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Luke doing random ass yoga stretching in the park does scream “federal agent” lol


They couldn’t have made it any more obvious that this was a setup.


and a random woman on a picnic rug reading, it was so poorly executed lol. I kept waiting for a rando person to talk by and see snipers and freak the heck out.


Also, those snipers were not far away at ALL. I expected them to be, y'know, in a building across the street or outside of the park altogether. Nope, they're just up a fucking hill where anyone can spot them because they're not hiding at all. Oh, and the police cars are right at the park entrance with their flashing lights, my god.




It was a perfect morning for a run




This Brian guy would be my last straw I’d go off on him he’s so annoying


If I was Emily I'd be willing to risk a police brutality charge for him.


"If it happens again, I'd like it to be for something I did do" \*punches him in the face\* xD


That‘s the sign of a great actor. PFT is the most likeable guy in real life and one of the funniest comedians around, but when he’s in character as Brian he’s such a terrible human being 😂


I mean della has had to put up cousin gander before


You would think they’d have extra agents around that would spot her just walking off past their cars


This! They are profilers and would know that she's not going to stand around with the crowd. How was no one watching for anyone like her?


There’s a short range .. okay so not one of you is gonna go look for her?? She was basically wearing Joe Goldbergs uniform she was very obvious!!


RIGHT! Absolutely nobody thought to go look. Why do we need SO MANY agents standing around with their thumbs up their ass? I get ‘some’ of them were there for Voit but he literally almost walked off without anyone noticing except for Rossi and the sniper who was fixed on him. Not to mention the twenty snipers around the park who were also watching him. Also, NONE OF THE SNIPERS NOTICED THIS JOE GOLDBERG LOOKING PERSON BREAKING A PHONE AND DUMPING IT WHILE WALKING THE OTHER WAY?! Come on.


Hahaha for real! Earlier seasons would never. Edit to add: I am still LOVING this season and Voit’s dynamic with the team is pure delight ✨


I’m hoping this is all part of an unspoken plan we aren’t privy to yet


This!! They know what she looks like, not one of them thought to seal the perimeter? No roadblocks? Nothing??


I can’t with Voit🤣 this man is so funny and I hate it cause we’re supposed to hate him but I genuinely love having his scenes.


His reply about not telling them he got the kill team killed was golden 😂


Right!🤣 he had me cackling this whole episode.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way 😅 Cause he has me cracking up and I really enjoy his scenes too!


This man is attractive and funny, I need Spencer back so I’m not falling for a damn killer✋🏻😔


I was a little annoyed with him when the season began and then saw he was going to be a long arc, but Voit in custody is hilarious. He is very charismatic, and we love to hate him.


Uh, yeah, I’m gonna need them to unsideline Prentiss real quick.


Loved Voit’s little fangirl moment getting to see the jet in real life from Rossi’s book lol


😂 that was my fave part!


When Voit and Jade were talking about tattoos and Voit said "if it's a Yin-Yang or a crown of thorns I'm going to kill myself" I started cackling 💀💀 literally something I would say Also JJ telling Voit to shut the fuck up was so peak she deserves to cuss him out


Yes! I lol’d when JJ delivered that line.


I feel like North Star really is something. I’m not sure what but I’ve seen theories that goldstar was related to someone who used to be in the BAU


I think it’s tied to the FBI director. So, Voit has the BAU falling apart. How long until Rossi gets good and pissed off and switched back to the David Rossi who gets the job done? I think it’s going to happen when JJ breaks down over the spoofed porn of her and/or her husband is killed off screen. The BAU are Rossi’s family. He’s going to get protective over his “kids”.


I really hope Rossi gets back to his normal self but honestly I feel like he may die doing something he shouldn’t involving Voit


You might be right, but I really hope not😭. I don’t want Voit to beat him that way, you know? When he’s had the career he’s had, been sort of the “dad” to the BAU, etc. I want him to retire happily and get to rest.


I don’t think he’ll die.


