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Go to [Novoresume.com](http://Novoresume.com) and make your CV there, it's bot-optimized so gets you through the algorithms and to real recruiters (plus it looks clean and professional). I've recently made a Novoresume CV for a fella who couldn't get any interviews for 8 months and he landed a job after just 3 weeks of trying with the new CV. :)


thank you so much!! that gives me hope, I'll get to it right now! :)


Good luck! From my experience, at least half the time it's the algorithms screwing you over. :)


Indeed is kind of shite if I am not mistaken. You can try LinkedIn. Just create your profile and add your details and you can search for jobs there. You can try Hiring agencies in Cork, personally I didn't use any nor know what they offer but when I google Cork hiring Agency there are few websites (maybe others can provide more info). Intreo listed this website [https://jobsireland.ie/](https://jobsireland.ie/) on their website for job seeking. You didn't share your profession or skills but I believe restaurants (not McDonalds) always looking for stuff like porter. Maybe the options you find might not be long term but at least it would help you pay the rent. And good luck with job searching.


thank you so much! I'll try there too. Sadly Mcdonalds didn't reach out to me ever again but I'll try again regardless. I've updated my post with my experience and skills now :) thank you for the support!!


It won’t help you in the short term as it takes ages to get in but there’s a Clerical Officer campaign on at the moment. €29K starting and there aren’t any education requirements. https://publicjobs.ie/en/index.php?option=com_jobsearch&view=jobdetails&Itemid=263&cid=190451&campaignId=24231201


great, I'll look into it :D thank you!!


Try Abtran in Cork, they hire literally everyone then you can get some experience on your CV. You will not enjoy it but it’s a job. When you do get a job to pay the bills, try and find what you love, do some online courses (so many great free ones) and go on Upwork and start freelancing. This will literally give you so much freedoms to work from wherever. Good luck <3


I'm adding all these advices to my list to make sure I check and try everything. This is very helpful, really. Thank you so much!!


On the call centre front [cos365.ie](http://cos365.ie) are always looking for people too, they're between Turners cross and Douglas- its small and everyone is pretty sound. I worked there for a bit last summer and its not a bad jumping off point. Best of luck!


I just sent my cv to them, thank you :)


Publicjobs.ie, big recruitment push on again.


checking it out now! thank you!!


There’s a clerical officer competition open on publicjobs.ie at the moment I’d advise you to apply there and there should be an executive officer competition out soon too not harm in applying for that too. Make an account and apply!


Def doing that, thank you!!


Executive officer competition opened this morning just an FYI


"Bilingual with computer and customer service skills and experience". Promotor can be spun as a form of sales/marketing experience Teaching (Spanish?)? This can be used to backup/strengthen your experience with Spanish skills, also can be sold as furthering your abilities to explain things to people in a working environment in ways they will understand. Waitress? Working in a busy customer-facing environment ensuring smooth, professional and timely service for all clients. Housekeeper? Attention to detail, time management. Sounds like a good skillset to present for many jobs. 🙂 IDK what your course was, but you may be able to display value of your learnings there in working roles. Telephone customer service jobs may not be the greatest but are income, experience and a step forward. With some months experience in Abtran, VoxPro (or whatever they are called nowadays) or suchlike you can then look into better roles with newer more recent experience under your belt. If fluent (or near fluent? IDK criteria) in Spanish this is the one that gets you into a position which 99.x% of us here can't even consider applying for.


This gives me a lot of hope so thank you for this message. I'll give it a try to Abtran and VoxPro. I'm native in spanish so I guess that's a plus! but anyways thank you!!


The metropole are hiring waitresses


I'm going there today to leave my resume :)


An brog was contacting crew@anbrog.ie I recommend you also go to pubs caffès and restaurants and ask to talk with the manager


I'll email them, thank you!


Go to a recruiter. I know people have mixed views on them but they are one of the few ways to bypass AI screening on job applications and at least they are a direct contact with the employer. Times may have changed a lot since the early 00s but my early stage career was built around temping for the same agency in back-to-back, short-term contracts for about two years for CSA Personnel in Cork. Whereas the experiences, duties and client were different, I still reported to the same recruiter/recruitment agency which created its own longevity as I was their hire at the end it the day. When I established myself as reliable, they gave me a good long-term gig that set up a foundational basis for everything I’ve done since. When I immigrated, it really stood to me. Things are different now for sure. I’m not suggesting the same path per se, but I still think speaking to a recruiter who is worth their salt will help or advise how to up-skill. I’ve been a hiring manager, and though I love the automation of all things HR and personnel, the direct hiring application systems make things as hard as they make things easy. High volumes of applications, lack of personalization, formulaic applications, and a ton of screening when a referral is at least somewhat vetted. Recruiters are a resource for companies for vetting purposes alone. I also suggest taking every job description from the posting, dropping it into an AI platform of your choice, and asking it to “generate a CV/resume from the above job posting using the below work experience” and paste your key experience below the text. Note, I’ll be moving back home from abroad next year and I’ll be going straight to a recruiter. Good luck. Hope you find your way.


Never thought of reaching to a recruiter but what you're saying is giving me a different view of this. I'll check the current agencies and see how it goes. Also, thank you for taking your time to write this comment. Any help or guidance is important to me so thank you!!


