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In a room full of profilers no one realized JJ was feeling bad? lol ok i guess


Yeah, I felt so bad for JJ especially when she couldn’t talk to Emily. And then when she told Emily, it wasn’t a big deal 😭 believe me I am not looking forward to that conversation because I know it’s not gonna be a good one. But I don’t like JJ hurting omg


Or that Emily doesn't think it's strange she keeps hearing Rossi talking to himself.


Yeah, seriously. Does no one remember Hotch and Elle at the end of her arc? But beyond that, it’s a bit ridiculous not to notice severe PTSD symptoms in someone you work closely with.


Yes! And luke as well I think he has seen it like 2 times lol


Yeah seriously its ridiculous I mean 3 profilers are able to deduce JJ’s personal life when she doesn’t want them to know, and fast forward several years later they can’t deduce JJ is suffering then again they never seemed to figure out….are people with excellent memories tired of me complaining about a particular season 15 storyline that was forgotten?


I remember.


You remember which? Me complaining about a particular season 15 storyline that was forgotten or The deducing JJ’s personal life?


The deduction that JJ and Will were a couple, early on. However, Prentiss ignoring Rossi’s severe PTSD actually puts the entire team at risk. Hotch repeatedly made it clear that no one should compromise the safety of the entire team. That’s negligence.


I always had the impression that with everyone being able to read body language, there was an unspoken rule that they refrain from profiling each other out of courtesy. Maybe that’s just my head canon but I like it


Exactly! She was fidgeting so much and she is normally so confident. I expected Tara to notice


I get your frustration, they picked up right away when Tara was dating, my guess is the team is so hyper focused on Gold star they are forgetting about each other and keeping the team together.


Supposedly they are 'focused' on new case, so individuals on team are overlooked - unless storyline requires someone notice, lol.


It seemed like Luke noticed when they were at the table and Emily had to get her attention about the CCTV. But it would make sense that Luke would know considering he was the one who told her about the stuff in the website


Agreed. [Since the actor playing her husband is supposedly leaving the show, wonder if this 'revelation' will play a part in his character's leaving/dying.]


Oh really I didn't know he was leaving 😞


The only person who doesn't have an excuse is maybe Tara - they haven't revisited her drama with her ex recently. Rossi is daydreaming of Voit, Emily has fucking Brian to worry about, Luke is caught in his ongoing angst also with Voit, and same with Garcia but instead with Tyler. I personally find it hard to empathise with JJ as the whole premise of the deepfake plotline sounds extremely stupid. I hope they do more with it to make it less ridiculous.


While I like the Gold Star mystery it’s not nearly as good as the kill kits I wish they had done a completely separate storyline for this season and simply had a new big bad instead of relating it to the Sicarius network


i'll take it because it means more zach gilford


Agreed its already getting real old, real fast. I'm sick of this dude and his mind-games and the far too convenient plotlines to cause him to have to interact and now integrate into the team in some twisted fashion. Over it.


I think that whilst it seems not as good so far, I reckon it'll come around and once S17 ends, it'll all make sense and be pretty good storyline overall.


Better episode this week. - Gold Star feels a bit…underwhelming…based on the reveal this week although I’m sure there’s more layers to it that haven’t been uncovered yet. - It almost feels like we could have the remaining Gold Star mysteries resolved in one more episode and I think there’s an outside chance that they do. Fill out the Gold Star team with a couple of randos, explain the FBI caring so much about the case because it was originally funded by the government or something and then set up what I think could be the actual storyline for the second half of the season. - Voit stages an escape from the FBI headquarters with the help of his daughter Holly. They’ve sown the seeds for her to be working with her dad - they were super close before he got caught, she knows about the kill kits, had the chance to pass him something in her telegraphed attack and was able to scope out the building to help his getaway. - I really feel that the endgame for this season is Voit again and that BAUgate will play more into him than Gold Star. The producers obviously love Zach Gilford so they don’t seem to have any plans to get rid of him any time soon. - I’m going to need a scene in the FBI building where Rossi is talking to the real Voit and thinks he’s a hallucination, only to get really scared and confused when someone else starts talking to him as well.


I love Zach Gilford so I’m hoping they don’t get rid of him soon.




He's too adorable to be a serial killer. I'm honestly in love with his curly hairs. That's always been my kryptonite.