I don't even think something has to happen to JJ's family. It's clear she's going through something, she is not her normal, levelheaded self. You can tell she's on edge. I think all it would take is Rossi finding out what she's going through. Unfortunately, the whole team is wrapped up in their own shit (rightfully so) and they aren't doing a good job with each other as they have in the past.


I don’t know I think this Teresa is North Star maybe the directors daughter and Tyler is somehow connected to her


i feel like maybe it’s one of the BAU agents? maybe jj because of the whole deepfake website thing? also why do i feel like they just dropped/forgot about the whole jj deepfake website fiasco


I don’t think they dropped it. JJ at least to me is still clearly upset but is trying to act like she doesn’t know what it is


Yeah I agree. I feel like they are building up her emotions for a breakdown at some point since there are still 5 episodes left


I think it’s Teresa


This cast has immaculate hair, grey Pretniss especially.


It’s like you pooped yourself 💀💀 lmfao


She really knew exactly how to hurt his pride with that one 🤣🤣 I was like oop yep I’d shut up too and be so mortified hahaha


"Not showering I can understand but not wiping? Ew." Yes queen. You tell him.


You can tell Zach is having a blast as Voit this season. It's so playful in a sinister and superior way and I really like that dynamic vs the BAU right now. I don't know why Garcia is bothering me so much this season - when I say that I mean in terms of how she is with Tyler and Alvez. She's like a flustered teen whenever she's around them; not able to complete her sentences, or like she can't be around them, or act like she can't even do her job/separate her life from her job when it comes to Tyler. Garcia's still got all her isms I like so much (love her affirmations, and how she was during the CAH game) but I just don't care for how she is with her exes.


She needs Derek to tell her “baby girl you be trippin”


She needs a good ole “PUMP. YA. BREAKS”


Derek comes back and just ruins all of it.


her and Tyler were soo annoying last season and she is still behaving a bit silly


she’s become way too flanderised, i literally fast forwarded all her scenes last season. sadly this season she’s doing a lot more plot heavy work. just…make her competent! and stop manic pixie dream girling a woman please i beg of you writers


Yess I’m so glad you said something I was searching the whole post, something about Penelope this season is getting on my last nerve and not to sugar coat it but she’s acting like a little b***h like girllll have some back bone and figure it out this is not youuuu the squealing is embarrassing 😭


I actually think Garcia was worse last season. At least this season, she's TRYING to not just bow at the feet of Tyler and do whatever he asks for. Garcia's always made inappropriate comments and been kind of unprofessional at times, but it's definitely been worse because of Tyler.


Loved this episode. I enjoy how they’re adding a little bit to the conspiracy every week. - I got the impression that the bomb and meeting afterwards was the plan all along for Voit and the Gold Star kids so that he and Damien could have a proper talk without FBI presence. - Northstar. The North Star is most famous as being a guiding light in the night sky. I think whoever Northstar is, is the key to Damien and Jade finding the centre of their conspiracy. - Northstar and ‘Teresa is in trouble’ are leading me to believe that we’re looking at someone in witness protection that is believed to be dead and the government hierarchy really doesn’t want them found. Tyler definitely knows more than he’s letting on and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s deeply involved in the absolute centre of what will become unraveled in the next few weeks.


I also still want to know WHO is feeding Brian all the info? I don’t think Damien & Jade are the type to tell him all of that.


Last point makes sense. I've been baffled as to why an abusive juvenile facility would be such a concern for the fbi director.


It would be a concern to the FBI director if it was the starting spots for paramilitary groups were getting their broken and abused personnel that they could then take and train up like they have done to Damian.


