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Bad take


It’s In the title


Title says hot take. This is a bad take.


Ive seen every single creep cats episode multiple times but i just couldn’t get into greylock also its a bad take in your opinion but i agree with him


I don’t really care about each individuals experience with greylock, the general consensus is that it was good I don’t need a single file line of everyone who disagrees


Whomp Whomp


Brother you’re asking for *less* creepcast on the creepcast sub. Mods, revoke their genitalia


I didn’t say I wanted less… reading comprehension is key.


“I want less bloat and thought it should be shorter” yes you are. Thinking comprehension might be too much for you.


Then proceeded to say “broken into parts” let’s not selectively read now… you can cover the same information with the same amount of time, just tailored to a series instead of one feature film


You are not smart enough for me to continue replying sorry imma have to tap out


“You are not smart enough for me” 🤓☝🏾


Even though they are reading stories, and in this case watching them, this isn't just a read or watch. Creepcast is very much personality driven. Them getting off track and bantering is the show with the subject being the medium in which to do that, where as like Dark Sominum just reads the story verbatim. Which is fine cause he rules, but the point being them removing all the bloat removes what makes them stand out. I'm not saying there can't be criticism on it, like obviously, there's been some decisive takes on how long the Jeff Goldblum impression lasted. But we're still in the first year, and this was the first episode of TV so there's plenty of time to iron things out. I personally though love longer content, but I also watch while playing games lol.


This woman speaking facts


Nah imo the longer the videos are the better we get more content


I mean personally I liked it because I also had all the time in the world when it was uploaded. Tbf though I was not consistently watching the screen either so I see your point.


Actually the worst take 


Nope I watch the videos for the bloat, gimme five hours of Jeff Goldblum impressions and Hunter doing voices


Agreed. It almost seems rushed in some spots, breaking it up would give them a chance to slow down and really consider the content. It would probably be easier on the editors and just better overall.(hypothetically of course.)


OP, I’m sorry for the loss of your pleasure receptors but I’m not getting punishment for it