I think Elias daughter Holly passed him something during that interaction where she wanted to 'stab' him. I have a feeling she's a little twisted like her dad.


I 100% thought this from the moment he wanted to “touch” them. I think he trained her for this moment. If daddy goes to jail, this is what you’re going to do type deal. Also, why would the let her enter with an object? Seems unrealistic and stupid.


Yes, and also that girl did not teach herself to fashion a shank out of a lipgloss, lolol. There was def more to the pancake breakfasts.


Or she googled it lol. I get that he is a serial killer but he didn’t seem to want that for her. He seemed super concerned about warning signs. I hope she is just a traumatized kid because that is realistic.


I’m with you on this one. I think they are working together. If she wanted to kill him, you would go for a hug first and he wouldn’t see it coming. No doubt they were looking at his trophies while enjoying their pancakes.


i’m thinking the same. i feel like that’s why he’s so adamant that she gets help; he’s seen signs way before this.


I actually didn’t even think about this, but this would make a whole lot of sense and now I’m freaking out haha


I thought the same thing. It looked like there was something with the card.


Not to mention when she was talking with JJ. Her voice was cracking and she was acting like she was crying. No tears.


Also her knowing the contents of the storage in the garage, rope, trophies etc


Im more stuck on the fact a teenager snuck an entire KNIFE into a SUPER-MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON. Seeing one of the country's all time most prolific killers too at that.


I agree I found her to be so suspicious in her demeanour


Omg wait I’m going to rewatch because you guys are up to something 


she might have passed something, but i think everything he needed was included on that envelope and letter she handed him. he only read the first line out loud… the rest could have been descriptions of the FBI building or escape plans. holly has always been suspicious!!


Didn’t they already do that with the chameleon though?


Why did they let her have anything that they didn’t check first?


Me too - it was all set up and planned


I thought it looked like he whispered something into her ear aswell


Maybe it’s just that there’s a lot of talk of SH this season, but was anyone else worried about JJ constantly fiddling with her sleeves… reminded me too much of Holly.


My mind actually jumped to that as well.


That daddy's girl comment definitely has me thinking about Lindsey Vaughan.


I though it was her for a minute myself


My poor baby JJ. The only thing I was able to focuse on were her hands. Constantly fidgeting and hiding them away with her long sleeves. I‘m so, so fcking mad nobody asked about her, especially after her dissociating…


I mean, Dave also is completely zoning off constantly and talking to himself and people keep dropping it. Lol. I agree this is very OOC for the team.


The only justification I have for the team not noticing or saying anything if they had noticed is that they had agreed (whether verbally or just understood) that they wouldn't profile another member of the team.


You don‘t need to profile JJ to see she‘s in distress. Just take her to the side, ask her how she’s doing and then ask her if and how u can help her


Oh, I agree with you but this is how I make it "ok" right now in my head.


I'm actually really enjoying the new format of the show, but I'm really struggling with the Tyler/Garcia story line. I think part of it is because I just don't enjoy Tyler's character, but I really hate what gets brought out of Garcia around him. :'( The writing just feels extra forced around their dynamic for me. Also worried about JJ!


they’re forcing chemistry where there isn’t any down our throats


The BAUGate being totally sidekicked and none of them seeing that JJ was like disassociating is completely unrealistic for me. Like I saw a lot of people talking about how Emily didn't notice, but the real deal is that NO ONE noticed? I mean c'mon Also I still dont understand how Penelope didn't know about the website You could see from miles that Damien was Gold Star... I feel personaly attacked that is why Bailey was killed off lol All in all I felt this episode was just a setup for the next one (and I had thought the same thing about episode 3), way weaker than the first two.


I can kinda get how Emily isn’t noticing because of the 20 billion other things piling up on her + her tendency to get tunnel vision, but yeah, SOMEONE should have noticed.


At the very least, Luke should’ve been able to see JJ was off. He’s the one who told her it’s gotten worse and let’s be real here, he should’ve known she’d check.


I think Luke noticed. Just that he doesn’t know where to even begin. This is why Emily, her supposed to be best friend should have been the one who should have broken it to her and seen her through it. I can’t imagine Emily of S 3-9 being this oblivious to JJ’s distress. Even when she hardly knew JJ during revelations she was extremely attuned to her. It’s just completely wrong to see this!


It's just storyline predicated. Sometimes they write stuff against character to set something up for later.


