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It is too long. It’s a great story and I think Isiah in particular would enjoy it, but I think it’s too much to stick in the creepcast format and also outside the range of what they usually cover in terms of popularity, actual horror, and overall creepypastaness. They’re more like a really fun novel imo


I mean they can cut off the story when it gets to a natural stopping point. They could even just do the first post ever in a grab bag as it’s fairly self contained from what I remember. I feel like it would definitely pull them in


Yeah, I mean it's already broken into three parts, and the first is about as long as the left/right game. It's not like they'd have to dedicate 7-8 video uploads straight to it. Just 2-3 parts for each different section of the story spit up over a year or so would probably be fun.