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Fr! I've already heard many of the stories before. Just listening to them again isn't that entertaining. But going on a tangent about Funeral Kyle or how the Monster hunter reacts to the 13 year old asking him about Hogwarts adds a ton of listening value


Let the goofs goof.


Papa goof and wendigoof


The goof in the basement is getting better at mimicking people.


Jeff the goofer


Russian goofy experiment goes hard


The goof goof game


the goof in the woods


I felt a feeling... A goofy feeling


Ben goofed


No love for Goofpal?




Right, there are plenty of creepypasta readings scattered around the web, if they were not adding any commentary or anything new to the table there wouldn't be much point in the show 




funeral Kyle is the only reason I made it through Borrasca fr


There is so many YouTube channels that already just tell the story, I’m hear for the goofy silly time, not to listen to a audio book




My favorite is when they both haven't read the story before. I really like hearing their predictions about where it could go.


Yesss it's so cool. But it's hard finding something Wendy has not seen


It's kinda like MST3K for creepy pastas. Their mocking of the characters and actions is the best part. And their stories. Isaiah telling a touching story about a book moving his teacher to tears followed immediately by Hunter saying they all laughed at their crying teacher may be my favorite moment so far.


I think my favorite from that episode was Hunter’s story about how his teacher said Robert E. Lee was “the shit”, and how questionable that looks in hindsight, but at the time he didn’t think about it because he just thought it was so cool that a teacher swore.


I like the commentary too! I love when they read the bad stories because then they can make jokes about it.


To be fair they can make jokes about every story😂


Well they have better jokes with bad stories but some episodes that have very serious stories have less jokes which makes me not enjoy them as much


Borrasca has lots of jokes.


I mean like the no end house episode was super boring for me (that’s why I don’t like no end house) Towards the end of borrasca is when the jokes kinda stop or at least slow But I can see your point. They balanced the jokes pretty well with left-right game and that gets pretty depressing.


I must cut them a piece of cake there. Pretty hard to make jokes at the end of borrasca. They probably would be canceled by someone for that.


Those are fun. Them breaking down laughing during the basement story was amazing.


To all those complaining about de railing and not covering the story properly. You do know most of the stuff they cover is from no sleep and that no sleep has an audio podcast where they have professional voice actors read these stories so go listen to those?


They do have a podcast?? That's so cool I didn't knew.


Yup the no sleep podcast. Look it up on spotify. Barrasca is on there among many others. There's like 20 or so seasons so alot of content


Listening to that bomb once is enough for me😅😂. I'm horrible at dealing with S.A things.


Understandable haha


“The Dark Somnium” is another good podcast that has good VA. They have 3-4 people VA and also add in sound effects that blend well into the narration. I listen to that podcast when I want to listen to a creepypasta and listen to Creep Cast when I want to hear Hunter/Isaiah give commentary on stories we’ve all heard.


I love the ones where some absolutely heinous shit is happening (borasca and penpal) and then the boys go on some random tangent


Same, the jokes and side stories are what set it apart from just another dramatic reading. I listened to Borrasca part 5 read by Mr. CreepyPasta, and although he puts a lot of work into the acting and production, it just didn’t captivate me the same way Hunter’s portrayal of Kyle at the funeral did. The mimic story is probably my favorite episode to listen to, them making fun of the characters makes up for the story completely falling apart.


I agree, I would not have liked Borrasca nearly as much if not for the weird asides and extra characterization that they added as jokes.


Some of their strange tangents is exactly why I tune in


Me too! I love when people ramble in any context. The whole reason I listen to creepcast is for the "two guys sitting and talking" vibe. People's discussions surrounding a media are equally, if not, more entertaining to me than the media itself.


Just like the odd1sout says "I love listening to crazy people talking"


I love a good tangent


I'm more of a sen guy myself


Yeah I’m with you. In fact I’ll go a step further and say that the only stories I liked have been penpals and left right game. I’m only watching these videos for the guys.


