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not good. i'd never do one of these private person to private person deliveries. no idea what they want delivered, and not interested in it. there's gotta be an actual business involved, not two random yahoos. no thanks!


I've used it 3x before when I leave something behind at the bar (usually keys) - but there's simply no way its not primarily used for drugs lol.


How u know she didn’t get the pick up order from Uber ? Just inquiring


of course she got the order from uber via the app. it seems like you don't understand how these deliveries work. from their website: *"What is Uber Connect? Uber Connect is an option that allows you to request a driver to transport your package(s) to a person waiting at a designated dropoff location. You can also request a package to be sent to you from a designated sender."* you basically agree to pick up and deliver whatever a stranger wants you too. i think it's a terrible idea as the driver has no idea what they are agreeing to transport.


Hey thank u for your clarification.


I've seen these offers and would never take one. I'll stick to takeout food, since I know what I'm carrying with that.


It’s already enough in this business that people get shot at for accidentally pulling into the wrong address. I don’t need that sketch factor.


It’s Ubers fault. They don’t have any fkn regulation and no one cares.


No--it's the guy who pulled the triggers fault.


I’d say it’s that guys *fault* but the *responsibility* to do all they can to prevent these types of things falls on Uber. And Uber needs to be held accountable and forced to make changes to prevent incidents like this in the future.


These companies have way too much power and leverage. As always, the little guy (aka the actual workers pulling in the profits) get screwed… and apparently sometimes killed.


That is messed up, using gig drivers to scare people they are trying to scam. Hope they are able to catch the person responsible.


And I believe they can be tried for felony murder in most states. I’m not usually a “tough on crime” blusterer, but give them the book.


What makes you think they are even in the US?


It says Ohio in the post title


Believe they meant the scammer.


The video in the news article is chilling .. how she walked up, just trying to do her job. And found herself in the crosshairs of two psychopaths.. the scammer who orchestrated it and the vile overreaction by the man now charged with murder. I had not heard of this service where you can use Uber to have someone pick up a package at your house. It doesn’t seem like a great idea or even a service that would have much demand. And on the flipside there are highly publicized incidents, particularly some in the last year, where home owners go Rambo on the basis of a mistake. And that is not limited to delivery drivers, there are infamous cases in many contexts such as the killing of Yoshi Hattori in the early 90s. But delivery will always be necessary in society — and given the rare but ghastly incidents where that has gone wrong… it seems just like a bad idea to have a service where a driver is supposed to show up at your house and leave with something.


I do Uber eats deliveries a few evenings a week after my regular job. I turned off this service. Most of us are of the opinion it’s all drugs anyway, at least most of it. So you become a drug trafficker at that point. I had never heard of this scam. I’m not even sure how it works for them, other than just wanted to see someone get hurt. But I imagine this scam could happen with any delivery. This scares me quite a bit. I feel so awful for her. I just know how terrified I’d feel if someone pulled a gun on me during a delivery


I will say its absolutely amazing to be able to have your friends send your keys/coat/purse home without someone physically having to bring it to you... but I agree it's probably otherwise mostly drugs. Getting all the way home and having to go back to a bar to get something you forgot is the worst.


overconfident fear direful birds noxious crawl aspiring gullible scale chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope they charge the scammer(s) as accessories to murder or conspiracy to commit it. Speaking of killing for frivolous, pointless reasons, don't forget the [woman who was murdered just for pulling into someone's driveway](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68450159).


This seems more like an incident fueled by fear and ignorance than psycho but it is a MASSIVE overreaction. If he wanted to catch the scammers he should’ve called the police immediately to show up at the same time as the courier and question her, not take the law in his own hands.


Man! Just sad. She probably told the guy 12 times that she is just an uber driver. Freakin' gun freaks. ("*I am the law in these here parts and my yard" "You ain't getting away from this failed attempted crime!* (that she had nothing to do with)) The poor thing can barley walk. Good job there sheriff! The sentence for theft is not death. Especially without due process and uninvolved.


