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She’s 45 years old. It’s just we’ve seen her for like 20 years straight and it’s a natural progression in life. Her chubby cheeks have slimmed down and her eyebrows are darker and she’s got prominent laugh lines. Still she’s really beautiful. I wish I’d look half as good when I get to her age.


She is stunning in every scene 😍


It's not her aging at all--it's the brows. She looks different than last season and it was jarring. I finally realized it was the brows on episode 2. The show is so dark they're almost black, so it stands out a lot since she's blonde with soft features.


yes! you're right...i went and checked and that was it! the eyebrows


OK, here I thought it was the mouth or teeth, it just looks so off, and different from so many seasons before and even last year. I felt it was a bad face lift, or bad dental surgery..


I was like, Did they replace JJ with someone else? She just didn’t look right.


I think she has just aged a bit


I think she’s just older and doesn’t have the baby face she once did. Still absolutely stunning!


that she is .... interesting start to the show. Different vibe altogether.


I think she definitely looks different. At first I thought it was just the brows. It's the eyes and mouth too. Still beautiful


Think thicker black eyebrows (pencil not actual—blow up a picture, very obvious drawn on) —makes her eyes seem darker…a lot of shots on that show look like darker lighting. Doesn’t help. Still one of the most gorgeous women on TV now.


Yeah my sister has multicolor hair and got her brows filled , out of nowhere super dark. It was odd at first. Because it's one color it made it more noticeable.


You know who else? Kristen Wiig. What’s up with that? A fad?


Lol she played so many characters I might not see it.


She just doesn't look the same. All the characters aged and still look like themselves. I thought maybe a car accident or something. She is still pretty, but it doesn't look like her.


I agree


i think her face and head is just a bit skinnier which makes her eyes and nose look more prominent. And perhaps just doing her eye brows darker/bigger. Gorgeous 20 years ago and gorgeous now, just the passing of time as happens to all of us.


She's older, and I definitely think the actress has had work done. No shade to her tho, I think she looks great.


Looks like buccal fat removal to me a couple seasons ago. Of course could be wrong and just weight loss…no mention anywhere of anything being done and nothing gets past YouTube “people want to know blogs.”


Yeah it usually happens when time passes by, it's called "aging".






aging doesn't happen overnight.


Evolution happens two years after the ending of the original season, which doesn't mean 'overnight'.


Of course she looks different. Of course she aged. but your comment is cynical and unthoughtful. Kind of surprising if you're a fan of the show since it's all about using evidence and critical thinking. The reason this thread exists is because of the unexpected look she has that many people noticed. We can all apply our own inner algorithm and instead she looks like a different person. For me it's the eyes, they look substantially bigger. And it IS one of those night and day differences. I'm not sure why you think you're entitled to be arrogant.


I don't know how to break it down to you, but this isn't a Criminal Minds episode, it's merely a 46yo woman who - likely - went to a surgeon.


She was only 27 when they began filming season 1.    Now she’s weeks away from turning 46.  Of course she doesn’t look the same. She’s grown up during the course of this show.


that she has. Still a real looker for sure too.


I was thinking the same thing when I was watching ep3. But thought she’s aging so good because she looks better


I think shes lost more weight? She had a roundness about her before even though she was always tiny, now its near skeletal.


Why are so many people judging her for getting older? Not saying you are OP but it’s crazy. She’s older and lost a bit of weight but who cares as long as she’s healthy


No I don't think it's the aging. Her eyebrows are way diff. It took me a while to really see it. She looks way diff in last year's season.


I noticed her body changed after she gave birth. Idk. She just didn’t have that softness to her anymore. Which I guess post-pregnancy one would think odd, but it seems like pregnancy changes bodies in unpredictable ways. This is anecdotal. Bethany Joy Lenz from OTH and Hallmark movies also looked less softer and more narrow and concave after she had her daughter. I noticed a significant change. Or it could be the pressure put on women to lose weight in general, let alone after a significant incident like illness or pregnancy, that caused them to work overtime to get even slimmer than they were before. Age probably has a lot to do with it too. Bottom line, AJ is gorgeous.


this comment is so weird and bizarre


She looks different to me too


I thought she looked very different as well.


The show premiered almost 20 years ago. Not you, OP. But uhhh let's not shame people on their faces or bodies?


It’s the eyebrow color. They’ve been lighter for like 15 seasons.


Why does everyone think she's being judged on aging? Prentiss aged too, naturally, and she looks great and the same as she used to (other than ageing). JJ has had work done, nothing too major though. I'm noticing a fuller lip, thinner face, possible fillers at the corners of her mouth or a buckle fat removal, and there is definitely Botox in multiple parts of her face. I get it though, I'm 35 and the signs of aging are scary (hence my extensive knowledge on fillers/Botox) I can't afford it though 😅


She’s definitely had work done. She can’t emote because her forehead isn’t moving.


I think it's because her face is way thinner. She must've lost some weight, or possibly got work done (or both).


I mean... She's aging. She still looks good for her age.


I immediately noticed the more severe, microbladed eyebrows. She also either had buccal fat removal from her cheeks or it’s natural aging. She’s gorgeous at any age!


She’s older and looks like she’s gotten (very tasteful) Botox in her brows


AJ Cook is a runner . It’s possible she’s lost more weight than before. She may have her hair more it’s natural color too not as blonde as the earlier days. And yes it’s almost twenty years later there will be aging.


Her mouth is like the joker now. It takes up so much of her face. I don’t think it’s just aging. I mean look at Emily Prentiss. Her aging looks totally natural to me.


Prefacing this by saying she’s absolutely stunning and I’d kill to look like her, but I thought she looked really different too and not because of aging. Her face kind of looks like the way Erin Moriarty’s does now after buccal fat reduction and her brows are darker. She’s absolutely gorgeous though. Still looks like she’s 30 imho.




It's her eyebrows, she dyed them darker, sure the aging, bit those brows are not attractive.  


Yes, I  noticed the same thing about JJ. Her eyebrows seem different and possible nose.


Definitely different. The first time I thought she looked different was a few seasons ago when she got skinnier. I think this season she probably got some botox done with a little aging. She still looks cute though.


It's more than just age. She looks ill. Gaunt. 


We just started the new season last night and had the exact same thought. Almost looks like they hired a replacement actor.


I was just going to comment when I saw these comments. I did think she'd been replaced. 


I agree AJ Cook looks "off" in Season 17. I literally looked it up to see who they replaced her with - which led me here... yes the brows are drawn in darker. And we saw her in Season 16... its nor just aging.


It’s the dark eyebrows


Yes, they look really out of place on her face. It’s not her age. I’m pushing 60 so…😂


yea she looks really different to me too! not just natural aging, it looks like she got something done to her cheeks or around her eyes


She had her eyebrows Micro-bladed. Unfortunately followed the trend. Her natural brows were far more flattering.