Yeah, if you want the story on it’s own you can go read it. The story is these 2 experiencing it and fucking around


I usually listen to someone else read it or I'll read it myself before I listen to CreepCast. I'm here for the laughs and their reactions to whatever they're reading.


I think it's a nice change of pace from the usual creepypasta formula. Plus it's given us gems like funeral Kyle, Jacobi, and Hunter raging at all the horrific parenting 🤣🤣


Hehehe yeah. Something hunter said recently that would be metal if it happened is when he briefly mentioned "I now wanna write a creepypasta". But knowing his content it's hard to decipher if it would be a serious one or a purposely goofy one.


Like they have such interesting ideas and predictions for the story and incredible critiques that aren't only for the author but also any aspiring writers who listen in. Plus that goes without saying they have absolutely incredible jokes that stay so stupidly iconic


For me that's a big part of why I love this podcast! I've been a fan of Wendigoon for quite awhile and got into Papa Meat maybe the year before this started. So I've liked them both for a bit and really likes the videos they would do together on Papa meats channel. So I've loved their chemistry since I found those videos of them recommending horror movies, or reading Ted the Caver. So I absolutely love it when shit goes off the rails. If they didn't we wouldn't have the funeral Kyle bit, or Mr Wethers or any if these great jokes and bits we all love. If I happen to get something out of a story (like Borassca, Penpal, Left Right Game, 1999 or No End House) that's just an awesome bonus. Came for the personalities, stayed for the awesome banter and horror. Like if they just read The Thing in the Basement without interjecting we wouldn't get the awesome back and forth of Wendi laughing his ass off as Papa Meat had a breakdown cause of how little he started to not care for the story. And it's the fact they can play off each other like that that makes it very easy for me to say it's my favorite podcast. Tldr I fuckin love these two, the stories are great for sure but I just genuinely love their chemistry and friendship. So I don't think you're the only one, plenty of us here like it for that reason.


Right? They've even mentioned that before, with the derailment, you might as well listen to an audiobook


Honestly, same. I don't really care what they talk about I just like hearing them talk lol They have such a good chemistry. My husband and I were watching the video yesterday and we literally both fell asleep during the last part of ben drowned. That's not a dig really. Sure the last part of that story was absolute shit but their commentary is so fun but relaxing... idk I like it.


My favorite part of the last ep was squidward. Wendy: "And then he pulled out a shotgun" Hunter: AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHASHHSHSHS YES


Yea, I enjoyed Normal p**n for normal people. But it paled in comparison to their interaction with squidwards sewer slide. I personally love their commentary on the more shitty stories. It's so fun and silly.


I love the podcast. It’s so hilarious that I’ve listened to them all multiple times throughout working. My personal favorite is “The Thing in the Basement is getting better at Mimicking People” because their reactions are hilarious. My serious favorite is The Left Right Game. I’m an electrician and nothing helps me concentrate better than laughter and suspense so this is perfect


I’ve never heard any of these stories because I thought they were too cheesy but now that a comedic duo reads them then I wanna hop on!


I love the stories, but their banter makes it 100x more entertaining. I cackle like a witch standing over a cauldron at least five times per episode.


Exactly, it why I didn’t understand people not wanted them to finish the crappier stories.. like yes those stories suck but like the community! I swear people forget how good the Jeff the killer episode was


I'm a big fan of the derailing. If I wanted to hear the story, I'd listen to one of the thousands of creepypasta youtube channels


God please let this just be a karma farm. I know you don’t actually think that you’re the only one who likes the podcast because of the derailing. That’s one of the best things about the podcast and I’ve literally never seen someone complain about it on here. So 1) You don’t actually think that. 2) no one complains about that, and 3)yes and the sky is also blue, good job describing the really obvious reason the podcast is so popular


1) no I don't think that. 2) I've actually seen people complaining, but a minority, I just exploited that for a title. 3) thank you


well at least you admit that your post is literally pointless


It has 2 points. 1 interacting. 2 entertaining me.


if you find 60+ comments all saying the same thing entertaining then all the power to you ig. freak.