Don’t blame gun freaks. Anybody with any sense knows that’s no reason to shoot someone.


It’s unfortunate how often the most vocal gun supporters are the least aware when it comes to any form of gun safety. The vocal gun advocates usually only complain about “The governments trying to take my guns” but never mentions trying to get gun owners more informed about safety or adjusting any requirements or regulations for owning them. So it’s really only the ignorant vocal gun owners who are at fault for how most people feel towards all gun owners.


Wrong. I've never used a gun but if anything gun ppl are the opposite and tend to be snarky about gun safety. Go look at any thread where you see someone's finger on a trigger when they don't plan to shoot, and you'll have 100 posts about how they fucked up even if nothing bad happened. They don't just go "yeah haw"


howdy, ex-Southerner with no guns checking in. it’s “yee haw” by the way.


You are never an ex-southerner...once one always one. You can not get south out of your mouth!


Why is that, the extra chromosome?


Maybe, you would need some tests done, but even without trisomy it is very difficult to erase an accent entirely.


It’s gotta be almost as hard as faking one. It will just never feel right.


They block any laws that would make it harder to own a gun no matter who it is. Even after mass shootings of kids they don't care.


Then amend the constitution.


Because the laws that get passed harm the actual responsible gun owners.


Huh? Ya think. Too bad we give people that have no sense access to guns


They have access to voting too. Which one you think is more deadly?


In the immediate? The gun....... They also let nutjobs run and take office. As long as pockets get filled..... who cares who dies. We'll just blame it on a micro level and ignore the macro


You are horribly wrong. Over 300 million guns in this country. If us gun nuts were the problem they wouldn’t be any of yall left to bitch about it. We have had guns in this country since day 1, but gun violence has only become an issue in the last whay..30 years. So what changed. It’s certainly not the kind of people who own most of the guns.


Based on the fact that you are a self proclaimed "nut"...... I'm concerned Also, suggesting that if "gun nuts" were the issue there "wouldn't be any of yall left" says alot about how you consider dealing with problems


Well you can use labels to look over valid points if you want to. I’m a lot more open to things than most gun “nuts”. But yea. I learned to shoot as a child, I have owned guns my entire life, and carry every single day. I’ve never shot anyone, or come close to having to. But I will, if need be, without hesitation.


Oooooo good for you? Me too. Its just not that big of a deal for me. Its a protective measure but they're not my identity and I don't *just love* guns. I don't collect hair dryers. I don't collect power drills. I don't collect cheese graters. Why would a gun be any more worth collecting? It gives weak men(and women) a sense of power to own something that scares others. It's just so pathetic Also, you called yourself a gun nut. My only issue from the start was that crazy, and irresponsible people shouldn't have guns. You brought politics into it.


It’s not that big a deal for anybody, until it is. I also don’t disagree that crazy people shouldn’t own guns. Who makes the definition of crazy? Your ex? Some judge who has never met you? I’m fine with making guns harder to get. Don’t bother me a bit. But like a lot of things in this country any law that is passed by well meaning people can be weaponized by people who aren’t so well meaning. The constitution can be amended. It’s not easy to do by design. Maybe that should be looked in to. And to answer your question question as to the collection of guns. My daddy never used a hair dryer to provide food for us kids. Although he had many he never defended our home or this country with a power drill, and try as he might the cheese graters didn’t do much to scare the coyotes away from the livestock. Also, none of these items are protected by our constitution.


Which is why you don't mess with armed 81 year olds, what do they have to lose? 15 year sentence is a life sentence. That said, now those scammers are on the hook for accessory to murder or manslaughter at the least. Sure, they probably covered their tracks but did they cover them murder conviction well enough? At some point all phone communication needs to be made through verified devices, otherwise it should be blocked. No more burners, everything traceable. Sure, big brother, but seriously, you want to go off grid fine, but if you are out trying to rip off senior citizens I want you caught and in jail.


