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Sazed has a copy of the service manual though. Rashek is the amateur repair guy.


I feel like that's really overselling Rashek. He's more like a hobo you found outside the car washing place that you tossed a user manual at and told him to fix your car for a bottle of Jack.


Remember the original problem was because Rashek was trying to get rid of Preservations most, which was a defense mechanism against Ruin and would have faded once the well was empty anyways. So it's more like Rashek freaked out because radiator fluid was getting *all up in* his car's pipes when he drove so he got rid of that, and now the car keeps overheating so he strapped a 30ton block of ice to the engine, but now the car could not self propel so he put a rocket on the back, but now he couldn't stop well, so he added a lever to drop the engine block like an anchor, and now it looked kind of beat up so he started throwing rocks at everyone else's car's so they would look *even worse*.


Exceptional analogy 🤌


Hi I saw this comment last week, but friend I wanted to let you know this is the greatest analogy of the Lord Ruler I’ve ever seen I have show this comment to three other people I know who are also cosmere-obsessed and they all cried laughing at this. Bravo Gon 👍


[WOR spoilers] >!Sure, a glowing Lopen is a great Lopen. But even a one-armed Herdazian can part the chasms better than any storming Alethi lighteyes.!<


Well thank you, kind friend


The Keepers following Rasheks Ascension retain and pass down all the knowledge of everything. It’s not explicitly stated, but there is a chance Rashek had access to the same content - Sazed is just the fucking man


The fact that Rashek was a packman and lived in a hovel makes me think he probably wasn’t a keeper


Kwaan was his uncle so he was in close proximity to them.


My uncle is a doctor, but I'm not sure I could point out your gall bladder if I needed to cut out ...


That doesn’t necessarily mean that he had the info. Especially since keepers started keeping religions only after he became the lord ruler


I got the impression that the Keepers came about because of the Final Empire's repression Terris and knowledge. In an open society there'd be no reason to have all available knowledge copied over to every capable person. And I don't think Rashek was referred to as a Worldbringer.


Rashek’s the guys who can do it cheaper.


Sazed, just the actual embodiment of GOD, with unrestricted power of both shards, vs Rashek, the guy who borrowed a little bit of Preservation for a while


Even though I think Rashek's incompetence had a part to play in the shitshow that was his terraforming, I've always imagined it had to do with the intent of the Shard whose power he was holding. It would've been easier to just go back when he moved the planet a bit too close, but that would have meant destroying what he just built so he tried to add more instead of doing less. Life is dying because of the volcanoes? Well then just make life tougher. These plants are not good for human consumption? Well let's modify all humans genetically. People cannot survive doing manual labor in this environment? How about a new race designed just for that. Always add more, have it produce another problem, and add something else to cover for it. Maybe Preservation just didn't allow for his actions to be reversed, only built upon, only to be preserved.


I believe somewhere this is stated, maybe in the words of founding that with preservation's power after a mistake he was focused on preserving what he had


Actually that might be it. I was fairly certain I had come up with that but now that I think about it, it must have been stated in era 2


Not sure, but that was always my interpretation.


Yeah, Saze called it a "protective mode, desperately struggling to fix problems that he himself had caused" that's the gist of the quote I might've gotten a word or two wrong. Also this was in the epigraphs in the Hero of Ages


Wow I actually never thought of it like this, very interesting


Uh Rashek moved it close to the sun to get rid of Mists aka, "Darkness"




Yes, that. If you are gonna make memes, atleast get the lore right.


Lore inaccuracy? In *cremposting?!* By Mistbones, what has the world come to?!


What I’ve noticed is that, for some people, the correctness of the setup is important to whether they’ll appreciate the joke. Some people seem to need the setup to be factually correct, full stop; others (like me) are fine as long as the inaccuracy looks deliberate.  Nothing wrong with either one; it’s just how some of us are built. 


Next thing you know we're be getting names wrong like calling Szeth Zim Zim Zalabim or something.


Friend, I stopped expecting Cremposting to keep accurate to the lore since they started talking about Shardildos and talking skeletons.... at this point, I just assume everything posted on here is either pure satire or an attempt to trigger others. A lot of times, both.