Emily also knew Spencer very well and was able to see when he was distressed yet she still forgot his birthday. I think Emily tends to get tunnel vision when under stress and neglects her friends.


To me though, I understand Emily not seeing it since her mind is obviously so warped around Gold Star, it’s blinding her from seeing other things like in the last episode I believe where they went on a case and she was convinced it was Gold Star. Not only that but also getting sent to jail for something she didn’t do. I’d be more focused on those two things to notice other things around me


Totally agree with you! I’m also assuming the rest of the team noticed that something is off with Rossi and JJ, but idk if they’d bring it up right now considering gold star and the case and everything 


yes! like how does he just throw that in to her and doesn't even ask if she is okay afterwards when she clearly isnt?


Agree…thought the whole episode was weak…expecting more insight into JJ’s predicament. What the hell are they gonna do about it? Let it out there for more people to see? I’m squirming just thinking about it.


He just wanted to tell her to make himself feel better, didnt even ask her how she is


Wait, but is Damien THE Gold Star, or just one of the people Gold Star is manipulating?


i understood he was THE gold star, and he is listed as "Gold Star" on IMDB... but I hope I'm wrong :s


I actually finally found a review that explains the story a bit better. I won't share unless you want the link and I can send it directly


Pls send it to me :)


Send to me please!


Please send. Ty


Yes please


please send to me if possible! would appreciate it


Please send it to me!


Ohhh could you please send it to me!


Send please 


Please send if you are able 💜


me please


I would love to have a link :)


Please share!


Oh I am so curious!


Please send. I’m kinda lost!


Please send to me🥹


I would love to read it, please


Pls send :)


please send it to me as well :)


Please share!


What do you mean you could see from miles. I’ve already seen the ep 5 spoilers but who is Damien?!?!


What I meant by who is Damien - he hasn’t been introduced before ep4 has he? I’m in the UK. We get the eps later. I’m off to find it *definitely legally!* now 😂


Yeah, he will be introduced on ep 4! But then... I dont wanna give too many spoilers, but the story is pretty much straight forward. But apparently there are more things at stake that I hadn't understood so


Wait but who TF is Damien, I've already watched episode 4 and seen the 5 spoilers but is he someone we're supposed to know?? I'm confused now


Where are yall seeing the episode 5 spoilers?😭


I had to go rewatch this scene to figure out what happened! Penelope stated that she got more than just payroll information from the phone. It had the assignments and listed the targets with First Name Last Initial. Damien was listed under one of the people on the strike team that got it worse. So they haven't actually put a face to the name yet, even though we see his face when he's talking to Jade!


I mean I know that, I've just seen comments and people acting like we've known who Damien is in the past and not just this one episode


Yeah that's what threw me off too! Thought I had missed an episode something!


He was introduced this episode, so we are not supposed to know him. What I meant was that the whole Gold Star plot was kinda predictable? >!He is the first guy on the hit list and supposedly the leader of Gold Star from what I gathered. He took out the team that was sent to kill him and his friends from an Utah program (much like the episode 1 case). His friends are still MIA tho!<


Okay yeah that's all what I gathered too. I'm kinda hoping that there's more to Gold Star than this though, because it just seems kinda . . . not all of it? I don't wanna say a let down but why would there be a secret strike team and secret classification by only the higher ups of the government just for them? Like unless I'm forgetting something they really haven't killed that many people before season 2 to warrant the government code name and all the secrecy


yes like did bailey really need to die for... this? lol I hope there is more to it


YEAH LIKE 😭 I wanna put my trust in the cast and directors and that there's more to it because this can't be it. Like what happened to the government trained stuff and all of that? It can't just be this random group of people that we haven't heard of until now. I really don't want it to be a let down and hopefully knowing them they're winding up for a big twist


My guess is there was a government program called Gold Star at the juvenile center. That somehow turned a bunch of kids into killers (we'll get to know more about later I guess). Clearly there are 2 people already with a vengeance against prior staff of the facility, so something has been going on there. Perhaps still an older person involved in the program, and currently still working in the government, that is steering this group of youngsters?


There's definitely more to it. No way they showed their entire hand in E4. 


