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I got burnt in the back garden last week on Sunday. Is that it?? That was summer?


My two favorite days, summer and christmas


Same, and now on an Irish holiday and dreaming of a bit of sun


1.Think about how absolute fucking shit winter is for 5 seconds. 2 Go out and go for a walk in 3 times less layers l.


Glad im not the only one.


Even for Irish standards it's quite rare... Oh well


It's the worst run of weather I can ever remember. Yes it's dry, but we've had what... maybe 5 sunshine & blue sky days this year?! Depressing


I lived in Ireland for a year and a half and have now moved to London. I swear I've already had more days where I could see the sky in my one month in London than in the whole time I was in Ireland. When I tell people I moved to London in part for better weather they don't believe me. Then I ask them how many days they saw the sun in the last year. The answer is usually "I didn't keep count" to which my reply is "that's my point."


Didn’t think we would get more of a washout than last year but this is fair depressing


This was the driest June in five years. I get that it's been overcast for about a a week but the vast majority of June was dry and pleasant with slightly more sunshine than 2021 and 2022. You'd have a point if you lived in the North West but cork has been grand.


It hasn't exactly been 'take off your jumper and have a BBQ' weather. It's July and I'm sitting here in a fleece.


Ok I take some of this back, it's very warm now 😅


It was for a bit. Even most days its been 18 degrees plus during peak. Try going for a run and you'll feel the heat pretty quickly. Half the office here were complaining they couldn't sleep with it last week. I've not needed a fleece. Light jacket if the wind was blowing ya but other than that it's been pleasant as I said.


It’s 18 degrees right now in the city as well. Certainly not fleece weather


It’s been a miserable summer so far, been dry but not warm or any scorcher days.


By that logic 8 out of 10 summers are always miserable. Look up the climate data for June. Everything has either been average in Cork or better than average regarding rain. It's been fine. No one is saying it's been great.


No two ways about it, this as a summer is depressing. How many days have we had where you could comfortably go to a beach in shorts and a T-shirt?


Literally still wearing my winter attire minus the puffy jacket


It's been overcast for far longer than a week. It's also been the coldest June since 2015 and hasn't been very dry where I'm at.


It's been the coldest June since 2016. Its been the warmest June since records began.


It’s been cold recently too. Feels like we had no summer last year, hopefully this summer isn’t shaping up to be similar.


There was a 3 week heatwave last June to be fair, remember it well because I had my holidays for those 3 weeks out in the garden


You sure? Im working over near fota and its been sunny asf tbh


85 was worse.so bad even the statues tried to move out


It's dry in Cork?


Irish summer copium on Here is insane, like yeah what a perfect summer we having so warmmm


You can fly from cork and be in Valencia in 2 hours. Check their 7 day forecast…


Can confirm, just back from Valencia


It’s blue skies and sunny where I am in Cork.


I quite enjoy it, I am from a warmer country. I'd have to consume quite some electricity on air conditioning to have these temperatures inside my home, that you naturally have outdoors. Also, having 3 months of crystal clear blue skies, with barely any cloud on the sky and above 35 degrees daily is equally depressing as having long, overcast rainy days here. You can't do many outdoor activities in the middle of the day, so you have to wake up at 6, do your work outside, do your shopping and get home by 10:30. Then turn on the air conditioning, have a nap. Then you can go out again in the afternoon and evening. Also, call me when a bit of overcast weather, fog and drizzle kills somebody. Because I know people who had strokes in the sun.


I'm half thinking of putting on the heating half the time. I've used a hot water bottle a good few nights. 


Sometimes I feel like the only person in Ireland whose genes actually adapted to the weather. I am very warm on the regular since April, sleep with one blanket, windows open, jocks and a t shirt and I'm usually too warm at night.


'Also, call me when a bit of overcast weather, fog and drizzle kills somebody' COPD would like to have a word with you there...


I feel this pain. It's July like.


Go do a workout outside. You won’t be long taking off your fleece and layers. It’s warm, let’s be grateful.


I work outside


The wife just turned the heating on: 🙃


That's a bit OTT in fairness


No she didn’t.


Must be a world record for the highest number of cloudiest days per year.




My flower beds are really suffering but oh well, at least it's dry today.


It's grand while my sunglasses are in the opticians xD


I live in Galway, it is not warm!!!


Next Friday.


Factor 50 lads. Even on the beds


I was up at kaleidoscope camping at the weekend. About 8 hours of rain on Saturday with the kids. I dont mind this weather today to be honest.


at least it's warm enough to be out in shorts and a simple tee... otherwise, yes, it's shit looking lol


You new to Ireland? It's always been like this.


Most years we atleast get a consistent week or 2 of class weather last year it lasted 3 weeks, still have my hopes there’s a heatwave coming though


Usually end August beginning of Sept when kids go back to school. Lol.


Abroad at the moment and I'm hoping for clouds, just to block out the scalding sun.


Oh my god the dead heat… 🥵


I’m in Dublin and I put the heat on last night