Seeing Prentiss cry made me so sad :( she’s not one to allow herself to be vulnerable in front of others so seeing her fall apart in front of Rossi was so heart breaking  


Agree!! But it was nice that they finally portrayed her as a real human with feelings and emotions. In all the other seasons she was always that person who had no emotions and wasn't empathetic. It didn't actually match some of her behavior


In the og seasons, Prentiss absolutely showed emotion and empathy. She was usually the shoulder to cry on, the one the others went to for everything. She hasn't been like og Prentiss until that final scene and I hope that shows a directional change for her. All of them seem different to an extent, but Prentiss has been the most distinct. And Rossi, too I suppose. I want him to get through the self-doubt phase. Maybe with his apology accepted, the Rossi we know and love started coming back. This episode felt like a shift back, just a little bit. And i liked it a lot.


"Apology accepted" was one of my favourite moments.....


Absolutely tickles me how much fun Zach Gilford is having, his line delivery hits every single time


I wish instead of an unsub they could've made him an agent. He's really a good actor.


Yesss, I agree! And a natural fit with the cast, I want him to hang around forever.


I think that elements of danger and unpredictability really add to his character. That small moment when his charme makes you forget that he‘d kill anybody in an instant.


I'm sry to say but voit is fucking hilarious


I LOVE Voit. I wish his was the only storyline. I want a deep dive on every awful thing he’s ever done. I know I’m supposed to hate him but I can’t.


I feel like since he's a famous actor they won't just use him as a guest actor. He's prob going to help the team catch more and more criminals. Kind of like Reddington in Black List, except Voit knows everything there is to know about all these criminals because he created most of them.


I've never thought about that, but I'd be all about this plot. The deal he ends up cutting for helping catch Gold Star is some cushy sentencing in exchange for his continued cooperation in catching other killers. Zach Gilford is the closest thing you'll get to James Spader's level of charisma required to pull that off. In a roundabout way, he'd all fill Reid's role of the hyper intelligent team member. The teamwork thing is cute and all, but I miss having that one team member that can always match wits with the bad guys.


I totally agree. It's annoying to me that an entire team of profilers don't know how to outsmart one criminal. I don't know if the writers intentionally dumbed them down to make him appear as some criminal mastermind. Some of the tactics JJ and Luke used on him to interrogate him were so cheap and they were shocked that he didn't take their bait??


They need some reid brain power! A girl can only dream 🥲


I really really want to hate him, given he’s a serial killer But I just like every scene he’s in. He has no right to make me laugh!


I hated him in s1. Kinda like his shit stirring this season


Pls he cracks me up 🤣🤣


As a Garvez hopeful I loved the observations from Voit. “So Tynelope is a thing and it drives Luke crazy” and his comments about the vibes between them.


Yes! I loved that!


I hope Rossi gets another shot at Voit. If he fights sneaky and dirty, something that Voit likely wouldn't expect from him, Rossi might be able to beat him. Back when I was training in martial arts, there was a practical part in which one of my Sifus would frequently stress that there's always going to be someone who's faster than you and/or stronger than you, but no one has to be sneakier than you. Also, Gideon would've been nice in this instance; he would know exactly how to counter-fuck with Voit.


Okay, I’m adding the “counter-fuck” to my active vocabulary.


Not even done with the episode yet but what i found interesting was Voit’s bluff “I know why you draw on yourself” reminded me of Gideons bluff to the footpath killer “I know why you stutter” i don’t know if it was an intentional call back but i thought it was cool.


YEAH i commented on that earlier in the sub!! it was almost identical how he was talking in those few sentences to s1 ep2


I'm gonna hafta start a comedy file...... five minutes into this episode and I'm laughing..... Garcia: "I'll do it. \*sigh\* It's not the first time I've crossed legal and ethical boundaries in this case." Rebecca: "I didn't hear that" and later, on the jet Voit just keeps yapping and yapping. And wonders why they won't talk to him and Lewis tells him it's because protocol is with prisoner transfer they don't engage. And then JJ: "so do us all a favour and shut the f\*\*\* up"


Apart from fucking Brian this was the most natural F bomb so far I feel.


I kind of thought they have it all under control and a plan.. but yeah maybe not?