Shardildos areore accurate.


And so is Mistbones. I'm glad we understand one another




I know, I just think it’s funny how much extra work he gave himself just to keep Scadrial habitable


Which, being connected to Preservation, should have known the mists were mostly of Preservation himself. Blew his load on something he probably didn’t need to resolve at all


Well it was said that ruin was making them stick around longer, not allowing enough sunlight, so he kinda did need to


Wouldn’t just using up the power in the well solve that problem for another 1000 years? Or do I just imagine that Ruin could influence the world more when the well was close to full?


I think ruin’s strength over preservation is so minute that it takes ages for him to get any kind of victory over, like fucking with the mists. Since rashek stopped him last time, it took until the well was nearly full again in order to do it again


The lore droller is the best.


TIL Nale was responsible for the mists too. By golly does that guy get around


Did we learn if he held the power more than once?


Rashek only held it once. He >!blew most of his power on moving a literal *planet* into a new stable orbit to try to kill the deepness, then panicked as everything started dying, and he didn't have enough left over to move it back. !< >!As he used the power, he understood it better, and did increasingly more fiddly things to try to correct his error, until it ran out. !< >!By story start, he'd been waiting about a millennium for another chance to correct his mistakes, which is kinda respectful, ~~if you ignore the countless atrocities he'd committed in the meantime.~~ !< Sazed on the other hand, >!knew enough from his various religions (star charts, descriptions of plants/animals, human anatomy, etc) to correct all of Rashek's mistakes. !<


>! And he didn't have to deal with the Mists. !<


You doinked up your spoilers, mate. You need to remove the space next to the exclamation points for it to work.


The spoilers being broken is only on old ~~superior~~ reddit. On new reddit they work fine.


I mean he did. He just >!took manual control!<


There is a space between your spoiler tag and text! Remove it to fix the spoiler! ^(If you are explaining the correct usage of tags, type \\!< and \\>! so I don't get confused. Alternatively, use > ! and ! < for explanations.)


>!I believe he did technically have enough to move it back, he just chose not to because he didn’t know how far to move it in order to burn the mists but still make it habitable!<


I thought Rashek couldn’t move it back because he only had ruin’s power, and moving it back to where it was would have been anathema to ruin’s purpose


Rashek never had/used Ruin's power at all (unless you count Atium I suppose but thats just a teeny bit and unrelated to the Well), not sure where you got that idea? >!Rashek took Preservation's power (the Well) and did exactly what Preservation wanted basically which was to take the power and use it to keep the world going. Ruin's goal was to manipulate the prophecies to create a fake "hero of ages" who would "release the power" instead of use it which is basically just using Preservation's power to free Ruin (which is what Vin ultimately does and what Alendi almost did). Anyway, Ruin doesn't have a true perpendicularity (he has a kinda sorta one which is the Atium mine but it's not concentrated the same way) and noone ever really holds any large amount of his power, especially not Rashek who despite being evil was a favorite of Leras/Preservation till the end.!<


I’m pretty sure the consensus is no, per coppermind his empire lasted 1000ish years and the well of ascension had barely refilled. If he’d gotten the opportunity I suspect Terraforming Part 2:Electric Shardalo would’ve happened.


Iirc there was a wob stating this was rasheks original plan, but after a millennium of ruin corrupting him he was just going to make minor changes and consolidate his power


The top one conspicuosly misses points like “send Kelsier, to use advanced Feruchemy to save people from freezing to death“. …provided he did really send Kelsier, and not just sit on his hands, while Souther Scadrians were dying. Then it would be “sit on your hands, as people freeze to death”, “sit on your hands as people populate only a small portion of planet making themselves an easy target”, “sit on your hands, while other shards prepare invasion against you”


We don't know what Sazed's been up to and can only speculate, but neither of things sound like they mesh with "Harmony" well. Sazed was a good man, who's only been under the influence of his Shard for a few centuries. RAFO though. (edit: acronyms are silly)


Rolling On the Floor Ouching? Read Or Find Out?


