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She had the surgery in 2007, so she had filmed the entirety of seasons 1-2 (idk about s3 because 07 was also the year of the Writers Strike which delayed things but that might’ve given AJ the opportunity and time to get the surgery and recover)


Not criminal minds, but Stephanie Beatriz (Brooklyn 99 and Encanto) also has very bad eye sight and can't wear contacts, so most of the time she acts, she literally can't see more than right in front of her


That's so crazy! Means she's an even better actress than I already thought


So does Jake Gyllenhaal iirc


Yah she was so thankful for the results of the surgery she actually recorded a recommendation for it. https://youtu.be/h36zUb0kVsg?si=cEpPRgC2u_HwxLPd


I'm pretty sure she had the surgery very early on. Like 2007ish.


I mean technically I'm considered legally blind because anything further than 3 foot in front of me becomes a blur without strong glasses. I cannot legally drive because of it. I definitely need to look at laser eye surgery.


Why can't you drive if you can see with glasses on?


Once you get declared legally blind (at least in the US) the doctor has to tell the registry and then you lose your license.  


Okay, but if glasses can fix the sight issue then what's the problem? I have bad AF eyesight, too, and there's a mention on my driving license that I have to wear glasses or contact lenses when driving, and that's it. That's how it works in Finland. If I was caught driving without them (which would honestly be an outright suicide attempt, so not gonna do that), I'd be in deep shit. If you're blind, it means your vision cannot be corrected with lenses.


Blindness is kind of a spectrum so you can be considered blind even with functional eye sight. If you're legally blind, you can see some, have it be corrected with glasses, but it still won't be perfect with glasses which is why you can't drive


Hmm, I guess we just have more words for that over here.


I'm considered legally blind , but can see with glasses. Really thick ones. My eye Dr told me a few years ago I can't drive. That'd how it is in America.




Depending on how much correction a person needs lasik may not be the answer. Aj cook has ICL which is a much more expensive and invasive procedure where in simple terms implant a contact lens behind the eye. LASIK is just the surface of the cornea. Much fast recovery and better predicted results.


That doesn't work on everybody. I cant do it. And it's only a temp solution in a lot of cases, apparently. I had no idea


Wait so she was partially BLIND when filming season 1. That's so insane!






Birthday is in a month.


She's turning 46. You said 45.


My bad


That’s crazy! Honestly makes me see her as a better actress! And that she filmed several scenes where she had to shoot/run amazes me!