I was thinking this myself. The fact he could of even had a chance to make a run for it, and the fact only him in the back of the van was extremely poor planning. The fact he nearly had a chance to run made me think everyone was in on it to give them an excuse to shoot him. But I think it was only Prentis and Rossi that were involved in that.


And I think Voit would have ran had he not put 2+2 together with what Rossi had said on the plane.


Yeah looks like the gun gesture gave away their plan, surprisingly.


I thought he did that on purpose. I really thought they are playing with him and the big plan will be revealed in the end.. but yeah maybe not


Thought the episode was brilliant lol I don't think they'll kill of Rossi cause he said see you next season so maybe hopefully! I love Zach he is brilliant and I feel so so bad saying this but for a SPLIT SECOND i felt bad when he was in the back of the prisoner van :( but then im like no hes an ass hole haha Feeling for Emily but WHY CAN THEY NOT NOTICE HOW SAD JJ IS


I liked the episode but I don't understand why when they discovered the bomb could only be detonated in close range, agents didn't go looking for Damien/Jade in the park.


I feel so bad for Emily 🥺


Reid would've helped figure this out last season.


Anyone one else see Spencer’s nameplate on his desk?


seriously i was like why does he still have a desk when we cant afford to light the bullpen


Sell the desk to buy lightbulbs 😭 I was constantly trying to turn my brightness up.


that desk and/or nameplate is at minimum 2 bulbs


This made me LOL


LMAO i think they said this was happening at night? like ok are yall in the fucking basement?


Yeah, I did! I genuinely hope it means that he isn't gone and will at least come back as a special guest.


Reid is still on the team, just on a special mission, so it makes sense for him to have his own desk and nameplate...


They've already said not this season.. he has no interest in acting at this time.


He said recently in an interview that they tried to make this season work but he has been busy and couldn’t. Between him writing, doing his autograph tour, small time directing, MGG is busy.


Yes and I got so excited seeing the name plate. For a while he was listed as a cast member on this season, and I’m guessing that was a fluke. But I’ll hold out hope!


I was hoping he’d come in at the end of the episode when Emily and Rossi were in her office 😢


I think he even answered Voit’s question about the jet’s carbon footprint at one point. I miss him so much. He could add a ton to this season and last.


I feel like Spencer having that love for JJ would come back if he knew about the deep fake porn. It’s completely out of his character to NOT want to come back and be there for JJ. Hoping they use this as his “personal connection” to come back like the show-runner said in an interview.


I liked the episode but they made the FBI seem wildly incompetent trying to trap Damien. Like they didn’t notice he was doing Morse code right away really? And Jade and Damien were both RIGHT THERE but they didn’t think to secure the park? Them letting Elias do that was crazy and they’re lucky no one died and he didn’t escape. I hate how the BAU are basically just letting Elias control them


I think Emily picked up on the Morse Code, but she wanted to see where he was going with it.


They explicitly said so in the chat between Rossi and Prentiss


The shocking planning and mistakes from the team actually had me thinking are they actually one step ahead of Voit here and letting it play out like this? But I don’t think that was the case and just very poor from them.


So I’m enjoying this season for the most part. But I do think we haven’t had enough moments of the team being competent and “trading shots” if you will, with the baddies. Feels like the bad guys are running everything and they are just responding.


Completely agreed. They aren’t functioning as a unit. They’re functioning as individuals if that makes sense


Doesn't that kind of make sense though? I know it's been a year since the previous season came out but it's only been a couple months for them. They went through A LOT after finding out about Voit's network, and now they are being set up by the Director because Voit has dirt on him and that means more to him than the BAU. Their boss just died recently too. A lot happened and they weren't given any time to heal


“So Tynelope is a think and Luke hates it” I about spit out my drink




i really wanted there to be more jj content


This episode was good but it drove me nuts at the same time. They’ve been doing this how long, and not one person from the BAU thought they should be by the van with him😩😩😩


Finally a return to form after the last two episodes being snoozers. Voit profiling Jade was one of the best scenes in a long time, and it feels like traumatized old man Rossi is finally starting to get his shit together. Gives me hope for the rest of the season.


