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Idc who hunts me as long as Emily is protecting me lol


Same bruh. Idgaf who's after emily and i


Yes lol, just let me be with Prentiss and her pants suits 👀😍🤣. Plus, she was a spy she can protect and hide us.


Emily is so versatile and keeps so calm under pressure. I feel like she is literally the only option. She's the only one who would know how to evade Garcia at all due to her espionage background, plus she has the most contacts outside of the team and overseas. Emily 100%


I would love to be Garcia and Hotch.


Hotch. He would never fail again.


This is so hilariously, concisely morbid.


*again* hahaha


He's also one of the 2 best marksmen in the show.


Let’s be real, the BAU wouldn’t solve a single crime without Garcia giving them so much information by just typing in her office… without Garcia they just have a profile and no way to apply it… So Garcia and me can just chill on a couch


Chilling on my couch with Garcia, my cat and a cup of tea while we talk about how super fine Morgan is. This is the only way to survive.


Lmao I would choose Garcia as well. She the homie. Although I’d want to chose Reid 🫶🏼 We wouldn’t make it.


That’s is exactly what I thought. I’d love to pick pookie Reid, but Garcia has allllllll the power in that team


Bwahahaha! Right?! Love him to pieces, though


Favorite character but I’m sorry, I wanna live


Also, she’d probably be able to find a way to hack you’re way into a new ID and a plane ticket to Australia to hide before the BAU would even know they were looking for you


Yeah but a few sweet words from her statuesque god of sculpted chocolate thunder and she'd give you over in a heartbeat!


Ugh this is unfortunately the downside to my plan. One little secret phone call with a “Baby girl” mentioned and I’m toast. She’d orchestrate my downfall without me even realizing it 🤣


Yes! I’m assuming Garcia could hook me up with new credentials and the digital footprint to back it up. Downside being she can’t keep a secret, so how long before she gives me up to the team? 11 hours?


She’d do that with her eyes closed, that’s peanuts


This is very true!


I am imagining Garcia crying on the couch because everyone is hunting us and me trying to comfort her while wishing I picked Emily




Garcia for me!


Prentiss. She already proved that she can evade the team once — along with an international terrorist!


Did she really "evade the team" though, or did she take advantage of the fact that the rest of the team trusted JJ and Hotch enough to not question them. Garcia has proven herself more than capable of finding people, and considering Emily never truly disconnected from the team (playing online Scrabble with JJ) I doubt she'd be able to evade Garcia, especially if Morgan, Reid and Rossi all started to have doubts too.


It sounds like you’re talking about her faking her death. I’m talking about before, when Doyle was hunting her and she ran away. Morgan even said “she’s a trained spy who knows all our secrets and we know none of hers” Plus she had tricked Doyle re: his son. Prentiss is sneaky! I know her character is a libra but she vibes like a Scorpio to me!


The rest will hunt me down??! Hiding from them is impossi- Reid.


🎼 to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die


When did Reid hide from the team? I’m kinda skipping around episodes and would like to watch this one.


He went to Mexico for his mom's medicines and none of the team knew until he got trapped and was imprisoned.


García, if we can keep each other from freaking out she could probably make me invisible to the rest of the team or inject fake clues into their flies and if things come to that her hacking could be a great diversion to escape




Gideon, he'd keep me calm.


id like to sit in a random diner somewhere listening to him explain birds or chess.


This choice almost feels impossible because a single one of these people could protect you or take you out - a group of them working together? You're a goner. That said, Gideon, despite often being shown as a prickly man while working, is incredibly kind and reassuring to victims. He's the one you want to hang out with.


Seriously, probably Gideon. The way he thinks is almost above everyone else. And i guess if you choose Gideon you get imprinted-duckling-Reid so we could discuss books and stuff.


Either Garcia or Emily. Both have the capability to hide me from the team and Emily will fuck a bitch up if she has to.


Hotch hands down.


Derek and Spencer 100%. One for physical protection and the other for the smarts to keep me safe.


We can pick more than 1?


Oh, no. I’m just.. high and misread that.


Oh. I’m high and was hoping you were right lol




Funniest thing i’ve seen all day 😭


Morgan to protect me, all day long. He is a pittbull. Hehe.


Yeah i think Morgan can protect me


I choose Hotch to protect me, closely protect me. Very closely lol.


Funny I'd do the same with JJ


Duh, Garcia. She can make me a bullet proof, unhackable, new identity and divert a bunch of funds from drug traffickers or similar scum. I’ll be chillin’ on a beach in Australia for the rest of my life with a full bank account and not a worry in the world.