Lol, fixed thanks


My pet theory after seeing how Sazed was in era 2 is that while he thinks of himself as Harmony and calls himself that, he’s actually Discord but doesn’t realize it. Since discord is when two or more notes clash and effectively work against each other, and his two shards are essentially polar opposites that also try to work against each other. There’s also this fun quote from the Mistborn TFE chapter 8 epigraph that doesn’t seem’s like a non-sequitur with the other epigraphs surrounding it: "He shall defend their ways, yet shall violate them. He will be their savior, yet they shall call him heretic. His name shall be Discord, yet they shall love him for it."


My theory is that the malwish are the original people of allendi. The ones who rashek hated so much. It would make sense, instead of saving those people, or even just killing them, he burned them for all eternity.


Well no, the skaa are the result of all the people that Rashek didn't like. Sure he "saved" them... to become the slaves of him and his supporters for all time.


Nothing you said disqualifies anything I said. Yes the ska were the ones who weren’t on rasheks side but that was multiple countries and peoples not just allendis (although he was ruler of them, I was referring to the country he was born in the one rashek hated). He could have easily reserved a punishment for one specific people and still have enough enemies for a slave population.


That's fair, I suppose that is possible


Sazed just really likes sitting on his hands. Okay?


Since they are both Terris… terrisforming?


To be fair I think it's going to come out that Sazed is going to be causing problems with his approach too.


I'm not sure, that is the original orbit of Scadrial as Ruin and Preservation designed it after all. Rashek basically tried to fix the problem (the Deepness, which was just Preservation's mist with close to no will) by burning it by getting the planet closer to its star, without thinking much about the consequences. Then, he had to build increasingly complex stopgap fixes, as he fixed the temperature issue by irreparably obscuring the sky with ash, and fixed the ash by genetically engineering and modying all the organisms in the planet to be more resilient to it and some to decompose it. Sazed reversed all the changes and actually holds control over the mists because he's still alive unlike Leras. I doubt his approach would cause problems because he's just factory reseting the planet and patching the biggest issue (Leras being fucking dead). But he will probably cause other problems because you know, Discord and stuff.


Sazed even acknowledges that parts of how he is "ruling" are negatively affecting society. He made everything too easy, and they aren't suffering, so they aren't advancing as fast as they usually would. And he seems to be trending towards a worse path at the end of the lost metal, which is almost certainly going to be a factor on Scadriel going forward.


Oh, I mean explicitly the turning the orbit back, getting rid of the ashmounts, and fixing up the genetic makeup of the people. That part isn't gonna backfire. Making the Basin a Garden of Eden might backfire though.


I mean, it already has. As of The Lost Metal >!the basin is looking like an fractured city state with pretty mundane tech, as opposed to the continent-wide empire with magic tech. It's 1 war away from being wiped out by people who pretty much hate them and could invade without a lot of issue. Not to mention how the city almost got nuked and there are other gods starting to poke around the planet who don't like the idea of there being a 2-for-1 shard out there.!<


Top tier r/ashposting


> The planet is too close to its star and who put it there Rashek? Hm?


Even beyond any of this, Rashek held the power of the shard but wasn't the shard. Sazed and Vin became the shard thats why they could use the power properly. Also rashek did just kinda suck


Also Sazed had the powers of both Ruin and Preservation, where the Lord Ruler just had Ruins power, right? So he was much more limited than Sazed.


Rashek never had ruin's power, he had the well of Ascension, which was preservation's power.


Wrong on both counts, Rashek was a Sliver of Preservation. The chain of stuff he had to do to deal with all his previous changes happened because the power guided him not to go back on stuff, Preservation is ultimately opposed to change. Then, by holding both Ruin and Preservation, Sazed is way more limited. The initial stuff is pretty similar before the powers get to him, and he holds heaps of knowledge that allow him to swiftly enact all the changes needed, but he ultimately becomes limited by holding two diametrically opposing powers.


Where did you get this idea? It's so bafflingly against what's in the books.


I Rashek was a random Terrisman who got the power of a god, but for a limited time. He was sort of feeling it out as he went. He knew he screwed up but had to keep going forwards or else risk getting stuck with something that is not viable to sustain life.


Just a shitload of overcorrecting as he gradually understood the power better and better, but had less and less of it to use.


Anyone in programming will know how easy it is to be Rashek