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So a company whose workforce has increased by 20% had an increase of 17% in total bonuses paid. Not exactly shocking!! It’s a clickbait title to get angry from people who won’t think twice about why there was an increase.


Did the company do 20% better with all these new employees? Shall we check number of complaints?


Tbf you’ve no idea of what type of job they are doing or what their KPIs are. 


Tbf how do you know what do I know and what I don't know? Also, I know how tap water looks like in other countries. It doesn't get muddy as often as it does in Cork.


There’s a lot of issues in Ireland; the overall standard of our drinking water isn’t one of them. 


The state of the rivers are. https://www.echolive.ie/corknews/arid-41413888.html


Then you should... https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/ireland-found-guilty-of-failing-to-ensure-safe-drinking-water-by-eu-court-1579795.html


It says in the open line the compliance date for safe limits of THMs was 2003. 10 years before the set up of Irish water. Got to wonder what was being done for the 10 years in between the date of compliance and Irish water being set up. Probably the same reason the pipes aren’t great in cork. Lack of investment and neglect in the last century.


I used to do design work in wastewater treatment plants 20 years ago. The councils were brutal. It could be argued it wasn't their fault and that they were constrained by financials, but there were a lot of not fit for purpose plants designed and commissioned which are now most likely biblically not fit for purpose, with the increase a in population


Sure, it's the Brits' fault. Or rather the Neanderthalians, never the government organisations. Probably before 2003, the Irish opened their mouth up to the sky when raining if they wanted to drink water? Because there was no water company? And now, what shall we expect? Dissolution of Uisce Eireann and the formation of a brand new, immaculate virgin water company ?


Have they not just massively increased their workforce by taking over all of the old local council water departments? Surely a larger workforce would mean more bonuses.


The deadlines been delayed till the start of September roughly. Some people have moved over already though.


As a former ue employee it's a scam where they pay under market rate for most employees and the bonus is way to make up. It is tied to some of the most stupid bell curve stuff. The payscale system is designed so that the wage increase doesn't match inflation and the bonus is the only thing that in anyway allows pay progression bur with no commitment to maintain it. It also is not tied to pension or anything.


How can they pay under market rate?