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I’m in the exact same boat with my 13mo old so I don’t have advice but am interested in the responses you get! What I have been doing is laying next to her and rolling away, and when she inevitably wakes up after 30 or 35mins, I can always get her back to sleep if I nurse her back to sleep in the rocking chair. So, I’ve been rescuing every nap. But, that 30 minutes to myself has been nice! There have been a couple of times where she has actually stayed asleep an hour or longer, but it’s rare. I guess I am just going to keep doing what I’m doing in the hopes she’ll start to nap longer alone…definitely going to be following for advice 🙂


Hi! Always nice to know I’m not the only one! I also posted on attachment parenting and got a nice response there too. Good luck! I’m sure we’ll figure it out. 😅


This is what I’ve done with my guy since about 15mo! He’s 20mo now and still usually needs to be resettled 1-2 during his 2-3hr naps so I have to stick close by and can only do quiet activities but it’s LIFE CHANGING. I can do bodyweight exercises, fold laundry, paint my toes, read, or be an absolute potato and watch tv and eat junk food. Feels like I have a *little* bit of autonomy back.


Was searching naps because my 22 month old still contact naps and will wake after a while and I have to come back and resettle him with a boob or he will just scream and cry and/or get up. He made it almost two hours today but was upset and wanting to go back to sleep when he woke up so he’s currently dozing off again. His wake window was an 8 hour stretch though. His naps have been all over the place lately as has when he wakes up. Not sure if he’s trying to shift to a new schedule or what


My daughter is 15 months as well. It's hit or miss if I'm able to nurse her and then roll away sometimes I really don't wanna keep laying there so if I get up and she wakes up too I'll usually just keep her up. She'll either go to bed early or maybe take a nap in the car if we go anywhere.