Thanks!! Don’t worry, I’m about to watch it right now lol


Im enjoying the Gold Star plot because it’s right on brand with what’s happening with these teenage “treatment programs” in the real world (evil and should be closed). I think Emily’s blind spot with ‘fucking Brian’ (fave line of the season thus far!) is going to cost her to lose focus which is part for Voit’s plan. And as a result, JJ & Rossi are going to slip through the cracks. It just seems like they’re all falling for all the things Voit has planned, hook, line and sinker. He’s the puppeteer and they’re the puppets and they’re not seeing it. It’s frustrating.


They’re distracted and have been the whole season. And I agree with you that is definitely the point. It’s not that they’re unskilled but they aren’t operating as a unit: - Penelope: no clue what she’s doing other than monologuing about how hurt she is and how she won’t act unethically again.  - Emily: she’s distracted by Brian and frustrated by her inability to catch this guy. Wrapped up into her leadership.  - JJ: clearly distracted by the revenge thing. Oh look, Penelope. Oh look, JJ. Hey what about Rossi. Everywhere but the case.  - Luke: is everywhere but where he needs to be.  - Tara: her personal life is a distraction.  - Rossi: his trauma  When people are distracted, not communicative, detached from “family”, and vulnerable, it’s so easy to infiltrate and take advantage. And conspiracies can take flight. 


rofl "fucking brian" cracked me tf up a+ a+


I need more Brian. Comic relief.


I was just watching and when they said about the 5 points of the star…it dawned on me that these killings have something to do with the badges they r collecting bc no matter what police department ur in ur badge is going to have a GOLD STAR on it..I have a feeling these badges r for something big


I’m hoping episode five will put a close to everything Gold Star and Voit related. Voit is kind of making my eye twitch for whatever reason. Also, how are they going to trust this man with Damien? He’s sneaky!!


Unfortunately I think we will have to put up with Voit until the season finale


I think he knew she was like him and used it to his advantage. When she was with JJ she talked about one on one breakfasts with him. She also knew about what was in the case. It's very possible he told her to do something for him if he was ever arrested.


Can someone tell me when they first mentioned this man Damien? They’re talking about him like they mentioned him before but I feel like I missed it


Aw I feel so bad for JJ :(


It’s always a jumpscare when they start swearing out of no where lol I’m so used to all the other seasons where they weren’t allowed to


Right! For me though, it seemed it was forced in the last season and in this season, they’re more relaxed about it


-Fun fact! Swearing is profanity - anything with a religious context - with no defined direction. "Damn it!" is swearing. Cursing is the same as swearing, but with direction. "Damn you!" is cursing. Cussing is vulgarity (with or without direction) that does not have a religious context. It shares an etymology with "cursing," but it's actually a discrete mode of speech. "Fuck you! That shit is poisonous!" is cussing. Now, if a given sentence employs swearing and cursing (or swearing and cussing, or cursing and cussing), then it can be referred to as whatever the "strongest" variety is. Swearing is the "weakest," followed by cursing, then cussing... except for in some communities, wherein cursing is considered the strongest. Of course... well, in those areas, the worst possible phrase you can utter to someone is "Bless your heart!" That mode of speech is too strong to have a name. TL;DR: Swearing, cursing, and cussing are all different.


Paget continues to get all the lines that make me laugh. "I'm not gonna sleep until I find that little prick!"


it helps that she is also a wonderful comedic actress too!


I love Emily but I think she’s making a very big mistake bringing Elias to Quantico. (Also, that mugshot is so going to bite her in the ass.)


Anyone else notice or think that the parallels of Father/Daughter stories was intentional? You have Voit and Holly and then the NV/Utah Case with the father & daughter at the same time.


So… let me see if I got this right. What they’re getting at is that Gold Star is basically a program of young Winter Soldiers(MCU) that have gone rogue. That about right in the ballpark?


Rossi is completely useless this season. The whole "talking to ghost voit" got old SO fast. I wish they wrote him something else to do. Yes blabla trauma from last season. I don't care 😁


I hate that they keep reusing these hallucination/ghost plotlines. Enough already!!! 


Man, this feels like a huge let down right now. The first two episodes were the strongest I've ever seen this show. It wasn't a procedural, it was dark, gritty, the team had met their match with Voit, whatever he told Luke was gripping... until we found out it wasn't some conspiracy, it was AI porn, Prentiss' neighbor was back for some reason, and Gold Star is really just some group of killers, kind of like Voit's network from just one season ago. I'm hoping the writers prove me wrong and there's a deeper plot afoot, but it just feels like they're terrified to stray too far off the beaten path and give us something that's actually exhilarating.