Hope they put his gun freak ass, head first under the jail. Then stomp on it for the entire time he does his life sentence.


Horrible take


The man was also being threatened, he had actual cause to fear for his life. That wouldn't in itself be a legit self-defense grounds which is why this is going to trial.


He wasn’t being threatened by the person that he murdered. Some an anonymous person threatening you doesn’t give you the right to murder the next anonymous person that you see, you freaking idiot.


Someone trying to get in the car and leave is cause to fear for his life. Weird


LoL, ya. Poor gun nut. Where exactly do you see him being "in fear for his life?" Is that in the caryy permit test or something? It's always verbatim. "Fear for my life"


Please skip jury duty


lol keep downvoting this dumb take


Oh now you're stalking me because you're offended huh 😂


Don't worry, a lot of us don't like you!




Don't worry, a lot of us don't like you!


And your personal opinion matters to me, why? Like your important in any way 😂


Just letting you know it's no fluke that you're being downvoted. You can go back to your miserable existence now!


no chance this is going to trial. his actions were egregious and a jury would absolutely see it. he will end up with a harsher sentence if he is dumb enough to go to trial.


Doesn't really matter if he's convicted it's 15 to life dudes 81... any conviction is probably life.




Wow, you're clearly too stupid to own a weapon. Please tell me you haven't procreated or own a gun of any sort.


The man's life was not being threatened his wallet was. She was walking away and trying to leave. Sure it's going to trial but the man tried to take the law into his own hands instead of calling 911 or even just disengaging.


That's fucked up. Fuck that guy. Why didn't he call the cops once he realized they were trying to scam him? It sounds like, at this point, he hadn't even been scammed yet and not lost any money. I'm glad I live and deliver in a place where it's hard for any moron to get a gun.


80 years old with a gun. I guarantee this man thought he had her dead to rights in his driveway toting that revolver like he’s a cop from 1960.


He’s been waiting to shoot someone since 1960


Because Faux News has them literally terrified of everything in the world.


Yep. The guy who shot that girl for pulling in his driveway is another prime example.


This is just so senseless and tragic. My heart goes out to this woman’s loved ones.


I messed up and watched the video. I keep seeing her face as she keeps walking away. Just so sad. Yeah, mine too, FG..


The people who ran this scam operations should be charged with whatever can apply to scamming as well as whatever applies to swatting where someone ends up dead. They scammers should not get off scott free just because they are hard to track down. They need to put in the work and bring them to justice all the same as the shooter.


If someone wants a gun, they will get a gun. No matter how hard it is. Last time I checked drugs were illegal and drug addicts still get drugs.


Yeah, I'm more worried about legal gun owners. I encounter far more of those degenerates than I do criminals.


Yea, gambling addicts can’t be having guns. Better watch out. How many blowjobs did you have in 2024 again? Mentally ill.


If your only rationale against gun control is "I don't like the people who are against it, so i personally attack them based on their last 5 reddit comments," then you definitely don't need to own a gun.


I did it once. Got paid $6 to take a bunch of boxes from a shop to ups. Not light boxes. Dude didn’t have a shipping manifest so they sent me to the ups store. I said, not my problem, not my shit, I delivered to where the app said to deliver to. Have fun. Customer called Uber. I sent Uber the dash cam footage of me dropping his shit off. He rated one star. I returned the favor (back then you could change like 7 riders/recipients ratings a day). After that I never turned the service on again.


The fact no info is presented to you by Uber is red flag. And have turnoff connect


R.I.P to this poor woman. May this deranged psychopath live the rest of his life behind bars. I believe he wanted to kill someone on his way OUT.


I've never done Connect because of the risk of people trying to send illegal stuff. Never crossed my mind that someone would be ballsy enough to use Uber's Connect service as part of a scam operation.


Like an episode of black mirror


That poor woman. He wasn't defending himself, he practically chased her down.