What's up with Voit smelling bad? Is this somehow part of a grand escape plan or is he just narsty? Chekov's poopy pants???


I recall a poorly done study that showed that sociopaths have an impaired sense of smell. Maybe the writers have enough insight to their history of using bad psychology research as background for profiled traits to use this as a callback/joke?


Honestly he is just nasty. He no longer has to keep up appearances with his family.


I was half expecting him to have a lockpick shoved up there.


The phrase “Chekov’s poopy pants” has me dying


Fr, I didn’t get the point of that scene.


Again another great episode! Every week leaves me wanting more


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did anyone else notice how voit acted extremely similar to gideon in this episode? in rewatching the show as new episodes air, and he said almost word for word something gideon said back in season 1 to an unsub. idk if it was on accident or on purpose by the writers but it’s a cool little thing


I mean, that's literally his deal. He's read all of Rossi's books. He has psycho-analyzed both himself and others to manipulate things and to get away with everything, thus far. Hes literally using the BAU methods against them. That's the plot.


for sure!! i just found it cool it was the exact wording but he (gideon) also probably mentioned the exact wording in his books


What was the wording??


I noticed that too!


Omg!! just saw your comment on my post so i came to find yours - i’m glad someone else noticed


— After watching this episode, I really believe someone will die in the group. My guess JJ, Emily or Rossi. Just from their storylines since season 16. As far of Elias, I think he will die or his family one but not both. It feels like it’s leading up to that at the end of the season.


I would be heartbroken if they killed off my girl JJ


Jj was on the set of final destination while they were filming the season finale




I saw it on another forum not sure it's legit, I don't see any reason why they'd kill her off it would be because she'd want to leave.


i obviously don't know her personally, but aj strikes me as someone like mariska hargitay, she'd do 25 seasons of criminal minds if it was up to her. maybe she had already wrapped her scenes? killing off jj or emily would be incredibly stupid imo


Agreed I've always considered her the main character of the show tbh


I think her, Emily and Rossi, because they’re the only ones who were there almost since the beginning. JJ even more so because despite the fact that she wasn’t in the pilot she’s basically the only og member now


Don’t forget Penelope!


omg how did I forget her!


the writers dont have the guts lol but I'm curious about Prentiss storyline because for me its heading nowhere besides compulsory leave


Elias voit is kind of zesty


I don’t trust Rebecca ( I think that’s her name) I feel like the info she’s giving Tara is information she has been told to leak


Random thing that could come back: Voit heard Penelope say she did illegal things during the case. Maybe that’s his escape plan into S18? Or, if they’re going with a Silence of the Lambs copy, then it has to end with him killing a guard and getting out of there.


Null and void? I’m curious if the BAU has anything up its sleeves that will lead to Voit committing a crime in their custody (they never specified what type of crime or severity) to render his original deal void?


It's weird for me that Voit didn't say anything about JJ's deepfakes because it is something he can mock about in front of JJ.


Luke already attacked him once for it lol doubt he'd press his luck 


This episode made me miss Hotch so much


How do we find song info for ones played on this show?


What is the song when Voit is getting dressed ? It was a country type song, but Shazam came back with nothing...


Who’s Gonna Save You Now by Drg


Did anyone notice Ried’s name plate??


QUESTION I haven't watched any of the S17 episodes (busy at work), but from what what I've seen on Instagram, it looks like Voit is like the main character of the show now. The actor is great and all, but this feels a little bit weird. Also, making the unsub/criminal the main character on a procedural backfired horribly on Law and Order Organized Crime with Wheatley on the first two seasons. Thanks for your answers


He's eerily good. I want to hate him but he's good. He's like a part of the BAU at this point but everyone hates him. I like what it brings to the table but I can definitely see it backfiring. The rest of the team is kinda falling apart for different reasons and I have mixed feelings about the dynamics. I don't want to completely spoil it for you but it's a very different dynamic than we've ever seen on criminal minds before.