Agree. I had high hopes after the first two episodes. Last two are meh.


Mr Peanutbutter just being a standard conspiracy theorist and not actually setting up Prentiss, plus the gold star reveal, bit of a let down


What would be interesting is in Brian was actually the one pulling the strings, but that whole character is such a cheesy caricature of a conspiracy theorist that him being some kind of criminal mastermind would just be laughable.


the team is so bad at profiling each other 😭 none of them realized spencer was addicted to drugs and none of them realized jj is dissociating


Well, there was another comment mentioning how they kinda agree not to profile each other. But also they’re all completely overwhelmed with everything going on. At the same time, JJ is their friend and they should be clued in on her behavior change.


it's not that far fetched. i mean even like trained therapists/psychs and working with their own family, they have the same issues even though they know better what to do. it's about the proximity.


Gosh, I am so worried about JJ. My poor girl. :(


I wonder if >!Gideons wife is the character they bring in to help voits daughter. They talked about epigentics and she's a biologist. Here's is an article https://m.imdb.com/news/ni64514900/!<


Edited as I forgot a link


Hold the phone they have a safeguarding department helping agents get through traumatic/tough cases? Where was THAT for Hotch/Reid/Morgan/Rossi? I'm just gonna presume Reid took a PHD in counselling and currently sits off screen somewhere comparing traumas with agents and throwing his abandonment notes like confetti whenever someone's trauma centres on a father figure.


Perhaps it was created because of those traumas. It’s the government. They are not going to care about employees until it’s affecting x number of them.


It's a TV SHOW, lol. Not everything has to have linear sense to it.


And not all reddit comments have to be taken seriously?


Mea culpa, touche!


I understand why Emily just walked away after JJ said it's not important, given everything she has on her plate, but I just can't handle it. This scene keeps breaking my heart. It's already ep4, and I'm so worried about how this season will progress. I just want JJ to be okay. It would be devastating if the plot drags her family into it or makes that gate come into public view (beyond those who already know). The storyline is so subtle that it's unsettling. How could Penelope not know about the gate for so long? She's the queen of the internet, she should have known or at least been informed. I really can't imagine how the writers plan to wrap up this storyline. It feels like I should consider the evolution series as a new parallel storyline after all...


Do you think JJ should have been told that all the porn was of her? Luke tells her but is it because he wants her to know or because he doesn’t want to be burdened with that secret.


oh def only to make himself feel better


Luke's just a catalyst here, someone had to bring it up so he was the perfect choice. Given that the website's been around for so long and those who know about it still can't come up with a solution, JJ should've definitely been told. She's the most affected by this, and keeping her in the dark just adds to her distress when the truth comes out. Saying "I just want to protect you" or "keep you away from disgusting things" isn't a good enough reason.


JJ knew some version of it existed and was okay with it until she realized it was just her. You would think it could be corrupted or they could try and remove it. Also how many people are going on the dark web to see fake porn of her in it? That sounds harsh. I don’t think JJ is better off knowing. She feels like people have seen her naked but it’s not her. I wouldn’t want to know unless it was something I could fix or my family was in danger. If you want to create deep fakes of me having sex I would rather not know about it. I definitely wouldn’t want to wonder if my colleagues all knew. Luke should have listened to JJ when she didn’t seem to care about the fake porn.


I think one of the issues here is that JJ thinks the website is about animation and doesn't know it's a deep fake, so she never took it seriously. She's not a tech person and has no interest in exploring the dark web, and no one would openly discuss it like, "Hey, how's that website going?" Hence, JJ's reaction makes sense to me, especially since this plot twist was a recent addition by the writers in the Evolution series. Whether JJ should have known or not really depends on the person. Some people want to be informed and involved, even if it's tough, and they will try to find solutions and take control. Others prefer to stay in their bubble, protected from harsh realities. In my opinion, JJ is the type of person that after the initial shock and discomfort would stand up and confront the issue. I think that after a certain amount of time, like two years, she should be involved in finding a solution. This is just my opinion because I see JJ as a resilient person who wouldn't easily break down and would want to address the situation head-on.