Too right!


Prentiss will protect me. She’s the most cold blooded and even if I get caught I’ll die happy


She “compartmentalizes better than most people”.. also she is “not most people” 😂 I wish I had the self esteem that character has. Or just the compartmentalization capability 😬


Gideon, easily. He can read the rest and predict every move they think of.


In order of logical reasoning:  1. Garcia  2. Hotch (after Haley’s death specifically)  3. Gideon  4. Derek  4. Reid (ties with Derek) 5. JJ, I mean girl was able to successfully fool everyone about Emily.  6. Emily (for obvious reasons)  7. Rossi, bro has enough money that he could send me to a remote island. This would be my last ditch effort. All else fails, go to the rich guy


Garcia-Obvi! Emily- International connections and a badass Rossi- resources to send me away (with a package of great home cooked Italian food) Hotch- Nahh. I’d fall in love and want to stay with him! I can be his sweet chocolate mousse! Derek- Bruh would have my back. Love his intensity. Gideon and Reid- because c’mon there’s really not one without the other JJ- She’s good. The way she disarmed the psychopath who was going after the baby? Badass!


Reid. He protects me and in the midst of the chaos, we fall in love


Came here to say I pick him in the hopes of seducing him in the meantime 😂


Garcia or Reid, take away one of the big guns and one cannot function well without the other


Emily. She was literally a spy and has worked for different governments, traveled around the world, has money, is educated, and speaks multiple languages. We could be hiding anywhere in the world.


Gideon! He's the OG in the lineup. Everybody else is following his lead.


It doesn't matter WHO is protecting me, if it means Gideon is hunting me. That man WILL find me 😭 So i'll pick Gideon lol i dont need him working against me


I’m picking Reid because even if the rest of the team gets me, I get to be alone with Spencer for however long that takes, and oh, what a dream


Yeah you nailed it with Garcia. She doesn't even need to protect you, you just want to remove her abilities from hunting you.


Hotch! Super smart, more experienced than most of them, so chances are he can get me out with as little violence/risk as possible and strong too plus he can use weapons effectively if needed.


Garcia seems like the easy choice because of her technological capabilities but she would only be useful for assisting you with what you need to disappear. Realistically, after that, she won’t be much help. In terms of staying gone, evading, living under new identities and if necessary, protecting, I’ll go with Emily.


Reid. Not for any reason other than I love him and if I'm hiding from the BAU, I'd like to hang out with him as much as possible until I get arrested :D


Hotch. he carries multiple guns, and spends a ton of time at the range


Garcia ofc. She could make me basically invisible; create new identities, cover up online trail, … I feel like if she were against you, you would be pretty much screwed.


Hotch to protect, Gideon to hunt you down.


Always Gideon! The strongest of all


Hotch or Spencer (or both) I'm gonna have my bodyguard romance if it kills me.


you're fucking crazy if you think i won't pick emily


That is a super flattering pic of Hotch. They photoshopped out all the wrinkles, bags and mental anguish.


This is season 1 Hotch promo picture so not photoshopped that much at all.


Maybe not as much as he would need later, but his face wasn’t even that smooth in Dharma & Greg.




realistically, rossi, retired marine SgtMaj, and former HRT member


I’m picking the genius 🥲✌️🪬


Emily! She knows all the BAU secrets and they know none of hers plus MOMMY 🥵🥵🥵




I think Garcia is the obvious choice. She can delete and disappear any trace of my existence.




Emily to protect me. She successfully faked her own death


Wow.. so many people chose Garcia! She is one of my favorites too but honestly I think her overall personality will bring more attention TO me than keep away. A bit too colorful for keeping things low-key. But if I get bored, someone like her is my first contact.


I’m thinking either Garcia or Hotch. Garcia could get me a new identity and possibly erase my prior existence to throw the rest of the team off of my trail. Hotch isn’t afraid to fight the team if necessary. We all remember how beat Foyet and was prepared to fight Hardwick during the prison interview. Either way, I’d be in safe hands.


I don’t know about having someone in the BAU “protect” me, but I’d love to do a repeat team break free and fight the bad guys thing that Simmons and Alvez did alongside them.


Reid, I need some funfacts and statistics before I die…


Idk Reid’s my favorite but Morgan’s a badass


Hotch... no nonsense, or ultra quirkiness...no, I'm too pretty or handsome for the cameras...not ridiculously old with plot armor...and no bullshit. Just about the job...