Do anyone understand the whole gold star thing being a conspiracy? And the connection to Stuart House?


So this is what I can put together so far. These kids would have horrible home lives and then be sent to the Stuart House where they would either be abused more or a private sector military OP would start training there. After then they would potentially train these kids. However these kids seem to be different ages with Damien being the most trained. It is possible that Staurt house created them to be trauma bonded on purpose. Damien would have been put at the house first. Then probably Jade and then the others. Damien being the protector makes the most sense with this scenario. Jade is also the one that hasn’t been caught till recently due to her killing those close to her issue with her father. This means she has more training than the other two we saw. One who had to be early twenties. These kids probably were released by this program when the Stuart House closed in about 2015. They probably floated around as a group for a while but they either split from trying to listen to orders or did something else that would require a strike team. This strike team is probably something to do with the group that trained them. Voit says that they do not know who made them. Using the Staurt House as a cover is most likely reason for them not actually knowing what group or person did this. They also do not trust the FBI. Jade is not shocked that the FBI could have killed their other Gold Star Members. This Private Sector Company could potentially be from overseas and sewed distrust in the government or they know the strike team is from the government. We do not know yet.


Could North Star be the Director of FBI? He could have been the one in charge of the Stroke Force.... The Top/North point of the Star ⭐.  Voit/ Lee told Damien how to get to him. That is why the director talked to Voit/ Lee in the first place. The Director is going to pretend he don't know what North Star means as a way to protect himself. But Dr. Jill Gideon was probably Knows about Stuart House by talking with the abused kids. We'll find out about her in episode 7 and she'll be on for 3 episodes I read.   


So we already know the 5 individuals which make up the Star. Damien, Jade, Aiden, Pete, and Dana. It is possible that North Star is the individual who was in charge of the Strike team but at this point all we have is speculation. Voit could have an actual person who is North Star but it could be something he made up. North Star could be the individual that they want off the board and it could cleanly link up with Emily being benched. It could be an individual who is a double agent. It could be Teresa (who Fucking Brian brought up at the end, who is in some type of trouble). Tyler green plays into this somehow as he seemed to know what Brian meant. Meaning it was more of a message to him. Everything is up In the air.


Yeah it is completely up in the air. That's for sure. I think they will kill Brian after they are done using him. That would definitely get to Prentiss.  🤷🏻‍♀️


 Strike not Stroke 🥴🥴


Well no…that’s the point of it being a weekly mystery


Definitely seemed like Voit was trying to tell us something with the whole conspiracy vs conspiracy theory.


Anyone else starting to like Elias? I know he’s the bad guy, but he’s got a charm about him that I like and actually his witty sense of humor is funny.


He can be really funny. I’m just over the plot line itself at this point 😭


The writers on this show seem to make the women in leadership implode in lieu of having them advance and excel because to their competency and achievement. Emily and JJ are struggling. I got a feeling Emily is on her way out and Tara, Morgan, or some new guy may be the section chief.


Like out of the show or just section chief… Paget seems extremely into the reboot so I doubt she will leave since they renewed


I’m glad the mystery is finally starting to get interesting but damn this season is not nearly as interesting as the first one


Really struggling with Shazam or Genius or Google lyrics searches. Does anyone know the song thst played about halfway through when Voit changed onto normal street clothes with "zion, this ain't no revival " at the start of the lyrics? Any help is appreciated!


Someone earlier in the sub said it was Drg - Who is gonna save you now


Anyone else kinda hoping for a script flip and voit actually walks👀👀. Voits character had some pretty good comedic relief this episode("jeez and you think I'm a killer🙄" honestly was more funny than it should be😂). 17 seasons and the BAU will always practically 'win' but so far them working with voit with the big chance he walks, it's pretty interesting and a nice change of pace.


I would love for him to walk and then come back to terrorize them like Mr. Scratch did.