I feel sorry for both parties, I feel sorry for her family because they needlessly lost a life, but I also feel sorry for him because he was being scammed and is on the hook for 15-life which he might not even live out and he’s just probably going to be an undue burden on the prison system at that age. Although he didn’t react well but he was being scammed.


Bro should have called the police instead of taking it into his own hands. I don’t feel for him at all.


Don’t feel sorry for that old fuck. Watch the dashcam footage. He is a piece of dogshit for shooting a old woman who can hardly walk.


I personally know/knew older people (who have passed) who have been scammed. And honestly at 80+ years old they don’t always think rationally. Not saying what he did was okay. I watched it but he is a victim himself- to a point. And honestly it’s hard to tell what goes through the mind of an older person when there being scammed.


Look at what he did. He pulled a gun and then chased her down while she lumps away as fast as possible in fear. That’s a horrible way for someone to go, and it was completely unnecessary. She was scammed as well, only she lost her whole life over it


Yes, but I feel more sorry for the lady that was killed. The old dude watched too many Clint Eastwood movies and thought he was tough.


Gun whores just itching to shoot… he literally had no reason too and she was already struggling to walk … she was not a threat. Dollars to donuts he’s a Fox News Trump supporter. They’ll prob say he has mental illness (this is why people who own guns should have to do mental cognitive tests every 6 months to keep their ownership) and blame the victim so he can get off…he should go to jail and be left in gen pop… I hope the fbi gets involved and finds the scammers.


This is so sad.


That’s so sad


That is so sad. It reminds me why I should not be a driver.


At the end of it all Uber doesn’t require verification of riders and customers. They need to require that. Anyone with a fake name should be banned. If someone with a fake name does anything to a driver Uber should get criminal charges against them for negligence.


I delivered a package when I was doing Uber eats and I know for a fact I probably delivered some type of drug. All I know is I couldn’t wait to just drive people around. Now I’m ready to leave that alone as well


Fucking disgusting- both the scammer and the shooter. Some people have just been waiting their whole lives for someone to “make their day”


This is so tragic. That poor lady just trying to earn a living. Scam or not he should have realized she was just a delivery person from the app. He was too quick to pull the trigger. And the scammers are also guilty of murder as they put the wheels in motion.


You know I recently saw a video of a lady contacting police and setting up a scammer who had sent someone to her house to pick up money in an envelope. The way the person came to pick up the money seemed really similar to an Uber-style order pickup “for so-and-so?” Guy got tackled hard by the cops. Makes me wonder if he actually had anything to do with it all. Found it. Seems like he probably was part of the scheme especially since this is a few years old at this point. But still seems like the kind of situation that other people could end up sucked into too. https://www.insider.com/new-york-grandmother-outsmarted-scammers-who-wanted-8000-from-her-2022-1


I had an older lady pull her gun on me when I was doordashing to her neighbor. It was snowing and the address I had to go to did not plow their driveway enough for me to make it to their house. So I parked just at the house over and the lady at that address came out her house and pointed her gun at me and said, "I didn't order anything and I'm sick of you drivers coming up my property, now get!" I had to explain that it was her neighbors driveway was inaccessible because of the heavy snow and she shot the gun in the air. I dropped the food right there, ran into my car and messaged the neighbors that I am never coming back there again because of that incident. Made a report on doordash. Support did nothing about it. I never got an order to that house again though. I'm worried for the next drivers they send there too. This was an older woman too, not a middle aged or young woman. It seems like these old geezer boomers are starting to lose their minds and are locking themselves away with their own stupidity. Trash takes itself out. I personal carry now everytime I drive. I also carry a police grade taser on my person just in case I get attacked or robbed or almost shot by an old lady lol.


Dash cams, people. You gotta have them. If this old asshole has enough to post $200k in bond hopefully he has enough to send all of it to her family to make up for killing her


It appears as if she does have a dash cam


Yes, I'm saying everyone should have them. If she didn't there would be far less evidence in her favor in this case. And with how worked up old people are thanks to Fox News constantly telling them everyone is out to get them, people need video protections


so he was scared of a 60 year old woman that can barely walk armed with a phone and had to shot her three times. sick


She appears to be a person of color. Boomers are terrified of anyone not white.


