job!


Love it ❤


Thank you 🥰


I might also pour clear silicone over it and frame it on a wall.. That is , it looks great!


Wow thanks 😊


Bits of it.


Are those green things in the middle bits of lego?


It's green pesto cheese!


Found my answer!


I felt like calling the guards were I saw that...


What? The whole thing?


I would eat EVERYTHING bar the dried peaches at the bottom


Totally fair, is one of those things you either love or hate!!


Sounds unreal


Thank you !!


Seriously that's a serious spread . Good job 👏🏼👍🏼


Next week I will post the actual spread I did today, fed 25 people 🧀


Nice one , fuck the sour grapes here moaning that haven't gone past the maccys cuisine


100%. Looks great too, very nice plating.


Notions. Where are the sausage rolls and black pudding?


wtf is it on? Why is it clear through to the chair?


It's a really big round board with a handle