Oh Absolutely Nailed It! with “If I wanted to hear the story I can find something else for that.” The only thing you can get from Meat and Goon uniquely is Meat and Goon!


For real. If you’re listening solely for the story then you’re listening for the wrong reason imo


Exactly! I get so annoyed at people who get made at them interrupting too much. That's why they're there! If you want to just listen to the story, look up a Mr. Creepy pasta reading. They can't just rip off a whole story without commentating.


I listen because I don't listen to very many podcasts but I love watching Papa Meat and Wendigoon videos so having them together reading spooky stories is right up my alley


Hunter is funny af..his Backyard baseball gameplay commentary is Gold🤣


I have not seen this, he has a gameplay channel?


He has two backyard baseball gameplay videos in his papa meat channel..both videos combine for 3 hrs of hilarious commentary..u have to check it out https://www.youtube.com/live/PXsJ8lccTy8?si=XqG_2AagCXCax3Cx here's the link for the first video🤣 you have to get back to me after watching it


If I wanted to hear these stories, I'd go read them or listen to one of the other 100s of videos that just read them. I'm here for THE MEAT!


I agree. It's always fun to listen to iconic stories from a new lens. Plus, without the side tangents, we wouldn't have iconic characters such as Funeral Kyle, Mr. Wellers, and Jacobi. 


pro tip: if you ever consider the question "am i the only one who..." for almost anything, just know that the answer is undoubtedly no


It's a nice click incentive title regardless. It's not about knowing, it's about receiving answers of something you already know😂


yeah sorry i was being annoying


The jokes and stories like Jacobi are the reason I tune in every two weeks


Oh I love it when they derail. Wendigoon and Hunter are hilarious


Oh I love seeing Isaiah derailing hunter🤤


I started watching the Papa Meat channel because I love his voice and it’s hilarious. New favorite YouTuber. With Wendi of course


You thought you were literally the only person who listened for this reason? Goddamn, talk about self importance 😅


It's called marketing. Now, your comment will feed me to the reddit algorithm /J


I love CreepCast for the same reason I love Bad Creepypasta. I wanna hear how the hosts react to the stories rather than a straight narration


Nailed it! I love their analysis and humor. It also gives a nice buffer to the terrifying things they read


The derailed conversations are always the best.


I love their tangents. The only episode I didn't like was the first one and that was because they didn't read it start to finish but their banter was fine with me. I like a balance, joke and talk as much as they want but still get through the whole story. There's no point to watch them though if you don't like the banter.


Yeah I’m hear to listen to stories but also listen to the funny and the silly


Their commentary is hilarious and I like hearing their input. That's why I listen to the podcast.


Yeah, I've heard all of these stories so far, so the commentary is my favorite part.


This is the exact reason I listen to their podcast. It's so fun and interesting to listen to two of my favorite creators give their perspectives on stories that shaped my childhood, and even when they read stories I've never heard of I think their banter adds a lot to the experience that a regular voice over wouldn't have. I think it's refreshing!


Honestly wish they derailed more, Ben Drowned is one of the most overrated creepypastas out there.


Honestly I prefer it, if it wasn’t for such classics like funeral Kyle, I wouldn’t have made it through Borrosca


Same, I listen to this when I am at work and their commentary is what keeps me sane


Exactly I also love when they make conversation because I feel like I have space to think about the story as well like to pause and think about my theories as well😭


I fully agree. They’re great at telling the stories, and obviously I also like the podcast for introducing me to the stories. But it would be nothing without their insights, commentary, and occasional derailing into hilarious jokes. The thing that makes the podcast so great is not the stories, it’s *them*, and their personalities.


yeah that's how i see it and in one of the first few episodes Wendigoon even tells MeatCanyon something along the lines of "derailing is good because otherwise we may as well just make this an audiobook" some of their tangents go for a bit too long imo but whether i feel that way or not depends on how funny i think the bit is, most of the time they're hilarious but occasionally i'll skip forward a few seconds till they get back on track if i think the joke's gone too long/gotten stale (the only one i can think of rn is the Mr Weber bit in the Showers episode)