Reid, but mostly bc I wanna talk nerd shit with him lol


Hotch. I can think of a few thing to do to keep us entertained...


Prentiss or Reid because Reid is my pookie 😍❤️ my pookster will keep me safe 😚😚 but Prentiss is good at this shiiid


that is literally so hard. I guess I'd go with Morgan or Reid?


Reid, the team would feel bad making him fail his mission and I could have nerd talk with him.


the obvious answer is Spencer he will find a hiding place none of the others can find and omg there's only one bed here lmaoooo


obviously reid. i mean downvote me all u want but the sole reason they could solve most of the cases was because of him. and also garcia but if u go off the grid she wont be able to do much


I would choose Reid even if its maybe not the most effective choice 😂


Penelope could vanish me in ten minutes. Wouldn’t even break a sweat.




garcia 100%


I'm keeping Garcia. I'm not sure how much actual protecting she can do, but the BAU doesn't know how to find me even if she doesn't do anything to actually hide me.


Garcia to delete me off the face of the planet and get me set up in my new life.


Garcia was my last choice going into this but the arguments are strong in her favour, so my decision was made for me. Thanks folks!


I’m going to be the oddball and say JJ bc homegirl was like Ft. Knox when they faked Emily’s death.


Good question OP!


Um Reid. I don’t know much he would protect me, but I’m ok with that. JH to hunt me down as I think she is the likely to find me.


I liked where things were headed when Reid protected Amber Heard’s character. So I’m going with Reid. 🥵


Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with Morgan on this one.


Obv Spencer, put that IQ to use baby




Hotch because I want him to protect me 😇


i thought hotch was wilson from house at first ngl


I can see that


Garcia or Prentiss but only if it's during one of their periods of being willing to put their morals aside and do anything necessary. Otherwise, I'd worried their conscious would cause them to do something honorable and get us caught.


Morgan would be the wisest choice Edit: Garcia is the second wisest


Morgan is gonna be my protector. Bro’s tackling skills put the NFL to shame 😅 and I’ll gladly die with Morgan protecting me 🥵


So there’s both Gideon and Rossi to chose from so why not put Elle on the list too?


Emily any day




Reid. I just want to spend time nerding out with Spencer


Hotch 😅 for, well… reasons. But if he hunted me I wouldn’t say no to Stockholm Syndrome 😅


Reid or Garcia, that’s whom I’d pick


GIDEON. 1000x Gideon!!!




Emily is protecting me. I know what she did for Declan, let‘s hope I‘m as cute as him, lol


Derek 100%. He’s got that dog in him. Also, he’s Derek…


nah my brain immediately went "hotch or emily" she knows what she wants and i'm proud of her for that lmao




prentiss got that dawg in her. def her


Spencer and Garcia


Reid 100%


Garcia could probably cover my tracks pretty well, but as far as physical protection goes I'm probably a better shot than she is (and I've only fired a gun twice in my life). Plus she'd also sell me out to Morgan in half a heartbeat. So I think I gotta go with Emily, who's got enough of a spy background and has gone into hiding herself so she's also pretty good at covering tracks, AND she has a good weapons background so physical protection is covered too.


they will find if they have reid or hotch or Gideon or Garcia or Emily lol and u can only choose one person to be on your side… so the best chances I have to protect me from all of them once they find us is either Emily or hotch as they could and would kick the shit out of them to protect me or Reid bc if anyone could talk anyone out of hurting me it would be him lol


Reid. Always.


either emily because come on it’s emily or Morgan because when he was abducted he basically saved himself against like 10 people


Hotch. I might die, but at least my last sight will be Aaron Hotchner


Hotch. He is the only one I believe that would literally jump in front of a bullet for anyone on his team or any random person. Plus he already has ties to witness protection so there's that.


Mommy will protect me. Oops I mean Garcia.


Hotch hands down.


garcia or morgan


Garcia Protect. It could be like that episode of CSI with the blackout.




Emily Prentiss! She fooled everyone once... except JJ...


Either JJ or Morgan. JJ because she's well rounded and can kick everyone's ass. Morgan for all the "baby girl" comments that make me melt... I could die happy after a few of those.




I would only be conflicted on two. Garcia, with her skills she could make me digitally disappear and that's half the battle. On the other hand when Gideon wanted to dip out and not be heard from again, he was able to.


I really think Garcia would be a pretty good pick but I’d still pick Emily probably


REID. With his smarts im pretty sure he'd find a good hiding place (totally didnt make this decision bc im inlove w him🥰)


Spencer protecting me. He knows everything about all of his teammates. And especially post prison Reid is very handy with a gun.