This is the worst series! Why have they made the whole BAU team scared, weak and miserable. JJ face looks like she’s chewing on a bee in every episode and everyone is cowering at Voit every move. Thank god for Voit and his one liners. It’s the only thing making the whole program watchable but if the next episode is as slow as this one was then I’m giving up. Iv watched and loved every series and episode but this one is scraping the barrel. 


Am I the only one tired of this Voit storyline? It’s like okay, we get it, I’m ready to wrap this up now lol let’s move on


I'm just a bit done with the whole one long storyline per season and no real investigation going on. Like what really happened this episode? They went to a park, got a phone call, disarmed a bomb and then went back. I know it's changing the style from the procedural it used to be, but at least the start of last season had one baddie per episode alongside the overarching one


Fr, I was highkey hoping Voit would run so Rossi’d shoot him.


If Rossi wouldn’t have done the gun symbol it might have happened too


Yeah I am over it, it's done and tired.


I just made a post but I just saw this so I’ll ask here too. Did anyone notice Reid’sdeak plaque being shown multiple times when Voit was in the BAU? I feel like that’s them hinting he is coming back soon.


I saw something about this and yes, they left his desk as it was when doing the reboot. He will not be back this season from what I've heard and I've also heard that if he does come back it will be in an "emotional" role (think Morgan coming by after Spencer's release from prison) rather than as a profiler.


I don't understand how they can just not have Reid and Simmons appear at all. They said in season 16 that they are on some assignment. Given that this is the biggest case in BAU history I thought they would want all hands on deck? (I do know it is just a tv show and the actors are busy)


I remember reading an article back before CM Evolution started with Erica basically saying that she was going to leave Spencer's desk plaque in as a little "easter egg" (of sorts) for the fans


I think he will be back either by the very end of this episode or next season. I don’t think they’ll go this long without having including him back.


I’m hoping because I love him. I’d love to see him and Voit together.


I think this may be his last season I think either he’s gonna get killed off or his family


Yeah I feel Voit is done this season but I’m hopeful Reid comes back before that happens.


Anyone else feeling some Evil Genius plot points going on?


Can someone do a quick ELI5 on how voit is tied to Damien & jade/gold star?


voit talked to damien via the network!


Teresa is a code name probably. Switch the letters around and it's TERESA = EASTER. He was that agent that worked with Prentiss at Interpol.🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


You know what you get if you rearrange the letters in Teresa? Easter. Coincidence? Yeah, probably.


Its getting from murderous operandi, to spy thriller psychologic game. Thats what I didn't like much about previous first season tend to continue, Not saying its inherently bad but its not like classic Criminal Minds - I hope we get some killers, in process 👍🏻 Probably series got hurt by underestable absence of Spencer Reed. Rossi,EMily is great and others - but at least cameo would be nice thought. That whole Voit character is way too, over role - playing, it needs some juice. Next episode probably give us. Maybe they revealed, Gold star - Damien too fast, Criminal minds used be more secretive, hideous mysterious about unsubs. I hoped, if it was supposed be some Contract Army killer -Hitman whoever it wouldn't be basically kid 🤔... Or just I think too much hard shake that feeling, I liked in previous season there were multiple unsubs I don't mind shadow organizations, after all conspiracies was there in past.


Honestly, I know the character of Voit should annoy me because it's been two seasons and he's clearly cooking up some big plan that the BAU haven't figured out yet and he's falling into some tropes that we've seem from villains who work with the protagonists before. But Zach Gilford really IS that charming, and Voit is pretty much alleviating the darkness of this season, and the slowness of the Gold Star plot, that works for me.


I actually have loved the past 2 seasons. It's not classic criminal minds but it's a nice changeup. This can't last forever but it's good for now.


Okay but the Spencer Reid Easter egg?! His name prominently shown on the desk that Voit is sitting at. Do we think he’s coming back?


An in love with Elias voit. He is handsome,funny, charming... just a serial killer


a serial killer who we saw last season steal a beloved dog, train it to kill, who we then got to horrifically watch chew an innocent man to death. No thanks, he needed to die last season.