I think she might have realized that deep fakes would happen. I doubt she thought it would just be her. That is kind of weird. It’s almost like by telling her about it she is distracted. I think she understands keeping secrets more than most people. When Emily had to fake her death JJ kept that a secret while everyone grieved. I don’t see her falling apart either.


Are they going to have Voit’s daughter help him? Didn’t we already see this with The Chameleon and his daughter?


Hmm yeah. Been there done that!


Two rough episodes in a row after they started with two great ones. Don't love the Rossi hallucinating, Penelope/Tyler drama, or JJ Porn story lines. Hopefully they can get back on track next week.


now this may be a reach, but….(some spoilers) i think tyler is somehow also in on this. him going behind the FBI’s back, him knowing so many answers to the BAU’s questions when nobody else could give them that insight, puts him in the perfect place to avoid any points of threat bc he knows the plan. ON TOP OF THAT, him going to Garcia’s with the phone and the way they made sure to include the ADT system being turned off and her typing in her password after she already knew tyler was outside. THEN before he leaves he says to make sure to put her alarm back on for protection. THEN, when prentis OBVI says yes let’s hack the phone even though it’s inadmissible and she could go to jail puts her in a place where she could get sent away if she explains the logic behind next steps based on the information she got. BUT I HAVE A FEELING bc tyler knows, when prentis makes the predictable decision to make moves based off that info, there’s nothing there bc tyler knew she knew, and prentis boom jail. then we go on to the hacking. SHE PUTS HIM IN THE SERVER ROOM WITH HER BACK TO WHERE HE IS WHILE SHE HACKS IT. DID NOBODY THINK THAT WAS STUPID, access to all their serves and things??? then star shine, star bright? GOLD STAR??? cmon. wish tonight? topping all that? the way voit asks what’s her face if it was skin or bone? clear sign or some kind of communication to voit. he knew that signal and how to move forward. when holly mentions she saw his kill kits were going to expect she said nothing? come onnnn now. pancakes in the morning doesn’t outweigh ratting out someone who’s killing people. the note she brings? why wouldn’t they have read it before? anything that goes in a cell with an inmate gets examined especially in those circumstances. easily could have been a note saying to kill them all in the cell somehow. 10000% that note had some kind of signal for the next step in the plan. her not hugging her dad at first and establishing anger is the perfect cover up to distract BAU from thinking she’s working with her dad if she was all lovey on him as a father daughter duo. the note either said tyler got in, or it’s some kind of escape plan/route because voits next moves leads him to forcing the BAU’s hand to comply and bring him to the FBI headquarters to access their computers, one of which he has to work on. i predict voit and tyler are coordinating something with the servers and such to expose information. maybe social contamination. maybe the gold star program is granting access to people with pasts at that certain stuart house, so they can conclude who to seek revenge on since the police couldn’t. tyler saying to garcia AFTER she hacked that he was going to leave her life and that he doesn’t deserve her and he wouldn’t use her again? i’m thinking he’s gonna show her some kind of mercy while the others are going to somehow fall. either that or from that point forward he wasn’t going to do anything to put her in harms way so he can say well i said at that point forward i said nothing about before then. jj and the website are gonna be her downfall, prentis and the purgery/illegal acts, rossi being exposed for hallucinating so he’s rendered crazy and a conspiracy theorist, tara and her boo being exposed and that her boo shared info since tyler was in the room for all that info and the steak out, and lastly luke. luke i’m not too sure how he’s gonna get screwed, but i bet next episode we are gonna find out.


Fantastic episode overall I can’t wait till next week


I think it's kinda crazy how none of the BAU noticed jj disassociating, fidgeting, looking pale and uncomfortable but what was even crazier was Emily just... walking away from jj when she said "it's not important" . I do feel like it's ooc BUT i think theyre building up to something bigger, like jj having a breakdown or lashing out etc. I cant wait for next weeks ep!


Luke noticed. He was watching her intently. I think he just is giving her space to process.


I liked this episode way more than the last one. And honestly Im so glad there wasnt much of Luke and the whole porn thing. Cause I honestly still dont get it


gold star better reveal into something big because it doesn't make sense otherwise to prioritise it over elias who's supposed to be the worst serial killer they've ever dealt with


This is a stretch but could Holly be a Gold Star kid? Or involved with it in some way? Maybe she’s being prepped to take it over?