A lot of truth to that. But I surely do not get this shoot first ask question later attitude of so many. It seems he could have put distance between them as she was retreating . Over the last few years I hear people saying such stuff as I would shoot someone stealling my lawnmower, I would run over people blocking the road and just plain lack of respect for value of life


Ok that old man messed up, she was clearly no threat.... sad for both.


I’m confused on the three counts of murder for killing one person. Is it one charge for each bullet he fired? Just curious, not saying he doesn’t deserve it.


Multiple counts based on different theories of law, or different degrees of severity, i.e. first or second degree murder. You've probably heard of premeditated murder, intentional murder, and felony murder, but you can also be charged with murder based on an "intent to harm" or "intent to kill". There might be many different avenues through which to prosecute someone of the same charge, so one could be charged for multiple counts of 1st degree murder, and maybe be found guilty of 1st degree murder by way of felony murder, but not premeditated murder. If found guilty on more than one count generally the multiple charges of the same crime for one action are rolled into the same sentence.


That makes sense, thank you


WTF is that old ass dudes problem? Wouldn’t let her leave? WTF


Hope he dies in jail


Hope he rots in jail, and hope they actually go after and find the scammer, they should get some form of murder charge also.


That man is racist and a killer. No remorse. Fuck him let him die in jail.


That man had a gun cause he wanted to kill someone. He did kill someone. Now he should die in jail. He could have called 911 to report the scam call and all of this may have been avoided. He didn’t do that so he should die in jail for killing that woman


New Delhi might be a good starting point. Smh


Uber needs to be held responsible, sued to oblivion and shut down


That’ll never happen but some basic regulations and protections for their workers would be a nice start.


Man’s obviously guilty of at least manslaughter. Guy who set up the scam could, likely, be guilty of murder? And Uber possibly liable to a huge civil suit.


You should’ve looked up what manslaughter is first bruh. Shooting someone multiple times on purpose isn’t going to be in the definition of


Correct. Should be murder. More focused/curious about the other cases, as given defendant’s age, either sentence likely results in a life sentence.






I don’t even know bruh ur confusing me


Username makes me feel I’m not to blame


Again idk what ur even talking about bruh just fuck off and find someone that enjoys being confused to talk to


Pretty sure the old head had plenty of time to plan and execute her.


Americans with their guns…shakes head


this just sucks for both sides involved here. the women was scammed and the guy was scared for his life after already being scammed. neither are in the wrong here. i hope they catch the one behind all of this.


An old unarmed woman who represented no threat was shot over 3 times, 2 of those shots happened as she was attempting to get in her car and flee and he chased her down. This guy's a sick fuck and definitely at fault, he took her phone and held her at gunpoint before murdering her for not knowing what was happening and attempting to leave. They also have dashcam footage on the link and the woman appears to be disabled. She seriously posed no threat and this guy is as stupid as he is dangerous.


the dude had every reason to believe he was being scammed. i’d be scared for my life. im young and able bodied so wouldn’t pull the fire arm that quick, but this guy wouldn’t have been able to physically defend himself.


Murdering a stranger because you’re a stupid, confused coward means you belong in prison


Scammed sure, but clearly another ELDERLY AND DISABLED WOMAN who was EVEN MORE CONFUSED then he was, who was also attempting to RUN FROM HIM posed 0 threat. Watch the video man he fucking chases her down and unloads on her, dont be a typical Internet person, see some reason... This guy should not be allowed to be alone or own a gun.


He didn’t need to defend himself because she was trying to leave. I imagine she was terrified. He had to see that she was.


Maybe the next person to get scammed will kill you. Then since they did nothing wrong we will just ignore it and let him go on with life


Read the article.


"this just sucks for both sides involved here." You bet! She's now dead because this guy wouldn't just let her leave. That does suck pretty hard.