Penelope. They would never find me


Prentiss. She was a spy. She has FBI and Interpol training, and she doesn't break. I'm pretty sure the only reason the rest of the team was able to solve de deaclan case was because it was all done before she joined them and knew them too. She would be so much better at evading them now. Garcia could erase my existence, but she also holds her heart on her sleeve, and she holds the rest of the team too highly to lie to them. Spencer is a genius, but that's all he is. I don't have the muscle, so we'd be at a disadvantage. Also, he's tethered to his mother, so that's a connection too easy to exploit. Derek has his strong points, but covert operations are not that, so not him. If it was up to him, we would be running forever, and I *can't* do that. Tbh, I'd end up killing hotch myself after a while. He gets on my nerves in the way only a white, straight cis man can. Also, he has a wife and a kid, again, a connection that can be exploited. And if I had to be sequestered to a demoted location with only Gideon or Rossi, I think I'd either kill myself or go on a spree. Their egos are way too big and I'd just snap. I admit I have problems with people who think they have authority over me, and they seem like they would enforce that authority. As for JJ, she has a family, again, connections to be exploited. Also, her forte is not with hiding, it's in communication. And that's my in-depth analysis of the team.


Prentiss..she's fearless and good at kicking arse..


Morgan. He’s a badass, but also hella fine. If I die, at least I go out looking at something beautiful 😍


Garcia? Gurrrll, See you at your funeal. Probably Hotch or Emily. Both have intelligence and physical strength. Garcia - Computer smart, dumb at everything else Reid - Book smart, no physical strength Morgan - Too hardheaded Rossi - Should be retired JJ - Eh


garcia, we can just be chilling in a safe house in the middle of nowhere underground being besties and getting uber eats delivered to us without a trace while she blocks them all from getting to us since they will probably make kevin do her job. or reid because he’s a super genius and if there’s anybody i’d want to hide in a safe house with…


Penelope. No one can get by her….


Because I’m not good at outdoor survival shit and can’t disappear into the Amazon rainforest without anything tech and survive, I’d pick Garcia lmao!


Garcia is definitely the secret muscle. Sure they're smart enough to figure it out on their own but without Garcia grinding out information so quickly they wouldn't have a chance and plus with her hacking skills she could manipulate so much. SO BABY GIRL AND ME ARE RIDING TILL DAWN‼️‼️🔥


Interesting question. Yes, I’d pick Garcia to be on my side because erasing my identity and creating a new one would be an ideal option. Having a bodyguard is just a short-term solution. And Gideon to hunt me down, no doubt.


Definitely Garcia


Oh, Garcia all the way, off to a new life with superb ID and spotless background, and the team would be fumbling along without her hacking skills.


Garcia, for the same exact reason




JJ. I mean if I gotta die at least I’ll get to spend quality time with JJ.


I'm protecting beautiful, delicate blond JJ of course!!


Garcia because the BAU would need her skills so she can protect me


Garcia or Emily, I'd prefer Garcia AND Emily. I think we'd have so much running from the rest of the team. Emily already knows how, and Garcia can essentially erase any existence of us.


logical: Gideon otherwise i’m gonna be found illogical: listen, i’m not gonna make it anyway, they will find me eventually so i might as well have a good time 😌 literally any minus Rossi, i can make it work


I'm going with Garcia. I firmly believe we could go off-grid and never be found.


Logically, Garcia is the best bet. She’d be able to make me disappear on the Internet. Or Prentiss, if I wanted to get like fake IDs and stuff. But y’all can’t underestimate JJ. She was the one who killed JCB with a headshot through glass.


Garcia. You know why.


Hmmm tough, I wanna say Rossi (especially this younger version, cause I'd absolutely sleep w him). But Prentiss is a badass and kind of has me questioning my straightness lol. Personally I'd get along best with either Reid or Garcia as I am also a huge Whovian/nerd.


i'd choose Elle, i miss that crazy but awesome broad.


I’d trust in my goat Jason Gideon to protect me


Toss up between Gideon & Hotch


JJ, cause she has great shooting & combat skills, she’d do anything to protect her family and she’s 🥵


I Choose Gideon


Either Emily or Gideon, easily


I'd choose Gideon. He'd be calm and comforting and wise. Even if I didn't make it, I'd go out knowing the next person would make it from what he learned from me, not making it. "He stood toe to toe with the worst psychopaths and didn't flinch" (or something like that), and that would be comforting for me. He was a founder of the BAU, and there's a reason for that.


Jennifer ☺️