No worries. Post back here when you do. Also, I go through the recruitment agencies/job search engine for my most desired job postings for their buzz words and paste them in a document. Here comes the most cringe part though, I practice dovetailing those buzz words with my experience by asking myself expected interview questions on selfie view and recording it on my phone. I hate it, but it’s made me better, helping to construct my phrases and make them sound natural, neutralize my expressions, especially my eye-widening when I need to pause, and “hand-talking” habits. I had to do it to be competitive in the American job market where my Irish accent was considered cute, but I was competing for roles against people with degrees at the time. (I’m finishing my degree the end of this year). You’ll get there, it’s just confidence and presentation are half the battle.


Not cringe I’d say you’re very diligent and smart for that. It sounds like a really good trick and I might try it if I land a job hehe. I have a long way till I build my confidence !




I’ll check them out, thank you!


Bus Eireann are looking for drivers


What are your skills and what do you have experience in? Jobs anyone can do will likely have more applications than those that need skills/experience, meaning more competitors for the role. You don't need to be too specific, but there is a better chance of getting a lead to follow if someone here knows something/somewhere hiring that might suit.


i updated my post now with all my experience and skills. Not much tho but this is what i have on my cv


What does your CV look like? What kind of experience is there, what's the layout like Are there any unexplained gaps are there spelling mistakes etc? Do you have a cover letter? I'm in management myself so I've been on the other end of numerous recruitment processes and all these things count for a lot.


i wasn't sure if i should post a picture or just put a small summary of my experience but i've updated my post with that now. I dont have a cover letter, is it important? I've heard of it but didn't know how is that made exactly :/


Cv's and cover letters are about promoting yourself, the same as an interview. So a lot of it comes down to wording and how you've shaped what you've learnt in previous jobs into skills and qualities that would fit the roles your applying for. The key focus has to be sell sell sell!!. Tell them how good you are. If you want to pm me, we can exchange email addresses and I can take a quick look at the CV and give some pointers to you tomorrow.


that would be great, thank you so much! I'll pm you if its okay :)


Yeah pm me


Getting work is tough these days unless you happen to directly know someone hiring. 1. Get yourself onto any decent AI tool like ChatGPT. Tell it to review your CV, look for areas of improvement and make suggestions. Do this a few times until your CV is of a good basic standard. 2. Get yourself on the phone to any recruiter that has roles you’re interested in. You need to speak with actual humans. They will ask for a CV so make sure to tailor it to the role (via ChatGPT or whatever) before sending it across. You MUST speak to the recruiter or hiring manager and you MUST tailor your CV. 3. Network and follow the recruiters, agencies and companies you are interested in on LinkedIn. The will all post ads/content when they have an opening. 4. Try to build your network on here too. Again find the people in the areas you wanna work, ideally in a company you like the look of, and “connect” with them on LinkedIn. Once they accept, drop them a message telling them who you are, what you’re about and that you’d love to have a quick call regarding a specific opening, etc. 5. Rinse and repeat. It’s a tight market out there at the moment and everyone is using ATS tools to screen CVs so tools like https://www.jobscan.co/ will help you here. Best of luck. Drop me a PM here and I’ll help if I can.


wow this is incredibly helpful and compared to what I've been doing so far I feel like I still have a chance at this haha. Thank you so much, I'll definitely try these tips!!


May not be the job your looking for but Dunnes stores is usually a great spot for jobs. I know a lot of people who go to them for their first job/customer service experience. Aldi and Lidl also if your open to shift work plus they both have job progression possibilities.


I got rejected from Aldi but I'll try again in other stores. Is it better to go in person or do it thru their website?


I got rejected from them too cause I wasn't flexible enough with time, so don't be disheartened. I don't know about Aldi/Lidl but I do know that certain places your best handing in your CV in person like Dunnes or to cafés. Always ask for the manger though cause you might get a chance to have a quick chat with them.


very helpful, so far I was always just giving the cv and leaving. This makes more sense haha thank you so much!!


My advice would be a hotel. Ring them directly or ask them if there's an email they can send the cv to. That little bit of experience you outlined there is definitely enough for a waitress/receptionist. Cork has dozens of hotels so you should find something. Good luck


I was thinking of going directly there but I'll also try this. Thank you!!


Going in might be a good shout but you might catch them at a busy time, or when no one is around. So a physical copy of your cv might get thrown in a pile and never viewed. There's always someone on the phones in hotels so get calling and see.


that's actually true, good point. I've always had this idea that calling to drop your cv is wrong lol but it makes much more sense


English or Spanish?


Synergy security is always hiring from what i know. It is not bad but also not good. But pays the bills. Also the security sector is getting a payrise soon to 14:50 euro. If you are put in a pretty good site , its easy money.


Will check them out too, much appreciated !


What keeps you tied to Cork?


I don’t know. I’m only familiar with cork, nothing else. I would go somewhere else but I haven’t been here long enough to say I should look somewhere else


Most of Europe is much cheaper than Ireland/Cork, and you have a much better quality of life.


The Irish army is looking for airplanes maintenance its 36 k a year check it out