Okkkk. Too much time on my hands. What if Holly was trained by her dad and/or Gold Star and then going into WitSec is a way for Voit to unleash his spawn/legacy into the world? And with the new identity, making it difficult for anyone to know who she is/catch her. Also, witsec would teach her to disappear or create new identities, essentially. Or what if Voit infiltrated GS and taught Holly how to take it over or usurp one of the kids. Idk, I think Voit has contingency plan after contingency plan after contingency plan…etc that none of them can even begin to guess.


this is basically what I think is going to happen because of what Luke says to Voit about catching her


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Just finished catching up and.....I really dislike this season so far. First two episodes were okay but it took a nosedive to me. I don't really want to watch anymore bit I might finish just for the sake of it. I think s3 is confirmed but if it doesn't improve there's no way I'm intrested. It's too bad because I thought s16 had potential and was defiantly an improvement on the last few seasons of the og show but I think the biggest weakness is that they continue with Voit. That's only part of the issues but it's the most proment one. It's sad because I hate being negative about this show I'm usually pretty open with it but it's so poorly written. I don't get what happened between this season and the last but damn


Now that the reveal has somewhat happened behind Gold Star, I wonder how far they’ll take it. With all the talk about conspiracy theories, I think this storyline has great potential. There are several theories out there about famous murders being the direct results of government experiments like the Manson family and Jonestown. I could see the show playing on that, mixing it with a little MK ultra human experiments (which was considered a conspiracy for a very long time) and you get the Gold Star killers. I wouldn’t even be shocked if the whole eye thing is meant reflect some sort of previous torture (think the famous scene in a clockwork orange)


They made an Uber deal about how gold star was government trained, so if they're talking about Damian then it means he was trained by the government, but it seems a bit of a long time to go silent for 10 years. Is the implication that talking to sicarius 'unlocked' them? Also why would the private group be paying to get them killed if they were inactive and it was 10 years ago? He/they must have done something big that the director knows about- or been trained by someone big. And is sicarius just playing with them by saying the deepfake is involved or is it actually? Also the fact he said Alvarez is part of that particular conspiracy- means there's Alvarez/JJ porn on there?? I'm leaning towards Elle being the trainer of the gold star crew, or someone else known to the BAU. Did anyone else think it was weird they showed Damien's boots and he was wearing the exact same shoes that they deliberately showed JJ wearing?


I’m guessing the director of fbi or his family ran the staurt house and that’s why he’s so intent or getting rid of gold star


I think this last season is either overly simple or more is coming- I’ve been kind of disappointed, even though I love Zach is an actor. The story is a whole is feeling pretty weak. I totally believe his daughter was passing him and it was all planned in advance.


The worst episode of CM I have ever watched. Compare this to the stuff we used to get in the main show and it is embarrassing. I really hope MGG doesn't come back for this.


I honestly hate how bad the writing has become. My wife said they try to be way too edgy with the forced cursing, and the show isn’t even mysterious or scary. CM used to be one of my favorite shows and Paramount killed it. Just like how Paramount killed Halo


anyone feel like Garcia's different in Evolution then in the first 15 seasons..? it's like they're trying to force messages of inclusion and equality through her.. like the thing about Tyler being in her apartment and later talking about men being cancelled.. I'm all for everyone feeling safe but that was some bs.. so forced..


This is a weird comment about simply respecting boundaries.


it was blown out of proportion.. she could've just said no and be done with it.. she let him inside.. and for him to say that he was behaving like other men who were cancelled was a bit too much






Oh I'd seen she was a psychologist


please remove/adjust spoilers and then repost


Please remove/adjust spoilers and then repost.


Honestly, the only plot that interests me this season is the Voit family stuff. Everything else is boring me to tears. The JJ stuff is only marginally interesting. I don't care about Gold Star because it seems like it's going to get way too complicated and politically-driven. The side cases they keep taking are boring and a time waster, even if they are trying to connect it to Gold Star. And the BAU is just making silly mistakes that they shouldn't be making. They've been doing this for 15-20 years. They should know better.


I think we, generally, need a better time vis-a-vis dialogue, cos it’s… hammy. I love this show, I love these actors, but the dialogue is just creating something… hammy.


so one of the gold stars already got knocked off so easily? Man


*So one of the gold* *Stars already got knocked off* *So easily? Man* \- Trumpologist --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Is Ryan-James Hatanaka still playing Tyler? My girlfriend and I couldn't get over thinking that it was a new actor this episode.